fanpop Users I googled MY name and found Chel instead!

Cinders posted on Sep 18, 2008 at 06:15AM
So everyone googles their name every now and then. Mine being fairly uncommon, about 60-70 percent of the results are generally related to, well, me. Obviously, my facebook profile was the first result.

But check THIS out! The next result was Chel's facebook. On top of that, in the description, it listed johnminh and alinazeer in the description. I would post a screen cap, but I'm not sure how sensitive people are about their names or whatever. The point is, it really surprised me, mostly because none of my OTHER friends' facebook pages came up. AND because two OTHER fanpoppers were the only other friends listed in the description.
last edited on Sep 18, 2008 at 06:17AM

fanpop Users 3 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua hellgirl223 said…
i searched my name only 5 results came up and yes theyre all me =]
hơn một năm qua marissa said…
lol, taht's pretty weird!

Cinders, I meant to tell you, I was getting some Rent icons when I saw one of your comments. I saw your picture and though "gee whiz, that sure does look like Cinders!" and sure enough you were talking about Fanpop!

Just thought I'd let you know, lol
hơn một năm qua Spotty_Vision21 said…
Mine is really common. Sarah brings up a ton. Even with the last name thrown in.