My Little ngựa con, ngựa, pony - Friendship is Magic Club
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added by BirdoFan77
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by seuris
Source: Rarity
added by seuris
Source: Rarity
A while ago, I made a danh sách on my cutest characters. Now I made a danh sách on the prettiest.


This is pretty much my opinion on the prettiest characters. This danh sách may hoặc may not surprise you


10) Applejack

9) Rarity

8) Gilda

7) cầu vồng Dash

6) Twilight Sparkle

5) Trixie

4) Fluttershy

3) Princess Celesta

2) Zecora

1) Princess Luna
added by karinabrony
added by sweet_cream
Source: PluckyNinja on deviantart
added by karinabrony
added by sarhasla
Source: me
added by pEnELoPe3six
Source: MLP: FiM wiki
added by patricksl
 Sad Derpy D:
Sad Derpy D:
I heard About Derpy "kicked" From MLP and it soo sad. Some Bronys in Poland start make somethink like "Save Derpy người hâm mộ Group" and I Think Will All countries have somethink like this and someone do something huge about it AND Hasbro see this, they maybe MAYBE get Derpy back to show... dont know but one is complete know... MLP FIM maybe coming to... end... dont want end of FIM. Its End of MLP FIM hoặc Its have LARGE changes LAAARGE... There Some Promosals from me about "changes" in MLP FIM. Maybe ALL 6 Ponies going to be alicorns like Twilight? hoặc In Sad end its going be characters change? Guys do bạn want characters change because i dont want see someone eleses in MLP FIM. The Changess coming...and it can be drastic changes for bronys...

(sorry For My English I From Poland)
posted by shadowknuxgirl
Twilight was starting to lose her breath. Now that Applebloom was taller, it was hard trying to catch her, since her legs were twice as strong as Twilight's. "C'mon Applebloom! A bath isn't so bad!" the tired unicorn shouted. Applebloom looked back towards Twilight, "It is too! Now stop chasing me!!!" As they ran even more, their chase scene was interrupted bởi a loud "BOOM"! It roared across the sky, Twilight and Applebloom stopped and looked up. It was truly a sight to behold. A spectrum of màu sắc shot through the sky in all directions. They both looked in awe at the almost blinding rainbow...
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added by TimberHumphrey