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Oh boy, we still got some Cultober to go through, everybody. hoặc at the least, we’ve reached the ranking moment for these movies. I think we had a good haul this season. We had a few goodies, a few mehs, and some trash in the mix. But it was mostly a good first year. So let’s talk about the movies, talking about the worst ones and then making our way to the good ones, and what I recommend for ones viewing pleasure. Oh, and I will be rating this film on a ten outta ten scale, 5 points for how scary hoặc spooky the film is and another 5 for how enjoyable it is. So there’s a chance I may like a 5/10 film, but that may not be very likely. But let’s stop blabbering and start talking about some damn good horror films already

Rank 31: Birdemic: Shock and Terror
Scare: 0/5
Enjoyment: 1/5
Total 1/10

Oh, wow, Birdemic is at the bottom of the list. What a total shock. This was no surprise to anyone. Birdemic sucked. It fucking sucked. I hated this film, and still do. I decided to be generous and give it a 1 on the enjoyment scale because at least the birds are so bad and so poorly made that they are funny, but bạn mostly get a bunch of boring characters doing stupid shit and it’s just a boring movie the whole way through. I hate it. Do not watch this movie, even if bạn are looking for something ironic. bạn can do so much better, trust me.

Rank 30: Bride of the Monster
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 1/5
Total: 2/10
My god, even though this film was known as one of the worst, it was pretty disappointing, as an ironic film. I was expecting a lot thêm badly done effects, bad acting, and a stupid plot. I mean, there are elements there, but not nearly enough to keep me invested. I was hoping for thêm from most infamous director ever Ed Wood. But no, instead I just get a rather drab film. It could’ve been so much better, but it was just a dull film over all

Rank 29: Night of the Lepus
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 3/10
Night of the Lepus is barely better than Birdemic and, honestly, a far thêm interesting ironic film than the trước đó two simply for the practical effects. The rabbit costume is awful, obviously, and the diễn xuất is so bad with an even worse script that it gets a laugh out of me, but I can respect the use of the smaller town người mẫu for the rabbits to run around in. It’s genuinely impressive. Not enough to save this trash ngọn lửa, chữa cháy of a film, but it has one good, genuinely good, thing about it and that’s better than the last two films.

Rank 28: Incubus
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 4/10
Okay, I can appreciate what this film was going for, and it definitely had a neat idea, and I will admit that it definitely had a pretty good build up. But I just found the film to be laughable at best and boring at worst. I mean, come on, that was the best thiết kế for the tiêu đề character Incubus. And no, the goat form was not much better. For fucks sake, Night of the Lepus had better effects than that. Not costume design, god know, but even their effects were decent in comparison. If it wasn’t for the fact that I like the idea of this film, it would be lower. But god, what a disappointing film, honestly.

Rank 27: The Hills Have Eyes
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 4/10
Yeah, originally, I wanted to give this a five out of ten because I know how much this film is enjoyed bởi classic horror những người hâm mộ and seen as a real classic of Wes Craven’s other films, but, no, I hate this movie, it’s boring, not interesting, and I don’t really enjoy any of the moments in this film up until the last few minutes, and even then, I found that the remake did it better. Yes, the edgy, gory remake did the last thirty phút better, and that film is bởi no means a masterpiece, but I’d take a film that disgusts me over a film that bores me. It’s only higher than the rest because, again, I like the idea of the film. It’s interesting. But man, what squandered potential

Rank 26: Pandorum
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 5/10
Okay, so this is not a boring film, at least not completely, but it’s bởi far the most disappointing. Don’t tease me that this is inspired bởi Lovecraftian horror and then have the weakest kind of Lovecraftian horror. Sure, the characters go insane, but man, bạn could do way thêm than that. That being said, this movie is just eh. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. Guess that’s what you’d expect from a movie that gained the interest of classic shlock maker, Paul W.S. Anderson himself

Rank 25: Maniac Cop
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 5/10
Okay, yeah, have I Mất tích credibility yet? I shit all over The Hills Have Eyes and yet I’m gonna talk about why this film is pretty good. It’s bởi no means a classic, but it does enough to entertain the audience with a good premise, a decent slasher set up, and has Bruce Campiness Campbell. Sorry, I just really like Evil Dead. I just can’t help but be interested. Maniac Cop will never be seen in high regard as other slasher films, but it does enough to keep a slasher người hâm mộ like me entertained. The sequels… Maybe not so much

Rank 24: Wicked City
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 6/10
Well, what do bạn know, the only animated film on the entirety of Cultober and it didn’t even crack the hàng đầu, đầu trang twenty. Just barely missing out on it. That being said, this film has phim hoạt hình that is both disgusting but well animated enough to entertain, if bạn can get passed all the brutal rape scenes, which there are a lot, all on the same character. Oh boy, if there’s one thing I can’t handle, it’s rape. Murder who bạn want, but no rape please. That being said, it’s a typical story, but the insanity kept me interested. I don’t know if the same will be for you, but I liked it enough to keep going.

Rank 23: Cloverfield
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 6/10
Once again, another film that I was disappointed it. Thankfully, not on the scale of The Hills Have Eyes, but still enough to keep it from the hàng đầu, đầu trang spot. Cloverfield is a movie I don’t exactly like, I’m not the biggest người hâm mộ of it, but I respect it. I like the monster, I like the insane theories it builds upon, and I like the idea of a found footage film. But everything else just kinda made me lose interest over time. It’s bởi no means a bad film, but I still consider it to be overrated. But maybe you’ll see something in it that I don’t, hopefully.

Rank 22: I Was a Teenage Werewolf
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 6/10
Man, time sure does fly. To think it was thirty days cách đây that I started this marathon, and it was all thanks to this 1950s movie. That being said, it’s a pretty basic werewolf film. bởi no means a bad film, because I sure as hell enjoyed my time with it, but there certainly are better werewolf phim chiếu rạp out there. But if bạn want something with the right amount of 50s B movie cheese, then this is the film for you

Rank 21: Idle Hands
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 6/10
Wow, what a fucking lame movie in the fear category. That being said, this movie is fucking amazing. It’s stupid, it’s really stupid, and I will always say that it is. But it manages to revel in its own stupidity and have fun with it, and damn it, so do I. Please, it’s got everything the 90s was good at. Slasher films, lame humor, The Offspring. Oh, it’s so dated but in a good way. I implore you, check out Idle Hands. I give this a Highly Recommended film. It’s not a hàng đầu, đầu trang ranker, but this gets the Corner of Horror niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation

Rank 20: Pumpkinhead
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 6/10
Well, this was certainly a surprise. I thought Pumpkinhead would’ve been a B movie mess, but it was actually a pretty decent film. Nothing groundbreaking, but I personally enjoyed what I watched. It’s creepy enough, got enough unique slasher movie kills, and Pumpkinhead has such an amazing thiết kế to him that I just want to keep coming back for more. To this film, not the god awful made for TV movies. That’s worse than direct to DVD.

Rank 19: Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
I thought Pumpkinhead would be lame, but I thought this movie would be a hot mess. And low and behold, it’s probably one of the better modern horror comedies I’ve seen. It’s a great parody of the slasher genre with all of it’s stupid tropes without feeling forced and it manages to make the characters of Tucker and Dale a rather enjoyable duo. I can see them being in thêm movies, whenever the hell that ngày comes

Rank 18: Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
From one dumb duo to another and probably one of the thêm well known. bởi no means Abbott and Costello’s greatest work, it was certainly a nice surprise to see them go up against the classic Universal monsters of the past. It’s got the classic feeling of a 1930’s Universal horror film while having the enjoyable comedy of the two. What thêm could bạn ask for?

Rank 17: Child’s Play
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Let’s be honest, Chucky was pretty much better as a comedy film anyway. Sure, his first moments were creepy, but it could only work for so long. And the creepy doll being a killer only became thêm cliche from there. So it’s nice that Chucky was a far thêm interesting character when he spoke. I used to hate it, but now I can appreciate it. If bạn are a người hâm mộ of a thêm humorous slasher film, you’ll probably have some fun with Child’s Play.

Rank 16: Scream
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 7/10
Ah, now this (Aside from lều, cabin in the Woods) is the true slasher film parody. Made bởi Wes Craven, he makes yet another classic slasher villain with Ghostface, before he too got fucked bởi Hollywood in a spiral of bad sequel after bad sequel. But this is the original Ghostface, and the original Scream, a classic in the slasher genre that brought slasher films back into the mainstream after a long period of silence. And of course, leave it to Wes Craven, creator of the Nightmare on Elm đường phố, street franchise to strike vàng once again with a new slasher villain.

Rank 15: Them!
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
I was honestly not expecting to enjoy Them! As much as I did, but low and behold, it’s actually a decently made film. Sure, it’s bởi no means the scariest film out there, unless bạn have a phobia of insects, then this film is nightmare inducing, but it’s the effects, the acting, the story, and suspense, all of this mixed together with the classic B movie feeling of classic cinema, it all molds well together to create this 50s classic, and a film I recommend to anyone. Another film for the Corner of Horror niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation.

Rank 14: Witchfinder General
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Okay, no, THIS is bởi no means a scary film. It’s really disturbing at times and may be hard to watch, but it’s far from a scary film. That being said, this film is amazing, just like Them. Yeah, get ready for a lot of Seals of Recommendations from here on out, people. Witchfinder General was such a horrifying film for it’s time and it’s a film that I recommend to anyone out there. If bạn have the stomach for it of course. Slap the Corner of Horror niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation on this film too

Rank 13: Tremors
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Oh man, what can be đã đưa ý kiến about this film that hasn’t been đã đưa ý kiến already. Nothing, so I’ll just copy down everything about this film. The characters, the monsters, the setting, and just the pacing, it all makes this film a classic and a film that deserved all of it’s sequels, which I have heard are actually pretty decent, for straight to video movies, of course. This is a must watch for anyone who is not just a người hâm mộ of horror films, but for monster films in general. Another Corner of Horror niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation

Rank 12: Begotten
Scare: 5/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 8/10
Okay…. I don’t know what to make of this movie. This was the first and only film this entire tháng that, didn’t scare me, but disturbed and sickened me. It was actually pretty hard to sit through. The vague story telling, the disturbing visuals. I think it was thêm effective because it looks like it was recorded on a fucking potato. It’s an interesting film, but I don’t know if it’s a recommended film for everyone. I’ll give it this, it scared the hell out of me, so it must’ve done something right.

Rank 11: REC
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 8/10
This is the true found footage film of this month. Yes, thêm so than Cloverfield. This is a đồi núi, hill I am fully prepared to die on. My clearly superior opinions aside, REC is such an interesting zombie not-zombie film for how it is portrayed, how it is built up, and the fact it all takes place in one building. It was able to get four sequels, and only one being noticeably bad, so clearly, it did something right with it’s plot. And all on a found footage film, which horror những người hâm mộ normally hate. Good for you, REC

Rank 10: Bad Taste
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/10
Peter Jackson can clearly do no wrong… Except when it comes to The Hobbit, but shhhh. We’re talking about simpler times. Apparently $25,000 budget levels of simple, and this film looks better and is thêm well shot than most big budget films today. It’s premise is silly, but fun, and it has the right amount of gore to where it’s disgusting, but not hard to stomach. It’s a film that any gorehound will enjoy hoặc just a horror người hâm mộ in general, and it gets my Corner of Horror niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation

Rank 9: Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 8/10
The first and so far, only Japanese horror film of Cultober, but goddamn, but a great way to start looking into foreign films from the Land of the Rising Sun. This is some Cronenberg level shit here, and all on a small budget using scraps from broken TVs no less, and it was horrifying and disturbing and awesome all at the same time. Just try to ignore all the phallic imagery in this film, okay? It’s Japan, what do bạn expect? Another film with the niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation

Rank 8: Jacob’s Ladder
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total 8/10
This is a film that is so good that I’m sad that it didn’t get any attention when it first came out .I’m happy that it’s getting some tình yêu now, but man, this movie was so ahead of its time with the disturbing imagery, unique plot, and just an tổng thể unsettling feeling throughout the film, making your skin crawl as bạn tried to piece everything together. bạn just can’t find this kind of horror anymore, and I find that a little depressing. With that said, this gets the niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation too

Rank 7: Halloween 2018
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/10
Again, I am completely aware of the lack of a cult following this movie has. That being said, this film is amazing if bạn are a người hâm mộ of the original Halloween film, like me. It’s got enough to satisfy những người hâm mộ of the original film, những người hâm mộ of slasher films in general, and will peak the interest of those newcomers who have never seen the original film, maybe inspiring a new age of Halloween fans. Sadly, I cannot give this film a niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation. It’s a lot thêm effective if bạn saw the first Halloween first before bạn watch this one. But man, do I wish I could give it that seal.

Rank 6: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/5
The classic German Expressionism film and bởi far the oldest film on Cultober, it is a true classic. So classic that it was a silent horror film, so bạn really need to know how old this film is. The film is so vaguely told that it gives it a creepy vibe. It also helps with the world the characters interact in, finding themselves in this bizarre world with oddly shaped buildings and over exaggerated shadows. It’s an insane fantaisie world that I honestly want to see thêm of in film. I’ll happily give this film a niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation.

Rank 5: Halloween 1978
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
Now this is a film that I can happily give a niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation onto. Yeah, not even gonna discuss why I should. Just slapping that niêm phong, con dấu on right away. bạn know the jist. bạn know how much of a classic for any marathon John Carpenter’s Halloween is. Michael Myers is a classic slasher villain, and Halloween is the perfect film to watch during the October season. Go watch Halloween. Right now. It should be on TV. It’s the giáng sinh Story of Halloween

Rank 4: 1984’s The Fly
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
I may not have found the movie to be too scary at the start, but boy did it pick up really damn fast. Even still, it’s not scary, but it’s an amazing film, watching the deteriorating sanity of the main character, and seeing the amazing effects that are to be expected in any Cronenberg film. This is a film that any horror người hâm mộ should check out, at least once. But I doubt they can get enough from just one sitting. Another film to slap the niêm phong, con dấu on. From here on out, just expect this niêm phong, con dấu to be on everything.

Rank 3: Return of the Living Dead
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: This and the tiếp theo film were real damn close to getting a 10/10 ranking, but I decided that only one film should have that right, and Return of the Living Dead barely missed it. But man, what an amazing zombie film. It’s up there as one of the greatest in my opinion, and almost as good as the classic Romero films. If bạn are a người hâm mộ of zombie films, all two of you, then this is a classic bạn must watch. An obvious niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation

Rank 2: Young Frankenstein
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
This was the film that almost broke the Rank 1 spot. But I just like the Rank 1 film a little bit more. With that said, Young Frankenstein is the perfect horror comedy, probably the best horror comedy I’ve ever seen. Classic horror elements for những người hâm mộ of the genre, a good sense of humor, Gene Wilder playing probably a better role than Willy Wonka, something I never thought I’d say. This is a must watch for những người hâm mộ of the original Universal monster films and anyone who is looking for a good laugh. niêm phong, con dấu of Recommendation, because of course

Rank 1: Monster Squad
Scare: 5/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 10/10
Is this film better than Young Frankenstein, Return of the Living Dead hoặc The Fly? Probably not. In fact, it’s probably a goddamn fact that it isn’t even close. But this film captures the spirit of what horror những người hâm mộ tình yêu about the horror genre, and captures the entire idea of Cultober so well, as well as the Halloween season in general. Sure, there’s no pumpkins and such, but it’s still such an amazing cult classic and a must watch for any horror enthusiast. I can’t recommend this movie enough. Please, I beg anyone đọc this, watch Monster Squad. It’s amazing.

Well, that was certainly a fun month. It wasn’t perfect. We still had some garbage films in the pile, but I was perfectly satisfied with what we were able to watch. And as for a recap on what films bạn should check out, those would be
Idle Hands
Witchfinder General
Bad Taste
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Jacob’s Ladder
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Halloween 1978
1984’s The Fly
Return of the Living Dead
Young Frankenstein
Monster Squad
And with that, Cultober finally, for real this time, comes to a close. And will I do this again tiếp theo year? Heh heh heh. Maybe. And with that, I wish bạn all a Happy Halloween and a happy… I don’t know, Veterans Day? Take care.

Oh yeah, it’s time to talk about some character action games, some of the best of the medium, and what better one to start with than the king of them all, Devil May Cry. hoặc rather, the first one, the weird one where Dante was clearly a Blade hoặc Neo rip-off and the camera sucked a dick. Regardless, still an incredibly fun game.
Devil May Cry follows Dante as he goes to kill demon king Mundus on a secluded island consisting of marionettes, shadow beasts, Nelo Angelos and also something about him wanting to fuck a look-a-like of his mother. Allegedly wants to fuck his mother, granted. Now,...
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Well, here’s the first of many, many, MANY con châu chấu, cây châu chấu, châu chấu video games that will appear on this list. I’m a big người hâm mộ of the niche, what can I say? So being one of the later games from their thư viện that I played, I only saw a few pictures of it and knew it was a con châu chấu, cây châu chấu, châu chấu game. Needless to say, I was sold on the game. And despite it all, I was happy for what I got. Cause damn, Killer is Dead is probably one of the nicer to play con châu chấu, cây châu chấu, châu chấu games out there.
Now, sadly, I never got to finish all the side stuff in this game and didn’t get to experiment with the game much, so sadly, I can’t...
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Now, I’ve probably Mất tích some credibility among the highterups of the horror community for liking the gorefests that are slasher films. Now allow me to sullididate my place as being a shitbag in the horror community with no chance of ever taken seriously again. Along with slasher films, I also like zombie films. Granted, to a lesser extent to slasher villains. At least there’s some creativity to slasher villains, while most zombies are just the same. But thankfully, we’ll be looking at a film that does things a little differently. That film would be 1985’s Return of the Living Dead.

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Well, here is a film I was never too proud of when I first watched it. I remember watching this film back in middle school. I heard it was among some of the best slasher films out there, alongside Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And yet, when I watched it, I thought it was really lame and overrated and couldn’t understand what people saw in it. But, after watching this movie years later, and getting a new idea on it, what do I think about it now? Well, on Cultober, let’s take a look at the 1996 slasher classic, Scream

In the lovely...
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That night, I put my plan into action. I went to the blindspot, and went through the fence. No one noticed that I left until tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, in the tunnels.

Pablo: *digging, but feels dirt falling on him, then looks up* Oh thank god. The roof isn't going to collapse. *Continues digging*
Volk: *Gets bag of dirt full, and gives it to Sigmund*
Sigmund: *Passes bag to Airborne*
Airborne: *Passes bag to cầu vồng Dash*
Rainbow Dash: *passes bag to Sacred Symphony*
Sacred Symphony: *Passes bag to Shredder*
Shredder: *Passes bag to Jade*
Jade: *Passes bag to Bartholomew*
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Song: link

Kevin: That sound, doesn't sound good.
Orion: *Knocks down a door* Run for your lives everyone!!!!
Kevin: I knew it, what happened?
Orion: I don't know.
Kevin: *Sighs*
Orion: Oh, now I remember. Parker kept beating everyone at Poker, and Gordon's angry now.
Kevin: Ah. Usually with Parker, it's the other way around.
Jerry: *Stops tiếp theo to Orion, and Kevin* xin chào bạn two. What's going on?
Kevin: You're better off not knowing. Trust me, that's how bad things are.
Orion: And it doesn't even concern you, so you're lucky.
Jerry: Well anyway, I'm here to host tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday...
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No thêm Giải cứu thế giới 2 does things… differently from the first game. Gone is the overworld to explore. Gone is the unique enemies of every level. Gone is the chance to collect trading cards. And gone is fun mini-games. But hey, at least now we have some pretty cool bosses… For the most part. While No thêm Giải cứu thế giới 2 definitely falls behind the first No thêm Giải cứu thế giới in some instances, it makes up in others, such as story, music, and even some bosses. And with the addition of fifteen bosses in the game, it makes sense that there would be some great bosses… And some stinkers too. So that is what...
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Song: link

Master Sword: *Fighting with Coffee Creme over who should be the host*
Thomas: Don't tell me they're at it again.
Percy: I'm afraid so.
Master Sword: I'm the host!!
Coffee Creme: No! I am.
Sean: We're not finished with this episode yet, so I'm still hosting.
Master Sword: *Shoots lava out of his head* RAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sean: And welcome back to Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm Sean from Trainz, and I'm still your host. On The Block, and Adventures of Thomas & Những người bạn are up next.

Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

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posted by windwakerguy430
(A large crowd fills the stadium as the audience watches the massive wrestling ring in the center, with news helicopters flying over to get a view of the show. In the ring sets a man in a cowboy hat, with chaps revealing his thong, no shirt, and a bandana covering his mouth. At his sides are two holsters with two golden revolvers on the side. The man watches as a massive man with a red mohawk and leather jeans steps into the ring, wielding a đường phố, street sign with concrete on the bottom of it. As the match is about to begin, a helicopter that appears to be made of vàng flies over the ring and to...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Listening to the music* This is weird.
Carter: *Stops tiếp theo to Hawkeye* Why? Just because it's from thirty years after your hiển thị takes place?
Hawkeye: *Looks at Carter, and sees that he's in Union Pacific paint* When did our railroad get talking trains?
Twilight: cầu vồng Dash! How come bạn got your own show?!?!
Rainbow Dash: Because I'm not you! *Flies away*
Twilight: Not me? What's wrong with me?!!?
Spike: Have bạn seen yourself lately?
Tim: *Next to Thomas, eating popcorn* bạn want some?
Thomas: I know I'm a talking train, but I don't think I should eat that.
Tom: *Arrives* Well,...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Hears the song* Hm, a new song.
Captain Jefferson: Variety is good. That's why we have a new song. Get out there, and protect this town.
Tim: *Goes out with Julia, Toby, and Red*
Tom: Boo!!! *Throws a rock at Twilight*
Twilight: *Gets hit bởi the rock* Yo! What's with bạn man?!
Tom: *Laughing as he runs away*
James: *Stops, watching Tom run across his track* What's with him? *Clears his throat* Hello everyone, my name is James. Welcome to this week's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm your host, James the red, and splendid engine.
Gordon: *Stops tiếp theo to him*...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Taps the back of Gordon's head*
Gordon: *Very angry* GET BACK HERE!!!!! *Runs after Hawkeye*
Master Sword: And I thought I had anger issues.
Tom: *Taps the back of Master Sword's head*
Master Sword: *Catches on fire* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Jefferson: We have too many criminals.
Percy: No, we have too many ponies. Percy The Green Engine here everyone, and this week, I'll be your host for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Our line up for this week is......

Ponies On The Rails - Rated TVMA
On The Block - Rated TV14
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 bạn must look at this picture for 20 giây before continuing onto the tiếp theo part of this người hâm mộ fiction
You must look at this picture for 20 giây before continuing onto the tiếp theo part of this người hâm mộ fiction

Song: link

 The following is an STH/AM6663 người hâm mộ Fiction
The following is an STH/AM6663 người hâm mộ Fiction

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Song: link

 Give half of the credit for this story to Wind. He also stars as a main character too.
Give half of the credit for this story to Wind. He also stars as a main character too.

Announcer: Good morning New Jersey. We hope you're having a pleasant ngày as we get some Rock N' Roll playing.

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & windwakerguy430 Present

Six Shooters

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
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posted by Canada24

Michael is one the many people standing in line at the North Yankton bank.

Michael: Man.. Where's Dr. Kevorkian when bạn need him?

Lady: Well, if I know doctors, he's probably golfing.

Michael: (chuckles) good one.

Lady: Thanks mister.. I got 'more' jokes in bạn want?

Michael: Maybe later.

Trevor: (arrives, holding a present box)

Michael: (polite voice to the lady from before) Excuse me for a second.. (suddenly his calm demeanour is changed to an angry one, as he fires a loaded handgun into the air) EVERYONE ON THE FUCKIN FLOOR!

Trevor: (reveals that the present box was REALLY...
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#1: DANNY TAPP (Saw):
Tapp chases the villain, but is shot dead bởi him..

Clues left bởi Hoffman lead Gibson to the observation area for Hoffman's tests of Bobby Dagen, where he is killed bởi a remote-controlled automatic weapon placed in the room.

#3: JONAS SINGER (Saw 2):
Xavier wanted to work alone, and ordered Jonas to turn around. Not understanding why, Jonas refused and Xavier agressively moved towards Jonas, who misunderstands, and punches Xavier, starting a fight, witch Jonas wins, but due to the still spreading gas, Jonas falls into violent coughing,...
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Okay, this is gonna be a real quick one, but I had to talk about it. It was too good to pass up. So, after years of trash with Resident Evil games like Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, and, god forbid, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Resident Evil: Revelations 1 and 2 were okay. The best Resident Evil game we even got so far was a Wii U remake of Resident Evil 4. Yeah, sadly, a remake was the best we got. People were very upset with Capcom. I mean, with scenes like this, it shows

Oh, just look at that quality. It’s so beautiful. So yeah, people got pissed off at Capcom a lot,...
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People have always been saying how horror phim chiếu rạp are just terrible today. Now, I find that hard to believe…. If that fact wasn’t true. Horror phim chiếu rạp today are the exact same things. They use the same scare tactics, and the same jump scares. They all consist of ghosts, hoặc serial killers, hoặc zombies, hoặc god forbid, a remake due to lack of ideas. Hell, there wasn’t much going on in 2015. I mean, maybe I could check the best horror phim chiếu rạp of 2015. Let’s see here………….

….. Yeah, as bạn can see, there isn’t much shit to watch. hoặc at the least, anything good to watch. Sure,...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Mr. Walman: Now listen, lady. We’ve bought the land, and we are going to do what we please
Teacher: So you’re going to tear down our school
Mr. Walman: (Reads the school sign) Eastwood School for the Deaf. Oh, I see now. Well, we can’t let the children go without something. Here bạn kids are (Hands them all coupons) These are all coupons for our sales on CDs. Okay, let’s get started
Teacher: Wait, how can they-
(A wrecking ball destroys the building)

Cody: (Walking with Wind and James) And then I spilled the burning grease on my arm and had to be taken to the hospital
Wind: That’s probably...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 12

Bad Coffee

October 6, 1952

It was a wonderful ngày in Cheyenne. The sun was setting, and Coffee Creme was getting close to finishing her work.

Coffee Creme: *walking to train yard*
Jeff: Hi Coffee Creme.
Coffee Creme: Hi Jeff.
Red Rose: Hi Coffee Creme.
Coffee Creme: Hello Red...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Wind: ………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….…..………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………...
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