Các anh hùng của đỉnh Olympus The Mark of Athena*

blackNblue posted on Oct 06, 2011 at 01:32PM
Title: The Mark of Athena

Rating: C, I guess, maybe T?

Main Characters: Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Reyna, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel

OC: Mac the Shark, Stephanie, more to come :)

Synopsis: People from Camp Half Blood had finally reached Camp Jupiter! What do you think will happen? Will they unite and fight with each other, or will they kill each other? Find out in The Mark of Athena* by blackNblue. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO, HOO, All rights to Rick Riordan

A/N: Please comment! Thanks :D So guys, I have decided to write a fanfic about the third book in the heroes of Olympus. If you have not yet read the Son of Neptune, try not to read it because it will have lots of spoilers and stuff. So yeah. I don't own TLH, SON, this is all Rick Riordan's
last edited on Apr 11, 2012 at 11:38AM

Các anh hùng của đỉnh Olympus 1397 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
PPPPPOOOOOSSSTTTT!!!!! now we is sads. :'(
hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
yayz new page :)

hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
post post post soon
hơn một năm qua greekroman said…
post soon before zeus will kill u posiden feed u to the fish and hades bring your soul to and boil u in a hot pot of chese.............(^_^)(^_^)jk jk

sorry but remember to post.........
hơn một năm qua greekroman said…

post soon
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a really, really long time! Well I'm working on it now. Really Sorry!
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
Chapter 25

Annabeth’s POV

When I woke up this morning, I thought, finally..I’m gonna get off this camp!

I mean, even thought this looks like the roman counterpart of Camp Half-Blood, I just get this feeling that if the romans had a chance, they would really want to maim us Greeks. Greeks and Romans have a long and bloody history, and if Hera thinks she can fix that in a matter of months, she’s got it all wrong.

Percy was already awake and fixing his things. I just watched him fixing his stuff. He still looks like the guy I had a crush on a few years back. Only he seemed older and more powerful. Sure, he was still my seaweed brain, but he became more serious. Like the Camp Jupiter left its mark on him. He was like a roman soldier. Strong, Loyal and Disciplined.

So yeah, but I guess I’m just being paranoid. I packed my stuff and headed for him. He looked up.

“Hey,” He said. Then he touched my cheek. “Had a good sleep?”

“Yeah,” I kissed him. “You?”

That’s when my eyes moved toward his wrist. A bandaid. I looked back to his eyes. He looked worried.

“Okay Percy, What happened to your wrist?” I said.

“Oh, It’s nothing,” He said. “Someone just accidentally cut my arm.”

I didn’t believe him. I raised my eyebrows. “Really?”

“Yeah.” He stood up and said, “Come on. The others are already at the hall.”

He took my hand and we went to the hall. Everyone was quiet and talking to in hushed voices. We spotted our friends nearby and we sat beside them.

Leo looked up and said, “Big day isn’t it?”

“Shut up and eat, Leo,” Piper said. She glanced at Jason but quickly looked away. Another problem? Maybe..

Tyson and Ella finally arrived. They squeezed between Frank and Percy. “Brothers!!” He said, the ruffled their hairs.

“Tyson!” Percy said. “Hey Ella.”

“Friends! Ten seasons! Ella likes being with friends. With Tyson.” She blushed, glanced at Tyson then looked away. How sweet!

We finished eating and went to get the ship ready when Julia told Percy that Lupa and Chiron wanted to talk to him. He raised and eyebrow at me, but left without another word.

Well, This is the day, the day we start the second great prophecy.
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
Will post again tomorrow, I promise :)
hơn một năm qua PJforever14 said…
awesome chapter!!
hơn một năm qua happyfestus said…
big smile
Yay you're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :)
hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
big smile
Yes your back post soon!!!
hơn một năm qua perceus121 said…
big smile
post soon im new i love your story is it from the real book or not because this is the best book of the mark of athena so far it fabulicious
hơn một năm qua tortillialuvsrr said…
hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
The real book isnt written yet perceus121 because rick riordan is writing it right now. POst soon!!
hơn một năm qua pjnadia said…
thankyou for posting blackNblue that chapter was awesome
hơn một năm qua cApsLock1 said…
hơn một năm qua beba157jello said…
OMG YOU POSTED yayyyy!!!!!
loved the chapter and hope you
post soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hơn một năm qua Thalia67 said…
it was so amazing! loved it!
hơn một năm qua jenn008 said…
I love IT! Please post soon!
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
I'm sorry, changed of plans, will post tomorrow, really sorry, but have to do the stupid investigatory projects. Thanks :)
hơn một năm qua crystalluv4book said…
hi i luv ur story, i had be inspired by u a lot, plz come check out my forum, and plz give my some advice on writing plz blackNblue plzzzz
here is the link
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
Okay, will do, just wait a sec, I'm doing my project :)
hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
O.O post soon!!! that was really good! thanx u for not abandoning us! :)
hơn một năm qua craterlake12 said…
oh my gosh!!!!!!! your storys r a-w-e-s-o-m-e-!!!!!!!! i cant wait until you post again!!!!!!!!
hơn một năm qua percyjwolf said…
big smile

and check my story pls. no pressure
hơn một năm qua mynameis67 said…
honestly that wouldnt be that bad if i die who cares. posiden feeds me to fish sooooooooooooooo. hades puts mme in hoyt cheese i love cheese i eat it all YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
:) Working on next chapter...
hơn một năm qua crystalluv4book said…
thank u!!
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
Chapter 26

Jason’s POV

We all stared at Percy as he followed Julia to speak with Chiron and Lupa. We were frozen in our places. I don’t why, but this is just getting more suspicious.

Frank was the first one to break the silence. “What about Hazel?”

Oh yeah, Hazel. We totally forgot about her. How can we fulfill the prophecy of the seven if we only have six?

“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe we have to reschedule.”

Just then, I heard a voice. “No need to do that.”

We all turned and I saw the person I least expected to see up and running about. Hazel.

She smiled and said, “Nice to see you too.”

Frank hugged her and said, “Oh my gods, Hazel, I’m glad you’re okay!!”

Annabeth scrunched her eyebrows. She seemed to be doing that a lot. “Hazel, I thought the Apollo guy at the infirmary said you would wake up not until next week or so.”

Was it my imagination or did she look guilty?

“Ummm, I actually don’t know what happened. But I just woke up yesterday before Charlie, the Apollo guy, gave me a thumbs up.”

“Well,” I said. “Let’s prepare the boat for our journey.”

So we went inside the boat. Even though I’ve been here about a hundred times, it never fails to amaze me. Hard to believe with jus made them from scratch, almost eight months ago. It was finely made by the Hephaestus’ kids back at Camp Half Blood. As I looked at the masthead, I see Festus, shining against the sun.

The girls went to their rooms to put down their bags. Frank offered to get our bags and put them in our rooms, probably because he knows he probably, accidentally break something.

Leo and I adjusted the ropes and stuff when it dawned on me, how are we going to travel? We have a son of Nep- I mean Poseidon and a son of Jupiter. Poseidon will probably drown me when I just try to step on water and Jupiter will probably blast Percy into a million bits. Great. One of us will probably be dead before we can reach Rome and Greece.

I’m sorta feeling jealous of Percy. Well, SORT OF. If you haven’t noticed, he and Reyna were really close when we came here. I mean, she rarely talks to me now. Unlike before. Why? Maybe because of Piper?

Suddenly, a figure materialized about a foot from me. “Hey guys,” Percy said.

I waved him over. He said, “Lemme guess what you’re thinking, flying or sailing?”

I laughed. “Bingo. You read my mind.”

“Fine,” He grinned. “How about Flying by day, Sailing at night?”

“Deal, you drive at night, me by day.”


The girls came out of the hall. Suddenly Reyna and Queen Hylla came. “Just wanted to wish you good luck,” Queen Hylla said.

“Be careful, and good bye,” Reyna said.

“Good Luck,” Hylla said, her eyes fixed on Percy. They seemed to be having a silent conversation. Slowly, Percy nodded.

They got of the ship and I used my willpower, ascending the ship, leaving the camp, my home.

Sorry if it's short :)
hơn một năm qua percyisthebeest said…
great chapter, thanks for posting! yay 1st 2 comment!
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
yay! post agian soon!!! :)
hơn một năm qua tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
yay!!!!! post soon!
hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
ppppoosososssttt!!!! post!!!!
hơn một năm qua jenn008 said…
hơn một năm qua Jasonfan44 said…
Post soon
hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
post soon!
hơn một năm qua pjnadia said…
awesome chapter! i agree with every body here "post soon"
hơn một năm qua cApsLock1 said…
poost of face my wrath!

hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
hơn một năm qua crystalluv4book said…
post soon!!!!!!
hơn một năm qua percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
AWESOME!! post sooooooooon!!! ;) :)
hơn một năm qua beba157jello said…
i agree too awesome chapter
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLZX
hơn một năm qua ChristineRen said…
post soon!!!!!!
hơn một năm qua ChristineRen said…
hơn một năm qua universalpowa said…
hơn một năm qua demigods4ever said…
please post soon
hơn một năm qua Percabeth137 said…
They dont seem to have really any alone time without him haveing to talk to someone
hơn một năm qua tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
hơn một năm qua ChristineRen said…
big smile
hơn một năm qua blackNblue said…
big smile
Yay,500th post is mine! :)

Chapter 27

Percy’s POV

As the ship ascended, I began recounting the things that happened when I talked with Lupa and Chiron. Julia lead me to the senate house, deliberately FORGOT to mention that Reyna and Queen Hylla were with them. Jeez.

The senate house was deserted except for us five. Chiron beckoned me to sit. So, I did. I leaned into the chair. Who knows? This may be the last time I would ever see these place.

“Percy,” Chiron said. “We called you because we needed to warn you.”

Lupa cleared her throat and said, “A great treasure was lost to us, many years ago. Do you remember the story of Romulus and Remus?”

I nodded. When I was still an amnesiac demigod, Lupa had taken me into her pack, she told me the story almost a thousand times. Apparently, Mars fell in love with this princess of Alba Longa, Rhea Silvia, and they had twin boys, Romulus and Remus. But Rhea Silvia’s father Numitor wanted to kill those baby boys. He had heard a prophecy about his grandsons defeating him and taking the throne. So he took the boys and tried to drown them in the river. But before it was too late, Lupa had found and saved them.

So when they were big enough, they decided to build kingdom on the seven hills. Romulus on the Palatine Hill, Remus on Capitoline. But Remus felt that the gods favored his brother more then him, he got jealous and this led to the war between them, where Romulus had accidentally killed his brother.

Yes, accidentally. Weird right?

“When it was still Romulus’ reign,” Lupa explained. “His brother, Remus had stolen this object and had hidden it. No one knows where he hid it, he died before Romulus knew about that. He keep searching for it, but it was never found.”

Okay, Remus stole something. “What am I supposed to do about it?”

“Well, Percy,” Chiron said. “We need you to find it.”

Huh? “Why?”

Reyna finally spoke up, “We believe that this object can help in this fight.”

“Why me? Why not Jason?” I can’t believe it. I’m on a quest that could possibly get me killed and they want me to search for it?

“You don’t get it Percy,” Hylla said. “You’re the only one worthy enough to find it. According the Livy, the roman historian, Only those worthy enough can find this. He will know when the time is right. So far no one was worthy enough to do so. And we’re hoping it would be you.” She paused.

“So far, you’re one. You accomplished lots of quests, defeated a lot of gods, and you have a brave and loyal heart. You would stand up for your friends. You would sacrifice yourself for your friends, for them to be saved. You don’t want power. You’re humble and yet you’re stubborn when you know you’re right. That’s the qualities that should be seen in a true hero.”

“Okay, okay,” I sighed. “Fine.”

They sighed. As if sounding relieved.

“So what is the object?”

“That’s the problem,” Reyna said. “We don’t know what it is.”


“No one knows. Romulus didn’t mention what the object is. All we know is that we can use it as an asset in the war.”

I rubbed my eyes. Did I mention the contacts that Styx gave me still itch?

“Okay. I’ll find it.”

“Thank you,” Reyna said. She looked relieved.

“Well you better get going, Percy.” Lupa said. “The others are probably ready to sail.”

I stood up, saluted and turned to the door. Then I ran.

So yeah. I got to the ship. We readied the ship and Hylla and Reyna came to say good bye. Hylla looked at me as if she was saying The object, don’t forget.
I just nodded.

Jason ascended the ship as I leaned onto the railing. Funny, I feel fine. Not the usual me when I board a plane. I looked down at camp, turning smaller and smaller as we get higher.

We’re leaving for the quest that might get all of us killed. But it can give as the chance to save the world. I am intend to save the world, and both camps. Both my families.