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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me

You know, I don’t get to talk about the Ace Attorney franchise nearly enough as I’d want to. That could just be because I didn’t get to play a majority of the games until way later, so they didn’t stick with me as much as one specific game. This is not that game, but it was the first to impress me in a long time. It may not be the best, but I still tình yêu it, dammit. And that is the fifth game in the main series, Dual Destinies.
Dual Destinies takes place a few years after the last game, Apollo Justice, where the law is in shambles, with crooked lawyers just looking for victory and...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Takeshi Obata (Death Note, Bakuman)

The creator of Death Note is mostly respected for the insane thriller story he was able to create, and how it was able to become a world-wide phenomenon, despite being banned in some countries. But what I like the most about Death Note is the art style. Sure, bạn could pass this art off as the typical emo-haired teenager who works at your local Hot Topic, and, yeah, I can see that, but I really think it has style. For a story as dark as Death Note, I think that kind of arty fits it. And with Obata using his art to create some astounding imagery and symbolism...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Anderson White from Detective Smith
A man who was once a detective, working on the White găng tay Case, a large murder case involving the deaths of eleven people, including Smith’s mentor, Detective Osborne, caused bởi the White găng tay Killer. He was soon found out to be the White găng tay Killer, and the court deemed him as insane and placed him in an asylum. Even though he was found to be the killer, no one would know that he really wasn’t insane at all, and only killed because he loved it, claiming that he truly one in the end against Smith, causing Smith to feel Mất tích without his mentors help...
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Link: Oh, fucking finally. I thought we'd never get off that piece of shit island.
Tetra: Yeah, I mean, what kind of rewards were that
Link: Glad bạn see it my way
Tetra: And all it took was your constant bitching to convince me so it would shut bạn the hell up
Link: It's not bitching, it's complaining
Tetra: Whatever, there is the tiếp theo island
Link: Isn't that the Forsaken Fortress
Tetra: Yeah, so what
Link: Isn't there like, hundreds of monsters, there
Tetra: Yeah, but bạn have a sword
Link: Hmm. Good point. So, what do I need to do
Tetra: Just fight some ghost to the death
Link: Can, and most certainly,...
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Hello, everyone, and welcome to Windwakerguy430's Death Sentence- I mean, hàng đầu, đầu trang Ten Overrated anime of All Time. Now, let me get one thing clear. When I say overrated, I don't hate it. I just feel it gets thêm praise then it deserves. Unless I say point blank that I hate it, then I hate it. Okay. Then, lets start the list

10: Pokemon - Now, this one really hurts me to put on the list, and unlike the other ones that hurts to put on this list, this is probably the most painful, as Pokemon is my most yêu thích anime of all time. I tình yêu this anime. It has some good comedy and the characters are wonderful...
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................... What the fuck.............. Seriously......... What the fuck................... What is this abomination of a fanfic................ just what the fuck is this disaster..................... Well, one things for sure, it's known only as Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.
Now, first off, Warning, this is not something bạn want to see. Unless bạn are okay with its awfulness, turn back now. Anyway, this fanfic is, THANKFULLY, short. But, there is so much a fanfic can do in just twenty seconds. Trust me, this fanfic does it. And it is horrible. Anyway, it starts with a nine-year-old..........
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 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

This is another intro focusing on my characters from Trainz, but only the diesels are involved this time.

Leon: *Leaving Impala Station, on a passenger train with Stan, Sebastian, and Xavier*
Sean: *Pulling seven coaches as he passes Mike Fonzi pulling twenty freight cars*
Jesse: *Returning from the yards. He yawns as he stops on the turntable*
Ian: *Pulling a freight train with Shayne, and Jerry*
Sean: *Passes Ian, and the others with a passenger train*
Jeff: *Passes Bryce. The both...
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Wow… just wow. The tác giả of todays fanfic didn’t even fucking try to make it good. Just a một phút and a half long story, and that’s it. And its especially insulting to me, because this is a Zelda fanfic, and I tình yêu the Zelda games. So, lets start the fanfic, named Majora’s Pants… About half of bạn just left. I can feel it. bạn all left because the tiêu đề is so stupid, its unbelievable.
So, it starts with Link walking into the Great Deku cây and- HOLD ON! Majora? Great Deku Tree? Both of them are from different Zelda games. The Great Deku cây is from Ocarina of Time, whereas Majora...
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So, Tenkai Knights: Công chúa tóc xù Battle, a game on the 3DS that was forgotten about, even bởi enthusiasts of bad video games, like myself, probably for reasons that it deserves. And yes, I am stretching this out as much as I can because I have no idea what Tenkai Knights is. Unlike Deal hoặc No Deal, which I had a vague understanding of, I never watched the show, Tenkai Knights. I can’t make jokes about that. But I what I can make jokes about is that Tenkai Knights: Công chúa tóc xù Battle is a fighting game that was developed bởi Bandai Namco, the same studio that brought us Thiết Quyền and SoulCalibur, some of the...
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So remember back when I reviewed Fable II that I liked both of the first Fable games and how I am not a true L337 Gamer as a result? Well, this is the other of the two Fable games, Fable the first, hoặc Fable: The Mất tích Chapters, as I have never played the original Fable, hoặc Anniversary for that matter.
Fable: The Mất tích Chapters has a story as unoriginal as the sequel. A young boy’s village is burned down and he goes to train and become a hero in a world where people need Giải cứu thế giới to do things. As he goes about these tasks, he later gets involved with a quest that involves immortal deities,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!

Seanthehedgehog Presents

Hedgehog In Ponyville Episode 9


Being a war hero in a town where everyone likes bạn is a good thing. Everywhere I go, I see a friend. Everytime I need help with something, I ask them. I've also been promoted from captain to major.

We took back Ponyville from Nazi Forces, and Celestia was breifing me on my new assignment in Twilight's former library.

Celestia: Discord now has an army of his own. He has time traveled into the một giây world war in a planet called Earth, and gathered an army of italian humans....
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Grab the cat.
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added by windwakerguy430
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added by windwakerguy430
bạn need a better science teacher.
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