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Please no Misty bashing, I am a fan.(Ash's Pov)

1. Apparently, she doesn't like me getting her lost.

2.She doesn't like it when i ditch her, I wonder why.

3. Oh, remind me never to tell her, that if I was togepi's trainer, it would know thêm moves.

4. For some reason, I am not aloud to like Giselle.

5.Don't EVER try to scare her, bạn will get hurt BADLY!

6.I remember when I asked her how she could be related to her beautiful sisters. Now, that DID NOT turn out well.

7.O.o Two simple words "Perfume Shop". Heh, heh, i guess that wasnt the best idea. But i was just trying to stop her from wasting her money.

8.Note to self, don't ever tell Misty that she actually looks like a girl. Don't wanna go through the 'Beauty and the Beach' thing again.
Few things are as predictable in Pokemon (excluding Brock chasing after girls) as the Team Rocket Motto. Our yêu thích villains will always appear at least once per episode and recite their infamous khẩu hiệu (usually before getting blasted away bởi Pikachu hoặc another Pokemon). bạn know it's coming as soon as bạn hear that famous theme âm nhạc signifying the "Prepare for trouble!" "And make it double!"

Team Rocket loves to pose and recite their bit of nonsense whenever possible, especially at inopportune times (like when they're attempting to sneak into a building). Meowth is skeptical of the motto's...
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posted by AKetchum01

The team has reached Eterna City, just before the contest! But, there was a problem, the score board wasn't working! So, with a slight change of plans, the team heads to the Eterna City Gym! But...

"Now, we can wait in da plants for da contest to start, then swipe the Trainer's Pokemon!" Meowth exclaimed. Team Rocket was waiting for the contest to start, but they didn't know about the delay!
"I have a feeling that we should be at the Gym." James said.
"Here we are!" Max said.
"This is a 3-on-3 Gym." Ash said.
"That's not good! I only have 2 Pokemon!"...
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Misty had been at her gym, waiting for something to do. Suddenly she got an idea I have an idea! I can call up Serena and maybe Dawn, May, and Iris will want to come along with me too. đã đưa ý kiến Misty After making her decision, she began calling Serena. Serena! đã đưa ý kiến Misty Misty! What's up? Did bạn want to hang out? asked Serena Yeah. I actually wanted to have a night out on the town. đã đưa ý kiến Misty Okay. There's Lumoise City that has lots of shops and restaurants for us to check out. đã đưa ý kiến Serena Yeah! That sounds like a good city to check out! đã đưa ý kiến Misty Who else did bạn want to invite? asked Serena...
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After I have heard the news about Ash being officially gone and no longer being the main character hoặc the protagonist of the anime series, I decided to make this bài viết because I wanted to share about my thoughts on both Ash's departure and for the new anime that is coming out soon on the tiếp theo year. Before the new Gen 9 anime was announced, I have some strange feelings that Ash will no longer continue staying as the main character after I saw him winning the Pokémon World Championship against Leon and became the new world champion because that battle felt like that is going to be the end...
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In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Giratina has its own theme!! (Like Platinum)
Origin Forme is also seen too.
As people received their copy early, everything has leaked.
bạn can listen to it from the link below
Ash Ketchum Baby Daddy Ch 2: Carnivals, Phone Calls and Songs, Oh My!

(Serena got out of the pool and Iris, May, Dawn, and Misty got out walked to her.)
May: Well how was your ngày with Ash?
Serena: (Blushes) It was sooooo wonderful! We are sooo in love!
Georgia: (Walks up with her clothes on) Aw looks like Ash and Serena are together with a bad fashion trend!
Iris: Oh really? I thought the bad fashion trend is what you're wearing!
(All of the 5 girls even Burgundy laughed! Georgia glares at Burgundy.)
Burgundy: Was I not allowed to laugh at that one?
Georgia: YES!
Misty: Let's go to Professor Oak's...
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Ash, Misty, and Brock had been passing through on their way through Olivine City when they saw a boy and a girl who Ash and Misty recognized as Ralph and Emily and who Brock had no idea about. The two were in a battle when out of no where a smoke bomb dropped down and the smoke cleared revealing Team Rocket, who planned to steal Nidorino and Nidorina to sell them to their boss. After being told to leave, Jessie refused to give up and sent in Arbok to make the two comply, which went down after only one Thundershock from Pikachu. With that, they left and didn't get far when a wild Nidoqueen stopped...
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posted by GabsSaw
This is an bài viết that is ALL about Electric pokemon, so if I miss any, please let me Know in the các bình luận section below. Now, let us begin!

Pikachu: It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is someyimes struck bởi lighning in this pose.

Raichu: When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes thêm aggressive.

Voltorb: It was discovered when poke balls were introduced. It is đã đưa ý kiến that there is some connection.

Electrode: It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname "The Bomb Ball".

Electabuzz: Electricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its body glows a whitish blue.

Jolteon: Every hair on its body starts to stand on end if it becomes charged with electricity.
posted by sturmelle15
Ash, Brock, and Misty were making their way through Johto, with Pikachu in Ash's arms and Togepi in Misty's arms as usual until they heard familiar voices in town. Hey! I know those two! Those were the two trainers whose Electabuzz and Scyther got into a brawl. đã đưa ý kiến Ash They got into town and saw the two side's pokemon brawling with each other. Hey. I got an idea! Let's get our pokemon to battle their pokemon. suggested Ash I don't think that's a good idea. advised Brock . Why would the kids want to battle the Yas and Kaz Gym? asked James. I don't know,but they could use our help. đã đưa ý kiến Jessie...
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After a long walk Satoshi and company arrived at the Machida con sóc, sóc Park front gate “Wow” đã đưa ý kiến Satoshi and Kasumi in union upon seeing the beautiful decorations of the party, while Yukio grinned. “I going to find the mayor and have I chat with him, bạn two go on ahead”, đã đưa ý kiến Yukio and he walked away leaving his grandson and Kasumi at the park entrance. Satoshi and Kasumi looked at each other, both having a slight blush on their face. “Listen, I know this seems weird but…” before Satoshi could continue she quickly spoke, “I understand Satoshi-kun were are just Những người bạn and we...
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an bài viết for this episode. In this episode, Ash was still disappointed that he had Mất tích in the final round and didn't feel like doing anything but sitting on his giường and worrying about it. Then Misty came to him to cheer him up but Ash was still in denial that he pissed her off and they started fighting until Pikachu electrocuted them to stop fighting anymore. But the TV was suddenly turned on bởi Pikachu's electricity which showed the announcer announcing the tiếp theo round which Ash and his friends...
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an bài viết for this episode. In this episode, Ash had promised Ritchie that they would have the "best" battle for Pokémon League, but he was late in coming to the league because of Team Rocket wanting to catch Pikachu with a trick they played on him is that Jessie called him on the phone with a "voice changer" device to pretend to be Ritchie and their trick worked when Ash reached the trap and saw "Ritchie" waiting for him, but suddenly they threw a net at him and Pikachu and he realized that...
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 Pokemon Live! Album
Pokemon Live! Album
(Giovanni appears on the screen)
Giovanni: Attention, Pokemon Trainers. We announce the Diamond Badge. The diamonds are the most valuable things in the world. And the Diamond Badge it's the hardest to get in the world, and there is only one. There is only one way to win it. There is only one way to get it. bạn have to defeat me and my Pokemon in a Pokemon Battle, if bạn can. Visit the website www.DiamondBadge.com and download the map to the gym. The Diamond Badge, it's waiting for you. (Laughs evilly)

Ash's room
(Ash is in bed, sleeping)

Delia: (Offstage) Ash, hurry up! Professor Oak is waiting!...
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posted by Merwolf
Over the years many people have asked the question, "what gender is Ash's pikachu?" Some say male, some female, and some say "it."

All through the years of my pokemon journey I have been studying the hormones of ash's Pikachu and stand bởi what I have always believed, that ash's Pikachu is a female. here is a danh sách of evidence I have to support that.

1. Pikachu has shown a great deal of female hormones such going crazy, being irritable, screaming, and snapping at others when upset, just like girls often do when upset, dealing with drama, and/or PMS'ing

2.Pikachu has always shown a very mothering...
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Here's how I divided into 6 different announcer di chuyển phases:

<insert phase here> bởi <insert di chuyển here>:
Shadow Force(KO): Complete destruction bởi Shadow Force!
Seed Flare: Ripped into bởi Seed Flare!
Magma Storm (KO): Incinerated bởi Magma Storm!
Crush Grip: Smashed bởi Crush Grip!
Spacial Rend: Torn apart bởi Spacial Rend!
Roar of Time: Ripped bởi Roar of Time!
Head Smash: Slammed bởi Head Smash!
Wood Hammer: Pounded bởi Wood Hammer!
Stone Edge: Sliced bởi Stone Edge!
Rock Wrecker: Demolished bởi Rock Wrecker!
Power Whip: Lashed bởi Power Whip!
Leaf Storm: Torn up bởi Leaf Storm.
Draco Meteor: Pounded...
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posted by Pokegal4life
Here are the memories Ash, Jessie, James, and Dawn have had before they released a Pokémon, gave them to someone else for training, hoặc almost released a Pokémon and why they released them, gave them to someone else, hoặc almost released them.

Pokémon that have been released

* Ash's memories of Butterfree in "Bye Bye Butterfree"

1. Ash catching Butterfree when he was a Caterpie in "Ash Catches a Pokémon"

2. Caterpie evolving into Metapod in "Ash Catches a Pokémon"

3. Meatpod evolving into a Butterfree in "Challenge of the Samurai"

4. Ash and Butterfree battling against Misty's Staryu in "The...
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Ash, Brock, and Misty were passing through Ecruteak City for a cỏ Pokemon tournament. Erika was also taking part in the contest. Ash entered with Bayleef. Erika entered with her Tangela. They entered the stadium and began their battle. Team Rocket were outside the stadium discussing their plan. This could be our lucky day. đã đưa ý kiến Jessie Huh? What do bạn mean? asked Meowth What i mean is if we were to take part in this cỏ Pokemon tournament, we could win some Leaf Stones. đã đưa ý kiến Jessie Why win them when we could just steal them? asked James Oh yeah. That could be another option. đã đưa ý kiến Jessie...
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Welcome to the Misanko region! The Misanko Region is known for its beautiful and exotic Pokemon, and thick wonderful forests and oceans.

The Misanko regions, has its set of its own pokemon, and lots of other pokemon from different regions also.

The gym leaders are known all around the Pokemon world, and have single battles up to quadruple battles! Depending on how many pokemon the trainer has.

The first Town bạn will encounter in the Misanko Region is Maxus Town.

In Maxus Town bạn find:

Prof. Holly's lab
-You are able to pick a starter from the Misanko starters. Mifoxus-Fire, Sharmilade-Grass, and...
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Satoshi the ten năm old boy, still very surprised of ending up in a dark forest. “Man this forest is so creepy; I can’t stop looking at its trees”. He kept on staring at the unnatural looking trees, and then he shook his head. “No wait, I can’t waste my time looking at these trees, I’ve got get out of this place”, he hung the cái ví, ví tiền around arm and started walking through the forest, hoping to find some help.

Satoshi was moving in a slow pace, due to the mist he could barely see the ground, but he knew on thing that the ground was wet, almost covered in dead leaves. “Man, it’s...
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