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added by Cinders
added by AudreyFreak
added by AudreyFreak
On July 11th, cáo, fox News' Kelly File featured a focus group to talk about the Dallas Shootings, Protests, Black Lives Matter, Obama, Race and more. This was in direct response to increasing tensions between the police and specifically the Black US population. If bạn know anything about me, bạn probably know how important I believe it is that people keep talking in a constructive manner in order to come to real solutions. This is why I do not like hypocrisy when it comes to tolerance. I just happen to believe in beating ngọn lửa, chữa cháy with water, not with thêm ngọn lửa, chữa cháy as I believe it only fuels it and makes...
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added by ThePrincesTale
Source: I've tried looking but to no avail!
added by Cinders
Source: Unknown - Please Advise
added by pandawinx
Source: Please imform for further detail
added by Cinders
Source: FunnyJunk.Com
Fame Doesn't Make bạn Rich... hoặc Happy - Viki King via
los angeles
 ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
85 percent of the time, I like to think the world's a wonderful place. we have tecnology and nature all rolled into one delicious sushi-package, we all have different place to visit and new things to learn. most of the time, the world's a very pleasent, innocent place to be. But 15 percent of the time, horrible things happen. people crash planes into buildings, tecnology is faulty, nature is being destroyed and the odd teenager sometimes drops a baby bomb on her parents and boyfriend. but only very ocassionally...
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added by ThePrincesTale
The Republicans as well as a personified hairball some cat coughed up thảo luận tonight. Though there are only five of them still in the race whittled down from an impressive seventeen before the primaries, it's hard to know what they're really for and against beyond all the rhetoric.

The Democrats have a completely different pickle. Their party is divided between two candidates who can't stop agreeing on everything, and yet insist they are different from each other.

So what does this really mean? Your very own political pundit is here to break it down for bạn in as unbiased a way as I can possibly...
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posted by MajorDork74
 Such terrific guidelines for life!
Such terrific guidelines for life!
Spiritual Examples

Genesis contains accounts of many characters who tried to follow God. The Bible never glosses over human mistakes nor pretends the godly way is easy. It exposes the wrinkles and flaws of God's people. Of the chief characters in Genesis, Adam is the first sinner, Abraham lies to protect himself, and Jacob is a conniver. Yet God works through their frailty to teach them, and us, about himself. People like Joseph give us sterling examples of how to avoid temptations and concentrate on what really counts in life.

How God Works

God can seem unpredictable from our limited human perspective....
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added by Dragonclaws
Source: Marlise Richter
added by Cinders
Source: Unknown, please advise
 An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
An add mocking "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" at Georg Mason University, 2007
I found myself typing a long reply to one of MajorDork74's các bình luận on his link. If you're too lazy to click on the link, the image is a bumper sticker which says "If it's OK to call bụi cây, cây bụi, tổng thống bush Hitler, then I say it's OK to call Obama Muslim."

And the general response was, "Call him whatever bạn want, but this statement doesn't make sense... how is being a Muslim as bad an insult as being called Hitler? I'm sure bạn can think of worse and thêm accurate things to call Obama."

The Major returned with, and I quote: "Obama does a lot of things that people do not know about. How do bạn know he does not...
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added by yayasis