LillyBlack Eos fantaisie RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 603 các câu trả lời

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cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Do I now? *He looked down at her as she closed her eyes, a blush on his face* Well, you're the only person who'll ever get to do this...So... You should cherish it.. [Even so.... There's one reason I'd even do this at all... But, I can't tell you..]
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Am I? You're making me feel so special.." Marlene said with a sleepy giggle. "I'll make sure to cherish this as much as I can... But, I hope you don't get too bored down here being my pillow.." Slowly but surely, she was drifting off into her sleep. "Feel free to wake me up if you'd wanna walk around.... or if we land..... in Aralos... mmh.." As she finished off her sentence, Marlene was then fast asleep.
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Don't worry... I'll let you rest till we get to Aralos... [Besides.... Being around you isn't boring... Honestly, just being with you like this is all I could ask for.. I don't think I could get bored like this.] *He then moved his hand through her hair* Hopefully, you'll have pleasant dreams while you sleep like this.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene faintly hummed in her sleep, almost like she was responding to him but in reality her mind was already in a different world. Ever since their time together in the springs, she's been feeling so much better about things between them that it reflected off in her dreams. They were filled mostly with sweet moments between them; exploring the cities and the region together, camping out and taking on the most random jobs, just spending time together without a single appearsnce of Zeno.
Marlene mumbled a few words here and there, maybe even Ize's name once or twice, but nothing that actually made sense.
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hm? *He caught his name in between the mumbled words* ..... Last time we slept, I was only a brief moment of peace...... Hopefully now, I'm more than brief. I guess, judging from those hums... Maybe, we're both getting what we want here. *He said with a smile on his face, then looking outside*
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene and her peaceful little dream with Ize continued on and the ride on the airship also continued smoothly. After about roughly an hour and a half, the airship finally arrived to its destination of the city Aralos. For a few moments you could see the beautiful bird's eye view of Aralos before the ship got to its dock, just they like in Yeres. Even after all that time, Marlene was still asleep and it definitely didn't seem like she was going to wake up on her own anytime soon.
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He looked at her, still asleep* Still out like a light huh? *He saw the bird's eye view before the ship landed* [I never realized just how nice Aralos looks from this kind of view... Now...] *He then looked back at Marlene, now shaking her awake* Marlene, wake up.. We made it to Aralos... [As much as I'd like to stay like this... We should see Yuma off.]
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Mmm...." Marlene felt the shakes from Ize, sleepily opening up her eyes as she woke up. She definitely didn't want to get up from her cozy spot, but she knew she had to. "We're here already...? Can't I just lay here for.. a few more seconds..."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I mean you could, but we would have to miss out on seeing Yuma off.... I didn't think I'd be that comfortable, and here you are proving me wrong... I mean, you could just do this again when we go to Selfarion..
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"I don't know what's more surprising to me.... How comfortable you are as my pillow or how willing you are to be my pillow.." Feeling a little more awake now, Marlene lifted up her head from Ize's lap and rubbed her eyes. "Heh, doesn't mean I'll say no to that though! I'm sure Yuma wouldn't leave without saying bye anyways, so we can easily go find him."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He nodded* Let's go then... *He stood up, taking her hand and leading her with him, finding Yuma*
Yuma: Ize, Marlene... Did you come to see me? *He said jokingly* Sorry, it sounds conceited when I say it like that.... *He then noticed them holding hands* Mm.... You know, I would've understood if you didn't come find me..
Ize: Yeah, but I figured it'd be rude...Besides, it's not like we won't be together for a while anyway..
Yuma: *He put his hand into a fist, putting it Ize's chest* Seriously, proud of ya... *He said with a grin*
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "I mean at this point, who isn't proud of this dummy? But following along with what he said, it also might be a little while until we come back, so... before you do leave, I actually wanna thank you. If it weren't for you deciding to come up to me that day, I don't think I would have ever met any of you. Heh, let alone this grumpy one.."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: You can cut him a little slack now... After all, he's not the same grumpy guy that joined the Daggers.. He's transformed into someone I almost wouldn't have expected...
Ize: Honestly, I gotta commend the consistency...
Yuma: I don't give up on my family... If I believe there's a way to get through... Chances are... There is.
Ize: Hell of a mindset...
Yuma: All humans are built on the concept.... It's just finding that right way.... Sometimes you may have to fight it out... Hell, sometimes a session where you just cry a bit...
Ize: [You're not wrong there..]
Yuma: Everyone's got baggage... It's just about how you unload it... And it seems like you've finally unloaded that baggage... *He then looked at Marlene* You have no need to thank me... I'm just more than happy fate brought all of us together.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene smiled sweetly, "As am I. I gotta say, you really do have a big heart, Yuma.. and a really good outlook on things. Sera must feel like a pretty lucky lady to always have you around, hmm? Heh, and I wouldn't want to keep that sweetheart of yours waiting too long.. I really just wanted to thank you for that. We've all only been around each other for a couple of days, but it's felt like it's been so much longer and we've made a lot of progress since.. So, until next time?"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Right, until next time... Make sure you don't have too much fun while I'm back home.. *He said waving them off as he exited from the shop, making his way back from the docks*
Ize: *He then waved him off, watchijg as he made way from the docks* He's too good... Yuma has to be one of the most interesting people I've met. You never realize just how big someone's heart is.... But, everyday and any day can be quite the learning experience..
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"How do you think I've felt with you these past few days?" Marlene faced Ize and held onto both of his hands, "Everyday it's like I see a new part of you and it's always a pleasant little surprise.. In my eyes, I think you would be the most interesting person I've met..." She chuckled a bit, "But considering how much we've brought up how much you've changed, I'm sure that's no surprise to you."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hm..... It shouldn't be.... But even so, just thinking back... We first met, I'd want nothing to do with you... Even speaking as far as killing if a price came on your head... Honestly, I hadn't realized how pathetic I was being... *His hands intertwined with hers in response* That's why, just knowing that I've got on your good side at all... It's quite a blessing really...
last edited cách đây 3 tháng
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"While it annoyed me, I never took your harsh words all too seriously because I knew what kind of place they were coming from. I knew there was a different Ize past all that, so of course I stayed persistent.. And look at where it's gotten me!" She said with a happy grin. "A new person that I could already call my best friend! And it got me a precious new pillow, hehe.."
last edited cách đây 3 tháng
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .... [Can I?] *He undid his hands from Marlene's, then deciding wrap his arms around her and bring her close to him* [Even if I can't say it just yet..... Let me hold on to this feeling.] A best friend.... Hm.... Now that's a title I'm happy to have.. Not to mention, it's a title I'm happy to call you as well. I've only had friends and allies..... But a best friend... Hearing those words together from you, it just feels amazing.
last edited cách đây 3 tháng
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"I could argue that it sounds so much better coming from you..." Marlene's heart skipped a beat and she slightly blushed, but she easily followed by wrapping her arms around his neck. "Buut, I won't since we'd probably just go back and forth forever... We wouldn't really want that, right?"
"Unless it meant us staying like this for a little while longer, I wouldn't mind....." She thought to herself rigjt after. "I would never expect him to bring me in like this.."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Eh.... Guess not.... Though, we do still have some time before we get to Selfarion.... I know you rested good on the way, but I'm not sure if you may want to rest a bit more... Or perhaps we could take a bit of a walk and converse... Heck, I wouldn't mind a grand tour of the ship.. I won't lie, you may have your work cut out for you as my tour guide.. *He said looking at her with a smile as he said that*
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
His smile instantly brought a smile to her face, "Oh I'm sure I can handle itt. But let's call it more of a casual tour.. You know, mindlessly walking around while I tell ya a little about the ship and going to whatever piques our interest! I think I'll save your amazing grand tour for when we get to Selfarion."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hm, sounds like a deal... Nonetheless, it is an interesting ship.. You call it a casual tour, but... *He blushed* Just being with you, it still feels pretty grand to me.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" Marlene smirked, "Just when I thought you couldn't get any cuter.. I'm gonna love every second being with you in Selfarion." She moved her arms from around him neck and went back to holding his hands, feeling ready to start their lil tour. "Alright! Since we're already at the deck of the ship, why not start here? Although, this is probably the simplest part of the ship since people are mostly up here to lounge, hang out.. and ya know, just enjoy the outside view!"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He looked around the deck* Well, if there's one thing I've learned.. Sometimes the simplest pieces can have big impacts.. I mean, the view from here is pretty nice. Given, it's not as private as the lower levels... But, even so.. Its a nice part of the experience... Lounge and enjoy the view...
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Mhm! I mean, who wouldn't want to enjoy a breeze like this too? You could probably catch me having a nice nap up here too, hehe..." She kept holding onto one his hands while they walked along the large, spacious deck with tables and lounge chairs scattered about. "On some special occasions they'll even host bigger events and performances up here, like during festivals and such! Although I've actually never been on the ship to ever see it myself, but I'm sure that's really pretty too."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Well..... Do you think Ms. Claudia could get us something like that? I'm sure even thr council gets a little bit of R&R... And since she can get you the one time passes to board, maybe we can get passes into the festivals as well. *He then put his other hand on the back of his neck* For all I know, it could be wishful thinking... But, it would be a first for both of us.
last edited cách đây 3 tháng
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh please, with a little convincingg.. and maybe a little sneaking if needed.... those passes would be easy to get! You might as well consider it done it.~" Marlene said with a mischievous smirk. "But, are you sure you'd really wanna? I know it'd be a first for us, but you never seemed to be much of a festival or party person to me."
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Heh, well... To be fair, I didn't seem into much at all when we first met... I wasn't even much of a talking person when we met. But, here we are.. Who know? Maybe, being with you will make it more fun than it actually is.
cách đây 3 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled at his response, "Sounds like just being with me makes a lot things better for you. If you ask me, seems like you just want to be around me more than you want to be at these actual events themselves, hmm?"
cách đây 3 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: And what if I do? *He then blushed* Maybe I just really enjoy your company.. I mean, we could always ditch the events midway.... I just... [I'm sure if I say that I just want to be with her, it'll come off too strong. Just a bit longer] ....... Never mind..... Regardless though, the festivals sound like a fun time...
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
They did their round around the deck and slowly started walking down to the first lower level of the ship. Marlene was a little tempted to poke at him for the "never mind," buuttt she had the feeling it'd be better if she left it alone. "It does! There's already the traditional festivals that happen in the cities, but to have that experience on the Black Cloud has to be even cooler... Doesn't mean we have to be there the whole time! So, I wouldn't mind leaving it halfway through with you.. It'd probably get a little exhausting and any time with you is pretty relaxing, soo..."
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Oh.... *He then blushed, not really knowing she'd entertain his idea of leaving halfway* Well.... What would we do then? *It was really easy to tell how inexperienced Ize was at this whole thing. He'd always kept to himself for a long time* [How does Yuma do this so casually?] *His face then turned red as he began to overthink* Where would we even go?
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene noticed how red his face was getting and just giggled, mostly finding his reaction adorable. "Assuming the festival takes over most of the ship, it doesn't really leave us with much. Hmm, we could go back to the private seating and just spend some time in there...." She shrugged, "I'm sure future us will figure something out, don't you think?"
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Perhaps so.... [The private seating.... I know we went there so she could nap... I'd even volunteer my lap for her... But would she want to sleep even during the festival? Why am I so hung up on this?] Well, I'm sure there would be a vendor or two..... Maybe new food we never tried... But, you're right.. We'll leave that to our future selves to figure out..... Hey.... Marlene... I just want to know..... A while back..... When the dust settled with Zeno.... Did you.... Did you ever see yourself loving someone again? *He then turned an even deeper red* On second thought, you don't have to answer that.. It's just a crazy question... I don't even know why I asked it.. *He said followed by a very nervous laugh*
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene could how nervous this was making him, even feeling his hand start to sweat a bit. "It's so precious and I want to comfort him from feeling like that, but at the same time..... it makes me wanna tease him a little bit from how cute it is...."
"I don't know, Ize... I think someone would only consider that to be a weird question only if they meant something a little more by it...." Marlene told him with a smirk. "But, I'm willing to answer if you're so curious.~ For a long while, I was convinced I wouldn't be able to trust anyone to love again. I guess, I just always had that constant fear that the incident could just repeat, so I never bothered... But.... Let's just say, there is someone who completely changed that for me. With him, he makes me feel like there's a chance again... So, maybe it is possible.." Marlene tried leaving enough where she indirectly admitted her feelings, but still left him clueless. She probably just left Ize's mind with even more things to overthink about, but she just looked at him with a smile, "Does that help answer your 'crazy' question?"
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .... *He nodded* So, you've given it another chance.... That's good... [Even if I could, just how the hell can I form the words? I'm already so nervous just talking to her like this.... This someone..... It has to be.... And even if it was, why won't this pressure stop?!! Back in Yeres, I was ready to tell her, but what is this feeling now?] S-So what if I did or didn't mean something by it? I just.... I just wanted to know.... After all, you're just so... Pretty, smart and strong..... *His nervousness began to kick in something worse* Wait, sorry.. I didn't mean it like that, I mean..... Well, you are...... But, I don't know if you like guys randomly calling you pretty...
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "Hmm, I don't know if I'd say I like guys randomly calling me pretty.... But, I definitely don't mind randomly hearing those compliments from you.." She turned to him in the middle of their path, leaving them in a long hallway that led to different parts of the ship. She entangled both of her hands into his again, "I never imagined talking to me could get you to be so red and nervous.. You know, this isn't helping you with your 'I just wanted to know' claim very much.."
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ..... I guess.... Honestly, my head's a mess right now... Plus, being beside you now...... For some reason it just feels different than it did before... [Add to that, I'm just anxious to get to Selfarion...] It's just something I can't fully explain right now... Besides, what I say may not be helping that claim, but maybe I did just want to know. [Like she'll believe that.]
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Keyword: 'Maybe'.." Marlene responded with a slight giggle, definitely not believing him but she'll still take it. "If your head's such a mess right now, then would you wanna go back to our seats? You can take your own little nap this time and I'll offer you my lap like you did for me! Unlesss.." She moved her hands up along his arms, then wrapping her arms around his neck. "You think that's gonna make you more nervous?"
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ... Actually.... That might be ideal.. [Plus, if I'm asleep, I can't say anything stupid to screw this up..] *He then looked down, seeing her arms around his neck* [But.... Why? Usually when I've seen people in Aralos do this... It's only ever been...... No, this has to be coincidental right? At this point, sleep is the only thing that'll help me..] Sorry..... I'm acting like an idiot..... With where we've been together.... I should be a lot more poised... If I'm being honest....... The wait to Selfarion is making me anxious..... And I have to make sure I don't say something stupid to mess this up.
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"If it's been making you this anxious, it's gonna start rubbing off on me as the one in the dark here!" She then smiled at him, "Look, I promise you're not being an idiot, ok? You just need a little moment to get your thoughts together and that's ok. So c'mon, let's go back and you can take your nap." Going down in the other direction of the hallway, Marlene brought them back to their seats. She comfortably sat down by the window and patted down on her lap, "Hope I'll be as comfy of a pillow as you were for me!"
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: ..... Thank you Marlene.... *He started sitting down, then lying down with his head on Marlene's lap* Mm...... You know.... This is comforting..... Thank you.. For assuring me... I just.... I want to make sure I do this right... So, thanks for helping me know I'm still in the right direction here. *He said, as he closed his eyes, but not quite asleep yet*
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Of course, Ize... I'm always here to be that place of comfort and reassurance for you, ok?" She said as her hands gently combed through his hair. "Now get that precious rest of yours and I'll wake you up when we land..."
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Mhm.... *As he began to sleep, he would then begin to dream. He was standing alongside Marlene in a market. While he'd be looking for food items, Marlene was getting ideas for Ize to bake. It would transition to him cooking while Marlene was sleeping in her. She'd be napping peacefully, tired from a job she finished up with the Daggers. He was content, having a moment to put down his blades and do something nice for her. As he let the food cook, he seen his parents at the table. They looked at him with a smile, they were talking about Marlene, which prompted Ize to say, even in his state of sleep* She's a great girl, wonderful even..... Honestly, there are times I feel like I don't deserve her.. Friend or otherwise... That's why...... I'm going to cherish her... Until my last breath...
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Ize?" While he was asleep, Marlene just peacefully looked out the small window but hearing his voice made her think he woke up and look down at him. "Was he talking about... me?" She blushed the more she realized, "How do you make me fall in love with you even more and you're just asleep right now? Dummy...." She kept combing her hand through his hair and went back to looking out the window for the rest of their flight. "You really are nothing like Zeno.."
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He continued to sleep, his dream progressing until he was baking this time. He was trying his hand at baking the blueberry pie they got back in Aralos. He followed the recipe and instructions to the letter. His cooking managed to be a hit with them, but it was a test to see if he could appeal to Marlene's sweet tooth. This time he was grumbling and mumbling until he'd lowly say* Marlene....... Pie's ready......
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" By this point, the Black Cloud was starting to make its landing in Selfarion. Marlene looked down at Ize with a sweet smile, "Have you been baking me a pie this whole time in your dream? Guess that confirms who you were talking about earlier, doesn't it..?" She started poking at his cheek to wake up, "Izeeee... wake up, my precious baker.. We landed in Selfarion."
cách đây 2 tháng TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *As she poked him awake, he lazily opened his eyes and looking up st her.* Maybe I should've baked cherry instead.. *He said, playing on Marlene's red hair. He then sat himself up* So we're in Selfarion huh..... It's about time.. *he said as he stood up, he took her hand* Let's get going then... [I can do this.... After seeing them..... I feel like I can do this... My head isn't a mess... I've got this.]
cách đây 2 tháng LillyBlack said…
"Feeling all good to go, aren't you?" Marlene giggled as she stood up along with him. "Seee, told you that nap would help. Now c'mon, I've been waiting for this moment!" With his hand in hers, she led him off the ship and brought him out to take his first steps into Selfarion. She quickly let go of his hand to slightly run ahead of him and then turned to him with her hands spread out in the air and giant grin on her face, "Welcommeee to Selfarion!! The Capital and the largest City in this region, as well as the home to the God of Fortune! Hehe lucky for you, you happen to have the best tour guide in the city!"