Các anh hùng của đỉnh Olympus The Ruins of Rome

LeosGirl posted on Jul 24, 2012 at 11:13PM
Authors: LeosGirl and Book-worm

Summary: The demigods are back! The Greeks are coming to meet the Romans but will they work together or fight against each other? Each demigod has their own problem:
Has Percy moved on from Annabeth?
Is Piper going to lose Jason to Reyna?
Is Reyna going to choose Jason, Percy, or neither?
Is Leo really Sammy?
Does Hazel still love Frank or is she going to fall in love with Leo?
And Gaea. The worst of all.
Is Rome going to prosper? Or is it going to crash and burn as we know it? Are we looking at the ruins of Rome?
There's only one way to find out:
Read on!

Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Jason, Piper, Leo, Reyna, Connor, Travis, Clarisse, Chris, Thalia, Octavian, Frank, Hazel, Rachel, the Camp Counselors, and more.

Disclaimer- Unfortunately for book-work and LeosGirl they don't own this story or the characters, Rick Riordan does): But we do own the plot and some ideas of the story and it makes up for it!


An hour. That's how long I have till I find out if he loves me or not. Even with ADHD the hour doesn't move fast enough. Part of me says he still loves me and can't wait to see him, but the other part of me says that he's forgotten you and you should just get off this mother-ship.
Shut up. I told it.
He loves me. He's gotta remember me...right?
Stop it, I told myself, Thinking like that will-will just break your heart.
Thankfully, Piper walked up.
"You okay?" she asked.
"Honestly, no. I'm about to find out if Percy even remembers me, let alone love me."
Piper nodded.
"I'm sure he-" she started, but she was cut-off by a metal-on-metal screech coming from the engine room.
Leo ran out of the room, that was pouring out smoke.
He was covered in oil and soot. His eyes were red from the smoke. He was coughing and cussing up a storm. To sum it up, he looked like crap.
"Hey, Repair Boy! Shouldn't you be doing your job?!" shouted Piper
"Shouldn't you shut up, Beauty Queen?!" he shouted back.
"What's wrong?" I asked, trying not to inhale smoke.
"Some-" started Leo
"Language!" shouted Rachel
"person," Leo said, glaring at Rachel, "threw a lug wrench in the engine! The lug wrench stopped some gears, the radiator is about to drop and-"
"English!" everyone yelled.
"We're gonna crash!" yelled Leo, "Is that clear enough for ya?!"
"Everyone, grab on to something!" shouted Grover
"Listen to the goat!" shouted Piper
"SSSAAATTTYYYRRR!!!" he shouted as the ship made a steep dive to the ground.
"What in the name of Hades is that?!" shouted Leo
"It's an-" started Jason
"AQUADUCT!" I yelled.
When I came to, I was sprawled on the ground and soaking wet.
Great, another thing to remind me of Percy! I thought
I looked around.
Everyone was the same way.
I tried to get up, but I immediately fell back down. A burning pain started in my ankle and went up my left leg.
Rachel saw.
"Medic!" she called.
Next thing I knew, I was on a stretcher.
"Yup, you sprained it, sweetheart." said an Apollo kid.
I kicked him. With my right leg, of course.
"Oow!" he shouted
"Sorry, sweetheart." I said through clenched teeth.
"Point taken." he grumbled.
"Well, welcome to Camp Jupiter!" said Jason
"Has anyone seen Grover?" I asked
"Found 'em!" said Travis as he threw Grover onto the ground.
"Food!" Grover bleated, coming to.
Piper handed me a set of crutches.
I got up, it hurt, but not as much as missing Percy.
Then I heard it.
A Hunter's horn.
A group of girls ran in. They were wearing white and silver hunting parkas and had their bows drawn. Multiple wolves ran beside them.
The Hunters of Artemis. Thank gods.
A punk rock-looking girl walked up to me with a beautiful white wolf beside her.
"What happened to you?" she asked
"Crashed. Aquaduct. Ankle. Pain." I tried to say while wincing from the pain.
She seemed to understand.
"Dang." was all she said.
"Come on," said Jason, "I wunna show you guys my home."
When I saw it, my heart stopped for a couple of seconds.
Oh man, the architecture was beautiful!
It took me a minute to see the thousands of Roman soldiers, waiting for the order to kill us or not.
A scrawny, white boy walked up, I knew him from Jason's stories.
He glared at me.
I gave it right back to him.
"Kill them while you can! There Greeks!" he shouted.
"No! They are friends, not enemies!"
I knew that voice.
And there he was.
He looked stronger. His black hair gleamed in the sun, his sea-green eyes sparkled, he flashed me his best 'I'm a trouble maker' smile.
Like the Wise Girl I am, I stood there, gaping like an idiot.
"Well, Wise Girl?" he said opening his arms.
I through down my crutches and ran for him.
I didn't even feel the pain.
All I felt was happiness to see his beautiful face again.
He wrapped his arms around me.
I sighed.
It was really Percy!
I didn't want to let go for fear of losing him again.
He pushed me away and then kissed me.
Oh, how I missed that.
I didn't want to, but we broke apart.
"Oh, Seaweed Brain! I missed you SO much! All I could think about was-what are you wearing?!" I said, just noticing his new clothes.
He blushed.
Adorable, I thought.
"Ummm, it's a toga." was all he said.
I laughed.
A girl with long black hair and a warrior-like quality cleared her throat.
She had a weird look in her eye.
Annoyed? No. It was more like- more like jealousy.
"Sorry," Percy said "Reyna, this is Annabeth. Annabeth, this is Reyna."
The girl, named Reyna, softened at Percy's words. She liked him, and I had no doubt that she wouldn't fight for him, but that's okay because if she wants a fight, I'll give her a fight.
I DON'T THINK SO!, I thought.
He's mine!
I held out my hand.
"Hi, Reyna. I'm Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend." I said
She tried to intimidate me by squeezing my hand, hard.
It didn't work.
"Hi, Annabeth, I am Reyna, praetor of Camp Jupiter and Percy's colleague."
She's going down, I thought.
She glared at me.
I glared right back.
"Okkaayy," said Percy breaking us apart, "Why don't you go see Jason, Reyna?"
Reyna softened, again.
Another guy she can't have.
She left to go find Jason.
"Let's go for a walk." said Percy.
We talked forever.
He told me about what had happened the 8 months he was gone.
How terrible. I thought.
I told him about everything that happened up till now.
He looked worried.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said.
He was so faking.
"Percy...?" I asked, sternly.
"It's just...how would a lug wrench get in the engine?" he asked, suspicious.
"Somebody probably just dropped it." I said, trying to keep my voice from wavering.
I was worried now, too.
"I don't know, Annabeth. Sounds weird to me." he said, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
But I knew what he meant.
It wasn't just an accident.
The Argo II was sabotaged.

Các anh hùng của đỉnh Olympus 2554 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
what isnt? i sometimes skip comments, so i have no idea whats going on right now.
hơn một năm qua tristain714 said…
i think they mean school
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
@rainbow-how school takes up so much of our time so we don't have time to write chappies!
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
tell me about it -_-
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
yeah. *sigh* and i have to do color guard the whole week, cuz we have a parade on saturday. and i cant even do a parrallel!
hơn một năm qua tristain714 said…
whats a parrallel
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
Its a kind of toss w/ a flqg. where to toss it above ur head, but it has to be parrellel to the ground. i can do it now though. i was practicing in the afternoon. it seems so easy now! And singles r like a piece of cake! I used to think it was so freakin hard!
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
well i have a music test and imma fail it ... not the best in tht
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
im sure ull do fine.
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
btw, i posted in my forum.
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
I'm gonna go read it!
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
post soon!
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
i read it! and yesss imma fail terribly
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
u sure?
omg! my mom wants me to do the SAT this year! and do CTY so i can skip geometry next year!
and my trumpet teacher wants me to do the all-state competition.
and my piano teacher wants me to the the CM test for piano and theory!
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
Well rainbow girl your just quite the brainiac! I'm jealous, then I wouldnt feel like such an idiot all the time. Everyone is like "I play this and this and this and I do this and this" and I'm like "I play angry birds and write words"
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
well, my mom wants me to cut off some stuff, cuz i do sewing, chinese painting and calligraphy, and dance also.
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
wow! tht's a load...man my whole class hates playing instruments
it's alrite im with u book-worm im an idiot too until it comes to math otherwise im reading or fanopping xD
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
Ahhh, reading and fan popping, two things I excel at(:
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
big smile
hơn một năm qua snowflakes989 said…
hello everyone! ME IS BACK!!!! well for a little while, at least. Rainbow, yoou'll get used to it after a few years(sarcasm). dont worry. with violin, dance, piano, choir, swimmimg, art, orchestra, ballet, SAT classes, and all that, i kinda got used to it.
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
big smile
yep. i can see why.
hơn một năm qua oceanlover123 said…
hơn một năm qua Phoenix_Stone said…

Liz (universalpowa) has officially left Fanpop. =(

I ish sad now. x(
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
me 2! her story was so good! universal is a girl, right?
hơn một năm qua tristain714 said…
did universalpowa delete her account or she just isnt getting on any more
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
@phoenix-AHHHH REALLY?!? Who s going to take over her "ones night mistake forum"!?! I need to know the mistake!
hơn một năm qua LeosGirl said…
Hey guys. I am in a funk. I have multiple tests to steady for and I am a terrible author because I have let you all down. I haven't posted in... Hades knows when. My brain is so screwed up and over-loaded. Right now, I just want to sleep and pray that I never wake back up. Bare with me. I understand if anyone is disappointed or angry with me. I just... I don't know. I need a break... I won't get one for a while. Everyone be prepared for when I crack. I am so sorry... God, I say that too much. I screw up too much. Ugh. Gonna go study and hope my brain doesn't explode from overload.

~A beyond exhausted, Mad Hatter.

P.S. To all teahers and schools: Not loving you so much right now!
hơn một năm qua tristain714 said…
its ok leosgirl !! you and bookworm are the best authors ever , im sure all of us have had been in a
"a funk " before so there is no reason to for us to be angry ;) TAKE A NAP then you will feel better
hơn một năm qua corrected said…
its okay
just take a break and we''ll wait!
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
its okay mad hatter! its like me right now! im sooo busy, i havent had time to work on my new chappie!
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
i heard about Liz ! don't know her fairly well but i noe she's awesomeeeee....she's greatly missed

ello' snowflakes! welcom back at least 4 now...

agreed. haen't even had time to start on my chappie
hơn một năm qua snowflakes989 said…
big smile
hey guys! (n gals) it is possible that i might be able to go on fanpop more often now, maybe, so cross your fingers and wish me luck! i missed all of you guys so much! anyways, universal will really be greatly missed. i didnt really know her, but i know shes great. and mad hatter, take a break! no one told you to be an one man army, so go ahead! (you too, bookworm. and everyone else who needs a break because you all deserve it.)

hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
big smile
SNOW!!!!!! glad ur back!
hơn một năm qua book-worm said…
Do you guys know what my favorite part of writing is? Not typing, not thinking up stories but actually handwriting, pen in hand, paper in front of me with a world of possibilities going through my mind?

I absolutely love the look of my hand when I hurry to write a thought down, the pen bobbing back and forth, I don't know if its just me or what but I love it. What are your favorite parts of writing by hand?
hơn một năm qua snowflakes989 said…
hmm. well, when i write, i usually just type up like a few pages at a time without really thinking, just putting down the plot. then, my favorite part about writing is going back, reading what i wrote carefully, and editing. i usually spend like a few days at a time editing a couple pages and re-reading. but i definitely love hand writing stuff. bookworm, my thoughts exactly!! (i might sound like narcissus here, but) i just like looking at my hand write.
hơn một năm qua Phoenix_Stone said…
Mad Hatter: I hope your school work eases up. :(

Alice: I like that too, but only when I write neatly. xD
hơn một năm qua kkw1700 said…
Pfft. My penmanship SUCKS. I prefer my computer so I can type a bit, then surf. :D

Is anybody here a Pottermore?
hơn một năm qua corrected said…
wtf is a pottermore?
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
big smile
@snow: thats just like me! and i luv ur new pic! its sooo cute!!!!
hơn một năm qua Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
Fortune Cookie: I'm on Pottermore! I was one of the first million! :]
My Username is: PhoenixStone125

Isn't it an AWSHUM website?! =D
hơn một năm qua corrected said…
again! wtf is pottermore?
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
it's a harry potter game thing i think
hơn một năm qua corrected said…
ok thx
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
cool. i guess. but i think PJO and HO is better.
hơn một năm qua LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
ur welcom and so do i ... no offense to HP fans out there
hơn một năm qua tristain714 said…
i haven't read the HP books
hơn một năm qua rainbow_girl said…
me neither. high 5 tristain!!
hơn một năm qua Phoenix_Stone said…
I am not going to compare the books. There's no point. They're both written in the most different styles and are about the most different worlds.
hơn một năm qua corrected said…
they are both GREAT series though
hơn một năm qua Phoenix_Stone said…
Corrected: Agreed. ^(^O^)^
last edited hơn một năm qua