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Well this came back quicker than I expected. Here we got ourselves another series of reviews of games that I either had little to talk about, that I wasn’t able to finish, hoặc that I had no desire to finish and decided it would be better to just dump it all on here. This will ust be five mini reviews to help me focus on bigger projects. Like the Lisa the Painful bài viết I plan on making. hoặc yet another tháng long project that may hoặc may not end in me just giving up halfway through. Regardless, we got five PS2 games. I got little to say about each, so let’s talk about them here, right now, starting with one that interests me

1: Evergrace

bạn wanna know how bạn can peak my interest immediately. Tell me that your game is being developed bởi From Software. The team that gave us the Dark Souls franchise. Evergrace doesn’t have the same melancholy world building and brutal difficulty, but it has something here. Released in 2000 early in the PS2’s life and with the intent of also having a PS1 version on hàng đầu, đầu trang of that, it’s no surprise to see that this game was… very dated looking. Visuals look like they were running on an older model despite this being a new age console. Not to say that it looks bad. There’s a style it’s trying to go for, at least with the first level. The nice glows mixed with the autumn setting just give off this chill vibe to it. Plus I’m a sucker for autumn settings in games. I also tình yêu the âm nhạc in this one as well. Composed bởi Kota Hoshino, who worked on the Armored Core games soundtracks, he wanted heavy emphasis on voices for the music, to give off this sort of foreign vibe and I think he nails it. It sounds like a distant land with the way the instruments and vocals blend well. If I had to say anything from this game was a ten outta ten, it would be the music. Except for the store theme. What the fuck is that? If bạn know Evergrace, bạn probably know it for its sporadic cửa hàng theme. That said, I can’t say the same for the gameplay. While the game does use every button in combat, hoặc so the IGN review says so, the combat is still janky as fuck. And easy too. It wasn’t until this one demon boss in the fourth level did fights become slightly thêm challenging, but not even bởi that much. Most fights just had me go behind an enemy, let them attack, and then hit them in the back for major damage. It’s not annoying, but it’s not exactly interesting. I will say, the boss near the end of the fourth level did put up thêm of a fight for me, so maybe it does get better later in the game, but the world just wasn’t interesting me, the story wasn’t really gripping me, the constant series of backtracking and đang tải to make a save wasn’t appealing to me, and the voice diễn xuất was just okay. Not good enough to invest me and not bad enough to make me laugh. Just okay. Evergrace is just okay. If bạn see it in a store for cheap, maybe give it a look. Otherwise, I’d say skip this one
Award: Simple But Clean

2: The Hobbit

The Hobbit game is absolute hot trash fire, boy. Let’s not even beat around the bụi cây, cây bụi, tổng thống bush on this one, this game sucks. I never watched The Hobbit as a kid and only started watching them recently to get knowledge for this review. Gave up around the third film because fuck that, famsquad. So for all bạn that don’t know the story of The Hobbit, let me fill bạn in. Young hobbit named Bilbo Baggins meets up with Gandalf and his gaggle of dwarves, Gandolf pretty much drags Bilbo out of his house onto an adventure and wacky shenanigans ensue, as they usually do. So naturally, making a game off of it would make sense. Of course, that plus making a game based on it when the Lord of the Rings films were super big also helped to get traction. Apparently the game had decent reviews on release, even winning an award for best soundtrack. I can’t remember the soundtrack, but it was done bởi Rod Abernethy, who worked on a lot of stuff from Darksiders to RAGE to Dead không gian to Dead Head Fred. Does anyone remember Dead Head Fred? It was really good. As for the positives I’d give this game… Well, I like the chill vibes of the first area, the Hobbit village (I forget the name). It eases bạn in nicely into the struggles you’ll run into eventually. I like how the light glows off your sword in dark areas. I like long jumping…. That’s it. That’s all I got. All the charm that some of these tiny things have to offer cannot mitigate how incredibly boring this game is. A lot of the combat is just waiting for the enemy to walk up to you, get a hit in, and the enemy will back up. It’s hard to lose a fight in this game because bạn will always have items at the ready to use. I get it, this is a kids game, but kids games don’t need to be this easy and dull. There’s also stealth in this game, and it can be even worse at times with how boring it is. It is difficult to ever get caught. I remember as a kid, since this was one of the few games I remember owning, and getting caught in the stealth section a lot and having to go all the way back to the checkpoint. But here, I only got caught once because I was wandering around too much and that was it. It’s pathetically easy. And they have so many stealth missions. It makes me wonder what the point of them even are. The platforming in this game gets on my nerves as well. And there is a lot of it. Not only is it basic as can be, but the camera has this way of moving around when bạn jump, being at an angle that makes it hard to judge where you’ll land. It makes what should be simple jumps so damn stressful and it’s kind of the only challenge in this game. And it’s a bad challenge. Oh, and glitches. This game has tons of glitches. Enemies getting trapped on walls, bạn getting trapped in mid falling, lip syncing just not working at times. I genuinely have no desire to go back to this game. Especially not with a stealth section where I left off. Yeah, The Hobbit is boring. Too easy to be a challenge for adult những người hâm mộ and too boring for young newcomers. Just play the Lord of the Rings: Revenge of the King game on the same console. thêm fun and less drivel.
Award: Endurance Test

3: Psychonauts

bạn know, I give Tim Schaffer a lot of shit, most of the time deservedly, but I won’t deny that the man has made some good games in his time. Stuff like ngày of the Tentacle, Brutal Legend, his chai rượu lớn chừng hai lít, magnum opus being Grim Fandango, and the classic cult hit of this era and the PS2 classic that I have only played recently, Psychonauts. Psychonauts follows a camp of kids, all with psychic abilities trained bởi the government to become agents that can use these powers. One such kid being Razputin, who just wants to be a Psychonaut and not part of the family circus. But when kids start getting brainwashed around the camp, Raz has to prove himself bởi entering the minds of many different subjects and finding the cause of all this. Let me just say that I tình yêu the charm this game oozes out of it. All the collectables in this game are just so creative, with different hình ảnh in the levels all pertaining to what the character of đã đưa ý kiến dungeon lies, cobwebs bạn can collect with a special item, and the emotional baggage is just baggage that is crying until bạn can find their tags. That’s just clever to me. I also tình yêu the levels in this game. Even the tutorial levels like the ones for the camp counselors are great. But it really picks up when bạn enter the minds of all the other characters. The levels consist of some crazy stuff, like Raz turning into a giant and destroying a city inhabited bởi cá people, trying to solve a puzzle bởi setting up a stage play for a cynical critic, avoiding a demonic bò đực, con bò, bull through a neon Mexican styled city, and my personal favorite, the Milkman Conspiracy, a neighborhood run with agents that bạn gotta solve puzzles to get across to get to the end. The psychic abilities bạn get are also really cool. Stuff like being able to fly, roll on a ball, set enemies on fire, swap between characters, and so much more. I just wanted to get all the power ups for that alone. The game is just a really charming platformer that manages to also be incredibly stylish and funny, like an old school cartoon. I will say that some of the character designs sicken me, especially with their skin màu sắc being of purple and blue. They look like Doug characters on crack. Also the final level, The Meat Circus. I heard rumors about that level and I can xác nhận that level is hot garbage. Super precise platforming, annoying escort missions, and the fact that it’s rumored that they changed the level because it was impossible for play testers is… something else, let me tell you. But those are just smaller problems to what I consider an almost perfect game. And bạn better believe I’m excited for Psychonauts 2 coming out soon. Please don’t screw this one up, Tim
Award: Hidden Gem

4: The Simpsons: Hit and Run

Here it is, the big one, baby. If there was any game anyone would recognize on this, it was The Simpsons: Hit and Run. A classic from the sixth generation of consoles, being loved bởi everyone who played it in their childhood. Even so good as to wish for a sequel hoặc a remaster, much like how Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom is getting a remaster. So this is the part where I sing this game's praises, right…. Yeah right! I don’t mean to sound like a pessimistic asshole, but I got problems with this game. Simpsons: Hit and Run is not a perfect game. Hell, I would say that the hype for it is overblown. Does that mean this game isn't’ fun? Absolutely not, I had fun playing this game in it’s moments. It offers a lot for players, especially if they’re Simpsons fans. Driving around at insanely fast speed around Springfield causing destruction, smashing into stuff and people and zooming around cars is a lot of fun, especially with all the stuff bạn can get, made thêm so from the tons of Simpsons references in this game from a hiển thị just full of good moments. The variety of cars bạn can get does add to stuff and almost makes up for the lack of variety in the actual campaign. Yeah, the missions in this game, while fun, are lacking. I can see the GTA comparisons now, because these missions are just as fresh as GTA missions. bạn got mostly four missions, collect a certain number of items, race someone to a certain spot, chase someone to a certain area, hoặc destroy a certain car. Occasionally you’ll get new stuff like platforming on foot, but it boils down to the same stuff. Destroy this thing, race this guy, chase this car, hoặc collect these things. It all comes down to that. It eventually got tiresome, and even downright frustrating in the final level, where the tiniest screwup could send bạn all the way back and bạn already got little time as is. bạn cannot fuck around too much if bạn want to beat this level, and bạn get no room for mistakes. You’ll be so tempted to press the Skip prompt after a while, but no go on the final level, the one that will really test your patience. It will put your driving skills of Simpsons: Hit and Run to the ultimate test. So, yes, Simpsons: Hit and Run is the Dark Souls of licensed games. This game isn’t terrible, despite my issues with it. I didn’t say I enjoyed the main campaign, but I did enjoy the core gameplay around it. I just wished the missions were thêm varied and interesting. It’s a decent game, but holy hell, it does not hold up as this flawless classic that people say that it is.
Award: Tough Love

5: Under the Skin

And here we come to our final game of the session, a game created bởi Capcom. Looking at it now, Capcom made a lot of strange stuff during the sixth generation of consoles, some connected to the classic Capcom Five, that failed event for the Gamecube. I had this game beat and wrote out months ago, but never got around to it because Nitro Rad made an April Fools video about it already before I could, bạn son of a B! But, whatever, I still have my own thoughts on the game that could be of some use, plus the thêm people talk about this game and spread it around, the better. Because I got problems with this game as well, so my review is different now. First off, let me say that I tình yêu the concept of this game. bạn have to battle with fellow aliens in order to perform pranks on humans of different varieties. bạn gotta know when to get the most people in your prank radius, when to swap out the right item and when bạn áo choàng yourself as a human depending on what their items are. Some items will be better than others. It’s something that can get really addictive and be tons of fun to keep trying out different stuff while avoiding the rival alien, as well as stage hazards. But that said, my one issue is how long levels can go on for. They do have some varieties to them, like both bạn and the rival work together to stop enemies in the level hoặc bạn have to hold onto an item longer. But most of them involve keeping the most coins before the end of the level. But the levels can go on for ten minutes. I get that the game is short and doing any less time would make it much shorter than the game already is, but man can it go on for a bit. And with how aggressive the A.I. can be, it can knock all the coins out of you, take it and win at the last second, making bạn start over from the beginning of the ten minutes. And with the final boss with the A.I. at the height of aggressiveness, mixed with the stage hazards being super brutal, it will take a lot of trial and error to beat. That said, the strategy and the variety of the levels and items to use keep the game fresh and fun, especially if bạn can get some Những người bạn together to play the game. It’s a stylish Capcom classic. Put Cosmi in the tiếp theo Marvel Vs. Capcom and put him in Evo tournaments.
Award: Dumb Fun
Well, here we go again. Sorry for the complete lack of an actual real review for quite some time. I was busy with school, work, family, and a bunch of things bạn don’t care about, because bạn only came for a review. Well, a review is what bạn are going to get. So, let me introduce bạn to…….. Uh…… Shit…. There isn’t a whole lot to review left, huh? Damn….. Well, I got this one anime called D-Frag. It’s pretty underrated, so why don’t I review this? I got nothing better to review.
So, D-Frag is an anime bởi Studio Brain’s Base, who have worked on Princess Jellyfish, Durarara,...
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It'll be way easier to write this in script form.. I obviously wasn't getting anywhere nghề viết văn it the other way.

Joe: bạn screwed up asshole!

Rick: Yes, yes., bạn đã đưa ý kiến that several times now..

Joe: bạn killed our friend, now were kill YOU!

Rick: Why would bạn want to kill me?

Joe: ... A -Are bạn serious.. I literary JUST explained it.

Rick: Explained what?

Joe: ... Are bạn braindead hoặc something?

Rick: ... Who's braindead? Is he a friend of yours?

Joe: Shut up!.. I'll shoot your brains out.

Rick: That's horrible. Why would bạn want to kill me?


Rick: WHEN!?

Joe: In the house, idiot!

Rick: What house!?

Joe: Just shut and listen!... I won't kill bạn straight away! First were beat Daryl to death.. Then the girl... Then were shoot and be square.

Rick: (singing in head) "And the cat's in the căn nguyên, cái nôi and the silver spoon"
Now, before I got a chance to play on the Gamecube, I had always played a bunch of Plug n Play games. They were honestly some of the worst experiences a gamer could ever face. No gamer wants to be stuck with a couple of wired Atari controllers with a paint job having to that are plugged into the TV. However, when I was at the age of seven, my grandma came in giving me and my brothers our very first game console. The Nintendo Gamecube, which would soon become my yêu thích console ever. And not only did we get a Gamecube, but we got a whole bunch of games. Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot: Wrath...
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Oh, man, this is is gonna kill me. Yep, everyone, its another fanfic. A Napoleon Dynamite one. Now, I have not seen the movie, so I don’t know who hoặc what the characters and setting is, but bạn don’t have to watch the movie to know this fanfic is crap. But, enough with me talking. Lets read Napoleon Dynamite 4: Napoleon is Dead…. WHAT HAPPENED TO NAPOLEON DYNAMITE’S ONE THROUGH THREE!?
So, it starts with Napoleon and Pedro walking to school. Pedro tells Napoleon that he has to run away and runs away… And like that, all sense this story could have made was thrown out the fucking window....
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Now, this is not much of a review, but, this has to be addressed. Cell Phones have basically become the closest thing humanity has gotten to brainwashing. I’m not kidding. Literally, everywhere I go. Weather its to school, to work, to the store, to the bank, to Starbucks. There is ALWAYS someone on there phone. Hell, I’m not even an toàn, két an toàn from this at home. Now, some of bạn might find this crazy, but, I do not have a cellphone. I just don’t see the point. Not to mention, if I had one, I’d be like everyone else in my school. A brainwashed zombie who can’t keep their eyes off their phone...
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posted by Canada24
I'm glad my old one was so enjoyable, Here's thêm of it. Same roles...

While cleaning out the prison, Thomas tried to stab Rick for the the third time now.

"What the hell was that!?" Rick cried angrily.

"It was coming at m-

"Wait.. I Think bạn have something on the side of your head!" Rick pointed out.

"What are bạn tal- (suddenly Rick stabs his trademark, red handled machete wait though Thomas's head graphically killing him)".

"Got it!" Rick cried, seeming unaware that he killed a man.

Suddenly an angry Andrew charged at him, but Rick body slammed him against a wall.

"That wasn't very nice!" Rick...
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Link: Hey, look, its an eskimo
Zunari: Hello
Link: Let me guess. Your crazy as shit too. What's your story. bạn live in a fucking freezer.
Zunari: Not really. When bạn look at all the psychopaths and idiots in this city, someone has to have some sanity
Link: Oh, okay. So, what's wrong with you
Zunari: Well, bạn see, I have this an toàn, két an toàn here, but, every time I close the store at night, someone always comes here and steals from me. It's maddening.
Link: so, wait, bạn just have this big đít, mông, ass an toàn, két an toàn lying in the open of your office, and pretty much anyone can steal it
Zunari: Well, yes, that's exactly it
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posted by windwakerguy430
Chuck: (Working on motorcycle)
Backstage Worker: Okay, Mr... uh
Chuck: The names Chuck Greene. Just like one of the màu sắc of the rainbow
Backstage: ........ Okay
Chuck: (To Katey) Okay, Katey, I'm gonna go make us some money
Katey: bạn mean your going out to compete in a deadly game hiển thị killing hundreds of zombies in a brutal fashion, and even if bạn get first place, bạn will get no respect from the recurring characters in the story
Chuck: Exactly
Katey: ........ bạn really should have become a lawyer
Chuck: Oh, Katey, don't bạn know. Any game with a lawyer would suck
Phoenix Wright: Fuck...
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Tetra: So, now that we are here, are bạn ready to go on an amazing adventure to save your sister
Link: No
Tetra: Then let us- Wait, what do bạn mean bởi no
Link: bạn see, my mother used to tell me stories of a Công chúa tóc xù hero who went through many hardships to save the land from evil. And I can assure you, I fucking hate the stuff he went through. He almost got killed bởi spiders, lizards, jellyfish monsters, ghosts, dragons, water.... Yeah, just water, zombies, witches, pigmen, tribal warriors, goats, giant fish, worms, and a scary mask, and I can assure bạn I won't go on some crappy adventure
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Well... I can't believe its here. I đã đưa ý kiến I'd review this back in my Modofiyers review, so here it is. I give bạn the worst, and I mean the fucking WORST, channel of this ngày and age... Nickelodeon.
Okay, so why is Nickelodeon so awful... Well, lets compare some other channels. Cartoon Network has Adventure Time. Disney has Gravity Falls. Hub has My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. What does Nickelodeon have......... They have modern Spongebob, Sangey and Craig, and........... Well, I'll tell bạn the other hiển thị when it comes to it. Now, these are the three shows that Nickelodeon has most......
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Courtroom No. 3
12: 00 p.m. June 16th

Judge: So, I believe that Mr. Mays was able to bring in the witness
Marcus: Yes, your honor. She is a little scared, so I suggest bạn try to keep calm... Mr. Justice
Swift: *There is something about this guy... I don't know what... But I feel like... No, thats just crazy talk*
Marcus: Witness, please state your name and occupation
Jessica: I'm Jessica Jess and... Well... Lou prefers to do all the hard work
Marcus: So bạn witnessed the murder
Jessica: ...Yes
Marcus: And, could bạn tell us who was the killer
Lou: ...*smile*
Jessica: I-it was... It was Lou
Lou: ................WHAT!!!...
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I have already stated before that Jojo has lots of villains in it that make it amazing. From sadistic vampires, to serial killers, to the president of the United States of America. But, for every major villain that is in Jojo, there is… at least twenty minor villains that are right behind them. Minor villains are a major part of Jojo. They appear all the time to be a challenge for the team who is hunting a villain. Whether their Stand is named after Tarot Cards, Egyptian gods, rock bands, whether they are members of Dio, part of a dangerous gang, terrorists from another country, ngẫu nhiên prisoners,...
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Song: link

Tom: *Dances while singing* Racing to the wharf. They're racing to the wharf. Thomas & James are racing to the wharf. *In a single file line with Master Sword, Saten Twist, Orion, Snowflake, Pete, Percy, Jeff, and Astrel Sky. They are kicking their legs up in the sky as they di chuyển forward* They're racing to the wharf. They're racing to the wharf. Thomas & James are racing to the wharf.
Wayne: Really? You've done it again!!! Whatever, let's just get the back to back episodes started.

Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*...
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On January 1st, 1987, the world was graced with the first edition of the Japanese manga, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. 30 years later, in 2017, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is still going strong. In fact, it’s even stronger today than it has ever been, and I am happy for that. So, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, I am going to make the tháng of January an event known only as Jojo-nuary, where I will be making many lists associated with Jojo. And to start this event off, I am going to introduce bạn all to the ranking of Stands from the fifth edition...
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Well, everyone, it seems that Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable is coming to a close soon, with the last few episodes just left before the series finale. All that’s left is to wait for Bites the Dust, and hopefully a Vento Aureo anime in the coming future. So, before we all say goodbye to Diamond is Unbreakable forever, I want us to take a look at the multiple enemy Stands that appeared in the series. Unlike Stardust Crusaders, the Stands in this part were a little thêm creative. Not as impressive in some skills and strategies, but still pretty creative. Not to mention, the...
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The Gamecube was such a criminally underrated console, with so many beloved games that are still appreciated to this day. So, with the Gamecube always being a yêu thích console of mine, I decided to do a danh sách on what I think are the best games on the system. Now, I am not going to include any of the games from my hàng đầu, đầu trang ten list, so no Resident Evil 4 hoặc Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, because those two games would obviously make the list, and for good reason. Also, these are all games that only I have played. So, no F Zero GX hoặc Baten Kaitos. Also, these games have to be Gamecube exclusives. It can...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a combination of Casino Royale with Quantum Of Solace. It all started in a place called Dodge City, where many stallions were pitting động vật to fight against each other. Con had to find a certain ngựa con, ngựa, pony that was gambling on the animals.

Con: Did bạn find her yet?
Hungry: No. I don't see her.
Con: Stop touching your ear!
Hungry: Sorry?
Gambling pony: *notices hungry*
Hungry: *pulls out gun*
Con: Put your gun away! I need her alive.

Con chased after the mare into a construction sight. When he found the fence he couldn't hop over, he lấy trộm, đánh cắp a bulldozer, and destroyed it, then continued his...
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Hello, everyone. Now, there are a lot of enemies in video games. Some fun, some hard, some FUCKING ANNOYING (Which I already touched upon) And then there are the ones that are so pathetic, they make bạn just say to yourself, "Why....". So, here are the hàng đầu, đầu trang ten enemies I find to be the most pathetic. First, only games I play and only one per franchise. Now, lets begin


#10: Goomba from Super Mario Bros. - First off is the most iconic enemy in video games, but also one of the most pathetic. Seriously, they just walk back and forth. Thats... it. That's there so called attack pattern....
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Nhật Bản makes some weird stuff. However, weird isn't always bad. Take a look at Super Mario Bros. bạn play as a plumber saving a princess from a dinosaur as bạn look for mushrooms and fight walking mushrooms and turtles in shoes, and that game makes a billion dollars with each game released... However... if bạn look on the opposite side of the spectrum, weird isn't always good. With that, we get a manga with a tiêu đề so perverted, I am sure this review will get flagged. It's Tiny Boobs Giant Tits History.
Now, let me tell you, if bạn don't know what hentai is, your too young to read this story,...
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posted by windwakerguy430
“Tiger… Hey, Tiger”
Tiger groaned as he stirred himself awake, inhaling through his nostrils as his eyes slowly opened, looking up at the bright sky and the moving clouds. Looking down at him, a young woman with red hair that stopped at her neck looked down with a grin, light freckles on her face, wearing a yellow style woman’s dress with brown boots. She graced Tiger with a chuckle as she joked, “Didn’t bạn just get some sleep?”
“Well when you’re on the road for as long as we are, bạn gotta get all the sleep bạn can before another job.” Tiger answered as he sat up.
Along with...
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