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phim chiếu rạp have always had a way of moving people emotionally and making them feel things. Fear, sadness, laughter, joy, heartbreak, all sorts of things. And just like movies, video games have done so as well. I don’t want to be that guy that asks, “are video games art” because that’s an argument I refuse to start, but I will say that it can be have great moments in them that affect people emotionally like any movie hoặc song hoặc whatever can. A lot of games have moments like that and I am happy to discuss them with bạn all today. Now I should point out that this game has a ton of spoilers involved in it. If bạn have not completed the games that will be listed below, feel free to avoid this article. The usual rules apply, one per franchise and games that I played, and these are moments that affected me personally. Some may be different for you, but this is just what I found to be the most amazing hoặc moving. So with that said, let us start with the list.


Let’s start with an easy one that everyone knows and everyone loves so much

#20: Objection from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

It really doesn’t matter what game it is from in the franchise, cause regardless, they are all amazing. Playing as the defense attorney who is always backed into a corner to defend the client, bạn always get to deal with witnesses that are lying, prosecutors that think real highly of themselves and Gumshoe being Gumshoe. The game gives bạn plenty of hints as to if the witness is lying, and all bạn gotta do is prove to them that they are wrong. Whenever they think they got bạn beat, bạn know that there is something that they are lying about. bạn just gotta hiển thị them the evidence. But just hiển thị them wouldn’t be fun. bạn gotta shout at them with the phrase Objection. Sure, when bạn overdo it and bạn just get it wrong, it loses its luster, but when the âm nhạc stops after that Objection, bạn know that bạn got the criminal caught in a lie and are just one step closer to taking them down. This one is lower cause there isn’t much thêm than just the satisfaction of wiping that smug grin off the culprit’s face, which is really good, but aside from that, nothing too grand. But man, do I always enjoy a good Objection followed bởi the sounds of absolute silence with the culprit sweating bullets. That shit is thêm satisfying than Oddly Satisfying Video #513.


So Katamari Damacy was an addictively fun game. bạn go about small living rooms and playground picking up mice and other food. Pretty simple. But once bạn get to ngôi sao 10 and realize, “Oh… I can pick up buildings”, thoughts run for your mind before it’s time to go. Not much time to get buildings. Until the final level. And there, all insanity breaks lose.

#19: Create the Moon from Katamari Damacy

Starting off as a tiny Katamari that can barely pick up watermelon, bạn slowly build up your Katamari all across the town, picking up animals, then people, than cars. But we can make it bigger. How about after we pick up cars, we pick up trees and elephants. Nah! Let’s go for bigger. After bạn leave, bạn start to pick up ships and buildings. Bigger! Pick up full stadiums and towering skyscrapers! Bigger! Pick up full islands, mountains, massive glaciers, Godzilla and Ultraman, God himself! bạn pick up everything! The whole world is left to your mercy as bạn roll around, picking up everything bạn can as Katamari on the Rocks plays in the background to add thêm fun insanity to this already insanely fun game. And if bạn make it big enough, bạn unlock free mode. Now, without any time limit, bạn get to roll all over the world and pick up whatever your tim, trái tim desires for as long as bạn want until the world is nothing thêm than a giant land of water. Every time I want to just calm down and have fun, I always go back to this level and build a bigger moon than the last time (Or try). It’s just a lot of fun and the perfect reward for anyone who completed this game.


So Tony Hawk Underground was an insanely fun game. bạn know what’s not fun? Having Eric Sparrow be the bane of your very existence throughout the entire game. What I wouldn’t give to bít tất, sock that backstabbing maw flipping cockroach in the face….

#18: một giây Ending from Tony Hawk’s Underground

After beating the game the first time, bạn beat Eric at his own game, hearing him wine and complain like a baby as bạn walk away with the footage that was rightfully yours. Satisfying, but bạn wish bạn could do thêm than that. Well, luckily for bạn and for me, there is. If bạn choose to play the game and beat it a một giây time, bạn will be greeted bởi a một giây ending. It starts out the same, Eric mocking you, then bragging about having the footage of the Hawaii trick, and challenges bạn to one last challenge. But it ends differently. Instead of taking Eric up on his challenge and beating him at his own game, bạn get to sucker cú đấm him and knocking that chó cái, bitch the fuck out! This was before I knew this stuff was uploaded onto Youtube, so when I played this after my brother beat the story, my mind was blown and I was laughing really hard. Seeing that prick get knocked out was the most satisfying thing in my entire childhood. Sure, it would be better to beat him at his own game, but come on… don’t tell me he doesn’t deserve it.


Yakuza Kiwami, being a remake of the first game, had a lot of changes to it, and not just from the graphics. New gameplay and new additions that were added from other games like Yakuza 0. But there was one thing that was added in this game that I loved so much.

#17: Majima Everywhere from Yakuza Kiwami

Goro Majima is one of the many colorful characters bạn will meet in Yakuza Kiwami. Being a great character who beats people for fun and only wants to fight and possibly kill Kazuma thêm than anyone, he is expected to do whatever it takes to be the one that beats him. And in Kiwami, he takes every chance to do just that. From the moment bạn get the chance to explore Kamurocho, Majima is already on the prowl. bạn can find him wandering the streets, ready for a fight, where he will either try to stab bạn with a knife, beat bạn with a baseball bat, hoặc even use his breakdance moves to beat you. But other times, he will stop in for a burger at the same restaurant your at and fight bạn there, hoặc try to beat bạn in bowling. And it doesn’t stop there, he could even spring up out of nowhere and attack from there, such as hiding under manholes, jumping from above railings, hoặc even hiding inside giant traffic cones littered across the city. But it gets thêm ridiculous (Yes, more), as he can be dressed up in tons of disguises to get to you. He’ll be a police cop hoping to bag bạn for weapons, a bartender who puts bạn into debt just to beat bạn up, hoặc even crossdresses as a hostess just for the chance of fighting you. Every single time I saw Majima appear out of nowhere, I thought two things. One, “Oh man, this is funny” and “Oh fuck, I’m gonna have to fight him for the fiftieth time, aren’t I”. And despite that, yes, bạn will fight him a lot, the sheer charm of him never got old for me. It was always fun to fight him and I was ready to keep going even after my twelvth encounter in a row. I don’t know if they have any intention of bringing the Majima Everywhere system back, but… please consider.


So Majima had me chuckling from the amount of charm he had from his encounters. But Boyd from Psychonauts and his entire level had me howling with laughter

#16: Milkman Conspiracy from Psychonauts

Now, while I don’t think this is the best level in the game, I think that tiêu đề goes to Edgar’s level, this is still bởi far the funniest moment in the entire game because of the sheer insanity of it. Boyd, this security guard to an asylum, is a crazed conspiracy theorist that believes in this almighty being known as The Milkman. When bạn enter his level, bạn see this small neighborhood that is overrun bởi government agents pretending (Real badly) to be road workers hoặc gardners. All the while, bạn have these girl scouts who are secretly trying to fight off the G-Men and to try and protect the secrets of the Milkman. While using creative puzzle solving to maneuver around this crazy level, bạn eventually find The Milkman with his famous quote about his sữa being delicious. And as soon as he is out and about, he is destroying the entire neighborhood with molotov sữa bottles. The sheer madness of this entire level as well as the character of The Milkman and Boyd makes this one of the funniest moments in any game for me. I was actually hyperventilating from laughter at around this point because I couldn’t believe it. Great level. Not my favorite, but damn did it make me laugh harder than I would’ve at any jokes bởi Tim Schaffer.



I grew up playing Halo back when it was in the original Xbox. I enjoyed the games so much and was excited to see what Halo 3 would have, and boy, was I not disappointed. The great gameplay and story really satisfied a người hâm mộ of the original games. And then we get to the final mission of the game, hoặc rather, the end of the final mission, cause 343 Guilty Spark was cancer.

#15: The Final Run from Halo 3

After fighting off the terrible boss that is 343, bạn have only one last goal in the game. And that goal is to get off the giant ring before it blows up. And so, bạn hop onto the Warthog that is outside as Master Chief and the Arbiter drive across the collapsing không gian weapon as the Flood swarm you, ready to kill just to feed. And as bạn are driving, all bạn hear is the classic score of the game playing in the background as bạn drive as fast as bạn can, avoiding collapsing platforms, explosions, and swarms of Flood. Sure, this is just a repeat of the final mission from Halo: Combat Evolved, but the upgraded graphics, the amazing score, and the visuals from the mission in Halo 3 just improve upon the final mission of Combat Evolved in my opinion. And after bạn manage to get through the sheer insanity, bạn are greeted to a satisfying ending, hoặc thêm satisfying than 2 at least, and bạn feel it being the perfect ending to a great franchise. Well, until Halo 4 and 5 came and ruined it all, but we don’t talk about that here.



So after being introduced to Chrono Trigger bởi a certain cheating Youtuber that will go unnamed on this bài viết cause they less đã đưa ý kiến the better, I was quite fond of Chrono Trigger and loved every moment of it. And I loved how it managed to subvert expectations and put a twist on classic RPG tropes. For example, the protagonist dying at the halfway point of the game.

#14: Getting Crono Back from Chrono Trigger

Yes, Crono, the main character of the game, is killed in the game before he even reaches the final dungeon. After Lavos has defeated the party and is prepared to kill them, Crono sacrifices himself to save his friend, his body being destroyed bởi Lavos and dying in the process. And as shocking as that moment is for a lot of people, I can’t imagine how kids who played it in the 90s were, that’s not the best part. The best part is the sidequest of getting Crono back. Climbing up one of the longest and most dangerous areas in the game is what is required to get him back, and depending on who bạn have in the party, it can lead to a touching reunion between Crono and his friends. And the best part of it all is that the whole thing is optional. If bạn want to get back your protagonist who has the highest level and all the best gear and moves in the game, bạn have to go through a really tough area. But, bạn can choose to leave him behind, and go and fight Lavos on your own. I think the moment bạn realize that Crono is dead and bạn are now playing a game without the tiêu đề character is what is impressive to me. The shock and the realization of it all is something that must’ve hit a lot of people hard. And that is why I tình yêu Chrono Trigger. And am kinda thankful idiots at Square Enix didn’t demand more, cause if Chrono vượt qua, cross is proof of anything, they would’ve ruined everything.


Well, this one is certainly a no brainer to a lot of people when it comes to great moments. And that’s because of course it’s not. It’s a perfect scene and one that is a classic moment in a great horror franchise.

#13: First Zombie from Resident Evil Remake

Also, I am going with Remake cause that is the one I played first. The first Resident Evil did it first, duh, but Remake, to me, just did it better. At the start of the game, bạn are trapped in this mansion with chó outside, forcing bạn to try and find a different way out, as well as finding your missing teammates. As bạn explore the dining hall, bạn come to a hallway, and inside, noises, shadows, and something around the corner. And then, bạn are greeted to the FMV of something hunched in the corner, only to see a zombie eating one of your comrades. And then, the creature slowly turns its head towards you. It is such the perfect blend of subtle horror and suspense and shock all at once without being too try hard. Just that slow turn of the head as the zombie’s empty eyes turns toward you. I still get chills to this ngày every time I play it and get to this part. It’s so subtly creepy and I tình yêu it so much. And ever since then, Resident Evil has made it a tradition for the first zombie encounter to be the best in the game, and always haunting. Except in Zero. And Survivor. And anything passed 4.


So Shadow of the Colossus was a beautifully crafted game that didn’t need a ton of story content and grade A voice actors to be a grand spectacle of gaming. And the bosses themselves prove that. And while I could’ve put almost any Colossus in this game, the one I wanted to put was an easy choice, but easy for good reason.

#12: The First Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus

All bạn are told from the start is that there are sixteen giants that bạn have to slay across the mysterious forbidden land. So, with your loyal horse Agro and your sword guiding the way, bạn make your way to the first Colossus, Valus. And from here, bạn are already seeing just what bạn are up against. The giant appears from the scenery, approaching you, only to walk right passed you. He pays bạn no mind, that is, until bạn come at him with intent to kill. bạn can watch him go for a bit, but eventually, bạn will have to run up and start the fight. And once that fight starts, bạn are immediately introduced to the incredible score of this games soundtrack that makes the fight all that thêm grand and incredible. And the fight introduces bạn to the mechanics of tricking the boss to get on hàng đầu, đầu trang of them and allowing bạn to get on hàng đầu, đầu trang and climb across their body of stone and fur. The First Colossus isn’t just a great moment for the mysterious beauty of the creature bạn are about to kill, but how it works as a great tutorial, throwing bạn right into the fight expecting bạn to learn on your own. A great introduction fight that leads the way for many great fights to come. Except bạn Celosia, I hate you.


So Zelda has a lot of great moments in their games. From pulling out the Master Sword in Ocarina of Time to the use of Midna’s Lament in Twilight Princess. Of course, Wind Waker is the game I’m going for, but not for the moments you’re thinking of… probably

#11: Hyrule lâu đài from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

So being my first Zelda game, I had no clue what this Hyrule lâu đài even was. I saw my brother go into Hyrule lâu đài Town in Ocarina of Time once and thought, “Wow, this place looks neato. I’d like to go there in Wind Waker”. And then, realizing that the kingdom was gone, I thought that I wouldn’t get the chance. But boy was I wrong. Halfway through the game, after completing the Tower of the Gods, Link goes below the ocean, where he finds the mysterious Hyrule Castle, flooded with water and forgotten bởi time. In fact, it’s so forgotten bởi time that all color has been drained and everything is Nữ hoàng băng giá in place. It’s honestly shocking to see this once massive empire be reduced to not even ruble. Just nothing in the eyes of time itself. And when bạn pull out the Master Sword and bring color back to the kingdom and return the flow of time to it, it’s just a nice little moment, even if it does little to no good for the old inhabitants of the castle. And the music, the somber and depressing tone of the original Hyrule lâu đài theme is just the quả anh đào, anh đào on this already moody sundae.


Metal Gear Solid has been known to mess with the players mind and screw with the fourth tường on several occasions. From the creepy fight with The Sorrow in 3, discussing Blu-Ray in 4, and of course, Psycho Mantis. But being that I didn’t play Metal Gear Solid 1 until later, and was far familiar with Psycho Mantis before I played it, I didn’t get the creepy vibes from it like I would’ve liked to. But what I did get to experience was the infamous scene in 2

#10: Fission Mailed from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

At the final area of the game, after leaving the Oil xưởng lọc dầu, nhà máy lọc dầu and ending up on the war machine, Arsenal Gear, Raiden wakes up, naked, subdued bởi Solidus and Revolver Ocelot. And would bạn believe me if I đã đưa ý kiến that this is the most normal it gets. After Raiden breaks free, he is left unarmed and forced to make it across a room of heavily armed guards to the opposite end of the room… still naked, I should add. And as bạn are left on this dangerous ship with a foreboding background humming tune, bạn get several Codec calls from the Colonel. And these calls are… well, it’s hard to say. They appear nonsensical, but something says there could be other meanings to them. Talking about turning off the game console, speaking in fast paced Japanese, how to properly prune anemones, talking about his financial status, and of course, the famous need for scissors and 61. Consistent fourth tường breaking, his appearance and tone changing. It’s so disturbing. And that final codec call with the Colonel about the digital age and democratic freedom compared to individual freedom. It’s honestly one of the most haunting moments in any video game I’ve ever seen, but one of the best as well for many reasons. There is a great video analysis online that has gained a lot of popularity from it for good reason, and it tells bạn thêm about it than I ever could. But I just tình yêu the whole thing as a whole. It’s so… creepy and out of place, but everything about it is just so perfected.


Hey, let’s talk about Call of Duty again. Are any of bạn excited? Cause I know hardcore gamers have already left this bài viết and are shit talking me in the các bình luận as we speak, assuming anyone will actually read this bài viết hoặc it will even get mentioned on this website…. Call of Duty 4 was a great game, wasn’t it?

#9: Shock and Awe from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Near the end of the first act of the game, bạn play as the một giây character in the game that isn’t Soap as bạn enter a city in the hopes of doing what bạn do best and stopping terrorists. All goes as expected as usual, aside from a few mishaps such as a pilot going down in need of rescue, but aside from that, all seems to go well. Until the bomb drops. For reasons unknown (Until Modern Warfare 2), a bomb is dropped on the city to kill any of the opposing soldiers in the area, which it does perfectly. When this moment happened, I was left in utter shock at what I had just witnessed, not knowing that this was just the start of it. After moments of darkness and silence, your character finally awakens to see what remains. Every one of his comrades are dead, the entire city is destroyed, the sky is red and a giant nấm đám mây lingers over the scenery. And despite whatever efforts bạn put into it, your character will always die no matter what bạn do. bạn can’t save him, and all bạn can do is wander the streets as he lives his last moments before finally dying. And this entire mission would become a catalyst for many things in the future, being proof of how much of an evil dick Makarov is and the loss of Shepards men in Modern Warfare 2 which lead to his anger and hatred. And it would be a moment that future games tried to replicate, and while Modern Warfare 2 tried, others tried and failed and WWII didn’t even try and was somehow even worse. And this is why CoD 4 deserves thêm respect. At least it tried unlike Ghost hoặc WWII.


….. I’m really good at making the hardcore gamer crowd despise me and everything I stand for, don’t I?

#8: Despite Everything from Undertale

Yes, I am going to talk about Undertale now. It’s a really good indie game that gets a lot of flak from people because of the những người hâm mộ and such. And while I understand that the fandom is far from pure, it has nothing to do with the game itself. And while I could have chosen any moment in the game, from the bữa tối, bữa ăn tối with Sans with that bình luận that leaves chills up my spine hoặc any of the amazing moments with Papyrus hoặc Undyne that left me laughing, hoặc even the final boss fight on the True Pacifist Route, I wanted to go with this. At the end of the game, bạn find a small trang chủ inside the castle. bạn are nearing the end of your adventure, and closing in on Asgore and the barrier, and before you, is this small house, which is just like Toriel’s house at the start of the game. In Toriel’s house, there is a mirror that says, “It’s just you”. A very simple bình luận that bạn wouldn’t acknowledge. But in this house, bạn find this mirror here, and when bạn look into it, bạn get a text box that reads, “Despite everything, it’s still you”. And that’s it. Yes, it’s simple. And I may just be thinking too much into it, but this one comment, and the âm nhạc that plays in the background, was really touching. Despite all the hardships and the countless times bạn were close to death, and despite the many chances bạn didn’t kill anyone (Assuming bạn didn’t, otherwise, what the hell is wrong with you, bạn sicko), bạn still made it, bạn are still the innocent child bạn started out as when bạn came on this journey, and despite being yourself still, that is the best thing bạn could be. Again, I could be thinking too much into this little moment, but it was such a nice moment that stuck out in this wonderfully charming game filled with fun characters, great âm nhạc and other lovely moments, but this one stuck out. And I still tình yêu it dearly. And despite only finishing it a couple weeks ago, I already feel nostalgic for it.



How far is one willing to go to do the right thing for someone and for many others, despite that thing being a waking hell for themselves? Well, in the case of Bloodborne, that is exactly what this character goes through. This character is the final boss of the game. The real final boss. Moon Presence can fuck right off.

#7: Gehrman The First Hunter from Bloodborne

If bạn remember my hàng đầu, đầu trang Ten yêu thích Final Bosses list, bạn will remember that I really enjoyed the fight with Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising. Still a good final boss, don’t get me wrong, but Gehrman, the final boss of Bloodborne (On two routes), is my yêu thích final boss in any video game, for many reasons. First, the cutscene. It is perfectly shot, with bạn and Gehrman standing far apart as the moon hangs over and the Hunter’s Workshop burns in the background. And before the fight, Gehrman delivers that incredible line, “Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt”. And thus, the fight begins. Gehrman is not an easy fight. He’s fast, he’s agile, he can fuck bạn up if bạn aren’t careful, but he has the same weaknesses of the usual hunters, can be parried and can be dodged. And the âm nhạc is my yêu thích in the game. With how it changes to a choir at the một giây part of the fight. And as is accustom in these Soulsborne games, Gehrman is not an evil villain looking for the destruction of humanity. Gehrman is the first hunter (Duh), and he wants to aid Hunters and wake them up from the horrible nightmare they are in. But Gehrman is unable to leave. He is a puppet to the Great One, the Moon Presence. He wants to wake up, he wants to leave this horrible place, but he can’t let anyone else take his place. Gehrman is tough, but he believed he cannot defeat the Moon Presence. And if he can’t, why should anyone else. The fight with Gehrman is not a fight of hatred for one another to prove who is right. It is a fight between two hunters who wish to end the others suffering. One will awaken to the real world, and the other will stay and thêm than likely become a puppet. It’s a beautifully crafted final boss that is perfect in every way, from the visuals to the âm nhạc to the lore to the fight itself. It is absolutely flawless.


So let me be the first to say that I have played very little of Bioshock. I am aware of how critically acclaimed it is and how it is the pinnacle of video game writing. I am well aware of the amazing plot twist and all that stuff. I’m not bashing on the game, but most of the great stuff was honestly spoiled for me…. Most of them.

#6: Welcome to Rapture from Bioshock

What I wasn’t spoiled on, however, was the incredible intro sequence. I played it with a friend for the first time, and already knew what the twist was and what the world was like and was thêm than likely expecting things to be pretty predictable for me. Not the fault of the game, of course. But as the game started, I was captivated in mere minutes. From the plane crash to finding the ominous light tower standing in the sea bởi itself to the wonderful quote of “no gods hoặc kings. Only man”. And of course, that amazing quote bởi Aran Ryan about men being entitled to their own craft. And thus, bạn are introduced to the underwater city of Rapture. The âm nhạc reaches its peak at just the right moment to give bạn a sense of wonder, but dread all at the same time. As lovely as the city looks at the start, it doesn’t take long for bạn to come to the conclusion that something isn’t right with this town. And at the sight of Big Daddies and Splicers roaming the many halls just from the windows alone, bạn already know that bạn are in for a rough time in the land of Rapture. It’s hard for me to say much thêm about this incredible intro that I haven’t already đã đưa ý kiến in my hàng đầu, đầu trang Ten yêu thích Video Game Intros list. Just know that my thoughts still stand. This is a great intro and it is a great moment in a great game that I ruined for myself because I’m stupid.



When it comes to the Persona franchise, a franchise that I am greatly invested in, I could’ve chosen a bunch of choices. The option for bạn to pick who the killer was in 4, the game trusting bạn to make the right choice using all the clues that bạn have learned throughout the game, hoặc the multitude of great moments in the finale of Persona 5. But my personal yêu thích moment comes from Persona 3 in the final month. No, not with the final boss… I mean the entirety of January.

#5: The Final tháng from Persona 3

Around this point in the game, when it is proven that killing all the major Shadows was… probably not the best idea in the world, where the city is starting to become obsessed with a god of death, and with a mysterious boy named Ryoji being connected in some way, the SEES group later learns that Nyx, a god of death, is coming to earth to give humanity what it so desires, be it consciously hoặc subconsciously. The desire of death. Ryoji specifically tells the group that Nyx is undefeatable, that she cannot be killed, and that they only have a months time before the inevitable. And for that one month, Ryoji gives them a choice. They can kill Ryoji in the hopes of forgetting this information and everything about the Shadow world, and go about life like normal, not knowing about the inevitable, hoặc they can choose to try and fight Nyx, despite being told they have no chance. And thus, for one month, as bạn hang out with Những người bạn and explore the town, the now desolate town that is empty of most NPCs and filled with flyers of the inevitable, bạn are only left to ponder what decision bạn can make. bạn are left to come to that decision if bạn so desire. Not just you, but all of your party members. And the thing is, bạn can choose what bạn want to do. Do bạn want to kill Ryoji and accept that it is better to die in blissful ignorance, hoặc do bạn want to try and fight for a future of life, knowing that bạn have little to no chance of stopping this entity. And the âm nhạc that plays is one of my yêu thích to ever be put into a video game. Just the sheer haunting sadness that looms over bạn as bạn explore the empty city is so beautifully crafted and it makes these final months oddly peaceful in a way, a morbid peaceful of course, but still peaceful. Persona 5 may have a thêm bombastic finale, but Persona 3 was just perfect in every way to me.



Hey, who didn’t see this coming from a mile away? Red Dead Redemption has a place on this danh sách and it is this high on the danh sách and it involved the character John Marston. bạn know exactly where I am going with this so screw the intro part, let’s just get to the topic at hand.

#4: John’s Sacrifice from Red Dead Redemption

In the final parts of the game, after John has taken care of his old gang in the hopes of being with his family and finally get to peace, things start out slow, almost making bạn think that things are going to work out alright. But of course, this game is called Red Dead Redemption for a reason. In the final part of the game, the farm house is attacked bởi soldiers. It turns out that Edgar Ross, government official and certified prick, wasn’t exactly telling the truth. He wanted to take out Dutch’s Gang, every last member, including John Marston, the one who helped them. Despite fending them off long enough for his wife and son to make it ot the barn, John knows that even if they run, they will just come after them again. He knows that he isn’t leaving this farm alive. So, he sends his family off and stays behind, prepared for one last fight. He steps out the doors, and fires at the soldiers, but to no avail. He is gunned down viciously before Edgar Ross, and dies right there. It was clear from the start that John wasn’t going to make it out of this alive, but it doesn’t make it any less shocking and tragic. John was far from a good man, but he was a sympathetic character that we experienced all of these hardships with throughout the game, and despite it all, we wanted to see him live a happy life, but still, we knew that wasn’t going to happen. Death was the only outcome, and despite knowing it was, it is still a moment that shocks and saddends many. And as for Red Dead Redemption 2… no, my tim, trái tim can’t take it.



When it came to choosing a moment from Silent đồi núi, hill 2, it wasn’t going to be easy. There were a lot of moments from Silent đồi núi, hill 2 that I really loved, cause every moment is perfectly crafted to add to the story and the characters. Everything is set perfectly into place to work into the story. But one scene, one simple scene, that truly got to me, was near the end of the game. Which is where many of my yêu thích scenes seem to take place. And I assure you, it doesn’t stop here

#3: The Burning Room from Silent đồi núi, hill 2

At the end of the game, after James has found out the truth about Mary and after Eddie’s unfortunate… accident, Angela is the only other character aside from James and Laura. Angela has…. Not had a great childhood. I advise not đọc it if bạn are squeamish, but Angela was a victim of countless… advances from her father and, allegedly, her brother as well. And she came to Silent đồi núi, hill in the hopes of finding her mother, to have a happy life. These events have left Angela socially awkward, with a fear and hatred for men, which is why she is awkward and sometimes angry around James. But here, in this burning staircase, we learn the truth. That Angela could never find her mother. Her mother told her that she deserved what had happened to her. Angela is completely alone. Despite James saying it will be alright, he won’t be there for her. He won’t be there to tell her things are alright hoặc be there to make her feel better. James is not that kind of person, and if bạn know the twist, for good reason. Angela only sees one path before her now, and asks for the dao, con dao back from James, which he refuses. So instead, she makes her way up the stairs. And as James các bình luận about the heat of the flames, Angela tells him what is possibly my yêu thích quote in the game, that for her, it’s always like this. This room, this world on fire. This is what Angela sees. For here, there is no happiness, there is no way out for her. All she has is a world forever on fire. And with that, she makes her way into the flames to die, with the only thought in mind that what had happened to her was all her fault and that she deserved it all. People say that the saddest moment in the game is Mary’s letter. And I ain’t saying it’s not. It’s incredibly sad and the best voice diễn xuất in the game. But the thêm bạn come to understand the fate of Angela, the thêm bạn can’t help but feel that if things were different, they could’ve turned out better for her.



Is it cheating if I put this on here and break my one game per franchise rule…. Well, the moment is incredible, so I am doing it anyway.

#2: Kiln of the First Flame from Dark Souls

Every ngày I ask myself which is the superior FromSoftware game. Bloodborne hoặc the first Dark Souls. And honestly, I always find myself going back to Dark Souls for many reasons. It’s world, it’s bosses, and the final level of the game and how perfect it was. After collecting the four Lord Souls, the path to the flame opens before you, starting with a staircase that is filled with the souls of passed warriors walking bởi you. And finally, bạn come to it. The Kiln of the First Flame. What looks like an old rotted structure covered in snow is...far from that. Those structures are not rotted, they’re melted. And that snow, that’s not snow. That’s ash from the flame that burned this whole land. The soul of Gwyn was just that powerful. And as bạn wonder these lands in the tìm kiếm of the flame, from inside a tiny hole, bạn see it. The first flame. And it looks… pathetic. Small and insignificant. And who else would be guarding the flame than the Lord of Cinder himself, Gwyn, waiting right there for you. And from the cutscenes, bạn would expect this huge, powerful deity to be towering over you, ready to smite bạn down and stop bạn from snuffing out the flame. But no, instead, there bạn see him. This withered old soul with a blackened, burnt body, who rushes towards you, ready to battle. The âm nhạc isn’t even bombastic. Instead, it’s somber. It’s sad, even. Don’t get me wrong, Gwyn can still easily mess bạn up if bạn aren’t careful, but the sheer lack of power, of respect that this once great lord possessed is gone. Now sits a withered husk of a once great leader who sacrificed everything just to keep the flame going. If this was any other game, some would consider this a disappointment. Hell, some may still do. But it fits with the theme of Dark Souls, of the sad and dying world that seems to have no good outcome no matter what bạn try to do. And yet, something about that, despite how morbid it is, is beautiful in it’s own way.



So recently, I beat NieR: Automata. A really fun game made bởi masters of quality, Platinum, and directed bởi a lovely madman, Yoko Taro. I had this danh sách set up in the back of my mind for awhile now and was prepared to think up some other games that would have great moments of their own. But the một phút I finished NieR: Automata, the một phút I got through the credits, I knew that I had found my yêu thích moment in any video game.

#1: End of YoRHa from NieR: Automata

Around the C Route, the game starts to become like any Yoko Taro game. The world is falling apart, and major characters like 2B has already died, with no chance of coming back, and the main characters are already changing as a result of that. A2 has the right idea not to fight, but her methods are crueler and we know little about her. 9S is a character we’ve seen grow and change, who we want to see succeed, but he is both insane with revenge and his reasons for killing A2 are childish. Despite that, bạn have to see both endings to get the idea. Regardless, someone dies in these endings. But as the credits roll, the Pods are discussing what to do with the data, and despite having to xóa it, they choose not to, and are prepared to go against their orders to keep their Những người bạn alive. And thus, we reach the greatest moment in any video game. Ending E, The End of YoRHa. It starts out with a chiptune version of the credits song, Weight of the World, and bạn play the hacking shoot em up mini game through the credits, shooting the credits. And let me tell you, it is hard. Never before have I wanted to kill Square Enix thêm than I already want to. But with each death, bạn are được trao các câu hỏi about how hopeless it is to fight and if games are just silly things. But despite it all, bạn are được trao encouragement throughout each death, asking bạn to keep going. And before long, bạn come to realize that these các bình luận are bởi real people. Each death is embarrassing and harsh, but bạn are pushed to keep going bởi the kind words bởi others. And eventually, bạn will receive a message from the game, saying that someone, another player, received your signal. And once bạn accept their help, bạn gain the aid of other players in the game. And with their help, bạn are able to fight through the credits and make it through. And at the start of the game, 2B mentions who the gods were that created this world and how she wishes to kill them. And here bạn are, killing the creators of this world. And as bạn do, the âm nhạc changes to lyrics, and then a full chorus hát in the background. The chour is that of the developers of the game singing, including everyone at Platinum and even Yoko Taro singing. It’s a nice touch that really adds to it, and is no doubt my yêu thích song in the game. And despite that powerful moment, the moments don’t stop coming. There’s more. In the original NieR, to save a character, bạn have to erase your character, and in a sense, your save file. And so, to save a friend, bạn erase your save file. And yet, NieR: Automata ups the ante even more. These players that helped bạn beat the game, they had to sacrifice their save files to help you. And so, bạn have the option of doing the same. They helped you, but are bạn willing to do the same. To you, they are just strangers. bạn don’t know them and they don’t know you. The game is clear that they may never know bạn were the one that helped them. In fact, it could be someone bạn hate. And even then, bạn are được trao a glimpse at what the future holds for 2B, 9S and A2. Honestly, it’s the most hopeful ending of any Yoko Taro game. What with Drakengard having giant em bé and the protagonist getting bombed hoặc dying in all endings, Drakengard 3 having the character die and be seen as the cause of all problems and hated for eternity, and NieR having the character accidently start the end of his people, while it wasn’t easy, it’s nice that the character of Automata can experience a happy ending. Just pretend that book Taro wrote with the bad ending after didn’t happen. Shhhhhhhh. With that said, this is a powerful moment to me, with a ton of great moments after great moments that only an insanely creative person could make, and for that, it is my yêu thích moment to ever be put into any game ever.
Welcome to tình yêu & Death Corporated, where our khẩu hiệu is “You Only Live Once”. What is tình yêu & Death Co. bạn ask? Well, our job is to simple. Are bạn familiar with death? Yes, it is a scary concept, no doubt about that, but death is not always the end of things. When bạn die, darkness doesn’t await you. Depending on your soul in life, bạn could be deemed a good noodle and go into paradise, but if bạn are a bad egg, bạn will be thrown into the underworld. But, sometimes, just sometimes, there are runaway souls. When a person refuses to die, despite their time coming to an end, they...
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I am aware I am super late when it comes to talking about this movie, but I felt like that, now that I have analysed it, anal-ized it, and pretty much picked out everything about this film, I feel like now is the perfect time to discuss this film and see what it’s worth is. So with that being said, let’s talk about Spielberg

In the gần đây years, Steven Spielberg has been seen as an old coot who can’t make it with the times, hides all his bad nghề viết văn behind a ton of CGI, and just some guy who should probably retire with all of his money and tham gia the ranks of washed up directors like...
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bạn know, at this point, I don’t know why I bothered randomizing the phim chiếu rạp for this whole event. But hey, at least I’m actually reviewing something rather than letting it all fall behind. So with that said, today we are talking about a rather unique film. One that is so strange, so niche, and yet, is probably one of the greatest horror films I’ve seen recently. It’s so good, it was actually an inspiration for the Silent đồi núi, hill franchise, one of my favorites. So let’s gush- I mean review the 1990 classic, Jacob’s Ladder

The film follows Jacob Singer, a postal worker in 1975 and...
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added by -Universe_COLA-
On the 3rd Day, Nik was able to finally level up Mercury from the ugly Quilladin to the epic Chesnaught. After hours of grinding, many trips to the Pokemon Center, and a town's worth of dead Pokemon in their wake, Mercury had finally reached his final stage of evolution and became the walking tank, Chesnaught

After the Great Grind of Route 11, Bone Thug was able to evolve into a Marrowake. Nik planned to evolve thêm Pokemon, but he eventually got bored and moved on, thinking he grinded enough.

Reflection Cave showed no Pokemon, sadly. The cave was not without some joy, however, as both Kurt Cobain...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Hidden Gems, where we look at some of the most obscure games to see if they deserve thêm attention hoặc if they should be forgotten about. Today, we will be looking at an very obscure game. Now, this game was so obscure, that it’s Wikipedia page is incredibly lacking. Like, wow, Beyond Good and Evil and Jet Set Radio Future were obscure, but at least they had useful Wikipedia pages (And yes, I know this shows how little my credibility is, but bạn gotta remember that you’re talking to a person who reviews obscure games. bạn just gotta take what information...
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Oh man, clichés. Usually, these exist in many forms of media, such as books, movies, anime, and in this special case, video games. And there are quite a lot of them….. And sometimes, that is not a good thing. Whenever a cliché is used constantly, it begins to get old… FAST! And I believe that video games have used bad clichés to death. I already talked about some terribly annoying ones in my past list, but this time, I got some new ones I want to talk about. Now, before I begin, here are some rules. These are clichés that only bother me. They may not be bad to you, but to me, I just...
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GTA is the closest we have ever gotten to a game based on reality… hoặc is it. As it turns out, there is a lot of moments in GTA that makes some of us notice how none of that can happen in real life. So, without any further delay, here is the five things in the Grand Theft Auto franchise that actually isn’t that real

#5: Everyone Can Fly Planes hoặc Helicopters - Now, this is lower because some of these the characters are justified when it comes to flying planes hoặc helicopters. Niko from GTA IV was in a war, and I am sure he flew a helicopter at one point hoặc another, and Trevor from GTA V was...
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Hi, I'm Scootaloo, and I'm the narrator. Now that we got the terrible intro out of the way, it's time to start our fanfic which is a parody of Don't Swim On Sundays, Cupcakes, and Jeff The Killer.

I live with cầu vồng Dash, and we were going to di chuyển into a very nice house bởi a cupcake factory. This story takes place in February, 2014.

Rainbow Dash: *Putting bags into the thân cây of her car*
Scootaloo: Do we have enough room for my scooter?
Rainbow Dash: I think so. We basically have everything we need.
Scootaloo: *Puts her scooter in the trunk*
Rainbow Dash: *Closes trunk* What bạn really want...
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(And now hình ảnh don’t work. This mixed with the inconsistent schedule, it’s like everything abut SWERY tháng is fucking cursed. But it wouldn’t be truly SWERY related if there wasn’t a few technical hiccups here and there)

Oh man, it’s the game I was the most excited to talk about on here. I’m gonna level with you, everyone. When I played through Deadly Premonition, I didn’t get the appeal at first. I just thought it was a weird game with some charming dialogue and a decent setting. I was not super impressed with it like everyone else was. Sure, I grew on it eventually, obviously...
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Well, after some minor errors in the process, the SWERY tháng marathon is back on track. Hopefully. The tiếp theo review will be tomorrow and will hopefully be just as passionate as this one. We did not have a great start to this month, let’s just say, and I really apologize for that. A rather drab game that SWERY had little creative control over, that was a game I had no desire in playing, and was immediately followed bởi lots of personal stuff in life taking over. But thankfully, we can di chuyển on with the schedule and get on to better things from SWERY. Better things, such as the game that truly...
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Ah yes, Jenga, the fun childhood pastime of playing with a set of wooden blocks, because someone was just that bored. I never played much of the board game when it was at its peak of popularity. I was thêm of a CandyLand kid. Aw yeah, coming up on the kẹo Cane Forest, motherfucker! But, I do understand the basic concept of the game, stacking bricks to make a tower and pulling them out and making sure it doesn’t topple over. What I don’t understand is making a full game for the Wii and selling it at full retail price. Who made this game and why would they make it. Oh wait, it’s an Atari...
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In case it wasn't clear since my Grand Theft Auto reviews, I am much thêm interesting in when Rockstar does something other than GTA games. I find that stuff to be way thêm fun. And the first of many (Okay, three) to appear on this danh sách is the murder mystery classic, L.A. Noire-

*Blowing Whistle* Stop right there! I’m taking over this review!

Several years cách đây I found this Rockstar game.. LA NOIRE. Now, when I first got this game, I was fresh of GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.. I was introduced to GTA bởi the 4th, never played the others. But obviously we aren't here to talk about...
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Oh boy, this is a classic gem I’ve been waiting to discuss… again… for the fourth time in a row now. It’s no secret that I tình yêu Platinum. Anarchy Reigns was the first Platinum game on this list, and the rest of them are only gonna get better from here. And let’s talk about their first game, and while not a financial success, still a classic on the Wii, Madworld.
Madworld follows angry biker Jack Cayman, as he and his trustworthy chainsaw arm, go through the crazed gameshow known as Death Watch in order to take out the competition and become the champion of Death Watch. The game...
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As bạn already know.
I kinda stopped playing for a bit, Sullivan is why.
Not to mention. I was shocked the first time. I was starting to like Sullivan..

I think we covered this one :)

Near the end of the 3rd game, Max Payne fights this guy.
It's hard to explain, why it's so hard, just have to see it yourself..

Last boss of Max Payne 3.
And really holds the "last boss" feeling.
In a negative way..

The main villain of Resident evil 5. And final boss..

The final boss of Assasins Creed 3..

A detective bởi the name of Hal Moore suffers from mental depression and thoughts of suicide. After the death of his daughter, where he chose to save his drowning adopted son in hopes of trying to save them both, his son, Andrew, has been quiet and developed a sense of cruelty, assaulting and threatening other children and harming animals. His wife, Michelle, has grown to hate Hal after their daughter’s death, blaming him for not saving her and has become an alcoholic and started cheating on him. Though Hal does believe this, he still does what he can to help others. This has lead him...
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#1: FREDDY KRUEGER (nightmare on Elms đường phố, street spoof):
Most of Freddy's most disturbing traits are replaced bởi his immature behavior.
for example, he refuses to kill Nancy till she becomes scared of him, when she starts getting, simply bored.
Freddy goes around quoting every line he EVER had in the actual movies, and also using trích dẫn from other phim chiếu rạp (though he denies it and claims it's HIS quote).
Due to this "new" personality, it's possible that only reason he's killing people in their sleep, is because he "can" kill us in our sleep..

#2: RICK GRIMES (Walking Dead spoof):
The complete opposite...
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What in the name of god. They are already ready remaking Grand Theft Auto 5.
Now, don't get me wrong. I tình yêu Grand Theft Auto 5. I think it is one of the funnest games I have played in 2013. But, seriously, it's only one năm old, and already they are remaking it for Playstation 4 and XBox One. Seriously, bạn should at least give a game some time to age before bạn remake it. Look at Ocarina of Time, a game which people đã đưa ý kiến is the greatest game ever, which was made back in 1999. The remake for the 3DS wasn't made until 2012, which is years later. Honestly, they are already remaking GTA 5. Sure, the graphics are better, but the thing is that the graphics were amazing to begin with. Why are bạn remaking this game so early, Rockstar. But, hey, that's only my opinion. What's Your Take
*ding dong*

???: what is it?

Henry: hello Simon

Simon: Henry! bạn still wearing that tux?

Henry: every chance I get

Simon: heh... oh... bạn brought soldiers

Dex: why does everyone think i'm a soldier?

Marcus: no idea...

Henry: bạn seem calmer since the last time a saw you...

Simon: I take pills... anyway, why are bạn here?

Henry: we need bạn back

Simon: no way! i'm NOT going back to Klintsy!

Henry: we are close to taking down Harper and Dominic.

Simon: why don't fight your own war!

Henry: bạn are the only one that knows Harper and his tactics.

Simon: ok then, come inside so I can teach bạn

Henry: bạn and I both know that he still has some sanity left...

Simon: ... *sigh* lets go...
There are a lot of video games that have anime about them. bạn have classics like Persona 4: The Animation, Devil May Cry, and of course Pokemon. And with new anime based on video games, like Phoenix Wright having a pretty good anime series, and with Castlevania being announced to have a anime some time in the future, it makes me wonder if there are other video games that could have some pretty neat anime. So, today, I want to share with bạn some anime that could have the potential to have their own anime. Now, before I start, there are some things to address. First off, I am only including...
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