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posted by peacebaby7
This is for those who have just begun writing, hoặc for those who need helpful advice. I hope this bài viết helps you.

1) Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and grammar is the first thing bạn worry about. If there are many spelling/grammatical errors, the story doesn't flow very well. bạn don't have to be an expert, but bạn at least should have a dictionary nearby and know the basic rules of grammar. You'll pick up on thêm the thêm bạn write.

2) Know Your Topic

First and foremost, after spelling and grammar, bạn must know what you're nghề viết văn about. And I don't just mean a topic in general. For example, if bạn want to write about someone flying a plane, but don't know anything about how to fly one, do some research. But I also mean, know the general idea of what your story is going to be about. If bạn don't have the entire plot in your head, you're most likely going to encounter writer's block quite a bit. I'm not saying bạn need to know the summary of each chapter, I'm talking about the summary of your entire piece. It doesn't need to be specific, just the main idea.

3) Don't Stop Writing

Imagine yourself pushing a very heavy object across the floor (without wheel assistance). Once bạn can get going, it's not too hard. But if bạn stop and try to start again, it's extremely difficult. It's the same thing with writing. Once bạn start, do your best not to stop. Once bạn have a good bit of material, then go back and reread what bạn have written and make any necessary changes, deletions, and additions bạn wish to make.

4) Once You've Completed A Chapter and/or Your One Shot

When bạn complete a chapter, hoặc your story if it's only one chapter, reread it thoroughly. In fact, reread it a couple of times. Read it outloud to yourself. Check and be sure bạn don't have any spelling/grammatical errors, be sure bạn don't want to add/delete anything, and be sure it flows well and everything makes sense. The reason for đọc outloud is because this is your story. bạn know what it's supposed to say, and when bạn read inside your head, your mind will read it as what it's supposed to be. đọc aloud, your mind tends to pay thêm attention to each word individually, so checking for errors is much simpler. (I learned this the hard way.)

5) Write About What bạn Like

I'm sure I don't need to include this, but I will anyway. If bạn don't write about what bạn like, your story probably won't turn out very good because you're not passionate about the topic. This is also including genre. If bạn don't like romance, then nghề viết văn about it is probably not a good idea.

6) NEVER Ask For Lời khuyên Before You've Written

Most people are afraid to write something and have people not like it, so they ask others what they think would happen hoặc how they would word something. STOP! Write it first, then ask others what they think. Know where bạn are going wrong and what bạn need to work on. However, be sure you're not letting other opinions get to bạn too much. If someone says that your nghề viết văn sucks, don't let that stop you. nghề viết văn good material takes a lot of time. And never let anyone suggest that something should happen instead of what you've written. If bạn allow this, then it's not your story! Trust me, I never asked for Lời khuyên before I wrote something, and I'm a better writer for it. bạn will be, too.

7) Be Proud of Your Work!

I absolutely hate it when people say they don't write because they're no good at it. I hate it even thêm when someone says that they used to write, but gave up because no one liked their stories. Maybe your story isn't all that great. So what? Like I đã đưa ý kiến before, good nghề viết văn takes time. My very first fanfiction that I wrote...Good grief, I couldn't believe that there was a time I thought that was good. But looking at my most gần đây fanfiction, I think it's pretty good, in my opinion. Never let anyone stop bạn from nghề viết văn if that's what bạn like to do. The thêm bạn write, the better you'll become at it. Learn from why your stories aren't as good as bạn want them to be, and make yourself a better writer bởi learning from them.

8) Writer's Block

The worst thing a writer can encounter is writer's block. If bạn ever find yourself staring at your piece of paper hoặc computer screen with absolutely no idea how to continue, put it to the side and go do something to keep your mind off of it for a while. Normally, when bạn return with a fresh mind, ideas will come thêm easily. If that doesn't work, try to do things that bring bạn inspiration. Read something relating to your topic, hoặc whatever else bạn do to gain your inspiration. And like I đã đưa ý kiến before, don't ask anyone what they think would happen. This is your writing, so it needs to come from your noggin. bạn can't be proud of your work if your ideas came from someone else.

9) Novel Format vs. Script Format

A lot of people find script format easier to write than novel format. It's less to write, right? Well, that's the problem. When bạn write less, it doesn't put a picture in your reader's mind. I wrote my first fanfiction in script format. In fact, I wrote my first two and a half fanfictions in script. All it told was what my characters đã đưa ý kiến and weak descriptions of their actions. In novel format, bạn can give so much thêm life to your story. For example, instead of:

Jim: [leaps down stairs in a panic] "Mom?! Are bạn okay?!" [reaches bottom of stairs and looks around frantically]

turn it into this:

Jim took off toward the stairs, almost tripping on the first one. Taking them bởi two's, he nearly tripped over his own feet as he frantically called for his mother.

"Mom?! Are bạn okay?!" he called. His tim, trái tim pounded with worry, and upon throwing himself past the bottom step, he frantically turned back and forth in tìm kiếm of his mother.

I know it's not a very good example, but I think bạn understand what I'm getting at. Though, if you're a beginner, bạn might consider nghề viết văn your story first in script, then converting it to novel format. It might be an easy start for bạn until bạn get used to jumping write into the novel format.

10) Creating the Image

Most of bạn have probably heard of the phrase "show not tell" in school. That's much thêm significant in writing. Don't just say, "He was very nervous about the exam." Say instead, something along the lines of, "His exam was in an hour. He fidgeted with his fingers and found his tim, trái tim accelerating with each một giây that brought him closer to what could be the beginning of his life, hoặc the end of it." Again, not a very good example, but my point should still be clear. This is especially important in nghề viết văn because if bạn don't create a clear image, the nghề viết văn becomes boring for lack of flow. However, don't use overly descriptive terms that will only confuse your readers. Use terms that you'd probably use with a teenager. That way, most everybody will know what your talking about and your flow of nghề viết văn will remain constant and unbroken. One thing that helps me in creating an image is stopping what I'm nghề viết văn for a moment, closing my eyes, and imagining the scene in my mind. It helps bạn understand what part of the scene is causing the suspense, and which parts of the scene bạn need to focus on.

11) Know Your Audience

Which age group are bạn nghề viết văn for? A toddler? A teenager? An adult? A senior citizen? bạn want to use an appropriate language, plot, and genre for your audience. nghề viết văn using grown up terms, but with a storyline that adults wouldn't want to read would be pointless. I'm sure an adult wouldn't want to read a story about a talking con bướm, bướm and his friend, the bumblebee, but a young child might. So, know who bạn want to write for.

12) Combine Sentences, Don't Repeat

I've mentioned several times about your flow of writing. This can take the topic in several different directions. I've already covered the issue of knowing your audience, your spelling and grammar, and imagery. But there's one thêm area in which flow is important. Repetition. That's another one of the worst things that a writer can do. For example, if you're explaining what someone is doing, one thing that drives many reader's insane is something like this: Jim ran out of his room and went to the stairs. Jim darted down the stairs, taking them bởi two's. When Jim reached the bottom of the stairs, he frantically looked around for his mother. Notice how I use Jim's name in every single sentence as I described his actions. The reader already knows you're talking about Jim, so using his name over and over is unnecessary. Instead, using what I wrote under the Novel Format vs. Script Format tab would be much better. That's another reason why rereading may be important; bạn can be sure that none of your nghề viết văn is repetitious.

13) Don't Give Too Much Visual Right Away

So, you're sending your character into a new setting. hoặc maybe your introducing a character. When bạn bring him/her into your writing, don't take too much time explaining what the room looks like that they're in, hoặc what they look like, hoặc who they are. Especially if the setting/character isn't something you're going to mention too often in your story. Bring details in gradually, if important. Instead of saying, "She wore red-rimmed glasses," say, "She looked down at the boy through her red-rimmed glasses."

14) The Ending

The hardest parts to write in a story are the beginning and the end. The weirdest to write, however, is the ending. It's kind of like when your yêu thích hiển thị hoặc book series ends. It's just...Over. When nghề viết văn the end, consider the main character's goal throughout the story. Consider the message bạn were trying to portray through the reader. Don't just tell the reader that the character has reached his/her goal hoặc not, end it with a message that will stick in the readers' mind. If bạn just end the story without some kind of message, whether it be a message connecting to the world hoặc to the character him/herself, then the story is just forgotten. Though, I'm talking the ending to your entire piece, here. If you're nghề viết văn in series, end with cliffhangers until bạn reach the ending.

15) đọc Helps

There are two parts to this tip. One is this: Read other published novels that interest you. Get to know what is good about the novel and what isn't. Know how novel format is written and structured. Read some reviews on the novel to get other opinions on the plot and structure. Take all of this into account in your writing. Just be sure not to copy someone else's work, and don't just write your story because bạn think it's what other people will like. Be sure what you're nghề viết văn is something bạn would read if bạn weren't the author.

The một giây part to this is đọc things that aren't professionally published. Think about your yêu thích shows/books/movies and read some fanfictions on them. But don't just read them, think about what bạn would've done better if bạn would've written it. Pay attention to what bạn like and dislike about them, too. Both of these will help bạn pay attention to how bạn write your stories to differentiate it from other writings.

16) Stay On Topic/Make Sense

Be sure that bạn don't make random, irrelevant các bình luận in your story. This also takes away from the flow of nghề viết văn and makes it very confusing. Make absolutely certain that your nghề viết văn makes sense. And if you're comparing something in your writing, make sure the comparison is clear. If you're somehow comparing a car and a bird, be sure bạn explain why, otherwise, your readers will become confused.

17) Reviewers

If bạn write something, and plan on asking someone to review it, don't get a friend to review it. I mean, if bạn want your friends' opinion, go ahead. But to get a thêm honest, unbiased, review, get someone who bạn don't know very well to do it. Preferably, someone who has at least some experience in writing. And whether they say it's good hoặc not, take their review to heart. Just don't let it get bạn down if it's not the review bạn hoped for. Reviews will improve as your nghề viết văn does.

However, I strongly suggest doing what I do. If someone is rude in their review (i.e. "You're nghề viết văn sucks! Get a life!", "This is the worst thing I've ever read," "Jeez, bạn think this is good!?"), ignore the review completely. If someone feels that strongly about not liking your writing, then they shouldn't even read it in the first place. Taking those kind of reviews into account will only add stress to your nghề viết văn process and lower your self-esteem and confidence. Only endure positive, polite constructive criticism.

18) Never Give Up

If bạn take anything from these tips, take this most to heart. Don't worry about who likes and dislikes your stories. Not every single one of your readers is going to like your stories. If it's because it doesn't flow, learn what you're doing wrong and fix your mistakes. If it's because they don't like the plot, just ignore it, because that's a matter of opinion. Don't let bad reviews stop bạn from doing what bạn love. Giving up is the same as not caring. If bạn really don't care about writing, then please, give up, because bạn obviously aren't passionate about what you're doing. But if bạn do tình yêu doing it, and it is something bạn care about, let nothing stand in your way. Even the most famous writers had to start somewhere, and there's always thêm to learn.

If bạn have any questions, hoặc can think of any other tips, please share them with me. I've been nghề viết văn for about a năm now, but I'm still learning. Anyone who writes always learns something different.
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