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Welcome to my bài viết and hope bạn enjoy it.
So, I made a yêu thích princess countdown a while ago, and decided to post results today.
I choose placements based on fanpopers sự bỏ phiếu on each princess.
Ex. Mulan 1st place - 5 votes, 3rd place - 7 votes, 5th place - 2 votes.
So average score for Mulan would be 3.
The princess with biggest average score is last, and lady with lowest - first.
If I know which fanpoper had picked princess I write his/hers ID tiếp theo to placement
Ex. Ariel - x place - x sự bỏ phiếu - x fanpoper.
I added all các bình luận from số phiếu bầu (and mine from today that weren't published...
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Hi, I've decided to make some các bài viết to bring back this spot to life and I really enjoy making analysis, so here is first part of MBTI posts.
Hope that you'll enjoy it :)

- Act before thinking (or do both things at the same time)
- Don't mind ,,shallow'' relationships/talks
- Prefer spending time with others
- Talk thêm than listen
- Doesn't have trouble with expressing themselfs
- Confident
- Makes Những người bạn easily
- Likes expressing their secrets and feelings to not-very-close people
- Enjoy talks about everything and nothing
- Outgoing and enthusiastic

Snow White actually fits that description...
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posted by JefefrsonFan99
Although it is quite true that Maleficent is indeed the Big Bad of Sleeping Beauty, there are hints that another antagonist, not evil villain, people might overlook. His name is King Stefan. Princess Aurora's father who rules France.

He is Responsible for Maleficent's Curse on Aurora:
King Stefan invited all the Ladies, Lords, King Hubert, Prince Phillip and the Three Good nàng tiên to Aurora's christening, except for Maleficent without Stefan himself confessing his reason why he didn't invite her. After Maleficent curses Aurora, he shows no remorse for his mistake.

He Poorly Handled the Situation...
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With the pending release of two “Snow White” revamps, boasting Kristin Stewart and Lily Collins in the leading roles – I began to wonder: look-wise, who could fill the shoes of the other 9 princesses? And after exhausting Google image, I’ve found my answer. These celebrity-princess doppelgangers share thêm than merely eye and hair colour; in fact, many are practically identical. Give their faces and features thêm than a quick glance and I promise you’ll agree.

 Amanda Seyfriend as Rapunzel
Amanda Seyfriend as Rapunzel

This is the only picture I can’t claim credit for – but kudos to its maker for pairing...
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posted by Swanpride
Since Mulan is princess of the month, here some thoughts about which hoa fits her the best. The movie, after all, offers some choices. The most obvious one is the magnolia, since that’s the translation of the name Mulan.

Then there is the white hoa Mulan wears in her hair when she meets the matchmaker – the same hoa she leaves behind when she goes to war. I’m not sure what kind of hoa that’s suppose to be. I first considered lotus (since the lotus is such a reveled hoa in Asia and gets often connected to the gods), but a lotus has thêm petals. A white quả anh đào, anh đào blossom...
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Aladdin: So here we were, early 1990's, and the Disney Renaissance was at its peek. The studios had produced two of the highest grossing animated films of all time and still were pushing on. However the team suffered a tragic loss with the death of lyricist Howard Ashman who surprisingly had had a large amount of creative input on the trước đó two films. (He named Ariel) It was even his idea to make the tiếp theo Disney animated feature, Aladdin released on November 25, 1992. However, much to the disappointment of many, this would be the last picture to showcase a royal fairytale princess for the...
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1. The outside of the palace is inspired bởi the Taj Mahal.

2. The word "Agra" is in the name Agrabah. Agra is a city in INDIA.

3. Rajah is a tiger. hổ are a symbol of INDIA.

4. Lotus fountains (like the one we see when we're first introduced to Jasmine) are an Indian thing.

5. "Abu" is an Indian name.

People complaining about Naomi being cast as hoa nhài because she's Indian need to educate themselves.

If bạn want a version of Aladdin và cây đèn thần with hoa nhài being played bởi a Middle Eastern woman, then major in film and get a film degree. It's not Disney's job to please you.

As for the people complaining...
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posted by Renegade1765
 I know Anna isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
I know Anna isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
On December 21st 2016 (Technically 23 because I accidentally hit "Unpublish and Save" and had to chỉnh sửa it.), I wrote an bài viết wherein I listed of 40 of my yêu thích fan-arts of Elsa. It was her birthday, and wanted to write an bài viết where I listed the contributions of other Elsa fans, as a tribute/gift.
Today is June 21st, Anna's birthday, and because I tình yêu her almost as much, I want to danh sách off 40 of my yêu thích fan-arts of Anna, to hiển thị that she's a wonderful character that deserves just as much credit as her sister.

When I became a người hâm mộ of Frozen, it was because of Elsa. Heck, I used...
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Hello, I'm PrueFever, a 32 years old guy from Denmark and a Major Disney Fan! My all-time yêu thích Disney Movie is The Little Mermaid, Walt Disney's 28th full-lenght animated classic from 1989. I just tình yêu all the characters in the movie, the songs, the score and the animation. I grew up with Mermaid, it was the first Disney Movie I saw, so there's definitely nostalgic reasons as well, I'm not gonna deny that! I can always watch the movie and my mood goes up 100%! It never fails to amaze me. Also, the voice actors in this movie is spetacular! Jodi Benson is great as Ariel and even greater as...
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posted by TheMusicalMolls
I haven't done a ranking in a while, so here ya go. This bài viết is dedicated to the amazing animators of Disney who gave us wonderful character designs and, sadly, unrealistic hair expectations! (*cries because my hair will never be as cool as DP hair*)

That being said, although every princess has beautiful hair, some manes are better than others. This is my opinion of their hairstyles, ranked worst to best.

12. Tiana

I find Tiana's hairstyles quite disappointing. As the first black princess, and being absolutely gorgeous at that, the animators could have done lots of cool things with letting...
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Okay so I have read multiple places on here that "Ariel just left her family for some guy she barely knew" and variations thereof. I coincidentally enough just watched this film within the last tháng and remember it very freshly so I would like to contribute my opinion on this matter. First though, I would like to remind people: These Disney Princess films do not take place in a modern time and setting. Most of them take place over a 100 years cách đây and are during a time when most people were dead bởi 40 and half weren't even making it that long. To put it in perspective, the equivalent of a woman...
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I was looking through my các bài viết and realised I didn't have an bài viết in which I examined Ariel in depth. I decided to amend that bởi nghề viết văn about a subject it's fun to think about - Ariel's màu hồng, hồng dress.

Most những người hâm mộ can agree (I think) that the dress looks quite bad on Ariel. There are several reasons for this: the sleeves are ridiculously puffy and makes her arms look misshapen and the shaping of the váy looks... Odd. I just think it's too puffy and big in general.

Another được ưa chuộng reason for the dress looking odd is that a red hair/pink dress combo doesn't work:

However, I...
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One of the best things about Disney princess films are their princesses(obviously) and songs. As a singer, âm nhạc lover, and actor, I've always paid close attention to the voices that bring these wonderful characters and songs to life. I am picky about the voices I like but can admit that no princess has a bad voice, some are just much better than others. Share your opinions.
13. Snow White
Let me begin bởi saying that I'm ranking both hát and speaking voices and that even though she's at the bottom, I don't hate Snow White's voice. Let's be honest here, most people find her voice to be annoying....
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I've seen many of these các bài viết on here, not many of them are that gần đây though. Hardly any include the CGI princesses hoặc Tiana in extreme cases. Not offence intended
So I decided to do a slightly thêm up to ngày countdown. Hope bạn enjoy it! :)
IMPORTANT NOTE - This is an opinion article. if bạn do not agree with any of my choices that's fine but there's no need to make harsh comments.

Due to the gần đây 'Merida Princess Makeover Scandal' I am only judging the girls on how they look in the movie, not in the merchandise.

20. Merida

 Super brave, not super beautiful...
Super brave, not super beautiful...

She may be brave,...
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Last but not least, Rapunzel. Finally, I'm done. A honourable mention for Taylor Swift. People say she should play Lọ lem but I say Rapunzel.

5.Kaley Cuoco
She looks like an older version of Rapunzel, at least in terms of facial features. Kaley can obviously do well with male co-stars and has that comedic edge to play the role.

4.Kristen Bell
A perfect example of an actress who did a great tv series but now does awful movies. Kristen is a very talent actress who can certainly bring life to Rapunzel.

3.Hayden Panettiere
An actress who seems to be eternally young. Hayden could...
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posted by MagicPrincess
Nearly every girl wants to be a princess (I know I did!) . Follow these 10 steps and bạn can feel like a princess! Enjoy! :D

1. Be who bạn wanna be!
Princesses vary in personalities. Maybe bạn would like to be a dreamy, romantic like Aurora hoặc a free-spirited, down to earth like Pocahontas- it's entirely up to you!
 Hard-working and ambitious?
Hard-working and ambitious?

2. Be a good mannered and well behaved!
No matter who bạn are always be well behaved! Good manners are also required; bạn don't see princesses like Aurora playing with her thực phẩm etc. (it's not in the movie but in your imagination)- Ariel has a song...
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posted by DreamyGal
 "maybe cute, interesting, well acted, but not romantic... "- ppv
"maybe cute, interesting, well acted, but not romantic... "- ppv
9. bạn Fight Good
There isn’t a whole lot of romance going on between these two, but that is because throughout most of the movie Mulan is a boy. Only until her identity is revealed do bạn sort of see sparks begin to fly between her and Shang. At the end he comes to her house to return her helmet. bạn can tell both are extremely nervous, and he stutters, “You fight good”. Not hot passionate romance, but bạn can tell that there’s something there…
 "It is thêm creepy, seeing as he broke in and scared the crap out of her for a second."- hrrypttrfn328
"It is thêm creepy, seeing as he broke in and scared the crap out of her for a second."- hrrypttrfn328

8. “One Song”- Snow...
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posted by disney_prince
Name: Pocahontas
Meaning: Pocahontas means "little wanton" but according to other referances it means "Little Mischief" (as a native american translation)
aka: Former names of real historic women Matoaka (or Matoika) and Amonute, Pocahontas was a childhood nickname, the historic figures forced baptism and marriage to John Rolfe left her with the name Lady Rebecca Rolfe, sometimes called Princess Pocahontas.
Disney film: Pocahontas, 33rd Disney classic, 1995
Voice: Irene Bedard
Singing voice: Judy Kuhn
Model: Irene Bedard
Based on: The real historical figure and the created romance...
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xin chào Fanpop's fans!
It's me, PrincessLD, with a new bài viết about the sad moments of our Disney Princesses. These princesses all had great and happy scenes including romantic scenes. But bạn ever notice that always are sometimes sad, hoặc barriers that they need to pass in the story to persuade future hoặc their dreams. This bài viết is about this sad moments that sometimes makes us sad, cry, hoặc angry. I hope that bạn liked. Sorry for the mistakes in grammar hoặc spelling. Enjoy it!

24. Snow White’s Terror in the Woods
 Snow White’s Terror in the Woods
Snow White’s Terror in the Woods

The scene, where Snow White, after the hunter...
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10.Ariel's purple sparkly dress
This dress marks a beautiful transformation in Ariel's life. She started out with a dull life and longed for more, and ended up becoming exactly who she wanted to be. This dress just glows with Ariel's happiness. But a lot of people found it just a tad too sparkly.

9.Belle's blue dress
This dress defines Belle really well. It's pretty but simple, just like Belle is. It's not glitzy hoặc glamorous, but it's good for it's purpose and it's still pretty, just like Belle. It's not too fancy to run through fields hoặc take a stroll through town, but it still catches...
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