tham gia chơi các vai ngẫu nhiên Lives Worth Living:Romance RP continued

Directingchicky posted on Jul 07, 2013 at 11:36PM
Past all of the childhood crushes and drama, done with high school and finally earning that graduation cap, several stories that were linked together in some way are finally at that point where they have broken off and created their own new experiences and lives. But what happens when they are slowly linking back together after a high school reunion? People moving back into town, gorgeous wedding ceremonies are being planned...and of course who wouldn't want to introduce their own little bundles of joy?

The drama! -swoons- The humanity! -swoons- The Romance!!!-swoons-

tham gia chơi các vai ngẫu nhiên 1863 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 1801-1850 of 1863

hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
"I think you've had enough kisses for now baby. Order the food." She told him, and easily unwrapped herself out of the blanket and walked bare back to the bedroom.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
"If it was a drug, I would be an addict." she giggled, squirming around in her seat like a child expecting a present.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
Laughing, Sebastian cracked open the boxes of steaming food, plating up a hearty helping for her and himself. "Well there's plenty, dig in." He said seating himself at the table and sliding her plate across to her.
With a sly grin and small sigh the deprived man padded across the kitchenette to the telephone where he dutifully ordered Lobster and a variety of side dishes.
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
Faye slipped into the bathroom, she hadn't been lying about the tub either. It was a jacuzzi, and filling it with warm water and turning in the jets...oohhh wow it was nice. She filled it up and and slipped into the warm water, sighing in bliss.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Libby moved her plate and picked up a fork, winking at Sebastian. Ah, the food. It looked so good it deserved a prize! The rice was steaming hot and pearl white, while the beef teriyaki was calling her name and the crab rangoons caused drool to form. "Sebastian... bless your soul. This is delicious," she moaned inbetween bites. She couldn't remember the last time someone pigged out with her... well, the last time could have been her and Castiel practically inhaling Pad Thai one night while Fate was out with baby Caroline. They didn't see each other a whole lot, but at least they were on good terms and Caroline knew she had an Aunt Libby.
((oh yeah um guys libby is castiel's half sister.... oops. we havent gotten there yet on the romplay but they share the same father.))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((Cutsies aweeee auntie Libby and uncle Sebby.... CUTE GAHSKFLLFLGLDHDHSGGAS))

"So I've redeemed myself from dragging you along on the date from hell last night?" He smiled broadly, thanking God he had steered him down the avenue to the Jade Dragon a favourite of his and Colette's.
After ordering a meal jam packed with shell fish, veggies and plenty of desert, Gavin dressed himself for a comfy evening away from civilization, complete with sweat pants and a baggy ACDC concert tee bought at the concert Dexter had dragged him to for his twentieth birthday.
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
Soon Faye joined him out in the living room, following the smell of food of course. Like her husband, overly large baggy sweatpants rested on her hips, about three sizes too large, and of course her sports bra that she wore pretty much to sleep in nowdays. Her lips formed a wry smile as she smelt the delicious food and hugged her husband from behind, "You ordered us a feast hon."
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
"Yes you have. This meal definitely makes up for last night." she beamed, twirling her fork and relishing every bite.
((No but Seb takes one look at Caroline and goes "I want one." ))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
(( OK the fetus would be like a fricken adorable blonde haired, multi coloured eyed, French American hybrid and AGAHDKFLFLSJG SO CUTE))

With a sigh of sweet relief, Sebastian delved into his plate of steaming foreign delicacies, cramming his cheeks full of rice, saucy vegetables and sweet chicken.
"You deserved it Mrs. Delaware... That and your earring for two." He grinned and folded his fingers through hers gently.
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
"I always thought I ate for two all the time." It was rather true..she ate a lot, enough to get kicked out of a buffet...twice..."Mm...smells amazing. Let's dig in Mr.Delaware."
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"Gladly." Mister replied to Misses with a charmingly sweet smile. He trotted to the small table on the deck with his plate piled high.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((I've already got it all planned out okay, she would run out of the bathroom looking like she just broke out of Jurassic Park and
"Libby, wh-"
And her first words to the lil Libbastian cutie would be "Holy shit" and he would give her a glare so evil but not do anything and I just love those two together okay. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤))
Hoping all this Chinese food wouldn't make her sick, Libby reached for a spring roll and a small pile of white rice, eyeing a fortune cookie at the same time.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((FINALLY! I've been reading all night I finished the works of Edgar Allen Poe, insurgent and started clockwork angel my feelings are so messed up even a slice of dauntless cake wouldn't help.))
(( and omfg how adorable I can't wait for baby. AGAHDKFLFLSJG it has to be blonde like its baby daddy.))
((What are we gonna fucking call it? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤))

"I think I'm in love." Sebastian murmured as he propped his chin up on his fist as dreamily stared at his vixen as she so attractively wolfed down her food. He had yet to find a woman with an actual stomach and wasn't afraid to eat her fill. It was so cute too the way she nibbled on a spring roll and absolutely sexual when she licked that excess rice from her lip.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((omG CUTEALSJFLAJFLAKFL yes dad's blond hair
umm... girl: tiffany? ava? brittany (or any other spelling)? delilah?
boy: logan? luke? adam? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤))
Libby looked up and stared at Sebastian. "Did you say something?" she asked once her mouth was clear, wiping the corners of her mouth and grabbing her water bottle and drinking plenty of it.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
(( there isn't enough dauntless cake in the world to quell the rage in my heart))
(( let's make it a little boy a cutie patootie who loves bunnys and cake just like his daddy and constantly craves the heavy weight of Chinese food on his tounge like his maja))

"No not at all, just that I find you stunningly attractive. You have an appetite and a cat. Your absolutely gorgeous." He sighed again in his blissful state simply enjoying staring at her like a school boy would gush and crush over his class mate.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((Logan it is. Wow he is gonna be soooo fucking adorable ❤❤❤
and they should get married while she's pregnant but not too pregnant.))
Libby was extremely flattered as Sebastian gushed about her again. "And you are my favorite boyfriend, by far. I mean, you have a bunny and can cook and I could stare at you all day if I wanted to."
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((OKAY AGEHDKSKS YAY like kinda showy but not and then people will be mean and judge LIBBASTIAN because
"Oooo looka at them their only getting hitched cause she's preggers"
But Sebastian's like "bitch please she's the sexiest, hungriest, quirkiest, most absafuckinloutley adorable American I've ever married."))
"Stare all you like I won't be going anywhere for a while, if you'll have me." He grinned giddily and forked another forkful of noodles into his mouth, chewing slowly as he spoke around them,"and only if I get my promised cuddle."
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((Omfg Sebastian you fucking sweetheart that's perfect ❤❤❤❤
I'm trying to think... what would she be like while pregnant? Carter is the crankiest and most emotional and gets sick the most, so... Libby would just feed every possible craving and Cas would tease her like "Oh my god you're gonna get so fucking fat" *cackles* ))
"Sounds like a plan." Libby replied, taking one last crab rangoon and finishing it in a minute flat. "Well, I'm done. Thank you so much for this, Seb."
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
(( and Sebby baby would constantly cook for his woman, he'd fret over her everytime she sneezed a whittle... Awweeeee))

He blushed softly at being called Seb. She was even cuter with her nicknames and giggles. "No problem, Libby bibby." Sebastian planted a quick kiss on her cheek before gathering the plates in his arms and returning them to the sink.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((AwwwWWWWWWWwwwwww my heart is legit melting right now))
Libby giggled as he chose a nickname for her. "That's a new one... not sure if I like it," she shrugged, closing up the boxes of leftovers and stacking them in the fridge.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"Well we can pick a new one if you don't... I thought it was cute." He pouted profously and playfully as he began running water in the sink, ducking low to retrieve dish soap from the cupboard.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
"Well, it is kinda cute. But I wouldn't want it to be my nickname forever. Like, I can call you Seb when you're old but I wouldn't want to be called Libby bibby when I'm old. Libby is a nickname anyways. My real name is Elizabeth." she explained, taking the clean dishes and drying them.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"I'll call you elizibeth then when your old but for now you are... Libby bibby." He said persistently as he shifted his hands into the soapy dish water.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Libby groaned, flicking a bubble at him and getting a mischevious look in her eye.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
His eyes narrowed with a mischeviouness playfulness dancing in his sapphire iris'. "What was that for Libby bibby?"
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((Does Logan Gabriel St. James sound good? I'm sorry I'm being a dork about this but I wanna find pictures and I want them to do cutesy stuff once he arrives and they're happily married))
"No reason." she replied, scooping up a handful of soapy water and slapping it on his face before scurrying across the room, shrieking with laughter.
((*whispers* They should end up on the floor half-naked, covered in soap and crying of laughter.))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
(( aweeeee they gon be preeeeeeeecious ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤))

"Mother of God you awful American woman! Libby bibby you are so paying for that!" He wiped bubbles and dirty dish water from his chin before scooping up a handful of bubbles and charging after her, successfully rubbing the bubbles into her chocolate curls.

hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Libby let out the most dramatic gasp possible, whirling around and narrowing her eyes into slits. "My hair is off limits, bitch." she growled, cheeks covered in bright pink. She went straight for the bottle of dish soap and squirted it at his tee shirt, cackling. "Take that, Sebastian!"
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"This is my favourite Pink Floyd shirt!" He shrieked girlishly and and reached into the sink retrieving a water filled bowl and tipping it over her head and laughing wildly.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
She squealed as the water splashed right onto her head, sinking to her knees with maniacal laughter. Still holding onto the bottle of soap, she squeezed it and aimed at the floor, praying her genius plan would work.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
All it took was a single step and he was flat on his back, covered in the green dish soap and dirty water of their battle. "Man down! Abort abort!" Sebastian groaned as his head lolled to the side.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Libby cackled triumphantly, scooting around on her hands and knees. "Gotcha." she purred, playing with the stuff like a kid in a sandbox.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"The spell of death is up on us..." He groaned dramatically and draped his hand over his forehead,"good bye Libby bibby we will meet again in the next life!"
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
"Yeah yeah," she giggled, rolling over and playing with the neckline of his shirt.
((she can laugh all she wants
and talk like a big shot
but she is awful in bed
libby williams cries her way through sex))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((Sebastian only has sex with his socks on.))

"Now I'm soaked and chilled to the bone with not a single change of clothes. Thank you." He popped open a closed eye and reached his own hand up to play with her soaked hair.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((That's perf))
"Aww, you're welcome." she said, faking a babyish pout as he stroked her damp hair. "So now what do we do?"
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"What do you propose we do Libby bibby?" Sebastian smiled amiably up at his little vixen, captured completely by her multi coloured eyes.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
"You can't keep those clothes on all day." she murmured, transfixed on him and him alone.
((rawr rawr hungry kitty libby))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
"You can't keep your clothes on either mon amour not if I can't." He cooed and and brushed chocolate tresses over the other side of her neck, leaving the unblemished plane of her skin clear and visible to him.

((He wants her. He wants to make his Libby kitty purr))
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
((Wow me-ow Sebastian she's going to purr alright))
Libby shivered as his fingers brushed her hair over with the lightest touch imaginable. "Fine. No clothes for me, no clothes for you. Does that work?" she asked, voice dropping.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
""Lets get started." He smiled, lips quirking up in a devious smile as his voice dropped as well, a seductive whisper while his fingers played with the hem of her damp shirt.
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
((Okay yeahhh....anyway wantt o fill me in. I'm in class and can't post right away.))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((LIBBASTIAN had a bubble fight and now they are getting busy))
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
((But...but...Colette...:'(. And what happened with Favin? Just want to time skip them?))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
((If ya want! You start :)
hơn một năm qua Directingchicky said…
((How far?))
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
(( hmm... Going home?))
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Libby contained a small, excited gasp as his fingers moved quickly. Cautiously, she reached and fooled with his belt buckle, fingertips barely touching his stomach.
hơn một năm qua Demeter13 said…
Oh she was a tease. She wouldn't touch his feverish skin as he tugged her shirt from her torso, delight evident as his anatomy slowly rose to the occasion. Sebastian slid a long fingered hand across her rib cage as he eyed the brazier that covered her chest.
hơn một năm qua flabaloobalah said…
Her breath caught in her throat, hands situated on his shoulders as he eyed her covered chest; his skin was warm to the touch. "Um... should we stay here, on this slippery floor? Or... bedroom?" she asked, her chest rising and falling rapidly, mouth open just a bit.