LillyBlack Eos fantaisie RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 599 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 599

cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He could sense the slight shift in Marlene, he looked at her and knew what he could do* [Alroght, let me try something.] *He then moved next to her, getting the view of Yeres with her* You never deserved any of it either.. Marlene..... I guess just saying we're just friends just... It doesn't cut it.. *He wrapped his arm around her, bringing her close to him* We're close friends.. Though, you know.. You've given me a kiss on the cheek, even though we aren't even dating. *He then looked at her with a smile, something he hadn't even done since they met. Anytime he'd smirk he'd hide it and change his face back before anyone would notice* Last time we had an inn with a sky view, now we have a hot spring with a town view. Perhaps I've gotten lucky being around you, finally being able to experience the finer things of life.
last edited cách đây 4 tháng
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Ize.." Marlene stared at him and his smile with wide eyes, her cheeks immediately turning red. Any doubt she felt just a few seconds ago were completely over-flooded with so many happy emotions, she couldn't even figure out what to focus on. "Your smile.. I-.." Her cheeks still blushing, she gave him a big grin. "If I never got to meet you, I really don't know how I'd be feeling right about now.... I always thought I've been fine, but being with you feels like you rekindled something in me... Maybe that makes us both the lucky ones, huh?" She leaned in, giving him a kiss on his cheek again. "Heh, take that as your other friendly kiss since hugging isn't so much of an option right now.. For making me feel as happy as I try for you."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Mm.... We did both get lucky.. Our first meeting left a lot to be desired on my end... All that about killing you if a bounty was on your head.... Im glad you came to Aralos.... Glad you joined the Daggers and meet Aya... I'm happy that I could help you rekindle that feeling in yourself.. [I know Yuka and I were close before.... But, I don't think I've been close with her like I am with Marlene... On the other hand, Marlene was close with that Zeno guy once upon a time...]
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"And I'm just as glad for it all of it too.. I'm glad I decided to be as persistent as I was... I don't regret a single decision I've made for you, Ize. Look at how close it's gotten us... Anddd, I got to see your precious smile! That's a completely different change from you being willing to kill me, if you ask me.." Marlene said with a giggle.
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah... Though, I guess if there were one thing about you... I'd want to kill any sadness you ever have... [Yeah.. That was real smooth Ize.. That sounded so cheesy.] Calling my smile precious.... I used to think that was the furthest thing from precious about me.. Honestly, if it wasn't for Aya and you.. I probably wouldn't have found many more things precious about this world.. But, you helped me see through that.. Then you're helping me see a childhood dream of mine... I never thought I'd see the day.. Honestly, thought I'd die at some point before I even got there. But, I'm even better now...... Though.... If I'm going to prove I'm better...... There's still one more thing that I need to do.... After Selfarion, when we go back to Aralos, I'm going to challenge Rylon..
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" Marlene tilted her head, interested. "I never thought I'd see the day where you'd actually show some kind of interest in someone like a Guildmaster... I remember the first day we met when Yuma told me you were recognized by him and it was nothing to you.." She reminisced, giggling softly. "I have some thoughts on it, but I wanna hear it from you first. Why do feel like you need to challenge him?"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: If I'm going to keep going, then I need to be keep growing stronger.. Rylon's a sword master..... That means he's someone who's used multiple blade types.. Daggers, two handed blades, katanas, etcetera.. Even if I'm not going for that amount of ability.... I need to know that I can stack up.. Not to mention, I did say I'd protect you. A weak bodyguard can't protect his VIP after all.. *He said with a slight blush*
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Aww.. You know, that is truee... I wouldn't want to have to let go of my precious bodyguard if he couldn't protect me.~" Marlene joked, giggling. "I already know for a fact that I have the best person protecting me. And along with that, I'll support you every step of the way if challenging Rylon is your goal.. How about this... During our stay in Selfarion, we can train together! I may not be no Swordmaster, but it still means something, right? We'll train, hone both of our skills.. and maybe you can show me a little more about the dagger?"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Looks like there's even more waiting for me in Selfarion.. I've never trained with a Mage before.. Anyone I trained with I've mostly just crossed blades.. *He nodded* Hey.. A bit of a weird ask..... But, I'd like to meet Claudia as well... I know she's not in Selfarion.... But, I figured I get to know you... Maybe meet her as well...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"If you're interested in meeting her, I don't see why not.. Considering how close we've become in a short amount of time, it's honestly practically inevitable." Marlene smiled, "If we ever stop by Easea or maybe if my mom ever comes to Selfarion.. I'll make sure you get to meet her!"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Sounds like a deal..... Marlene.... Do you think they're proud? My parents.... *He put his head on her shoulder* Up until now I hadn't even thought about them..... I'd been so hung up on revenge.... So tied to hatred.... I didn't even care if I lived, so long as Yuka died.. Before I met Aya of course... But, even so... It's like all of a sudden... I stopped living a life they could even be proud of.. But you... I wouldn't doubt they would've been proud to have met you... *Though he wouldn't say it outright, but this is the most vulnerable he would ever make himself in a long time. He would talk about his time, but never truly reflect on who he was. Now that everything was coming together, that's when it would really dawn on him*
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Ize..." Marlene could sense how much of a vulnerable moment this was for him and wanted to take care of it gently. With Ize's head resting on her shoulder, she rested her head on his and spoke from her heart. "You were going through an extremely difficult time in your life and you were experiencing a lot of loss... I don't think your parents would every blame you for the emotions you felt during that time. But, after watching you slowly open up and get back on your feet again..." She gently held onto his hand, "I promise you wholeheartedly that they've never been more proud of you. I've only known you for so long and I can say I'm just as proud.. You've improved a lot more than you think, Ize.. And this feeling right now is proof of that."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Mm.... *Tears began to flow from his face* ...... All this time,... I took the pain... I just believed I could kill my problems.. Just make myself more and more numb.. Just kept believing that the more I killed, the less I would feel.. Keep detaching myself, make myself lesser and lesser as a human... But, even then... I knew... I knew I could never get rid of it.. Because that was just me running... I'd never say it.... But in trying to kill my humanity, I only kept it alive.. I realized, that you can never kill your own humanity. Even when you think you do... That rage, that sadness... That pain... It's what makes you human in this world.
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Hearing Ize go on, Marlene held onto his hand even tighter. Even his words were starting to pull at her heartstrings and brought her close to tears, but she kept herself together for him. "It's ok, Ize... While it was a long journey for you, you're now out of that rough cycle.. And that's all I could have ever wished for you." She gently moved his head from her shoulder and brought her hands to his cheeks, wiping away any tears that came down. "All of it is behind you now and you learned from it. Even coming here to Yeres allowed you to let all of that go, even with a happy ending with Yuka. And now I want to show you all the happier ends of humanity... Everything that you ever lost, I want to bring that back to you and better... I want to make you grow the biggest smile you've ever had and feel differently about your humanity.. Most importantly, I want to show you that you never need to run away from your problems ever again.. I want to be that shoulder you can lean on, that person you can come to whenever you feel yourself falling down that hole again.. I always want to be right there and show you that anything you said is no longer necessary anymore. Just as much as you want to be my peace, I want to be yours Ize..."
last edited cách đây 4 tháng
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Marlene.... Claudia did well by you.. Seriously she did.. If only we could've met sooner... Maybe... Thank you.... I've rejected my humanity, and you've done nothing but see it. *He sighed* I truly feel like I'm home.. Finally where I need to be. I never thought it possible... That weight.... I... I've never felt so free. And that's why now, I'm so grateful to you. We'll be each other's peace, no matter what..I guess more than my body is rested here huh...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"I guess so... Maybe that's just the air of the couples bath?~" Marlene said with a sweet giggle. She then slowly moved so that she was behind Ize, just gently feeling on his shoulders. "Really though, it warms my heart to see how much better you feel... All that weight being lifted from your shoulders.. it's almost like I feel it too. It makes me happy to see you happy."
She then thought to herself, "It's almost like his dream he told me about before... With me pulling him out of his darkness and telling him he's home.... Sure, it was true to an extent then.. But now....."
"What do you say it's time to get out of this bath?" Marlene suggested. "I've enjoyed our time in here and I think we're both pretty relaxed now.. Plus, wouldn't want to keep Yuma waiting, hm?"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He blushed and nodded* Yeah.... Keep Yuma waiting and we're likely to never hear the end of it... *He then used his peripheral vision to look back at Marlene* So... How do we do this? You go first just like before?
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene nodded, "Mhm! Keep those eyes on the lovely view out there and everything will be fine!~" She told him as she slowly moved further from him. "Just gimme a minute or two and it'll probably be safe for you to come into the room again."
Carefully stepping out of the springs, Marlene grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself. She made her way back into the changing room where she started drying herself off. "I think today went pretty well! But, it's got me wondering now... Why did I ever let Zeno affect my mind so much when it comes to Ize..? I kept feeling like I wasn't ready for another relationship, out of fear that the same thing is going to happen all over again." When she finished up drying off, she changed into her clothing and sat down on a small bench that was in the room. "But, Ize is nothing like Zeno.. He never was. Ize has only ever been so sweet and caring to me recently... Ya know besides his cute grumpy moments, but I love that about him too. I love the banter between us and how close with gotten since the first day..... Not to mention, he's grown so vulnerable with me. Within the same moments I got see him cry and smile, two things Ize wouldn't even ALLOW himself to do just a few days ago..!" She looked up at the ceiling and close her eyes, sort of just waiting on Ize to come on while she wandered her thoughts. "He's put almost all of his trust into me and yet here I am, worried about what Zeno did to me... But, I've moved on from it a long time ago.. and Ize and I have done nothing but show each other how much we can trust the other..... So, would that mean I feel ready to open up my heart to him....?"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *At first he'd look down into his reflection, then beginning to think to himself* [The people in Aralos have always had my back... They've always cared for me... Sister Elena and Aya... Joza... Yuma, Doremi and Muto... Yet I never cared.... All I'd thought about was killing Yuka, live or die.... But.... It's like I met Marlene.... All of a sudden, time stopped... Even now... That moment that I made myself vulnerable... I never felt like that towards anyone else... When I'm with her... She has this effect on me.... Even back at the inn... A girl that could trust me, someone she'd only practically just met...] Hm.... You really are alright..... *After a couple minutes, he'd head into the changing room. He noticed Marlene's eyes were closed* I'll be just a sec.. *He said drying himself off, and changing back into his clothes* ....... [Hair as red and fierce as fire.. But the personality of an angel..... Ah, what am I thinking? In my own head I'm no poet... But.... Beautiful girl and an even more beautiful personality. Good combination.] Alright, I'm all set to go...
*Meanwhile, Yuma was waiting just outside the place*
Yuma: [I hope this helped... By the time they come out, they'll be closer...]
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
As Ize finished, Marlene opened up her eyes to look at him. With her head was still swimming in her thoughts, she just stared at him for a moment almost like she was just admiring him. But, she then gave him a sweet smile. "I.. I think I am finally ready..."
Bringing her head back into reality, Marlene happily stood up from the bench and took her things. "Alright! Make sure we don't leave anything behind and let's get going then." Walking out with Ize, she gave her thanks to the receptionist again before heading outside to meet with Yuma. "Hey! Had a feeling you'd already be out here.. Hope we did keep ya waiting for too long." She said, clearly feeling a lot brighter than earlier.
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Nah..... Though, by the sound of your voice... Sounds like someone's feeling quite better.. The only way that would happen.. Ize....
Ize: Look.. Yuma.... First, I'll say... I'm sorry I've been such a jerk...
Yuma: Oh?
Ize: You didn't deserve that from me... So, I'm giving my apology to that..
Yuma: Well... This I definitely wasn't expecting.... But, I can't accept the apology.
Ize: ..... Oh, well-
Yuma: Because you have nothing to apologize for... Ever since you joined the Daggers, I knew you had a rough time and a past... *He put his hands on his shoulders* You had your own demons... I could never ask you to just let that go... You were against the idea.... But, usually a guy's not in a good spot as such.... Sometimes they just need a good lady and time.. Besides, guys are more willing to confide in someone they really like.. Even more than his own friends...
Ize: So you had it all planned out?
Yuma: I wouldn't say planned... Honestly, if Marlene didn't work after a month... Then I would've been defeated. When she first joined, I'd told her there was something about her... I had a feeling she could break through to you... I'm just really glad it worked..
Ize: Thank you, Yuma...
Yuma: ........ I'm sorry, I'm gonna need to hear that again..... One more time...
Ize: I said, thank you Yuma.....
Yuma: Welcome to a combination of words I never expected to hear from Ize.... Now that's something..
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "If you think that's surprising, you would've been in for a real treat if you heard the conversation between us." She went over and hugged Ize from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Ize's grown a lot and he knows how proud I am for it... No matter how long it took, I wouldn't have given up on him."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: [YES!! She's done it!!!] Well, if Marlene's noting your growth.. Then I'm here for it. See, I knew it! Even now... You two are adorable...
Ize: ..... I've had a lot to get off of my chest... Marlene was there for it, she brought me back where I need to be.
Yuma: Well, plus with sis safe and with Yuka being on the good side... It all came together for you.. Or perhaps.... When I said be yourself....
Ize: Alright Yuma, don't push it.... Sound advice, but that wasn't it.... I just finally needed to let go.. Let go of what I was....
Yuma: Still, now I REALLY know to never cross you in any way... Honestly, not even I could beat you in a fight...
Ize: And that's not all...... When I get back to Aralos... After Selfarion, I'm gonna challenge Rylon to a fight.
Yuma: Hold up, you actually want to cross swords with him?
Ize: *He nodded* I realize, if I'm going to protect those dear to me. *His hand going over Marlene's* Then I need to make sure I keep getting stronger... Fighting Rylon will be a good way to see where I'm matching up.
Yuma: Well, considering he's seen your potential from the start.... I've no doubt he sees you as a good opponent. Hell, you may even be able to take his place as guildmaster.... He's had to bring your name up to the council at least once or twice..
Ize: Now that, I'm not sure of..
Yuma: Hey, you never know.... Anyway, our weapons should be good to go... Let's get back there.. *He began to make his way back to Sylvia, Ize with Marlene following him* I know everyone can't wait to hear that Ize's back to his good self again...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene followed, standing close to Ize. "I can already see Aya's big happy smile from miles away.. Heh, makes me feeling a little bad that I'm bringing Ize with me to Selfarion first. They'll have to wait a little longer to see the new him.... Who knows, maybe even more things will be different?"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Aside from the townspeople being happy, I don't see that much of a difference..
Yuma: And that's all the difference you need... Plus, I'm sure Rylon will be happy to know you're even considering challenging him. Of course, you have your whole path reasoning and all that. Then you got Aya, and sister Elena.. Who knows, Aya may be talking about you to the other kids.
Ize: And what could she have said about me before?
Yuma: Come on now.... You already know she'd be talking about how cool of a big brother you are, and since you're coming back your good self... She'll be even happier. Not to mention, you'll finally get Sera off your back...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"I mean it definitely is true! Everyone's been looking out for him and now they all get to be proud to see him grow. But, that's not necessarily the difference I was referring to.. I still meant it towards Ize." Marlene said, wrapping her arm around him. "Technically, this is just the beginning for him. By the time you guys get to see him again, he probably would've made even more progress! Especially since he'll even be training with me now too, hehe.."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Yeah? Wait, you're gonna be training together? Well, that'll be a good session between you two.. Honestly, it's good just hearing the progress you've made in this moment.. Not to mention, everything that'll come after it..
Ize: Like what?
Yuma: I don't know, that's not for me to decide.. The only decision I can make is to support you two. Even if I have to do so from a distance.
*They then made it back to Sylvia, their blades on the table and ready. Though there was a very noticeable difference in the blades. Yuma's sword went from the regular steel to a black steel with a red dragon etching going down the steel. Ize's daggers now sported a black and purple steel, matching his cloak*
Yuma: Hooolllyyyy....
Sylvia: I can't tell you how proud it makes me to see a satisfied expression like yours..
Yuma: Satisfied... Oh, believe me... That's beyond satisfying. *He then got his sword, checking it out* It's perfect... *Even as he checked it out, the sword faintly glowed while he looked* This...
Sylvia: The ore we use here is special... Remember what I said about putting your soul into it..
Yuma: Yeah... Wait, this isn't gonna suck my soul out is it?!
Sylvia: *She only laughed* No no... The sword is resonated to its wielder.... I know you can use your Aether to make your sword only slightly better, but putting your Aether into it now..
Yuma: You really did upgrade this... Such beautiful craftsmanship...
Ize: *He then got his daggers, looking at the purple and black on the steel. He didn't question it, seeing the motif with him and his new power* You've done wonderful Sylvia... *He then sheathed his daggers*
Yuma: Alright... Now the only thing..... I know my way back to Aralos, but what about you two? I'm guessing you'll head to Selfarion from here...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Mhm! Considering Selfarion is really far out, we could probably get a carriage to take up there... Orr.. We could take the Black Cloud!" The Black Cloud refers to the only aether-powered airship service in their region that let's people easily traverse between the 4 four cities, but at a high cost. "It's a pricey ride, but thankfully we wouldn't have to pay, becausee.." With a mischievous smirk, Marlene pulled out 3 Black Cloud Passes from her bag. "I may still have some extra one-time passes I got from my mom, hehe..."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: The Black Cloud?!
Yuma: Whoa..... Well, we could ride through in style..
Ize: Well, as long as you're sure about using them... So, I guess it'll take us to Aralos first to drop off Yuma, then we head to Selfarion. [Yes! A quicker way to get there!] Well, as long as that's the route it takes..
Yuma: Sounds about right.. Hey, I'll say it now... Give Claudia my thanks.... A shame they're only one time use though...
Ize: If people got lifetime, the service wouldn't profit..
Yuma: ..... Point made...
last edited cách đây 4 tháng
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Unlesss you were a Guildmaster or a Council member, then of course you'd get all the nice special privileges!" Marlene then handed a pass to each of them. "She usually holds onto passes like these in case she needs to send out any of the guild members to other cities. But, she happened to give me some when I decided I'd be staying in Selfarion for awhile, so I think this would be a nice time to use them!"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Guildmaster or council huh? *He then looked at Ize with a smirk*
Ize: What are you thinking Yuma?
Yuma: Oh, you know exactly what I'm thinking. You become guildmaster of Aralos someday....
Ize: I'm not gonna be your unlimited ticket giver...
Yuma: *He then looked at him with a pouting face, then back to normal* Although, you didn't deny the part of becoming a guildmaster now did you?
Ize: That'll only be as long as I'm strong enough...
Yuma: Hm.... Well, I'm sure you'll make it there eventually...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh I know he's gonna make it there. And I'll make sure that he does!" Marlene went around to hug Ize from behind again, "And then you'll be my unlimited ticket giver, right?" She asked with a giggle.
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .......
Yuma: Mm.... Can't say no to her now can ya?
Ize: *He held her hand as she hugged from behind him* ....
Yuma: It's fine Ize.... I wouldn't be mad if you did decide to play a bit of favorites....
Ize: ...... Perhaps... I could work something out......
Yuma: *He sighed, looking at them* Young love... Such a beautiful thing.
Ize: We're the same age...
Yuma: Yeah.... Doesn't make it any less true...
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh? I'm surprised you pointed out the 'young' part first rather than the 'love'.. I think that says a few things as someone who's my close friend.~" She said, repeating what he said back in the springs but in a lighthearted manner. She just wanted to mess with him like usual. "We should probably get going though. The sooner we get there, the closer we'll get to unlimited tickets!"
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ...... [How can I even retort that now?]
Yuma: You heard your lady.... Let's go...
Ize: Hold on... My?
*They then began to make their way for the Black Cloud*
Yuma: It's just easy now...... Honestly, I wonder if it's gonna reach a point where this has no effect on you.. Besides, I doubt it will when we see each other next time.
Ize: ...... I only mentioned the age part first because......
Yuma: .*He looked at him with a grin, waiting for a response*
Ize: ..... Because I don't want you thinking you're older and wiser.. You've still got the mind of a teenager..
Yuma: Right, that's the reason... Well, I give you points for trying...
Ize: ..... Whatever....
last edited cách đây 4 tháng
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "We'll just let you slidee with that one.. Just this one time though, hehe. Anyways, just follow me!" Still learning her way through Yeres, Marlene led them to the grand Black Cloud Station. Heading over to the receptionist, she handed all of their One-Time Passes and they each got back a ticket indicating which airship they'd be getting on. With their tickets all ready to go, they walked along the docks where all of the airships lined up, a few arriving and others departing.
"So basically like you said guys said, the first stop would be Aralos and then it'll go straight to Selfarion. It'll probably head to Easea afterwards and then reverse it's path from there." Marlene explained. "The Black Cloud is such a nice experience.. If I ever get the chance, I think I'd wanna bring Aya on one."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I don't doubt she'd love it... *He said as they began to board their airship*
Yuma: Yeah, and I'm sure she'll enjoy it even more with big brother wouldn't you say.
Ize: If you're wondering if I'm there when that happens, then I will be for sure..
Yuma: Oh I wasn't wondering.. I already had a feeling you would... After all, even in your cold state.. You always had a soft spot for her. Makes me wonder, will I ever be like a brother to you Ize?
Ize: I'm convinced you love to hear yourself talk...
Yuma: Aw, you wound me my brother in arms.. And here I thought you'd be less cold.
Ize: Well if you were my brother.... You'd be the annoying brother, that's for sure.
last edited cách đây 4 tháng
cách đây 4 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene walked over to the airship railings that lined the egdes of the ship and leaned against them as tbey waited for the airship to depart. "There are seatings below but... Seeing all those clouds and watching the city from up above when the it departs... That's what I want to wait for."
"Hmm if Yuma's the annoying one, what do you think that would make me?" She asked out of curiosity. "Of course, only if I was considered a sister."
cách đây 4 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .... You....... You're a bit of a complicated case there Red...
Yuma: Complicated? I mean, she would be considered the sister right?
Ize: If you were asking about Doremi then sure.... But, like I said it's complicated on Marlene's side of it..
Yuma: I wonder why that could be? But, that's not my question to ask.. Nor is it my question to speculate.. In time the answer to that question could be revealed.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh? That's a little surprising to hear out of you, Yuma. I thought you love speculating?" Marlene asked with a grin. "Especially when it comes to things between Ize and I.. You're actually willing to let time answer this one this time, huh?"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I wouldn't question it..
Yuma: Of course you wouldn't.... Though you're right Marlene, I would.. But.. In all seriousness... I think this is a question I'd let time answer. Still, I'll let Doremi know you look at her like a sister.... I think she'll be pleasantly surprised..
Ize: Hm, well this is a first... Yuma actually being serious.
Yuma: You say that like I wasn't serious before..
Ize: I mena between us... Usually you'd crack jokes or tease us.. What makes now so different?
Yuma: Hm.... Well, because next time we see each other... Either something will have changed, or nothing will... That's why time will answer that question...
Ize: .....Well, I appreciate that... Thanks Yuma...
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"I don't know the right word for it, but it's definitely an interesting way to put it. But, maybe just cause I'm not used to hearing things like that from ya.." Marlene then turned so she's facing out from the railing. "I guess we'll wait and see what time is holding for us then, hm?~"
With everyone now officially on boarded onto the airship, it began to prepare for its departure. Slowly it rose up from its dock and flew into the air, flying over the breathtaking view of the City of Yeres and the peaks of its mountains. Marlene's hands went over the railing as she stared out at the view. Although it was her first time seeing this view of Yeres herself, she honestly felt more excited for Ize and Yuma more than anything.
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He stood next to Marlene, taking in the view. His hand over the railing and close to Marlene's* Honestly.... I never would've thought it possible... To get a view like this..
Yuma: You said it... I thought we'd only be limited to what we can see within the city... Definitely makes you think...
Ize: If Yeres looks this good, what about Selfarion?
Yuma: I imagine it'll be the best view of your life... Well, among other things.
Ize: Mm...... Wait, what do you mean?
Yuma: You'll figure it out... I'm sure..
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "Leaving a lot for his own brain to figure out, huh? I wonder if I'd be able to tell what those other things are just through his expressions..." She said, still looking out at the view. "Now what we're up in the air, there's a few options of what we could do now.... For one, we could just stay up here and continue enjoying the breeze and view.. In a few we'll probably be up in the clouds, but it's still really nice to look at! We could also explore around the ship a little bit, orr we could go down to the lower level since there's some seats for us down there.. Just know I'll probably take a nice ol' nap if we do, I'm a little tired."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [Maybe.....] Well, you could rest.... Perhaps, you could rest on my lap.. *He said, his face turning red* I mean, you don't have to... But I figured with us getting closer, and it'll be a bit of a trip.. We'd walk the ship when you aren't tired.. *He then scratched his head*
Yuma: [Well, I can't fault him for trying... But, he didn't even think about doing anything else. Honestly, looking at him now.. It's such a stark contrast to when he joined the Daggers. I know he loves her... I messed with him before to hope he'd just lighten up... But now.... I want him to figure the rest out.. That way next time we meet in Aralos...]
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" Marlene grinned, "I definitely don't hate the sound of that. Technically, I was already thinking of using your shoulder as my nice lil' pillow, regardless of what you said heh.... But if you're offering me your lapppp, how could I say no??"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah? Alright then.... I just want to make sure you're comfortable...
Yuma: Good on you.... The first time, Sera took it upon herself to do so..
Ize: Really? Here I was thinking you would've offered for her...
Yuma: I guess she read my mind in a way... I was going to, but then she went right for it..
Ize: Almost like an unspoken agreement....
Yuma: Hm.... Something like that..... Anyway, you two head down... I'll stay up here and take this in...
Ize: *He nodded* Right.... *He then looked at Marlene* Let's head down, and get you rested.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Alrightt. Don't get yourself lost if you do end up coming down!" Marlene told Yuma as she then took Ize's hand and started to bring him down to the area where the seating was. All of the seatings were separated into little cubbies so that everyone could have their own privacy. The cubby would have seats on each side which faced each other, with one circular window centered on the wall so the passengers could still enjoy the view. Marlene picked out one of the empty cubbies and let go of Ize's hand, "Ok, here we are!"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Seriously, what else does this thing have? A little room to ourselves.... And a good place for you to rest.. *He then sat down, looking outside as he sat* A beautiful view, among other things huh? Hm.... Maybe.... *He then patted his lap, ready for Marlene* Alright.... Come get your rest...
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Definitely don't have to tell me twicee." Marlene set down her bag on the seat across from them and sat down nice and comfy next to Ize. She peacefully rested her head on his lap and had her knees somewhat close to her chest. "I'm still surprised you offered me your lap so easily like that. But, hey I'm not complaining.." She snuggled up and closed her eyes, "You have a pretty comfy lap..."