The Trix Looking at Dark Bloom!
It was a heavy storm back at Alfea, and all the still Winx nàng tiên not charmix were scared to death. The only people that were asleep were Stella,Flora,Musa, Tecna and Aisha. Basically all the Winx were asleep and used to it. All the Winx except for Bloom. Bloom knew something was strange about this storm. Number 1 there was never any storms at Alfea and number 2, there was a letter 'B' in the sky. This had to be the work of the Trix.
Bloom slowly went to sleep and when she woke up the Trix were staring right in her eyes. Then Icy told her bạn can tham gia the Trix with your power and our power we can rule the magic dimension. Bloom đã đưa ý kiến yes. Her Winx (This is suppost to be when Darkar dies and she still has Charmix.) changed into her Dark version that Darkar gave her for the Relm of Reilix and the Codex. Bloom flew away in her new witch transformation!
Dark Bloom!