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posted by axzavia
Takes place in New Moon, when Bella goes to see Jacob after he starts ignoring her, determined to find out what is exactly going on with him. And when she does, she gets what she never expected: Jacob imprints on her and Bella must deal with the fact that Jacob is now her soul mate, along with being a werewolf and just as things become normal for her and Jake, Victoria returns, seeking revenge. Now Jacob and the pack must do whatever they can to make sure that Victoria doesn't harm Bella. *The Cullens might be included but probably just Alice when she sees Bella's future disappear after Jacob imprints on her. *

A/N: I made Bella slightly out of character because I don't really like the fact that in New Moon, she gets so depressed when Edwards leaves her so I made her a little stronger because I would like to think that if she had been stronger and not so dependent on Edward, that maybe she would have realized sooner how much better Jacob is for her, especially if Jacob had been the right guy for her all along so I decided to do a story about that. I hope bạn guys like it.

Chapter One:Life With Jacob

Bella POV

As I drove in my truck to Jacob's house, I let my mind wander, since I could probably get to his house with my eyes closed, since I had been to his house so often, especially lately. And of course, thinking about that caused my mind to wander to thoughts about Jacob. Jacob and I had known each other for a long time now, after all, our dad's are best friends. But I didn't really get to know Jacob until after Edward and his family left town. Once Edward and his family left, since all of them (especially Edward), were a huge part of my life, I felt like my world had come to an end. Nothing I did could keep me from thinking of Edward. Everything reminded me of him and I hated that. I hated that he had entered my life, become such a huge part of it and then left as if none of it had mattered to him at all. I hated how everyone, especially Charlie, walked on eggshells around me, not even saying his name around me, for fear of what I might do. But most of all, I hated how I no longer felt like myself, letting one guy who wasn't even around anymore and who claimed not to tình yêu me, influence me. That was what led me to spend time with Jacob. I was tired of feeling miserable, I wanted to be happy again and one thing I had remembered about Jacob from when we were kids was the fact that no matter what the situation, Jacob always seemed to know the thing to say hoặc do to make me smile and that was something I definitely needed. I still remember the first ngày I went to see him after Edward had left. I know I looked horrible that day: my hair was a mess, I had no makeup on, and I knew that when he looked at me, he could see the shadows under my eyes from the nightmares I had been having. But unlike everyone else, he didn't say a word about how awful I looked. Instead, he embraced me in a hug, something else I really needed, and led me to his garage, where I watched him work on his car as he would occasionally talk to me, never once bringing up Edward, which I knew was because he knew how touchy a subject Edward was for me and for that, I was grateful. Everyone else always asked how I was doing, even those who knew I didn't want to talk about it. But not Jacob. Sure, he knew I was hurting but he also knew that when I was ready, I would talk to him. It just felt nice to hang out with a normal person for once, someone who knew how broken I was but didn't seem to care. And I think that alone was what helped me because after spending a couple weeks just hanging out with Jacob in his garage, I was able to open up to him. I told him what happened with Edward, well the ngày he left anyway, careful to leave out the mythical stuff. And when I was finished, I was a little afraid to look him in eyes. After all, it was no secret how Jacob felt about me. But eventually I did, expecting to see anger but all I saw was sadness, that someone would really do that to me. And then he did something I'll never forget: he hugged me and vowed to never leave me like Edward did. And from that ngày forward, Jacob and I were best friends. I spent every ngày after school with Jacob at his house, just watching and talking with him as he worked on his car because when I was honest with myself, when I was with him, it seemed all the drama and pain I had been through over the last couple of months wasn't there anymore and as weird as it sounded to me, I needed Jacob. He was like my own person sunshine, the one person who could always make the smile, and the one person I knew I could always count on no matter what but the most important thing I liked about him was the fact that I could be myself around him, I didn't have to try so hard to be good enough to be around him; we were just Jacob and Bella and that was enough.

But that was weeks ago. Jacob had gotten sick after we went to the phim chiếu rạp a couple weeks cách đây and I haven't seen him since. Every time I called his house hoặc tried to go see him, his father Billy told me he wasn't trang chủ hoặc some other stupid lie to get me to leave. I knew it was a lie because the ngày when Jacob promised he would never leave me, the look in his eyes, I knew he meant it. So when he stopped calling and I wasn't able to see him, I just knew that someone else was behind it and I was determined to find out who. So after I finished school for the day, I got in my truck and headed for Jacob's house and I wasn't going to leave until I saw Jacob because whether he liked it hoặc not, he was going to see me and give me the explanation I know I deserved.

Chapter 2:Life Without Bella Sucks

Jacob POV

When I got up this morning, I found myself wishing once again for my old life, my human life, before I found out what a freak I am, the life I had with Bella. Life was so much simpler back then. I missed how she would come over every ngày and we'd hang out in the garage. I know she never understood anything I đã đưa ý kiến about my car and the work I was doing to it but I didn't care. She was there and that was the most important thing to me. True, I knew that the reason she started coming around in the first place was because of that stupid leech leaving her the way he did but I didn't care. I'll admit, I was selfish, knowing that she still cared for him and would probably never look at me that way but I still let her come around, just hoping that maybe, just maybe, being around me would help her get better and help her realize that she had someone even better for her right in front of her. And especially in the last few months, I thought it was working. She started coming over every ngày when she finished school and I couldn't help but notice how eager she was to see me. But the best part was she was smiling thêm and it seemed to be genuine, like she wasn't forcing herself hoặc pretending to be happy, that when she was with me, she really was happy. And as selfish as it was, I liked that. I liked being the one who helped her forgot about him. I started to think it was only a matter of time before she felt about me the way I did about her.

But then, everything went to hell. One day, Bella decided she wanted to do something else besides sitting in my nhà để xe watching me work. She wanted to go see a movie together and since it was Bella, I agreed, especially when she chose a horror movie. Everything was fine, until after the movie. When we got back to my house, I started to not feel well so I planned on just going inside and getting some rest, wanting to get better as soon as possible so that I could hang out with Bella again. But it turns out, I was as far from sick as anyone could get because when I got inside my house, I felt really weird like something major was happening to me, something I couldn't stop and it turns out I was right because one minute, I'm human and the tiếp theo thing I know, I'm a wolf. I couldn't believe it, even after Sam and my dad tried explaining everything to me. It took days before I would believe the legends I had been told as a kid were true. But once I did, everything about Sam and his ''gang" made thêm sense to me and I started to think that Sam wasn't such a bad guy after all. But there still was one thing I didn't like: Sam told me to stay away from Bella and since he was Alpha of the pack, I had to listen to him. But that didn't mean I had to like it, which I made very clear when we were in chó sói, sói form because all I thought about was Bella, which I knew pissed Sam off.

I mean, I knew he had his reasons for telling me to stay away from Bella but I also hated him for it because he didn't understand my relationship with Bella. He didn't get how much we needed each other, especially Bella. Right after I disappeared on her, she started calling my house every ngày and I felt bad for making my dad lie to her for me as well as making her worry about me so much. I wanted nothing thêm than to tell her everything but Sam wouldn't let me. Every time I bugged him about it, he would just remind me over and over that she might not be my imprint, the one I'm meant to be with forever, and if she's not, I would have to break her heart, just like Sam had done to Leah and Sam didn't want me to have to do that, which I understood but I still didn't like it.

I missed Bella and I knew she missed me so it would only be a matter of time before she had had enough of me ignoring her and showed up at my house expecting an explanation. I didn't think about this in chó sói, sói form because I knew if Sam found out about it, he would try to stop me from talking to her and finding out if she really was my imprint but I just had to know. Even though there was a part of me that was scared that she would turn out to not be my imprint, I was willing to take the risk because there still was a part of me, the part that loved Bella thêm than anything, that believed that she was my imprint and that part was determined to find out for sure, no matter what Sam had to say. After all, he couldn't stop Bella from coming to see me if he didn't know she was coming. I mean I didn't know when she would come but I just knew she would and when she did, hopefully I would be able to explain it all to her.

Chapter 3:Getting Some Answers

Bella POV

Once I arrived at Jacob's house, I immediately put my truck in park and got out. As I looked around, I could tell right away that he wasn't home. It was way too quiet around here for him to be home. But his father was because not long after I arrived, Jacob's front door opened and Billy rolled out. He didn't say anything at first, just stared me down because he knew perfectly well why I was here. Then, when he did speak, he đã đưa ý kiến exactly what I knew he was gonna say.

"Bella, Jake's not home." Even though that's all that came out of his mouth, I knew what he was really saying was, 'Jake's not here and I'm not telling bạn where he is hoặc when he's coming back, so bạn might as well go home'. But I wasn't going anywhere. Jake had bailed on me enough times that I had had enough of it. I was determined to get some các câu trả lời and I didn't care how long I had to wait to get them.

"I know he's not here but that's okay. I can wait. ." And with that, he went inside. I knew he must have thought I was stupid to wait around for Jacob but I didn't care. That was what I needed to do.

When Billy went inside, I got back in my truck and tried to busy myself as best I could but it didn't work out too well because pretty soon, I fell asleep and then was suddenly woken up bởi a tapping on my window.

When I looked up to see who it was who had woken me, expecting it to be Jacob, I was surprised to see it wasn't standing him in front of me but the man who had rescued me from the woods the ngày Edward had disappeared, it was Sam Uley and he wasn't alone. Standing behind him was a group of boys who looked just like he did and among them was Jacob. As soon as I noticed that Jacob was there, I realized that Sam must have had something to do with Jacob's disappearing act, that Sam must have gotten to him like Jacob had feared he would and all the fear I felt towards Sam when I first saw him was replaced bởi anger which was good because I knew Sam would try to get me to leave and there was no way I was going anywhere without talking to Jacob first.

Eventually I got tired of Sam staring at me so I got out of my truck and before I had even shut the door, Sam spoke to me.

"Bella, how are bạn doing?" He asked, even though I knew he could probably care less. I bet he only asked because he remembered the kind of state I had been in the last time he saw me. I wonder if he knew how much better I had gotten because of Jacob but then I concluded he probably didn't care about that either because if he did then he probably wouldn't have kept Jake from me.

I decided to answer him, trying to be as nice as possible so that he couldn't say no to me talking to Jake. "I'm fine, thanks."

"So, can I help bạn with something?" He asked, even though he had to know why I was there.

"Yes bạn can actually. bạn can di chuyển aside so I can speak with Jacob."

And of course he said, "I'm sorry Bella I can't do that."

"And why not?" I asked him, wondering what lie he was going to tell me to keep me away from Jacob.

"You just can't be around Jacob right now. It's for your own good Bella."

Him saying that just set me off because it was similar to what Edward đã đưa ý kiến when he had left me and I was sick and tired of people trying to decide for me what was good for me. If Sam knew anything at all he would know that keeping me from Jacob was the opposite of good for me and thinking that brought all the anger I had up to the surface and I just let him have it.

"You know what? No. I am so sick and tired of people trying to tell me what is good for me. I make decisions for myself and don't try and act like bạn know anything about my relationship with Jacob. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive. I'm sure bạn remember how I was when bạn found me when Edward left me. Well I was like that for a long time. I was like a zombie, barely living. That is, until I started hanging out with Jacob. He made me feel happy, like it was okay for me to di chuyển on with my life. He knew how broken I was but he didn't care. He still loved me anyway. Eventually I started to anticipate seeing him every ngày because he was like my own personal sunshine, he made me feel good inside again and then because of you, he leaves me, after he promised me he never would. So no, I'm not leaving. Jacob is the best thing I have and I am not going to let bạn take him away from me so if bạn don't mind, I'm going to talk to Jacob now." After I finished, I proceeded to stare Sam down like he had done to me, doing my best to prove I wasn't scared of him which must have worked because he went over to Jacob and I could see that he was arguing with Sam, which made me smile because I knew it meant that Jacob wanted to see me. Eventually Sam came over to me, looking like he had been defeated which was confirmed when he said: "Fine, I was trying to help bạn but if bạn really want to talk to Jacob that badly, fine. He đã đưa ý kiến to meet him at the beach."

With a smile, I walked to the beach. I didn't know if Jacob was right behind me hoặc not but I didn't care. I was getting what I came here for but that didn't mean I had to go easy on Jake. After all, he had promised he would never leave me and then turned around and let someone like Sam influence him. So I was going to hiển thị him what him leaving me too had done to me.

When I arrived at the beach, I sat on the piece of driftwood that meant a lot to Jacob and me. It was the place where we first met. The place where he told me about Edward and his family. The place where he had promised he would always be there and where I had told him what happened the ngày Edward left. It was like a sacred place that held all our secrets and thoughts. Special. Everything major that had happened between us had happened here so I knew he would know where to find me.

I was sitting there for a few phút before I heard his footsteps behind me. Normally he would have sat down tiếp theo to me but not this time. He just kind of stood there, refusing to look me in the eye and that bugged me which made it easy for me to tell him off too.

"What is your deal Jake? We were sitting right here when bạn promised bạn were never going to leave me. But bạn did Jake. True,You may not have left like Edward did but bạn still left me alone. Why did bạn break your promise to me? When Edward left me, I didn't think I'd be able to get past it but I did, because of you. bạn were exactly what I needed Jake. bạn were there for me like no one else was. bạn made me see that it was okay to di chuyển on and be happy but I was really only happy when I was with you. bạn were like my own personal sun. When I was with you, I didn't have to pretend to be happy because I really was. And most importantly, bạn made me feel like I could tình yêu again. But then bạn up and abandoned me too. bạn know what? You're just as bad as he is, in fact, you're worse. At least he had a somewhat good reason for leaving me. What's your excuse because bạn guys really know how to make a girl feel special?"

When I finished yelling at him, he didn't say a word and he still wouldn't look me in the eye and now I was getting fed up.
"I'm not like him. It's not the same..."He mumbled. I waited for thêm but nothing came.
True, he was important to me and I really needed him in my life but if he didn't care, why should I? So I got up off the piece of driftwood and started to walk away from him when he called me back. "Bells wait!" And against my better judgment of giving into another guy that doesn't seem to care, I turned around, wondering what he could possibly have to say to me but it wasn't what he đã đưa ý kiến because he didn't say anything but the look on his face. For the first time all day, he looked into my eyes and when he did, I saw something in his eyes I had never seen before. He looked at me as if he was a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. He was looking at me like Edward used to but thêm so like something hoặc someone bigger than us was tying us together, telling us that us being apart was bad for the both of us but I honestly don't really know what it was, all I know is I felt it too. For me, it felt like all the anger I had felt towards Jake had disappeared and was replaced with thêm of the tình yêu I had started to feel for him. It felt like even though I was standing pretty close to him, it wasn't enough. I needed to be near him. I needed to be in his arms. But most importantly, I needed him thêm than anything. And that's when one thought became dominant in my head: the reason I felt like I needed him so much was because I had been falling for him and that was why I always anticipated seeing him. That was why I blew up at him and Sam today. I was in tình yêu with Jacob Black and something inside me told me that it was a long time coming, something that was bound to happen eventually but I was okay with that. Jacob was good for me, healthier for me, he made me happy and most importantly I could be myself around him. I didn't have to try so hard to feel good enough for him and in thinking that I also realized that for the first time since Edward had left, I honestly didn't care if he ever came back. I had Jacob and he was all I needed.

Chapter 4:Imprinting

Jacob POV

When I got up this morning to go patrolling, I couldn't help but think that today was going to be a major ngày for me, that something big was going to happen to me but I didn't know what hoặc why that occurred to me. Of course, the one thing I hoped would happen was that Bella would hiển thị up at my house looking for me but I had kind of started to give up on that. After all, it had been three weeks since I had seen her last and she had even stopped calling my house looking for me, which I didn't know if that was because she had được trao up hoặc because she was tired of hearing my dad's excuses. I really hoped she hadn't được trao up on me because the part that loved her, didn't want her to because I just simply wasn't ready for her to. I hadn't done a good job recently of hiển thị that but I just knew that if both her and Sam would give me a chance to prove it, I would never give her a reason to doubt me again. But I had started to think I'd never get the chance to hiển thị how much I really loved her and how much better I was for her than that bloodsucker and it was all because of Sam. Sure, it bugged him like crazy when I thought about her in chó sói, sói form but he wouldn't back down. All he kept saying was that he knew best and the best thing for both me and Bella was for us to stay away from each other. I would always argue that that wasn't what was best, that what was best was for us to be together. I would always tell him that I knew in my gut Bella was the one I was meant to be with forever and he would always say the same thing: that just because I felt it in my gut, didn't make it true. And that was always when I would stop fighting him because in all honesty, I didn't care what Sam thought. All that mattered was what I believed in my tim, trái tim and hanging on to that belief as hard as I could. I kept that thought in my head as I headed out the door because I just had a feeling that someday soon, I would be được trao a chance to prove Sam wrong.

I didn't think about Bella as much as I usually did while I was patrolling. Mostly because I knew it wasn't doing any good. No matter what my thoughts were, Sam wouldn't relent. Plus I was tired of getting a lecture from him about Bella especially because he always đã đưa ý kiến the same thing: basically how I was wrong and he was right and I was tired of trying to convince him otherwise with just my words, I wanted to hiển thị him in another way and little did I know how soon I would be able to do so.

After patrolling for hours, Sam finally decided we were due a break so we all phased back to human form, put on our shorts and headed for his house to get some thực phẩm but we never made it there. See, on the way to Sam's house, we had to pass bởi my house and as soon as we did, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that sitting outside my house was Bella's truck. And of course, Sam saw my face and said, "What are bạn so happy about?" I didn't say a word, I just pointed at Bella's truck in the driveway and he looked at me and said, "You know who that belongs to, Jake?" I nodded and said, "I'll never forget that truck, since it used to belong to my dad and I fixed it up before he sold it, to Charlie Swan." As soon as I đã đưa ý kiến 'Swan', Sam knew that it wasn't Charlie at my house but Bella. I don't how he knew that without asking me, maybe bởi the smile on my face, knowing I wouldn't smile that big if Charlie was there but he knew because then he asked, "Did bạn know she was going to be here because bạn do remember I told bạn to stay away from her, right?" "I didn't know she was going to be here today." I đã đưa ý kiến as I held my hands up in innocence. "What do bạn mean, bạn didn't know she was going to be here today?" He asked. "Well, Sam, when bạn told me to stay away from Bella, I only listened because I was forced to. I knew there was nothing I could do to get around it but Bella can. There is no one telling her she can't see me so I knew when bạn made me leave her, at first she would just call my house, trying to find out what was up but after a few times of my dad not telling her anything, she would get fed up and come looking for me and since Bella is stubborn, she would make sure that she left here with answers. Oh and I bet you're wondering why I didn't think about this in chó sói, sói form if I had a feeling she would do this. It's quite simple Sam: I knew if I did, bạn would make sure I wasn't here when she showed up so I didn't think about it for the simple reason that I need to see her Sam. I know bạn don't want me to but I need to know. I need to know if the feeling that we are meant to be together is all in my head hoặc it's for real so please Sam, just let me try this. If bạn do, I'll never bother about it again, no matter how it turns out."

Sam sighed, "I still don't know Jake. I really don't think it's a good idea. I just don't want bạn to have to break her heart. bạn don't know how hard it is to hurt someone that bạn tình yêu and bạn can't even tell them why."

"How do bạn know I will Sam? I'm not like you, bạn know." I said, knowing exactly what he would say to that, which was: "You don't know that Jake."

That's when I got mad. I hated how Sam acted like he knew everything about being a chó sói, sói just because he was first. Sure, he had been good with helping us with phasing and controlling our anger and he knew what he was talking about there but I hated how he thought just because he had to hurt Leah when he imprinted on Emily that he knew everything about imprinting. He didn't even know Bella and he acted like he knew so much about my relationship with her. So I let him have it. "You know what, Sam? The only reason I don't know that is because of you. I would if bạn would just let me see her but bạn won't just because there is a slight chance I won't imprint on her. But bạn know what, I am willing to take the risk because I tình yêu her Sam. She means everything to me. And yeah, she used to ngày the bloodsucker but I don't care about that because when he left her broken, I took care of her and picked up the pieces and I think in doing so, helped her see that there's someone out there better for her than him and I know that's why she's here. She cares for me, probably thêm than she knows but she does and I am sick and tired of lying to her. So go ahead, go over there and tell her to leave but I bet bạn anything she won't without talking to me and when she tells bạn that, let me know what I have to do in order to see her."

When I finished, he walked over to Bella's truck without saying a word, with us following him. He looked inside the truck and Bella must have been asleep because he tapped on her window. After he did, she got out of her truck and he started talking to her.

"Bella, how are bạn doing?" He asked, even though I bet she and I both knew that he could care less about what Bella was doing. If he did, he wouldn't have kept us apart in the first place. But Bella being Bella answered him nicely bởi saying, "I'm fine, thanks." I don't know why she was being nice because he didn't deserve it. I was sure she had figured out he was behind my disappearing act. Maybe she thought if she was nice, he'd give her what she wanted.

Then Sam got right down to the chase and asked, "So what can I do for you?" even though we all knew what she wanted from him so I don't even know why he asked. But Bella got right down to the chase too bởi saying, "Yes bạn can actually. bạn can di chuyển aside so I can speak with Jacob." Before it had even come out of his mouth, I knew Sam was going to say, ""I'm sorry Bella I can't do that." And of course she asked him why not, I also knew he was going to say,"You just can't be around Jacob right now. It's for your own good Bella."

As soon as that came out of his mouth, I knew Sam was in for it. After hearing from Bella about why Edward had left her, I knew that Sam trying to tell her what was good for her was the last thing Bella wanted to hear and she was going to let him know that.

"You know what? No. I am so sick and tired of people trying to tell me what is good for me. I make decisions for myself and don't try and act like bạn know anything about my relationship with Jacob. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive. I'm sure bạn remember how I was when bạn found me when Edward left me. Well I was like that for a long time. I was like a zombie, barely living. That is, until I started hanging out with Jacob. He made me feel happy, like it was okay for me to di chuyển on with my life. He knew how broken I was but he didn't care. He still loved me anyway. Eventually I started to anticipate seeing him every ngày because he was like my own personal sunshine, he made me feel good inside again and then because of you, he leaves me, after he promised me he never would. So no, I'm not leaving. Jacob is the best thing I have and I am not going to let bạn take him away from me so if bạn don't mind, I'm going to talk to Jacob now." As Bella yelled at Sam, I had conflicting emotions about it. Part of me had to try my hardest not to laugh because Sam is a lot taller than Bella is so it was kind of funny to see someone her size yelling at him.It was also quite funny because Sam was scared shitless. Then the part of me that loved her, loved all the things she was saying about me, proving just how good I was for her as well as hiển thị how much she cared about me. Then I also couldn't help feel guilty when she mentioned me promising I would never leave her and turning around and doing just that. I just hoped I would have a chance to hiển thị her just how sorry I was.

After she finished yelling, Sam walked over to me and we proceeded to argue again. "She's not going to leave, is she?" I asked, pretending like I hadn't just heard what she said. "Oh cut it out Jacob. I know bạn heard her yell at me so bạn already know the answer to that." He said. "Well, Sam, bạn should have known better than to try to tell Bella what is good for her ."I grumbled."Now bạn tell me," he muttered. "That's why Edward and his family left because he thought it was the best thing for her and look what happened there. bạn don't know how hard it was to put back together the pieces he had left behind but I'd do it all again if I had to because I tình yêu her Sam. She is the best thing I have. So please, just give me a shot here. "

Sam sighed, knowing I wouldn't let up until I got my way. "Fine, I give up. I'm just trying to spare bạn guys the heartache but if bạn don't want to listen to me, fine. Go ahead. Talk to her. Just don't come crying to me if bạn don't imprint on her."

"Don't worry about that because I won't have to. Just tell her to meet me at the beach." Sam then walked over to Bella, told her what I đã đưa ý kiến and she started walking toward the beach. I followed her, just so happy I finally got my way with Sam. As I walked, the happiness I felt turned into a feeling of happiness and fear. Yes, I was happy that I was finally able to talk to Bella but I was still scared that Sam would turn out to be right and if he was, I don't know what I'd do. I shook my head, trying to get that thought out of my head as I approached where I knew Bella would be. It was a piece of driftwood but it meant a lot to Bella and me. It was where we met when we were little kids and when she moved back to Forks. It was where she had told about Edward leaving her and where I had made my promise to her. And hopefully it would soon be the place where I told her my secret.

When I arrived at our place, Bella was already sitting on the driftwood. Normally I would have sat tiếp theo to her but not this time. The part of me that was scared Sam would be right was kind of winning at the moment and I hated that. I hated how much I let him influence me. I mean, who's to say that he will be right? I don't know if the rest of the pack agreed with him hoặc me but I didn't really care anyway because bởi the end of the ngày someone was going to be right and I prayed to God that it was going to be me.

Anyway, me not sitting with Bella must have made her angrier because then she let me have it too. "What is your deal Jake? We were sitting right here when bạn promised bạn would never leave me. But bạn did Jake. True, bạn may not have left like Edward did but bạn still left me alone. Why did bạn break your promise to me? When Edward left me, I didn't think I'd be able to get past it but I did, because of you. bạn were exactly what I needed Jake. bạn were there for me like no one else was. bạn made me see that it was okay to di chuyển on and be happy but I was really only happy when I was with you. bạn were like my own personal sunshine. When I was with you, I didn't have to pretend to be happy because I really was. And most importantly, bạn made me feel like I could tình yêu again. But then bạn up and abandoned me too. bạn know what? You're just as bad as he is, in fact, you're worse. At least he had a somewhat good reason for leaving me. What's your excuse?"

This time, nothing Bella đã đưa ý kiến was funny like it was with Sam because it was all true and unlike him, I deserved it. I mean, I didn't really have any control over leaving but I still did and as much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right. At least Edward had a pretty good reason for leaving her. He thought she'd be safer without him around. But me, the only reason I left her is because Sam told me to and that wasn't a good reason at all. Yeah, I tried to get him to let me see her but she didn't know that and unless I imprinted, she never would. I knew she was waiting for me to respond to her but I didn't know what to say to her because I knew until I looked at her and got my answer, there was nothing I could say. It was then that she got up and started to leave and her doing just that was the courage I needed because then it was like an alarm was going off in my head, screaming at me, 'Don't let her go, bạn tình yêu this girl thêm than life itself so just look at her already." Hoping it wasn't too late, I called her back, "Bells, wait!"

She stopped walking but I almost didn't think she would turn around but she did eventually and when she did, I knew right away that Sam was wrong. When she looked at me, suddenly, it was like she was all I saw. It was like I couldn't even see all that surrounded her. All I saw was Bella. But thêm importantly, when she looked at me, it was like she was all that mattered now. I could care less about Sam and the pack. All I cared about was being near Bella, loving her and protecting her for the rest of my life. That was when I thought about what Sam had đã đưa ý kiến it felt like to imprint and that's when I definitely knew that I had imprinted on Bella and I couldn't wait to tell Sam because this meant that he could never me keep from Bella again but thêm importantly this meant I could tell Bella everything and I would never have to hide anything from her ever again.

Chapter 5

Bella POV

After Jacob and I stared at each other for what felt like hours, I finally decided to give into my desire to be near Jacob. As I stepped closer to him, without even realizing it, I quickly went from walking towards him into running towards him so before I knew it, I was standing in front of him and bởi standing this close to him, I could tell something was different. I saw thêm of my Jacob than Sam's Jacob in his face. I saw he was smiling my smile as well as I saw he had that twinkle in his eyes that he would always have when he was really happy about something. That's when I knew that my Jacob was back and I couldn't be happier because it was him that I missed when we had been apart. So with that realization, I buried my face in Jacob's chest, inhaling his woodsy scent. I smiled as I felt him put his arms around me and Kiss the hàng đầu, đầu trang of my head. I knew Jacob and I had a lot to talk about but for now, it felt good to just live in the moment, knowing that thêm than anything, this was where I wanted to be.

But then, it was as if Jacob could read my mind when he said, "You know, Bells, as much as I tình yêu this, we have a lot to talk about." I looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah we do. Jake, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just…you frustrated me so much, first with disappearing on me and then making me feel like bạn don't trust me enough to tell me what is going on with you. I mean, I thought we had the kind of relationship where we can tell each other everything. I told bạn all of my secrets. I just wish bạn felt like bạn could tell me yours." Then he looked at me like I was crazy. "Bells, I do trust you, thêm than bạn know. I mean, I wanted to tell before but as I'm sure bạn figured out, Sam wouldn't me see you. bạn don't know how happy I was when I saw bạn were here and Sam finally agreed to let me talk to you." I laughed. "Yeah I kind of figured that bạn wanted to see me when bạn were arguing with him after it. Before that, I wasn't so sure. It felt like when Sam was talking to me, like he was speaking for you. I didn't know if bạn even wanted to see me." I said. "Of course I did." He said. "Bella, bạn mean thêm to me than bạn could possibly know and I can explain everything, I swear. But before I do, I need to talk to Sam about something really quick, okay?" I nodded. I got ready to sit back down on the driftwood to wait for him when he held out his hand and said, "Come with me." Without saying a word, I grabbed his hand and followed him back to where it all began today.

And of course, when we arrived, Sam was still standing there but this time, he was alone. He must have been waiting for us to come back, which was confirmed when he started walking towards us. When he reached us, the fear I felt when I first saw him came rushing back but this time, I didn't even know why I was scared. There was just something about Sam that scared me. But before I could even really think about it, Jacob squeezed my hand (probably sensing my fear) and the fear seemed to fade away. That's when I realized, as long as I had Jacob bởi my side, I could handle anything that came my way.

Then Jacob stepped phía trước, chuyển tiếp to talk to Sam. I couldn't really make out what they were talking about but I knew it was about me, most likely about me and Jake because as Jacob talked to Sam, they both kept looking over at me. Then, when Jacob finished talking, Sam smiled, patted him on the back and I heard him say, "Okay, bạn can tell her everything now." That's when I got confused – what was 'everything' and why did he need Sam's permission to tell me? But once again, before I could properly think about it, Jacob was once again bởi my side, leading me back to the beach, which didn't surprise me because whatever he was going to tell me, I knew he would tell me at our spot.

When we got there, I sat on the piece of driftwood while Jacob kneeled down in front of me so that we were kind of eye level with each other. He took in a deep breath and then he started to talk.

"Bells, I have an explanation for why I disappeared on you. I'm just afraid that if I tell you, bạn might not want to be around me anymore."

It was my turn to look at him like he was crazy. "Jake that would never happen. There is nothing bạn could possibly say hoặc do that would scare me away."

"You sure? This is pretty weird." He said.

Thinking back to the people that I once thought would be my future family, I nodded. "Yeah I'm sure Jake. I can handle weird stuff better than bạn know."

"Okay, here goes. Bella, do bạn remember when we first met when bạn moved back to Forks and bạn asked me about the Cullens?" I nodded, remembering that I only talked to Jacob at first to get information out of him because I was stupidly infatuated with Edward. It was then that I felt guilty for using Jacob back then and not realizing then that he was the better guy for me. I was just glad I realized it before it was too late, knowing if I could do everything all over again, I'd still do it because even though I went pain and heartache, it led me to my right path, it led me to Jake.

"Okay, so bạn remember what I told bạn about them and the legends." I nodded again. "Well, do bạn remember what I had đã đưa ý kiến about the tribe?" I thought back to that day, trying to remember what Jacob had told me. It took me a while but I finally remembered. "I think I do. bạn đã đưa ý kiến that, according to legend, your tribe is descended from wolves, right?" He nodded. "But bạn also đã đưa ý kiến bạn didn't believe it, that it's just some scary story your dad told bạn growing up." He nodded again. "Yeah I didn't believe it then." "What do bạn mean, Jake? What's changed?" I asked. "A lot of things have changed Bells. It all started the night we went to the movies. Remember how I got sick that night?" I nodded. "Well, it turns out, I wasn't really sick. What I'm trying to say here Bells, is that the legends are true. See, Sam and me and the other guys bạn saw today, well, we're werewolves." When that last word came out of Jacob's mouth, all I could think was: my ex-boyfriend is a vampire and my best friend/guy I'm in tình yêu with is a werewolf. What is with me and all this Supernatural stuff? How is it that every person I've been close to is involved with the supernatural? At this point, if someone told me witches were real, I would probably believe it.

When I didn't respond to what Jacob said, because I honestly didn't know what to say, he kept on talking. "But we're not real werewolves. We're shape shifters, who take the form of wolves. We like to call ourselves The Protectors because we protect La Push and Forks." Being curious, I asked, "From what?" Then he đã đưa ý kiến what I thought he would say: "Vampires. They're our enemies." "Why vampires, Jake?" He shrugged. "I don't know. That's just the way it's always been. ma cà rồng and ma sói just don't get along. But don't worry. We don't hurt humans hoặc anything. Just the ma cà rồng trying to hurt those that we care about." All I did was nod because I just couldn't believe it and again it was like Jacob could read my mind because he đã đưa ý kiến "Look, I know you're having a hard time believing this. I know I did when I first found out what I was. But I have a way to prove it to you. Wait right here." He then stood up and disappeared behind a tree. After a few minutes, I didn't know what he was doing and was about to call his name, when, a giant chó sói, sói came out from behind the cây that Jacob had disappeared behind. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I approached the chó sói, sói slowly, partly because I wasn't sure what was going on and also a little afraid the chó sói, sói might hurt me. But as I got closer to it, my fear started to fade because for one thing, the chó sói, sói was beautiful. His lông, lông thú was russet color, just like Jacob's skin and as soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew immediately that this chó sói, sói was Jacob because he had his eyes and even in chó sói, sói form, they seemed to sparkle. And as soon as I had that realization, any fear I had was gone because I just knew Jacob would never hurt me. So as I got closer to him, I reached my hand out and touched his lông, lông thú and as I did, I could tell he liked my touch because he seemed to nuzzle his head in my hand. It was as if in chó sói, sói form, he was hiển thị me how much he loved being near me and how much torture it must have been for him for us to be apart so I did my best to hiển thị him with my touch how much torture it had been for me to be apart from him too. We stayed like this for a while then he moved away from me, went back behind the cây and in his place was the human Jacob.

As soon as he walked back over to me, I hugged him again. "Jake, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You'd think I'd be used to this sort of thing bởi now, what with Edward and his family being what they were." He smiled and said, "It's okay. I know this is a lot to take on. "I nodded. "Yeah but I can handle it. I'd much rather be with you, even with your secret, than without you. Now, is that all of it?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, there's more. One thêm important thing actually. It's called imprinting. That's when a chó sói, sói finds his mate. When he sees her in his human form after his first transformation, she becomes the most important to him. Everything else in his life doesn't matter as much as she does. He would do anything to keep her safe. His duty is to protect her and tình yêu her. Basically, she is his soul mate, meaning they were born to tình yêu each other so he can never leave her hoặc be away from her for too long because it hurts him too much not to be near her." Then I asked the câu hỏi I was afraid to ask but I needed to know anyway: "Have bạn imprinted Jake?" He nodded. "Yeah I did…" I was about to get up and leave, thinking that Jacob had found someone better for him than me, despite how I had felt when he looked at me but then he said, "…on you." Then because I once again looked at him like he was crazy, he added, "You heard me right Bells. I imprinted on you. That's why I was arguing with Sam about being able to see you. See, he's the leader of the pack and when I joined, he told me to stay away from you. At first it was because he thought I would hurt bạn but before long, Sam didn't want me to have to break your tim, trái tim if I didn't imprint on bạn but I just had this gut feeling that I would so I annoyed him about it every chance I got. But it wasn't really working but I knew bạn would come here to see me so when I saw bạn here, I knew I had my one and only shot and much begging on my part, Sam agreed to let me try. And while bạn were yelling at me, I got scared he might be right, which is why I wouldn't look at bạn hoặc respond to what bạn said. But when bạn got up and started to leave, it was like an alarm was going off in my head, giving me the push I needed. And then when I looked at you, I knew I had been right because immediately I felt this need to be near bạn and tình yêu and protect bạn always. I didn't care about anything else but you. And I know bạn felt it too, Bells."

And when I thought about it, he was right, I had felt it. "You're right Jake. I had felt it. When bạn looked at me, it was kind of like I had a euphony. It was then that I realized why I loved seeing bạn so much every ngày and why I got so mad at bạn and Sam today. It's because bạn were there for me when no one else was, bạn fixed me when I was broken, bạn helped me to be able to di chuyển on and be happy again, something I once thought would never happen. But most of all, bạn opened me up to tình yêu again. Basically what I'm trying to say here is when bạn looked at me, it was like the feelings I had for Edward faded away and the feelings I had for bạn came bubbling up to the surface, making it easy for me to see what it is exactly that I needed and wanted and that's bạn Jake. You're my sunshine Jake and when I was without you, I realized just how much I need bạn in my life. To sum it all up Jake, I tình yêu you."

"Really, Bells? You're not just saying that because I imprinted on you? Because bạn do have a choice here, I'm the one who doesn't. I'm tied to bạn forever so I can never really be with anyone else but bạn can. I mean, nothing would hurt me thêm than to see bạn with someone else but all I care about is your happiness. I mean I'll be to bạn whatever bạn want me to be. I just want to be in your life."

I didn't even have to think about it. I knew Jacob was my future. "Jake, I meant every word. I know I have a choice but I don't care. I want to be with you. bạn aren't forcing me into anything. If anything, all of this helped me see things thêm clearly, it helped me see that bạn are my future Jake and trust me, if I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't say that I did and I definitely wouldn't do this…" I got closer to him, put my arms around him and I kissed him. For a chẻ, phân chia, split second, I compared it to kissing Edward and I knew right away kissing Jacob was way better. For one thing, Jacob didn't have to be careful with me, out of fear that he would hurt me. We could totally give into the moment. Also, kissing Edward had been like kissing stone, there really was no passion in it. But with Jake, there was passion but not too much of it. And in that kiss, I knew this, Jacob and me, was everything I wanted and that as long as we were together, everything would be okay.

Chapter 6

Bella POV

Once the Kiss was over, Jacob had the biggest smile on his face and I knew right away that me kissing him had helped him get rid of any doubt he might have had about forcing me into a relationship with him. True, the pull I felt towards him was stronger now because of the imprint but I also knew I felt the way I did towards him because of how he had fixed me after Edward left me. It opened my eyes to what was right of me and plus right from the beginning I knew that what Jacob felt for me was thêm than friendship and I wouldn't tell him I felt the same if I didn't mean it because that wouldn't be fair to him. So now that I had finally figured out what I wanted, I was done wasting time because being with Jacob is what I wanted as well as the fact that before I knew what he was and that we were soul mates, I was scared that if I didn't tell him, I could lose him and that was definitely the last thing that I wanted.

Jacob decided to break the silence bởi saying, "You know, for years I've been wondering what it would be like to Kiss you, Bells."

"Well, did the reality live up to your fantasy?" I joked, remembering times where Jacob and I would be in his nhà để xe and he would stare at me intensely and I always knew what was going through his mind, that he was wondering what would happen if he crossed our friendship line.

"No, it was better. I think it was because bạn kissed me, hiển thị me that this is what bạn want. I mean I'm not gonna lie Bells, before bạn kissed me, I was scared that bạn only loved me because of the imprint and as much as I want bạn all to myself, I didn't want to force you. I mean I've waited a long time for bạn to be ready for me Bells but if I had to, I would have waited longer. But since bạn kissed me, I see that this is what bạn really want. I'm sorry I doubted you."

"It's okay Jake. I can see why bạn might have doubted me. But trust me, I've known from the beginning that what bạn feel for me is thêm than friendship so that is why when we started hanging out after Edward left and I was broken over him, I only kind of kept an emotional distance from bạn because I wasn't sure if I could ever tình yêu anyone again but of course that didn't work because the thêm time we spent together and bạn started to fix me, I knew I was starting to feel thêm than friendship for bạn and as weird as it may sound, bạn leaving me was what really made me see that because I found out I really missed you, way thêm than I should, and that's when I knew. And it's really okay bạn had a little doubt. I don't blame bạn after all I put bạn through. I mean I know watching me tình yêu someone who hurt me while bạn loved me couldn't have been easy for you."

He nodded. "No it wasn't. I couldn't understand it but if I had to do it all over again, I'd still do it that way because of all people, bạn came to me and I hoped that someday, you'd see me the way bạn saw him and now that bạn have, I'm not going to be like him Bells. I'm never letting bạn go. If I learned one thing from him, it's to know a good thing when you've got it and unlike him, I realize that about bạn and me and I've never letting go of that, ever."

"Good because neither am I." Then he smiled my smile, took my small hand in his big one and said, "Come on. There are some people I want bạn to meet."

It was then we left the bờ biển, bãi biển and headed toward a house I didn't recognize. It was right near Jacob's house and it looked just like his except for the fact that it was yellow instead of red. And just like Jacob's house, it looked so homey and cozy. It felt like a place where I'd feel welcome right away.

And that must have been how Jacob felt about the house, either that hoặc someone he knew lived there, because instead of knocking on the door, we walked right in.

"Jake! Ever heard of knocking?" I asked him once we walked through the house.

"Chill Bells. This is Sam's house. It's like another trang chủ for me. I'm here like every day. Plus Emily told me not to bother knocking since I'm here so much."

"Who's Emily?"

"Sam's fiancée and imprint. She's really nice. I think you'll like her. Hang here, I'll try and find her."

When Jacob went to go and look around the house for Emily, this gave me a chance to look around the house. Currently, I was in the kitchen. Right away I could tell that this was the house where the pack ate their meals because the phòng bếp, nhà bếp had a lot of pots and pans in the sink. As I kept walking, this house definitely looked like some place where I would feel like I belonged.

It was then that the door opened and in walked a woman I had never seen before. She had dark hair and skin just like Jacob and one side of her face, she had a scar. But despite that and also not knowing who I am, she had a big smile on her face when she greeted me.

"Hello. Can I help bạn with something?"

That's when I realized that she must be Emily and of course she must be scared that there is a strange woman she's never met in her house because I know if it was me, I would be. I mean I'm sure Jake had talked about me but she had no idea what I looked like.

"Oh I'm sorry. I should probably introduce myself, I'm Bella."

"Bella, as in Jacob's Bella?"

I laughed. "Yeah that's me. Jake has mentioned me to you?"

She laughed too. "Yeah, constantly. He would always complain to me how Sam wouldn't let me see you. I guess he figured that since I'm engaged to Sam, I could persuade him to let Jake see you."

"Oh so you're Emily?"

She nodded. "Yeah sorry I didn't introduce myself to you."

I smiled. "It's okay. I kind of figured out who bạn were when bạn walked in."

"Okay, good. Well it's nice to meet bạn Bella. I'm heard a lot about you, all good things of course. So, what brings bạn here? Because last I heard from Sam, Jacob was still not allowed to see you."

"Yeah he wasn't but I was just sick and tired of him blowing me off without a good reason for it so I came here today to see him, determined to get some các câu trả lời from him. At first, Sam wouldn't let Jacob see me but after I yelled at him and Jacob begged him, he agreed to let us talk."

"Wait a minute, back up. bạn yelled at Sam?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He told me I couldn't see Jacob because it was the best thing for both of us to stay away from each other and I have had enough people in my life trying to tell me what is good for me and as soon as Sam đã đưa ý kiến that, I Mất tích it so I let him have it."

"Wow," Emily đã đưa ý kiến as she laughed. "I wish I could have seen it."

"Yeah, it was great. So anyway, Jacob and I went to the bờ biển, bãi biển to talk. It's kind of like our spot, where all the important stuff in our relationship has happened and even though I was happy that I was finally able to talk to him, I wasn't letting him off scot free. After all, he had really been there for me when Edward left me and he promised he would never leave me like that so I was mad at him for kind of breaking his promise so I let him have it too. But what really set me off with him is that the whole time I was yelling at him, he wouldn't look me in the eye and at the time I didn't know why. So just as I was about to leave, he called me back and against my better judgment, I turned around and when I did, everything was different. It was like Jacob was all that mattered and that he was the most important thing to me."

"He imprinted on bạn didn't he?"

I nodded, smiling just thinking about the fact that I never had to give Jacob up again.

Emily smiled too. "Yeah I thought so. Well congratulations. I know Jacob must be thrilled. He's really crazy about you, bạn know."

"Yeah I know. I feel the same way. I mean, I didn't at first just because I was so broken over Edward but Jacob was so patient with me and he always knew the right thing to say hoặc do to make me smile and slowly, ngày bởi day, I felt myself falling for him. Especially because he was there for me when I needed him, without me having to ask."

Just then, Jacob walked out of one of the other rooms in the house. I could tell bởi the smile on his face that he must have heard Emily and me talking about him. I knew he must have been happy to hear what I had to say about him. But of course, he tried to act like he hadn't been eavesdropping.

"Oh Em, there bạn are. I was just looking for you."

"Well here I am. I just got trang chủ when I saw Bella here and we got to talking, about you, of course."

Jacob laughed his throaty laugh. "Oh really? All good things, I hope?"

"Of course Jake. Just getting to know your imprint, that's all."

"And what do bạn think Em?"

I was a little nervous when he asked her that. I hoped she liked me because since she's with Sam and I'm with Jake, I knew we would be spending a lot of time together and I wanted us to get along and be friends. I mean, I really wanted to have Những người bạn where I could talk about all this Supernatural stuff, without having to watch what I say.

"I think she is a great girl Jake. I could tell right away bởi what she đã đưa ý kiến about bạn that she really loves bạn and I know that bạn tình yêu her and just seeing bạn two together, it is very clear to me that this is the way it is meant to be. I mean, bạn two just fit together, like pieces of a puzzle."

I couldn't help but smile at what she said. I was very touched that she accepted me so quickly, being that I used to run with the vampires. I thought it would be so much harder to get Emily to accept me but I guess because since she saw how happy I made Jake and how happy he made me, that it was easy for her to accept us together and for that, I was truly grateful.

"Thanks Emily, that was very nice of bạn to say."

She smiled. "Of course Bella and I meant every word. After all, us chó sói, sói girls have to stick together."

That was when I really felt like I belonged in this world. When she called me a 'wolf girl', I realized I felt thêm welcome here than I ever had with the Cullens. At first I didn't understand why I felt that way but then it hit me: that part of it was because Jacob imprinted on me, meaning that since he and I were made for each other, it made perfect sense that I would belong in his world. The other part of why I think I felt that way was because the whole time Edward and I dated, I always felt like no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough for him, like I had to try to be perfect to be worthy of being with him. But it didn't just end with him. I kind of felt that way around his family too. I mean, every time I was at his house, Alice would always try and make me over and sometimes it felt like she was implying that I needed to change myself in order to be good enough for Edward and to be accepted into his family. I always felt like the odd one out when I was around them.

That's why I felt so welcome in Jacob's world: because I knew right away that I fit in here. I didn't feel like I had to be perfect in order to be accepted. True, so far the only ones who had accepted me were Jake and Emily, but that was okay because as long as I had Jake and at least one friend that I could talk about all this stuff with, I'd be fine.

"So Jake, who knows about bạn and Bella?" Emily asked.

"Just Sam so far. I don't know if he told the others yet hoặc if he's waiting until tonight to do that." Jacob said.

"Tonight? What's tonight Jake?" I asked, not having a clue as to what he was talking about.

"Oh yeah, I forgot bạn don't know about that. Well, whenever one of us imprints, Sam holds a bonfire to introduce her to the pack and welcome her as one of us. Sometimes he tells the pack before the bonfire and sometimes he doesn't and I don't know if he did hoặc not this time. I haven't seen him since he đã đưa ý kiến I could tell Bella everything." Jake đã đưa ý kiến the last part with a smug smile on his face. Obviously he had been extremely happy that Sam had been wrong and honestly, so was I, considering that if he had been right, even if Jacob and I had gotten together, eventually when he imprinted on someone else, he would have to leave me because of how strong the imprint is and I knew if that had happened, I wouldn't recover from it so I was really glad that I would never have to go through that and that I got to keep Jacob forever.

Emily laughed at the smile on Jacob's face. "I don't think anyone has. It's been a while since Sam was proven wrong when he thought he was right. But if bạn ask me, it's about time he got knocked down a few pegs. I mean, I tình yêu Sam but he does kind of walk around La Push like he knows everything about being in the pack just because he was the first one to go through it."

"Thank bạn Emily. I'm glad someone agrees with me on that. I always đã đưa ý kiến that about him. It's good to know someone else feels that way but I never thought I'd hear that from you." Jacob said.

"Well just because I'm with Sam doesn't mean I agree with everything he does. Trust me, when I found out about all this drama from both bạn and Sam, I was torn. Part of me agreed with him that it was best for bạn and Bella to be apart. I mean, I know from firsthand experience how imprinting can complicate tình yêu and I didn't want either of bạn to have to go through that. But on the other hand, after hearing about it from bạn Jake, I couldn't help but sympathize with bạn and I hated to see bạn in pain. I wanted bạn to be able to have someone to be there for bạn through all this stuff. Which is why I talked to Sam for you. For a while, I didn't think it was doing any good until one day, he came to me and asked, 'What if Jake doesn't imprint?' so I said, 'What if he does?' and I think that, plus bạn begging him and Bella yelling at him that got him to let bạn guys talk today. And honestly, I'm glad he did. It's nice to see bạn happy Jake."

Jake smiled my smile. "Thanks Em. Well I'm gonna take Bella and introduce her to the others. We'll see bạn tonight at the bonfire."

"I'll be there. It was nice meeting bạn Bella." Emily said.

"You too Emily." I waved goodbye as Jacob and I walked out of the house.

"So bạn liked Emily?" Jacob asked as soon as we left.

I nodded. "Yeah, she's really nice. I think we're going to be good friends."

"Good, I think she needs someone like you."

"What do bạn mean Jake?" I asked, curious as to what he was talking about and what she had meant bởi knowing how imprinting can complicate love.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But it's a long story so let's sit." We sat down just outside of Sam and Emily's house on some logs they had near a ngọn lửa, chữa cháy pit. "Okay, it all started when Sam went through the change. At the time, he was dating Leah Clearwater. He and Leah had been together for about four years and they were so in love. Everyone was convinced they were going to get married. Until, Sam went missing."

"So he disappeared on Leah like bạn did on me."

He nodded, a little guilty. "Yeah, anyway, when he came back, he was scared about what he had become, still not really understanding what was going on. So he went to the Elders to find out what they knew. And when they told him everything, he freaked. He couldn't believe it, just like me when I found out. But when he Mất tích control and phased again, he believed what they were telling him but still scared about what it all meant. Especially for him and Leah. When the elders told him about imprinting, just like me with you, he was so sure Leah was the one because of how much he loved her so that after he talked to them, he ran to see her, thinking that he'd be able to tell her everything. But when he saw her and nothing happened, he felt crushed because as much as he loved her, she wasn't the one. It was then he knew he had a choice to make: either keep Leah as long as he could hoặc let her go but either he was going to have to break her tim, trái tim and he didn't know how to, considering she couldn't know anything about what he was. So he stayed away from her for weeks, thinking about how he was going to break her tim, trái tim but ultimately the decision was made for him. See, one day, Sam went to go talk to Leah and he saw she had family over so he was going to leave when he saw her."

"You mean…Emily and Leah are related?" I đã đưa ý kiến in shock.

Jacob nodded. "Yeah, they're cousins and they were best friends."

"Were?" I asked, knowing what Jacob was going to say before he đã đưa ý kiến it.

"Well, when Sam imprinted on Emily, he had to break up with Leah because as bạn know, an imprint is hard to resist. And when he did, Leah hated him for it, especially when he started dating Emily a little bit afterwards, mostly because she couldn't understand how the two people she cared about most could do that to her."

"Did she ever find out?" I asked curious, thinking that maybe Emily told Leah, not expecting Jacob to say what he đã đưa ý kiến next.

He nodded. "Yeah she did, when she went through the change." I was so in shock I didn't know what to say and Jacob could tell bởi the look on my face because he said, "Yeah I know. She's the first and no one really knows why. Anyway, when she changed, Sam told her everything that led to their breakup and while she may understand it, she still doesn't accept it and we don't know if she ever will."

"Wow. So why do bạn think Emily needs someone like me?" I asked.

"She needs a friend. Leah still hates her and she has nothing in common with Jared's imprint. I mean, bạn kind of know what she's going through, what with everything bạn went through with me and Edward."

I nodded because Jacob was right. I mean I knew what it was like to be imprinted on and realize that he was the most important person to me. True, I sympathized thêm with Leah than Emily but the way I saw it, I could help Emily understand why Leah was still taking it hard. After all, Leah didn't have some
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