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posted by ToKo
Renesmee's name derives from an amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and her mother-in-law, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of Bella's father-in-law, Carlisle, and Charlie, Bella's biological father. Jacob Black gives her the nickname "Nessie" because he says her full name is a "mouthful." At first, Bella refuses to use this nickname because of the obvious allusion to the Loch-Ness Monster, but eventually warms to this name along with everyone else bởi the end of the story. This nickname, in addition to Jacob's imprinting upon Renesmee, made Bella furious enough to attempt to attack Jacob.

{Bella's pregnancy}

After Edward and Bella are married, they go on their honeymoon on an island the Cullen family owns off the coast Rio de Janeiro: Isle Esme, a gift to Esme from Carlisle. It is here that Bella and Edward made love. However, following this, Bella begins to experience mood swings, peculiar eating habits (particularly eggs), and severe morning sickness, which confuses her (she initially believes it to be thực phẩm poisoning caused bởi bad chicken). After finding tampons in her bag, she realizes that her period is 5 days late, and notices a growing baby bump protruding from her hips. She realizes she is pregnant with Edward's child, even though it was thought that a vampire could not impregnate a human (this theory had of course never been tested before, with no trước đó vampire/human relationships). Edward leaps into action, like always, only caring about the safety of Bella, and insists that she let Carlisle remove the abnormally rapidly growing fetus. However, Bella won't allow it. Enlisting Rosalie's help as a bodyguard, Bella refuses to have an abortion, determined to carry the child, knowing if worst comes to worst she trusts Edward to save her and Carlisle to be able to save the baby. As the baby continues to grow at an alarmingly rapid rate, Bella's health deteriorates. She develops an unhealthy pallor; her stomach is bruised in multiple places from the baby's movement (as it has inherited a vampire's inhuman strength); her ribs and later her pelvis, are broken. Her body has been rejecting human thực phẩm and it is only when Jacob Black bitterly thinks about the "creature" craving blood that Edward, with his ability to read thoughts, thinks of a solution. The Cullens allow Bella to sample some donated human blood from Carlisle's work at the hospital. To Bella's surprise, the blood smells and tastes appealing, and revives her, to an extent. Jacob however is not so thrilled. Besides the strength and appetite of the growing baby, evidence of its vampire heritage is apparent in the fact that the amniotic sac is hard and thick, resembling the skin of a vampire, making ultrasounds impossible. Bella isn't the only suffering individual in this pregnancy; Edward is described bởi Jacob Black as a "burning man" being lifeless and self loathing, thinking of the child as a possible case of "Rosemary's Baby": a child born a demon, the spawn of the devil. Edward still is not completely convinced that he is not a monster and that he does have a soul.

As Bella's pregnancy nears its completion, the child wins over even Edward when he begins to hear its thoughts, discovering that the baby loves Bella and the sounds of its parents' voices and can understand their words. With this new knowledge the baby knows what hurts her mother, and tries to avoid injuring her. Bella is convinced that the baby is a boy and calls it "EJ" (which stands for "Edward Jacob"). However, she does admit that she may be wrong and the baby could turn out to be girl. She decides that "Renesmee Carlie" would be what she would call her baby, should it be a girl (the former being an amalgamation of Renée and Esme, the grandmothers' names; the latter being a portmanteau of Charlie and Carlisle, the grandfathers' names). The pregnancy continues its rapid progression, and Bella goes into violent labor even sooner than anticipated when the placenta is unexpectedly detached. Carlisle and Esme are out hunting so they inject morphine into Bella to ease the pain of the vicious C-section. When Rosalie asks Edward why he isn't performing the operation, he các câu trả lời that the morphine didn't have time to spread. Bella however, has her own agenda, and she commands Edward to perform the C-section before the morphine has time to take effect, thrashing and screaming that "He can't breathe!". Bella pops a blood vessel in her eye from the stress put on her body. Rosalie starts the C-section but her instincts take over so Jacob is forced to slam into her causing the scapel she was holding to go into his arm.Edward continues with the C-section and Bella's spine becomes broken after Edward and Jacob attempt to keep her breathing with CPR. Edward uses his teeth to bite through the amniotic sac, and removes the child, giving the baby to Rosalie after it bites Bella above her left breast. It is then revealed that, despite Bella's certainty that the child would be a boy, that it was a girl, Renesmee .The vampire heritage is when Bella first holds their child and is bitten and is seen to have inherited sharp, albeit non-venomous, teeth. Following Bella losing consciousness again, Edward injects his venom into her tim, trái tim and bites her in several places, maximizing her odds of survival. After every bite, he runs his tongue over the wound and heals it, trapping the venom into her bloodstream and preserving her already low blood supply. Jacob performs CPR to try to keep Bella's tim, trái tim beating to spread the venom through her system faster.
[edit] After the birth

Jacob Black, previously determined to destroy the monster which he believed to have killed Bella, imprints on baby Renesmee as soon as he sees her. Renesmee becomes key to a truce between the ma sói and the vampires; other ma sói would not hurt her because of pack traditions, which prevent harm towards imprinted ones. Renesmee is very possessive of Jacob, thinking of him as her Jacob (Edward says this is because Jacob tastes better than anyone else). It is stated that she loves her Mother at the same level as Jacob, even before officially meeting Bella, hoặc even being born. Renesmee grows at an exceptional pace, forming full sentences mere days after her birth. It is stated at the end of the book that she will probably reach complete physical maturity after 6 and 1/2 years, 7 years after birth, at which point she will stop aging and live forever at the physical age of 17, same as another half-vampire they met at the end of Breaking Dawn. It is also stated than when giáng sinh Season starts, Nessie had many gifts in hand including her mp3 player from her father Edward, a locket from her mother Bella (inscribed with the words thêm than my own life in French), and her handmade charm bracelet from her Jacob which is the Quileute equivalent of a promise ring. She learns faster than she grows and acquires the ability to speak rapidly, though she prefers to just hiển thị people what she wants. Renesmee is also called Nessie, a nickname được trao to her bởi Jacob, but hated bởi her mother, Bella, because it is the Loch Ness Monster's nickname.

{ The Volturi}

While Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee are in the woods hunting together, they are spotted bởi Irina, a member of the Denali coven, who is mad at the Cullens for not avenging her mate's death. Irina saw Renésmee and took her to be one of the immortal children, hoặc in other words, a child that has been turned in to a vampire. Because of their inability to control themselves, "Immortal Children" are not allowed to exist, and Irina [whose mother had been killed for making an immortal child] turns the Cullens in to the Volturi. Irina is not aware, however, that Renesmee is not an immortal child, she is half human, half vampire, growing and learning. The Volturi make the decision to come to Forks, and destroy the immortal child. Alice sees this in a vision and decides to see if she can find help bởi looking for something she can't "see". She tells the Cullens they need to prepare a witness, and leaves a clue for Bella to figure out how to get Renesmee and Jacob aliases, and then flees with Jasper. She leaves clues to make it seem like there's no hope for at least Bella and Edward. When the Volturi hiển thị up, the Cullens have gathered witnesses from all over the world, who have seen what the child is. Though at first, the Volturi are ready to kill, they soon see through all the people willing to protect the child that she is special and should not be harmed. The deal to let her live is set when Alice shows up near the end of the trial with another matured half-vampire like Renesmee, one the Volturi have never known of. This boy, Nahuel, manages to tell the Volturi how he aged and matured, how old he is, and about his diet. They no longer see Renesmee to be a threat, and leave.

Renesmee and the rest of the Cullen family are now free to live for the rest of eternity.
chỉnh sửa Physical appearance

Renesmee is described often as being very beautiful. She is described as having the facial features of her father, Edward, as well as his unusual bronze hair color. However, she inherited curly hair from her grandfather, Charlie Swan. Her hair is described as ringlets and falls past her waist. Her eyes are described as Sô cô la brown, just like her mother, Bella's, were while she was still human. She has pale skin, which has a blush to it because her tim, trái tim pumps blood (though it beats far faster than a normal human heart). Her skin is as tough as a vampire's, but her temperature seems to be unusually warm, only a few degrees below that of a werewolf, most likely because, like Jacob, she has 48 chromosomes. Unlike her family's skin, Renesmee's skin glows in the sunshine rather than sparkling like diamonds.
chỉnh sửa Diet

"Suuuure you're not thirsty, Nessie," Jacob answered a little sarcastically, but thêm indulgently than anything else. "You're just afraid I'll catch the biggest one again!" Renesmee can survive on human thực phẩm hoặc blood. She would rather drink human blood because while she was in her mother's belly that is what Bella drank , but must drink animal blood to conform to the Olympic Coven lifestyle. Sometimes Bella, her mother, gives her the blood from the blood donations that Carlisle buys. She doesn't like human thực phẩm much and she will rarely eat it. To get her to drink animal blood, due to the fact she doesn't like it, Bella has her compete with Jacob Black for the biggest meal, which keeps Renesmee motivated. She doesn't mind animal blood when she drinks it, but she prefers human blood, like most vampires. She loves to bite Jacob, but since she is not venomous it doesn't hurt hoặc kill him.


{Jacob Black}

Jacob Black, a shape-shifter (not a werewolf they just take the form of a chó sói, sói because of their ancestors), was originally in tình yêu with Renesmee's mother, Bella. After unsuccessfully trying to steal Bella from her vampire boyfriend Edward, Jacob fell into a state of depression caused bởi a broken heart. Soon after this, Bella became pregnant with her and Edward's baby. Jacob was repulsed because he saw the baby the same way he saw Edward: a monster. Jacob made his hatred for the baby clear on multiple occasions, including when he became angry at Bella for saying the baby reminded her of him. Bella nearly died giving birth to the baby, who she named Renesmee. During Bella's transformation into a vampire, Jacob believed that she had died, and went to kill Renesmee.

When Jacob sees Renesmee for the first time, he imprints on her after seeing that she has Bella's eyes. This immediately strips him of everything that ties him to the world, leaving only a caring for Renesmee. Jacob now only worries about Renesmee's happiness and well-being. Renesmee is very possessive of Jacob, calling him "my Jacob" because she is the only person who is allowed to bite him. She loves Jacob the same as she loves her parents Edward and Bella. Renesmee also helped end the war between the Cullens and Sam Uley's chó sói, sói pack because of Jacob's imprinting on her: when she was imprinted on, she became untouchable to the other Người sói because there is a law within the pack that if a chó sói, sói imprinted, the person they imprinted upon was not to be harmed. Jacob would do anything for "Nessie" and visits her every day.

When Renesmee is a child, Jacob is only there to protect her and to be her friend. When she grows up, Jacob's imprinting feelings may become romantic, though this is currently unknown.

{ Edward & Bella Cullen}

Edward Cullen is Renesmee's father. During their honeymoon, Edward and Bella unknowingly conceived Renesmee. When they realized this, Edward was far from happy. He had heard stories of women dying in childbirth with a vampire's baby. Fearing that he would lose Bella, Edward became desperate to be rid of the baby. But Bella refused to have an abortion under any circumstances. As Bella's pregnancy continued, an unborn Renesmee kept hurting her and Edward's hatred of his child continued. However, during the final days of the pregnancy, an unborn Renesmee developed to the point where she had a mind that her father could read. Edward heard that Renesmee already loved her parents, understood that she was only accidentally hurting her mother, and was now trying not to hurt Bella anymore. After hearing all this, Edward's hatred vanished and was replaced with tình yêu for his daughter. When Bella went into labor, Edward was the one who delivered Renesmee.

The exact details of Renesmee's relationship with her father are unknown, but it is known that they tình yêu each other very much. She says dozens of times that she loves her "mommy and daddy" very much, even crying when she found out that Edward and Bella would have to leave her. Renesmee loves Edward at same length as he loves Bella. Edward and Bella are incredibly closely bonded to their daughter.

Bella Cullen is Renesmee's mother. After Bella finds out that she is pregnant, she acquires a tình yêu for her daughter. Even when everyone tries to convince her to abort the baby, (except for Rosalie because she's always wanted a baby but never figured out a way to have one) she can't because she loves it. Once Edward discovers that he can hear the baby's thoughts and it can understand their voices, the child does everything it can to keep from hurting the mother it loves. After the conception, transformation and first hunt, Renesmee and Bella finally have a real meeting. Renesmee loves her mother as much as Bella loves Edward.

{ Rosalie Hale}

Rosalie has always wanted to have children, and is unable to fulfil this desire as a vampire since her body can no longer undergo changes. When Bella became pregnant, she came to her aid, possibly hoping that Bella would die and she would be able to take the child and raise it as her own. After Renesmee's birth, she took care of her while Bella was becoming a vampire. Rosalie is very protective over Renesmee.
 this is Kevin yumm
this is Kevin yumm
9. Dates

I should have known. Who was I to think Leah really just wanted to go out for drink? We got to the club and that’s when I saw her do it. She looked at these two guys and winked. That’s when they started buying me drinks. Todd and Eric. Really, I thought she had better taste for me.

Todd was a math teacher at Forks high, 28, and loved Sci-Fi movie. He was lanky and awkward. He had dark brown eyes and a strange pointed nose not to mention he was blond. I turned him down nicely after listening to him for 20 minutes. I sighed with relief and Leah laughed at me.

Just as I started to...
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I woke up with a stir, the strangest dream ever. It wasn’t me Bella Cullen was there. I was at their house, lived in it and I had a little baby girl. She looked remarkably like Edward but she had my eyes, she was seven hoặc eight much older then Aly and she was laughing with Jacob. There were other People in the dream Yard aside from the family, there were three thêm girls and another man. One girl was talking to Edward she had curly dâu, dâu tây blond hair and a dazzling smile. I watched all of this like it was a scary movie, I turned and watched how everything was two perfect. Seth...
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posted by mommy6197
* As soon as Remeo and Juliet was over the phone was ringing in Edwards pocket. He picked it up saying "HI Alice." I was wondering why Alice was calling but I am sure he will tell me as soon as he gets off the phone with her. I hope nonthing is wrong! When he hung up the phone I did not even get a chance to ask what was going on.

*He đã đưa ý kiến "We have to go back to the house now it was imporant."

*Is Nessi & Jake ok? I asked Edward.

*They are fine. Alice seen somthing that everyone needs to know about. That is why we need to go back now.

*Ok lets go then so if ti is not to bad we can get back...
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posted by anna0789
bella/lilly pov

i arrived to bella's house and run to my room and grab a notebook ,walked to the garden ,
and started to write down everything that had happened well since i somehow enter this strange world....i needed to do this to manage to clear my tangle thoughts

after a while i finished i left the notebook in the floor and started to walk into the woods. i tình yêu nature and to explore it and here in forks it was everything so green so full of life.
i tình yêu it

i walk deeper and deeper into the forest hát to myself it was a song i had written a few months ago...

edward's pov

after a few hours...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Ten: bạn Will Never Fade Away


The night was bright from the moon's light. We were all wrapped up in our blankets cause the sun roof let in chilly night air. Everyone sat in front of the fire, talking, laughing, joking around. Like they didn't have a care at all in the world....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 3)
And I ran to the đường phố, street and walked back to trang chủ when I got trang chủ I went and took a vòi hoa sen and cooked fried cá fore Charlie and called him at work to see what took him so long
-hi dad where are you
-hey Bella, there was an animal attack and some hikers are missing were trying to find out some clues I will be trang chủ in one giờ okay?
- sure be careful
-always am bye
Then I hung up the phone and went to my room I was thinking about today when an idea popped in my mind it wasn’t a very good idea but still it might work I took my phone out of my pocket and called edward I was hoping...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry it's short but here it us..... Rate and comment.....
Don't worry it's nothing bad. I just want to ask bạn what was wrong. Jake said. Fine, bạn caught me. I said. Okay, what is it? Jake asked again. Your just so tall, I was never tall to begin with but now I am even lower since I am in this thing. I đã đưa ý kiến looking down. Tay, don't think that way. Jake said. It's hard not to. I said. I know, come on let's lay on your new comfy giường and watch tv. Jake said. He picked me up, spun me around and than kissed me lightly on the lips. Jake that was so sweet but it kind of hurt my cheat. I told...
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posted by surfergal
Sorry its short. I don't really know where to go from this. bình luận and Rate PLEASE!!!

We ended up shopping for most of the ngày and I was so tried once we got back to our house. Emmet and Rosalie came over to me and Nathen's house to help set somethings up like the cribs. Rosalie and Alice help me pick out the em bé bedding. Once everything was set up and we had picked out the bedding Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet left. Nathen and I could finally relax and be with each other. We both ended up falling asleep on the couch.
Days went bởi and I was getting closer to my due ngày and that brought...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sam's POV
I didn't move, Taylor was starting to freak out that someone was holding her and she didn;t know who it was. Relax its just us. I đã đưa ý kiến to Taylor. I felt her relax in my arms a little bit but she was still tense. I could here her tim, trái tim it was beating fast from getting scared. She tired to calm herself but it didn't work to much. I heard Jake and Seth chuckle behind me. Taylor tried to break free from my grip but she was not strong enough too exscape. I sat her down, she quickly turned and glared at us. Taylor relax, it was just Sam. Seth said. Whatever, where did yall go? Taylor asked...
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i just look right ahead and sigh


i arrived to the port thiên thần airport
i was wearing some old ripped jeans and little tank hàng đầu, đầu trang and a hoddie

then the man told me to follow him we took a cab
on the way the man was silent that was good i didn't wanto to talk to him is he didn't excisted i would be trang chủ with monica ..

we arrive to what seem to be Forks it was a small town and very typical i felt uneasy i would be like a new thing to look at
a foster kid wow i sigh to myself

the man look at me "we arrive kid" he đã đưa ý kiến

we enter to a building that look old and that needed a pait but in the inside...
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posted by EBRCBrit
OK this is chapter 2 of the missing soulmates.please excuse the miss spelling.

It was a cold February, Saterday morning when i walked outside to wait for angela to hiển thị up for our shopping spree. She finnaly showed up right on time at 10:00 like she said. She had a really nice car. I think it was a new ford focus. I cringed at the thought that her car was red but looked like a volvo. I got in. She started to drive away.

"hey angela. How was your night?" I asked

"it was great. Me and ben went to the movie and saw that new romance. He comaplained it was too much of a chick flick."

"Was it that book...
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posted by surfergal
sorry its short. Hope ya like! please tell me what bạn think and rate it please

Everything was back to normal now that I had my memory back. I even could remember what it was like to not remember anything. Soon as I healed all my cuts and the muscle in my leg that I pulled, I went back surfing. Yes, I was freaking out when I went back into the water for the first time. I paddled out to the white water ( where the waves have already broke) and sat there for a little bit. I was trying to get the nerve to go a little bit further out and then again I sat there for a little bit. I started paddling...
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posted by surfergal
Thanks for everyone reading! Do y'all think I should break these stories and put them into a book like hoặc do y'all think that I should keep going with the chapters? Please let me know!

When I woke up Emmet was holding me in his arms and I was breathing really fast. I looked up at face and I could tell that he was scared. Once I got my breath back I started talking.
What's wrong? I ask.
I heard bạn speaking and I came up hear to see who bạn were talking to. Emmet said.
Oh. I sad. He was the only one in the room.
Was I ever what I think is called a rescue swimmer? I ask.
Yeah, why? Emmet ask....
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov

james lead me to my mother

"o darling isn't James just a charming good looking man" my mother đã đưa ý kiến and laugh her fake laugh she us when there was someone around

i just nodded and smile a little

A strange woman that i had never seen laugh
" Oh my good she is amazingly beautiful and modest ,my son, bạn are a lucky man" she đã đưa ý kiến and padded james shoulder

"i know mother" james đã đưa ý kiến stil hildong my waist and pull me even closer to him

i wish edward was here...

but then i realize what they had đã đưa ý kiến james a lucky man because of me??? it sounded like he already own me ... what had my mother...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Edwards thoughts are in CAPS, Zoey's are regular. Sorry if anything is spelled wrong, I am nghề viết văn on my ipod!

We got to the feild. It brought horrible memories.i I didn't seem that long cách đây but it has been at least a năm since I came to witness for Nessie. I didn't do it for Nessie, Bella, hoặc Edward. I did it because I wanted to make Jacob happy, if I really liked him, I would save Nessie for him so I did. Now I was defending for not only my life but everyones' one life. I felt like had so much wate on my shoulders. I was stressing about the so much. Jasper was trying to help but I couldn't...
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renesmee's pov

i was still looking at those beautifull green eyes
noah was here noah was here i thought about that every beat of my heart

we started to get closer bởi little steps
did he also thinks this might be a dream and is also afraid to wake up if we do anything to fast hoặc was this in fact just another of the many dreams i had....

then finally we where face to face. Noah took my hands gently and softly with one of his hands and just as gently as if i was just and ilusion he touch my cheek with his other hand.

"renesmee" he đã đưa ý kiến and sigh it was filled with joy but also with agony

why is he...
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posted by serenacullen93
        1.Graduation ngày

M y name is Serena Paige Watson I’m the middle child in five kids. My father adopted me after finding me at the hospital he work at he found me with no memory. I still go back every năm to see if anyone has came back for me no one has yet but I have hope that they will. I was fifth teen when he found me I was big for my age and still am that was two years ago. My oldest sister Linda cá đuối, ray Watson helped me out when I came her I loved her to death bạn can talk to her about...
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posted by Twilight597
ok so tell me if u like copyright, i dont own nothin

Chapter 3


I left Becky alone until Monday evening. When I walked downstairs, she was still sleeping.

Since she was sleeping, she wouldn’t struggle when I drank.

Becky didn’t wake up until I was almost done, and when she realized what I was doing she started screaming.

I groaned and pulled away.

“You are such a little brat. Believe me hoặc not, when bạn die because bạn have no oxygen from the blood, I’ll laugh and get my rightful place of the crown.” I told her.

“You wont get a crown because bạn belong in an asylum, bạn idiotic...
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posted by RATHBONE07
“I don’t get it. How exactly did bạn save me?” I asked James. He stood in front of me looking embarrassed. His eyes were red with fire, but he wasn’t angry, he was blushing(if a vampire could.)
“I just did. We were passing through, I heard you’re scream, I jumped in and took bạn away from the others. bạn were covered in blood. I couldn’t breathe when I carried you. I left bạn in an abandoned house a week ago. When I went back with Embelline and Laurent bạn were already turned, we brought bạn back here so bạn wouldn’t be terrified when bạn woke up. It didn’t work.” He started...
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posted by RATHBONE07
This ones dedicated especially for XxSasyxX thanks for all your support on this:)) XoXo

“Yes! Yes!” Mary continued to jump. Thomas stood beside her, eyes opened wide. They’re shrieks were piercing. There was nothing I could do at this point. They were almost on me. They’re eyes were a bleeding red, reaching out towards me, begging me to come closer. This was wrong, what they were doing was wrong. There was nothing good about this. My fear was gone, and was refilled with courage. I wasn’t scared, death could come and go, I wouldn’t feel a thing. Mary was laughing Thomas joined. There...
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