Total Drama Island Fancharacters total drama sweet mother of mercy we're all gonna die

vegeta007 posted on Oct 28, 2011 at 08:07PM
pretty simple you arrive on bus introduce your self to chris and see a chick or dude you can score there will be campers from tdi/a/wt
last edited on Oct 28, 2011 at 08:21PM

Total Drama Island Fancharacters 1055 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua tdiCxTlova18 said…
lucia: *snickering in the bushes*
chris: YOU! YOU DID THIS!!!!!
lucia: maybe i did, then again.....
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:walking with some strawberries here fluffy here boy *a tiger comes out of the shadows* fluffy *tiger smiles* ok fluffy remember your signal now go on *throws the berries* go get 'em *sees Chris* wonder what happened to him must be lucia don't have a lot of time I still need to get snowy and tweetie *alion comes and smiles* oh snowy guess that just leaves tweetie my vulture *walks and talks* some people have dogs some have cats but. Have the most dangerous predators known to man *sighs*
hơn một năm qua tdiCxTlova18 said…
lucia: *getting a thrill out of chris yelling at her* i swear i didnt do it! :D
chris: THIS ISNT FUNNY!!!!! IM PURPLE!!!!!
lucia: chill out dude!!!
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
*group comes out of forest*
matt: *bursts out laughing*
nate: *tries not to laugh*
mello: hey chris what happened *laughs and high fives matt*
riley: *whispers* you actually did it?
mello: whn I say I'll get back at someone I mean it
pixie: *laughing but...oh man thats radical

chris: *turns to them* what are you laughing at?!? Now my hot look is rouined
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:everytime I go looking for tweetie I always think why do I have a vulture why not a dog
Raymond:Delta-New what's up bor *Jason stunned* yo bro what's up in thin freaky place huh bro
Jason:so happens I'm lookin for Tweetie **Raymond had the oh man look* I ask myself why do we
Raymond: dude why can't we just get a dog or a cat but I'll help you look for him but why why
Jason: ok but watch out there are some real crazy chicks here and no. They're not hot *walks*
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hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: overhears the conversation* so what youre saying is the girls here are ugly?
nate: oh god not again
mello: *talking to matt* cant belive he didint guess it was me
matt: I know but youre bound to get found out soon
mello: as i said highly doubt it

hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:*walking with some meat* odd I was looking for 4 deadley predators and I've only needed meat once that is just strange, even more strange why do I have a vulture for a pet
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
riley: vulture?!Yay!!!

mello:I havent seen her this happy since she jumped out of the school window to go to the candystore
matt: I know...
sayu: so she likes vultures?
pixie: looks like it
mello: wanna go play shum music?
matt: yep!
sayu:... he called me ugly...>:(
hơn một năm qua tdiCxTlova18 said…
Lucia: i dont care if people coll me ugly
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:why did I even name hin Tweetie that's the name of a little budgie not a vicious vulture who eats other birds...... Wait where did Raymond go? Ag nee dai doos huh tweetie? No that's just a little nest oh man I need to get that bird wait....... I can't believe it *turns around* the bird has been folowing me all this time *to Tweetie* just remember your signal I gotta go *walking* all this time wasted no I gotta look for Raymoind ....... No I'm sure he knows where to go I should get back to Bruno*sighs*
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: I care... oh hi I'm sayu and you are?
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:*thinking* when is the perfect time to attack *his uncle calls* so the next challenge I s the awakethon three people are going home better tell the others fast *finds everyone* yo we gotta go the next challenge is an awakethon three people are going home and with our team its the first that fell asleep
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
riley:I rule at this!
mello: oh god youll keep us awake
matt: *nods*
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:just be careful Bruno is not one you want to wake up at night I might have tamed him but nothing ever comes a sleeping bear my friends learned that the hard by the way who messed up Chris like that almost made my animals useless
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hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *smiles* will do...i wanna fight

(w.i.p of sayu.)
 sayu: *smiles* will do...i wanna fight (w.i.p of sayu.)
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:Chris is doing a morning bull horn attempt as a prank so if he wakes you up just sleep
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: will do and even if i do wake up I'll probably end up getting my own back now im gunna go to te shark tank c ya *runs to shark tank*
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:I gotta make sure she doesn't go near James *runs and thinks* why did I even name my shark James in fact why do I have in the first place
hơn một năm qua tdiCxTlova18 said…
(this is lucia, and the smiley face, is the design on her headphones :3)
lucia: *sneaks away from chris* u r pretty good with names though
 (this is lucia, and the smiley face, is the thiết kế on her headphones :3) lucia: *sneaks away from chr
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *at shark tank* aww I cant hurt yu guys look at chu!! youre adorable *strokes shark*damn sharks are cute?!?! how does this happen?
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:James don't even think about*thinks*again* why is his names James what the hell *to sayu* don't be fooled by his cuteness that shark is cunning it took me a while to get him to stop trying to bite me
hơn một năm qua smartone123 said…
(cute srry ive been gone)
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
(yay welcme bak)

sayu: h dnt wrry im good ith animals *stroking james* wait wait why is his name james and not something like spike?
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:I always ask myself that quesrion like why did I name a tiger Snowy or a vulture Tweetie and why do I have those kinds of pets
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: theyre exotic,extreme thats why but i honestly dont know why you would name them that? maybe you still want a normal pet ut you lve these extreme onnes too much to let them go...damn I talk way too much sorry
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:its cool I always ask myself why dont I just have a dog or cat why do I have a vulture, can you imagine how long it would take to train a bear and tiger to eat fruits and resist meat at times, not to mention to train shark to attack while I'm in the same tank
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: yu must be patient and brave then*smiles* but i love your shark its calmer than most...I have a pet wolf back home
hơn một năm qua smartone123 said…
her members attack civilians-NINA group

screams and runs from attacks-civilians
hơn một năm qua aprilacne said…

Rexie:*laughs at chris*HAHA~ Dude this is like when Dx poured green paint on the spirt squad!

Charlie:Bloody, Chris I'm so sorry this happened~


Charlie:*gets really mad*

Rexie:*stops laughing*Oh snap....

Chris:*yelling at charlie*

Charlie:THAT IS IT!*punchs chris in the gut and puts im in the wastland hold*

Chris:What in the world, put me down!

Charlie:*goes over to the shark tank and still sees some sharks*Bye-Bye bitch...*does the wastland, says in a tone like wade's*Anybody else?
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hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: woah woah! what are you doing? dont frighten the sharks *gently strokes a shark* although i gotta admre your fighting skills! radical! Im sayu by the way
hơn một năm qua aprilacne said…
Charlie:*smiles*Thank you, I'm Charlie Barrett, I learnd all my fighting skills from my dad.
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: sayu jeevas, my dads dead...this is te only thing ive got left from him *points to goggles on her head*ut thats ok i know he was happy...I dont usually fight... im scared of hurting someone unless its someone i really hate


sayu: *rolls eyes* if you really want to know it was mello but i doubt youd wanna yell at him *mimes a gun and points it at chris* do you get what im saying???*turns back to charlie* your fighting is presst awsome though :D
hơn một năm qua aprilacne said…
Charlie:*laughs*Rexie come meet Sayu!

Rexie:*grins*Yo wut up motha f'er, I'm the chain-gang princess Rexie Cena.

Charlie:She call's everyone that.
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *nods*I'm sayu jeevas *smiles*
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:oh man, thanks sayu she would've ruined my plans for Chris and scared James *looks at James and smiles*dont bite anyone here ok
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: no prob *smiles* and if he tries anything theres always me to stop him if youre not around
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Raymond:*shouting*DELTA-NEW wats up bro this place is awesome *sees James and shouts*JAMES NICE!!! yo bro thats a shark and wats up with your lady friends somethin goin here huh?
Jason:Raymond you and I are tight but I swear you are annoying right now
Raymond:its cool*to sayu* wats up I'm Raymond M. Cross the 3rd Jason's bro and he said there are crazy chicks here shes awesome
Jason:not her Ray
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hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *laughs* im sayu. so whats up?
hơn một năm qua tdiCxTlova18 said…
chris is sorta flipping a shit because of his new skins!!!!
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Raymond:my bro here is up for revenge so he takes me along so he has someone to watch his buddies *two guys walk in* and there they are
Ashlin:sup I'm Ashlin
Jaytin:hi I'm Jaytin and might I say looks my wish has come true
Jason:you'll have to excuse he flirts with any girl he can
Ashlin:yeah its a head case sometimes
Jaytin:shut up
Jason:did Brent come with you
Ashlin:he's got to play the keyboard for his fam's dinners
Jason:wat a shame
Jaytin:hey is that James or Kevin
*James bats eyes at Jaytin:
Ashlin:yep thats James
Jason:feels like I have a gay shark
Raymond: yo dudes back off sayu thats Jason's squeeze
Jaytin:no matter *sees charlie* hey babe might I say you have stolen my heart
Ashlin:like we said before dont mind him so you got any friends here?
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *laughs* hey I'm sayu
*nate walks in*
nate: dude! sayu where hav u been? chris almost attacked mello just now!
sayu: no way! *gives nate high 5* theres no way chris would win
nate: theyre shouting at eachother now
sayu: this ive got to see... you guys coming?
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jaytin:you know wat the say follow the leader
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: c'mon then and lets hope mello doesnt kill our host

mello: IS IT THT OBVIOUS!!!!
chris: Thats it! *tries to punch mello*
mello: *stops his punck grabs chrises wrist and twists it then kicks him smirks and walks away*

sayu: lawl chris got owned!
nate: i hate it when he gets like this but...that was worth it!
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Jason:I'm thinkin Chris is bad luck this season
Ashlin:yeah next he's gonna get get mauled by a bear
Jaytin:I wish I could've done that
Raymond:I'm gone *Raymond leaves* brb
Jason:oh man *calls uncle* keep an eye on him, thanks uncle
Ashlin:dude your bro needs a tracker or something
Jaytin:I'm gonna get me that honey at shark tank
Jaytin:no that other girl
Jason:yeah right
Jaytin:you mock my mojo
Jason:yes I do
Jaytin:w'ever *leaves*
Jason:maybe we should get a line for him
Ashlin:same here
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: never thought chris would let himself get pranked so much smiles* oh well whatcha guys wanna do?
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Ashlin:play some music
Jason:yeah we gotta practice
Ashlin:I'll go get Jaytin
Jason:you play an instrument sayu?
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
sayu: *nods* yeah i play drums and guitar
hơn một năm qua vegeta007 said…
Ashlin:cool I play bass
Jaytin:I play drums too our buddy Brent plays keyboard but Jason is the man tell her wat you play
Jason:its nothing just the trumpet,violin,guitar,bass,saxophone,flute­,st­eel­ban­d,b­agp­ipe­s,p­ian­o and keyboard its nothing
hơn một năm qua smartone123 said…
(im confused XD)
hơn một năm qua colecutegirl said…
(well there are a bunch of people talking bout random things) XD hard to explain)

sayu: woah! Thats awsome! I used to play piano but then gave up dad died... oh well *punches jasons arm in a friendly way* how did you get to be so good with music? *grins*