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Inside a cozy room with pastel-colored walls, snacks scattered everywhere, and the glow of a rom-com movie playing on a nearby screen. ngựa con, ngựa, pony Trevor Phillips is back, and he's with Pinkie Pie, who's hiển thị him a TV show.

Pony Trevor: (leaning back, arms crossed) This hiển thị is lamb, I can create way thêm drama than that.

Pinkie Pie: (grinning wide) Prove it!

Pony Trevor: You're on!


Cuts to inside the trang chủ of Derpy and her fiancé, Master Sword. Trevor planted another pony's bra on the bed, causing an argument when they thought Sword had an affair.

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I do think that bạn probably should avoid the following sites I am going to list. I will add thêm to the danh sách when I find thêm sites I think bạn should probably avoid. So if anyone sends bạn đường dẫn to the following sites, bạn have been warned that they could be tricking you. Some of these are obviously bad bởi the name of the url but some of them are very sneaky to trick you.

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1. I tình yêu the way we finish each other’s sentences.

2. I tình yêu the way I know you’ll never give up on me.

3. I tình yêu the fact that I wouldn’t ever give up on you.

4. I tình yêu the way bạn look at me.

5. I tình yêu how beautiful your eyes are.

6. I tình yêu the way I can’t imagine a ngày without bạn in my life.

7. I tình yêu the way if we were ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on.

8. I tình yêu the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.

9. I tình yêu the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.

10. I tình yêu how I know you’ll always be there when I need bạn to be.

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1.In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. I'll have twenty.
2.Sometimes bạn make me so mad i wanna throw bạn in the middle of on-going traffic; but then i realize i would probably kill myself trying to save you. the type of girl who would burst out laughing in the middle of silence because of something that happened... yesterday. ill walk the plank & jump with a smile if im going down ill do it in style bạn wont hear me surrender.
5.the truth hurts so we lie
6.silence is golden, duct tape is silver
7.i know your probably thinking oh no she didnt but i just so totally...
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Here are my danh sách of corny jokes. Now i'm just gonna let bạn know now i got alot of these from the Youtube channel, vlogbrothers. So check them out too. Prepare to laugh.
(Make sure your not drinking anything hoặc eating anything bạn might spit it hoặc something.)

#1 How did the hipster burn his tongue?
He drank coffee before it was cool.

#2 Why are celsius and farenheit friends?
Because they're fair-in-height. (I came up with that one :)

#3 Why was the cây chổi, chổi late to work?
It overswept!

#4 Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the vịnh, bay they'd be bagels.

#5 What's Michelle Obama's favorite...
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Famous Newgrounds content creator, also known as Arin Hanson from the let’s play channel Game Grumps, was once a prolific animator and considered one of the biggest. If bạn don’t know Arin as an animator, you’d be forgiven for that. Arin Hanson’s old career has been buried and forgotten, but hey, times change right…. Right…. Right?! Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to another episode of Content Cop. Idubbbz here with the new rant article. I ranted before about David Cage and his creeping abilities, but now it’s time to talk about something else. It’s time to hit closer to home....
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posted by alexischaos2004
Hello everyone who happened to click on this, my name is Alexis, and this is Fanpop.

So, bạn may have heard about a website called DeviantART, correct? bạn probably have knowledge on what goes on there. Apparently, there's a lot of shit that goes on over there! So, in today's commentary, I'll be sharing my thoughts on this heap of fanfiction/art.

DeviantART is a large website where people all around the world can share their own works of art. bạn can also post literature and whatnot. This is a way of socializing on the internet, and this site is very popular. When there's the pros, there's always...
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We hadn't always been here. But the neighborhood has. Even before it was a neighborhood on earth this one had been here. Here for those that would be Mất tích on those cursed grounds, here for those who would die long before their real life ever truly began, here for those who never really wanted to grow up.

We come from different times and we come from different lives, but one thing remains true of all of us. We lived on the earthly realm of the neighborhood at some point in our lives and died long before our time was supposed to come. We don't remember much of our lives in the cul-de-sac since...
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In my room there is a small door leading to where the air conditioning unit is housed, this door has no locking mechanisms what so ever so it wasn't uncommon when it opened up bởi itself when there was a draft, its impossible to close the door behind bạn once bạn get beyond it and enter the crawlspace type area it leads to. i have lived in this house for five years now and for the first 4 i never gave the door a một giây thought,it wasn't until the fifth năm that the door made me feel unsettled, a few months cách đây i was trang chủ alone,i'm 17 and i live in the bonus room which is connected to the crawlspace....
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posted by KatelynBrown
[This is pretty neat how it works out... DON’T CHEAT bởi SCROLLING DOWN FIRST... It takes less than a minute... Work this out as bạn read... Be sure bạn don’t read the bottom until you’ve worked it out...]

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that bạn would like to have Sô cô la (try for thêm than once but less than 10) ...

2. Multiply this number bởi 2 ...

3. Add 5 ...

4. Multiply it bởi 50. I’ll wait while bạn get the calculator ...

5. If bạn have already had your birthday this năm (2013) add 1763 *; If bạn haven’t, add 1762 *...

6. Now subtract the four digit năm that bạn were born ...

bạn should have a three digit number ...

The first digit of this was your original number (i.e. how many times bạn want to have Sô cô la each week) ...

The tiếp theo two numbers equal ...


If bạn don't believe, check this website:


Your demigodishness,
Something Beautiful
I was in a restless mood.
I tried to read and ended up with sách scattered all over the floor.
I tried listening to âm nhạc but all the words sounded out of tune.
I tried to write but ended up staring at a blank page for ten minutes.
So I decided to create something beautiful.
I wrote a song, drew a picture, and made a frame for it.
I took a photo, made a vase, and arranged some flowers.
I drew a tattoo on my hand, made a tower out of everything, climbed on my roof and did a dance.
But no matter how hard I try the most beautiful thing I ever created will always be you.
posted by Feathershine
1. When their watching TV get in their way and say "I'm in your way!! Im in your way!!"
2. Say "beep, beep beep..." until they snap
3. Call them on their cell phone when their out on a ngày hoặc something, and in a weird voice say "Hello?! Can I send u a box of waffles" (LOL I don't know)
4. When their sleeping take a bottle of water and wake them up bởi dumping it on them and saying "Sorry! I came to bring it for u to drink, I didn't realize it slipped"
5. If bạn have a dog hoặc cat (that DON'T sleep with your parents) dump him/her when there asleep
6. When bạn spill any liquid blame it on the gods
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posted by Schnusch
What Is Fear Of Sourness

For some, the fear of certain tastes can trigger intense and long-lasting anxiety, as well as a host of physical maladies. The fear of sourness, known as Acerophobia, is thêm common than bạn might expect.

Reasons For The Fear Of Sourness

Sourness shows up thêm in certain foods, and these will be avoided bởi the person who suffers from Acerophobia. Some common examples of chua foods are lemons, grapefruit, limes, and some dairy products that have been fermented.

Everyone has a different palette, and all people react to tastes individually. Those who fear chua tastes may have...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ok, so I'm a redhead. I have freckles and light skin. So I'm considered ginger. Until a few weeks ago, I didn't even know what that term meant.
 I learned what it meant when I was on the bus and this guy took something from me. He đã đưa ý kiến he wouldn't give it back until I admitted I was a ginger. So I đã đưa ý kiến "I'm a ginger...?", and he yelled "You have no soooouuul!"
 That got me mad, sad, and confused.
 Seriously guys. Really? Just because some (and I do mean some) redheads have attitudes and act bitchy, that does NOT give bạn the right to make a stereotype out of the rest of us redheads.
 I'm not...
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posted by invadercalliope
I hope bạn enjoy!
20 Funny Quotes
1:You tries your best and bạn failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
2:I didn't lose my mind, I just sold it on eBay
3:A good friend will bail bạn out of jail, a best friend will be sitting tiếp theo to bạn saying "Dude that was freakin awesome!"
4:Accept that some days you're the pigeon. and some days you're the statue
5:There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the bờ biển like an idiot.
6:Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted
7:Never give up things that once made bạn smile
8:Clear as a chuông, bell my nody đã đưa ý kiến "Listen it and die
9:Caution water on...
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Chuck Norris can make onions cry.

Chuck Norris can xóa the Recycling Bin.

Ghosts are actually caused bởi Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.

Chuck Norris can strangle bạn with a cordless phone.

Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain.

Chuck Norris once had a tim, trái tim attack; his tim, trái tim lost.

Chuck Norris doesn't turn the light on; he turns the dark off.

The last digit of pi is Chuck Norris. He is the end of all things.

Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd. No one fools Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris looks in a mirror, the mirror shatters; not even a mirror is stupid enough to get between Chuck Norris and Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris's tears can cure aids, too bad he never cries. (silvaze9)
posted by shadow_luver
i made this all up

1. dress up as jason then get a chainsaw and make it look like bạn killing there son/daughter while all your doing is squerting ketchup on him/her

2. go to their house and tell the husband I tình yêu bạn TO __________say his/HER NAME

3.go to their house and tell them WHO ATE ALL MY PICKLES

4.go to their house act like bạn dont know them and then yell outt OMFG IM NEIGHBORS WITH GOERGE LOPEZ

5.go to their house say bạn got a job on the news then tell them that they should be wearing something warm but acually its gonna be swimming weather

6.go to their house say that theres no more...
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I wanted to give a full review of this.

Smiling Những người bạn is simply a cartoon. It's not trying to be thêm than that. Then silly characters in wacky situations, and a touch of British deadpan (even though nobody is British).
A hiển thị about a company that is literally paid to make people smile, and run bởi a man known only as Mr Boss.. He is "Ooogley Goo!"


Mr Boss is the type of character that really demonstrates the hiển thị as a whole. Being bạn ask yourself "how can a man who does nothing but good for the world, still be nothing but one giant đít, mông, ass Red Flag."

He's just one the funniest twists on the...
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Ever since I was little, me and my family always took trips upstate New York to the Catskills. We had this old beat-up trailer up there, it was probably around 50 years old at the time. It had a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Back when all six of us, me, my two brothers, my parents, and my dog Chester went up there, me and my little brother, Joey, would have to sleep in the living room on the couches, as there were only two beds, one queen-sized giường for my parents, and one single giường for my older brother Tom.

Sleeping in the living room was the one part me and Joe hated...
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There's so many great superheroes out there and it's time to talk about the greatest out of all them. These Giải cứu thế giới stand for what is right and hiển thị the bad guys who is boss.

10. the entire PAW Patrol gang

There was a PAW Patrol superhero special, so they totally count as official superheroes. Forget about the Justice League and the Avengers. Clearly, this is the best superhero team. Together, they'll bark away Mayor Humdinger, one of the scariest villains of all time.

9. Detective Pikachu

Some might try to say that Detective Pikachu isn't a superhero. However, Batman's a detective and is considered...
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