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added by Nicolicious
Source: Google hình ảnh
added by Alex13126
added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: Rick Riordan/ Cover Artist
So for all those people who have been yearning for that Percabeth reunion. Rest assured that it will be coming in MoA.
And guess what? Rick says he usually doesn't write cliffhangers all the time. But this time MoA has a cliffhanger ending. Imagine how that would be! If some of his not so cliff hanger endings seem like worse cliffhangers to us - imagine how that would be!
And finally we know Nico has a key role in MoA! Yay!
And for those in this club who have been recently pondering about Calypso. Rick has an answer.

Here is the exact way he answered questions. đã đưa ý kiến he usually doesn't but since...
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Chapter One
Annabeth's POV
Camp Half-Blood, bởi the cabins
Late evening

"You coming, seaweed brain?" I laughed. Percy--my boyfriend!--came running up the hill, panting. "Geez, Annabeth! bạn could beat a dryad in a foot race!" But he was smiling that incredibly cute grin, that always made me melt. What was it about that smile?
Anyway, he stepped toward me, putting his hand on my cheek. I leaned in, expecting a long kiss, but our lips had barely touched when Percy cursed. "Campfire!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. "C'mon..."
We ran toward the trees where smoke curled up toward the ever-darkening...
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
So, wanna know the truth of the trash talking horse? here it is!:

Neptune once tried to woo Ceres while she was searching for her kidnapped daughter, Prosperpina. She rejected his advances and transformed herself into a mare to escape him. Transforming into a stallion, the god chased her until she was tired, producing Arion as a result.

Now, the arch enemy of Perseus Jackson, the Minotaur:

The Minotaur was born of a human, Pasiphaë, and a white bull. Poseidon sent the white bò đực, con bò, bull to King Minos for him to sacrifice in his honor, but King Minos did not sacrifice the bò đực, con bò, bull because he saw that the...
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added by green-art-ac-pj
Source: daekazu
added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: viria.tumblr.com
added by dancergirl78
Source: drNightflower on Deviantart
added by Alex13126
Source: chloisssx3
added by darange
added by PJhero02
Source: burdge bug
added by XxDamOnStErxX
LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại jason (alex pettyr) piper (Emma somthing) LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại well this reminds me wen jason and piper felled in tình yêu in there school.
Okay. I know this has been done before but I just felt like telling people a bit about what I thought it could be. It obviously won't be the exact truth but a girl can hope. And, in this case, spread her guesses around fanpop despite the lack of time to do so.

Well, here goes nothing.

"Bright fame"
Well, I think he can be a son of Athena hoặc Apollo, since the bright above can mean intelligence hoặc luminous. I don't know why but Apollo fits better in my mind.

"Queen", "Pure", "Summit"
Out of all of them, this character is certainly the most discussed of all. Who is Reyna, after all? Who is...
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added by darange
added by darange
added by pookafusmcgee
added by NicoDiAngelo4
Source: tumblr
added by darange
4-Path revealed
I stumbled, around my boots clacking on something hard, tiles maybe. I balance and crashed into a tường then slid my back to đã đưa ý kiến tường to the ground. I rubbed my face, till my eyes came into focus but it was easy enough to tell between the constant beeping, the feeling of sorrow, and how the tường feel like one of those boards bạn can write on. I was in a hospitable. I put my hands on my knee's and pulled myself up surround bởi glaring white walls. Outside the windows roared cars, life of the night.
"What the hell are bạn doing?" I squinted and came into focus on a tanned man with...
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