
thành viên fanpop từ năm February 2012

tranh ghép mảnh danh sách

Những Câu Lạc Bộ Của Tôi

Dedicated Fan in 4 clubs Dedicated (4) Die-Hard Fan in 3 clubs Die-Hard (3) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

thông tin trên tường của tôi

Chidori1334 đã đưa ý kiến …
are bạn even around? đã đăng hơn một năm qua
NemesisPrime92 đã bình luận…
She hasn't been around in a long time and probably never will. I used to keep in touch with her on DeviantArt but she hasn't even logged into there in over 2 years now. Pretty an toàn, két an toàn to say she's gone unfortunately, I really liked having her around. hơn một năm qua
Chidori1334 đã bình luận…
Dang hơn một năm qua
PrueFever trao các điểm thưởng cho tôi về my images
Any chance I could get bạn to vote and maybe leave a bình luận in this Disney phiếu bầu I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and bình luận and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) đã đăng hơn một năm qua
CaterdayGirl đã đưa ý kiến …
I know a girl who is funny, crazy, thoughtful, caring, loving and sharing, as sweet as a baby, great friend, and like a sister to me. & she's đọc this message right now.....Post this to girls you'll never forget. If bạn don't post this to anyone, it means bạn have forgotten all about your friends. If bạn get....6 back, you're truly loved. Take care beautiful girl.. ♥ đã đăng hơn một năm qua