I, AM A WHITE BOY. I am not stupid. I know evil when I see it, and what those evil white devils did, was CRUEL!!! I tình yêu all people! African-american, Chinese, British, Italian, Jewish, Mexican, Indian, native-american, fat, skinny, short, female, male, tall, deaf, blind, disabled, foreign, young, old, christian, Buddhist, atheist, catholic, straight, gay/bi/ lesbian, animals, ALL!!!!!!
I stand with MLK. They abused his people, they abused me. I step in his footsteps. R.I.P. King.
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
martin luther king i think bạn are awesome. Thank bạn so much me and family are pueto rican and domiancan. And the white hate black and italan hate us. My dad had to fight them off. Thankyou
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
dear Martin Luther King JR- I know bạn probably wont read this but i just need to say i am sorry for all the evil my stupid ancestors put bạn and every other black person through and I do hope bạn for give me...
Uhhh Slavery? I think bạn mean Segregation...maybe share-cropping? Slavery in America ended about a hundred years before...but still Amen:) The man was an AMAZING admirable person!hơn một năm qua
hiển thị your support for Martin Luther King on Creating History's hàng đầu, đầu trang Ten Most Influential Men. link Write in 'Martin Luther' in the first name column and 'King' in the last name
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I had wept when i watched Dr.king's last speech, he talked as if he knew it was the last speech. If bạn listen to it he says," i don't know what would happen now but he have some difficult days ahead, but it really dont matter w/ me now because I've been to the mountain top, i dont mind like anybody i would like to live a long life....but I'm not concerned about that now, i just want to do GOD's will, and he's allowed me to go up to the mountain and i looked over and i seen the promise land...."
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