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posted by TakTheFox
(Note: While I will be nghề viết văn this story in the first person, this story has nothing to do with myself personally, hoặc my own experiences. It is for interest purposes only.)

(Also if anyone is wondering this will NOT be messing up the IAW progress. This is just something I thought up and I wanted to get written down. I am still working on IAW I’m just having some writer’s block.)

“My head hurts…” I groan as I blink my eyes open. It takes a while to get into focus of my surroundings. “Where?” I spin my head around. I’m inside a… house; yes I can see it now. There’s a couch, there’s a table, some stairs, some rooms.

“Is… anyone home?” I wonder. I push myself to my feet, then instantly collapse to the ground again, as if this was the first time I was walking. “Ow! W-w-why I can’t I walk!?” I become dizzy. I breathe quickly, and I feel overwhelmed bởi panic. But the word… for this… what is it? “Hyper… Hypervental?” Was that it? Thinking about it only makes me thêm nervous so I stop.

“Slow… breathes…” I tell myself. Since I cannot walk yet I pull myself onto a đi văng and sit. “At least my arms work.” Then I examine my hands. My long palms and long fingers, and long curved claws. “Is that… normal?” I try to remember how long a normal hand is, but… I can’t remember. With a sigh I let this go as well. Trying to figure it out now would be pointless… I-I think.

I look down at my equally long feet, toes, and toe-claws, and decide maybe I just need to get the blood rushing through my legs again. I start to lung lay, swing my legs back and forth. At first it hurts, as if I was tied to something, but after a while the only pain is the soreness of moving them up and down for so long.

I also notice how I am clothed. I am wearing pale grey shorts… and a pale grey T-shirt. “Why these clothes?” I don’t even try to figure this out.

After a few phút I try to walk again. One foot presses against the ground. It feels like I’ll break my bone from doing this, but it will get easier, right? I put the other foot down; it’s… easier, and takes some of the pressure from the other leg. Then I realize that my feet actually are keeping me well-balanced.

I test this theory out bởi closing my eyes and leaning back a bit. My talon’s cling hard to the floor, and my long feet and ankle-joints allow me to hold myself up. I don’t sway hoặc tumble. “Okay… walk time.” I take a step forward… it hurts, but I do it again… and again… and again. It still hurts! But… I have to keep going.

I make it to a door. “Ewow…” A strange little groan of pain that comes from my mouth. I meant to scream, but I soon find out I don’t have enough energy for that.

I’m still standing, I dare not sit. If I do, it might start all over again. So I open the door. Inside is a bedroom; it has a bed, well obviously, it has a closet, it has a dresser, and a lamp. Instinct tells me to check the closet, I’d like to wear something else besides these grey clothes.

When I open the closet all that is inside are thêm grey clothes. “Ugh…” I look through the dresser. There only thing inside is a Bible. “Is this a hotel?” I question. I don’t know how I remember what a hotel is, but they always have Bibles in them… I think.

The room has nothing else for me. I walk out and go upstairs. I notice as I go up that my feet are not hurting as much as before. At least I was used to walking now. There is a large open room, with a conniver-belt on some kind of machine. “…Tread… Treadmill…” I say. Shouldn’t these be easy words to remember? To my left is a giant wheel-shaped object. “Wait a second… Why would that be here?” I step inside and a whirring sound starts up.

I don’t know how I knew what came next, but my large ears twitched a bit to the sound, and told me to get off and so I jumped five feet to the side as quickly as I could. The wheel began to spin. Then after a few giây it stopped. I feel a wave of terror for a moment then it passes. “It’s not going to kill you, idiot.” I tell myself.

I look around and see that there’s a trash-can in the far right corner. “Hmm…” I pick it up and place it on the wheel. Nothing happens. I step back on it myself. It starts up again, and I quickly jump off. “Maybe it needs thêm weight. What can I use?” I soon find a use for the clothes, and it makes me smirk slightly I admit.

I quickly walk downstairs, gather up the clothes, then pile them in the middle of the floor. Still nothing happens. “Not enough? Still??” I di chuyển the items off the wheel and walk off to find another room.

After a một phút I find a bathroom, with another trashcan, a toilet obviously, a sink, and a shower. “I don’t need this now…” I turn to leave, but a small white square in the room catches my eyes.

“Scale.” I name. I pick it up, it’s fairly heavy, but it’s not its weight I’m interested in. I bring it up to the wheel-room, and weigh myself. There’s six and a two. I weigh sixty-two pounds apparently. I don’t know why but it makes me happy to know I weigh so little.

I then take the clothes and the trashcan, and weigh myself a một giây time. It says one-hundred-and-four point two now. “I need… nineteen-point-eight pounds more.” I get the other trashcan. Five thêm pounds, not enough.

My feet are hurting thêm now; I’ve been walking for about an hour. I go back downstairs and sit on the đi văng for a while. I realize after a while that I am extremely hungry. “More searching.” I sigh.

In front of the đi văng is another room. I go inside, it’s a kitchen. “Whoa… uh…” I try to think of something else I’d like. People normally would think money, but I don’t see the point, all I want right now is to not be so confused.

Inside there is not much food. There are two loaves of bread, some rau xà lách, salad and carrots in the large rectangle “… the… Fridge? Fridgerator?” There’s a gallon of milk, and an ice and water dispenser. I don’t see anything else aside from that, well when thực phẩm is involved that is.

I find some silverware in a drawer, and use a dao, con dao to cut off a piece of bread. I nibble at it for a while, but I can’t get past how bland it tastes. “At least I won’t starve.”

I look again the… Fridgerator, and see that in one of the drawers are bottles of liquid-like goo. I pull out a white one and squirt it into a plate I find in a cupboard. The nước ép, nước trái cây is white mostly, with little bits of green around. It smells a bit sour, but not in a bad way. I decide to taste a dab of it. It’s alright but I won’t eat it bởi itself. “What’s this called anyway?” The label has… letters.

“Uh… R?” I have no way of proving if I’m right so I might as well go with it. I read the other letters, which are “A-N-C and H”. “Rae-‘nch?” I pronounce. “I guess that will have to do for now.” I pull out the carrots and rau xà lách, salad and make a… rau xà lách, salad with carrots in it, then I squirt some of the… raench on to it, then I put it on a plate. I probably should have put it on a plate first. “WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO REMEMBER!?” I yell.

I eat up the veggie-meal and am about to walk out but then something grabs my arms. My instincts spring to lie, and I try to cut at whatever has grabbed me as I squirm vainly.

It turns out to be robotic arms that grabbed me; my claws do nothing to these. One of them grabs my head and holds it phía trước, chuyển tiếp then another shoves some kind of pill into my mouth and makes me nuốt, nhạn it. Finally they disappear. I lay on the ground coughing and gagging. “What if they come back?”

I dash back to the living room and hide under the table. I stay there for a good ten minutes. No sounds, no arms, nothing. “What was that pill it gave me?” I think.

My fear subsides after a while and I go back to exploring, though I would not return to the phòng bếp, nhà bếp for a while… if I did at all. I find no other rooms, just hallways. I walk back again to the living room. I notice the cushions on the couch. “Maybe those would work…” I tug at one. It’s stuck. “Come on!” I yank and tug at it. It still doesn’t bug. So I use my claws to poke a few holes then *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* I get a cushion.

I bring it back to the wheel-room and pile everything on the wheel. It starts to turn. “YES!” I cheer. The wheel gets faster and faster. I notice as it does that the lights in the room get brighter. “This powers the house?” The wheel gets faster, and the lights get brighter, but then some of the clothes fall off and one of the trashcans as well. The wheel stops spinning.

“Ugh…” I decide it might be time to test it myself again, despite how terrifying it is. I di chuyển the other items off then I get on myself. The wheel starts up again and I close my eyes tight as I try to stay calm. The wheel slides below my feet at first, but as it speeds up it begins to pull me with it. Before I can get off though, I’m on the roof of the wheel, upside down. As soon as I reach this spot, the wheel stops, and I fall hard on my face.

I tear up slightly. It hurts, there’s a ringing in my ears, and my whole face stings. But it starts up again. “NO!” I jump off and land on the hard ground in front of me. thêm pain. The wheel of course stops as soon as I get off, and I’m stuck at the beginning. But I remember that it also stopped when I was on the roof of it.

“It has to stay at the bottom.” But what can I use to keep the items together, let alone down? “If I had some string… I could tie it down at the sides…. I need them together first though.” I tìm kiếm the whole house… the whole house except for the kitchen, and the entire time I knew somehow the items I’d need would be in there.

I take the scale with me to use as a weapon. The phòng bếp, nhà bếp is quiet and unresponsive to my movements. Hopefully the pill was only a once-a-day thing. I tìm kiếm thêm drawers and find a drawer with tape, yarn, and scissors. “Good.” *crash!* Startled bởi the sound, I yank the drawer out of its holder and make it out of the phòng bếp, nhà bếp in under a second. I was not going back… for a while at least.

After much tape and yarn later I have the items tapped together thoroughly, with no tape left over, and tied down to the ground and held bởi the foot of the wheel and the bottom of the treadmill. It spins… and the items stay put. “Yay!” I cheer again, though I don’t really know how this will help me. Come to think of it, I never saw any doors hoặc windows… how would I get out of here? What happened to my mind?
Chris held the gun up and shot. It hit a buzzbomber. Chris felt a tingling feeling in his stomach and chuckled. "MUAHAHAHA." He ran around, firing everywhere, hitting badniks, knocking down hills, and making loops collapse. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" He shouted, running along. "This is SO COOL!" he shouted. About an giờ had passed, and Green đồi núi, hill Zone had been torn apart and filled with smoke and ruins and now looked like piles of blocks and dirt and scrap metal. He ran away, but then ran into a blue hedgehog. "Did bạn do this?!" It said. "Ummmm..... bạn DIDN'T SEE ME AND I WASN'T HERE!" Chris...
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plz read chapter 1-24 before đọc this

as we awoke in the prison every one else was asleep still i had a hard time getting to the bars of our cell so i crawled to them and started banging, rattling them and yelling, "i wanna see Valice! i want to see valice! now! ill destroy this palace let me see him now!" everyone else started to wake up from my ranting "weds whats with the screaming?" asked tuesday rubbing his eyes in his cell "wait wednesday?! Wednesday Rane Misery your back!" yelled Dare standing up and running to the bars of his cell followed bởi Rush and Kodi. "u were all sitting...
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posted by cookiemaster
A crowd roaring for a song, waiting for her to come out, but Bluebell wasn't to sure on what her song should be... She made far to many over the holidays, now it's her buổi hòa nhạc today... Her boss walked over to her. "Have bạn made up a song yet, Bluebell?" He asked. Bluebell shacked her head. "Hurry up! their waiting for a song!!" Then he walked away. Bluebell then had an idea on her song... "I've got it... the one my mother sang to me when i was small.." She said, then got up. She walked out onto the stage, everyone cheered for her. Bluebell to the mic off the stand, and held it. "I'm sorry...
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posted by PhoenixRoyale
Note; Do not bash me for the things I say hoặc like. It is annoying, and it gets on my nerves that people make fun of bạn for what bạn like, hoặc flame bạn for hating something.
Hello! :D Most of bạn know me, but for those who don't, my name is PhoenixRoyale. This bài viết was made so bạn can learn all about me. ^^ So, let's get started~

What is your name?
Not saying it, but if bạn want, bạn can call me Phoenix, hoặc Feeny! :D Just like Maya called Phoenix in the Phoenix Wright trilogy. >:3

How old are you?
Eleven. :P

YOU'RE 11?!?!!!1
It's not that surprising. X3

What are your talents?
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"How I did I get this new outfit? Well, I'm keeping it." Tak walked bởi and said, "Where'd bạn get that?" Tak said. "I really don't know..." Zim said. He walked outside. He saw a flag. It had an M on the left side, an X in the middle, and a G on the right. "Huh." He said. He saw a strange creature that looked like a vượt qua, cross between a hedgehog, a cow, a cat, an elephant, and a monkey. He had a wristband on his arm with the same sign that was on the flag. "My name is Stuler! Don't bạn just tình yêu me? tham gia the Gary/Mary- Stu army!" He said. A group of people ran up behind Stuler and gave a strange...
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posted by Ashuras-shadow
How strongs your imagination? Are bạn capable of doing anything bạn want? If your answer is yes to any of these các câu hỏi then maybe just maybe bạn can set foot into my world of terror,romace,hatred and a desperate hunger,and loss of loved ones...

My names Jessy ...

And this is my



"OUCH!!" I screamed in pain. Usualy when i scream like that my parents come running in the door...Awkward nothing happened. I feel my neck (my fingers dip into two indentations on my neck) "MOM,DAD!?!" I yelled helplessly. Still i had gotten no responce. I grabed my scarf and...
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This is Boreas Profile
Name:Aurona Kaila De Naivha Boreas

Age:10,000(24 disguise) Sex:Female

Blood Type:Impossible to Analyze

Type:Hare hoặc Rabbit

Attitude:Nobility,Aggressive,Smart,Honest,Cold Hearted,Neat,Athletic,Considerate,Intelligent(note that Intelligent and Smart don't have the same meaning)Virtuoso,Lucky,Workaholic.

Type:Hare hoặc Rabbit

Eyes Color:Bloodish Ruby Red

Skin:White and Grey


Ability:Have the power of the Nữ hoàng băng giá Hydro and Cold North(Her powers will be Solid Hydrosphere like ice,snow,hail and ect.)

Height:170 cm.

Weight:31 kg.

Main Attributes:Agility,Immunity...
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shock and i were in an action tv hiển thị and we both had to go to new york to make the movie but we both had to go in seprate planes but shock put a fake on his plane and he ran away to go to my plane but it was to late bởi the time he got there so he had to go all the way from L.A to New york.So he had help from Amy perlata(shadow's sister)to travel all that way on the road.It was 13 days and no sign of shock but they got a replacement but it was not the same.The replacement did a terrible thing and flooded the whole studio!I got stuck on a điểm thưởng and nobody came back to save me!thats when shock got my hand and saved me.I was unconcious when he found me but then i came back.I was so happy to see my bff again and then we both told each other"I thought i Mất tích you."and we gave each other a hug.THE END :)its kind of like bolt:)
 the story was inspired bởi bolt :)
the story was inspired by bolt :)
don't jump into a story unless bạn started from the beggining!
--------------------------------------------------"Hello,Scourge." A voice coming from out of the dark said. "Did bạn finally catch Sonic?! hoặc even better, Shadow?!" The voice asked excitedly. "No, sir. I caught someone better."Scourge replid to the voice. "What?! Who could I need thêm than them?" The voice said, confused. "Some thêm people to work with." Scourge said. The voice finally stepped out of the dark. Out came a fat man wearing a red jacket,a big mustachio, And a big black áo sơ mi covering his legs and feet. But mainly, he...
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Okay! Don't read this until bạn read part 1! (Thats right all bạn haters, I'm making part 2 anyways!)
--------------------------------------------------...or was it? THE tiếp theo MORNING! "Alright, Gir!Time to start the INVASION!" Zim shouted as soon as he woke up. "Imma make waffles!" GIR shouted. "No time! We have to blend in!" Zim and GIR quickly got on their disguises. They both noticed elaborate loops and twists everywhere. The mysterious blue hedgehog from earlier came speeding by, then stopped."Who are bạn guys?" the myserious blue hedgehog was confused. Usually he knew when new people were...
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posted by SimyTheHedgehog
You're my Cassy

I lie alone, on my bed.
Only 1 person, is in my head.
It happens all the time, but hey, that's me.
I feel it in my heart, we were meant to be.

I just can't get bạn out my mind.
Our tình yêu is such a constricting bind.
There is no 'you' hoặc 'me', only 'we'
You're not just an angel, you're my Cassy.

since the ngày I met you, feelings started to show.
Was it love? Well, way back then, I didn't know.
When I feel the calm wind, my mind's at ease.
Because it makes me imagine your hair in the breeze.

You never seem to leave my mind.
You are just there all the time.
My tim, trái tim belongs to you, and yours belongs...
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posted by thetacoman
I sat on the sickbed, sulking. "You can't make me leave," I complained.
"C'mon, Festus!" đã đưa ý kiến the stronger twin. "We can set ngọn lửa, chữa cháy to mentally handicapped children! hoặc whatever goths do for fun."
The taller twin elbowed him.
"Look, Festus," đã đưa ý kiến Tall. "You can walk out, hoặc we can put bạn in a bubble and float bạn out."
Strong folded his arms and stood behind Tall like Mr. Creaux did when Mrs. Sueland yelled at me.
"Fine," I grumbled.
I put the mui xe of my new áo choàng over my head as we went outside.
"Why is it so bright here?" I asked, annoyed.
"This IS the city of Light," answered Tall.
"And there's a...
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posted by thetacoman
A/N This takes place B4 RnRk 5
Seth was in his pit.
The evil power that once coursed through him now was just a memory.
A bad one.
His body ached after being seperated from it.
Much like a person would feel after leaving warm water.
And now Seth wished to re-enter that water.
He was a mere shade of himself, no thêm powerful than an actual shadow, but he knew a way to gain power.
As soon as someone was foolish to use occult objects, Seth would surge upwards, with every last bit of his energy, and possess that person.
And steal the essence of their life.
If he could do this, he could stay on the surface...
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posted by thetacoman
Estelle once again lay in a dark pit.
The blood lapped and receeded at her wounds, never enough to heal her, but never enough to dissapear.
The moments when the blood healed her, she cherished.
But when the blood left, the pain seemed to increase.
"WHY?!" she screamed in agony.
She was foolish.
Now, she was doomed.
No one would summon her now.
No one would end her suffering.
Not even her beautiful glass sword would help her.
How could it, when it was driven straight through herchest?

It was a long time before she felt the energy.
It stirred within her, like snakes in a hole.
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posted by SailorStar122
"Police Open Up!"Ash ran and went to hide in the bathroom.Vince opened the door."Yes?"Vince asked the two police men of G.U.N."Where looking for this young lady."One of the men holded up a wanted sign with Ash on it.Vince was stunned "No,no,its wrong...its all i lie!" He thought.Yet Vince knew he couldnt run from the truth."I dont know her."He đã đưa ý kiến and slammed the door on the police."Damn bạn where are you!" Vince searched the place for Ash.Ash was long gone.Where was she?"I need that reward"Vince screamed.Soon Ash's roaring motercycle went right pass Vince's Apartment building.Vince chased after her on his bike.

Soon the unspeakable happened.Vince ambushed Ash while she was riding,cuaght her,and turned her in to G.U.N..Soon Vince got the award 3 days later after having eveything he wanted he realized how can I enjoy these things without her.Soon Ash drove his car to G.U.N. speeding faster than a race car.
posted by darkkhorn19
I need to let this shit off...I just need to. This is also for the motherfuckers that don't know where I'm coming from with this. I am NOT a rich kid that gets whatever he wants whenever he wants. I'm almost the exact opposite of that crap. I need to explain how I got to the way I am...It won't be a very good autobiography, I'll keep it pretty short and sweet. This is all I know from vague hoặc not memories and other sources...

I was born in Chicago, Illinois. My mother was a teenage prostitute...and my father was a foreign exchange student from some fucking place in the U.K. Fuck if I know exactly...
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posted by Krad1312
It was a cold dark night, but yet beatiful, only a single đám mây in the sky. A gentle breeze ran thourgh the the forest and resting in a cây is a prince. His hair black as night with pure white tips, his eye's a fantastic shade of blue, his gray lông, lông thú smooth to the touch.

And as he lay's in the cây his tail swaying in the breeze. The đám mây drifts closer to the moon and soon hiding the moon.

The prince looks up and whisper's " It's our time." His eye's change to a bloody shade of red. "The time for vampires."

He jumps into the air and lands gracefully on the ground. He starts to head off in...
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A little note here: Most of my series will have about 15-45 parts, some will just have 12-15.


Myka woke up, and she found that she was tied behind a chair. She struggled to rip off the ropes with her bare hands, but to no avail; It was a pretty moronic solution, anyway. She then heard a laugh in front of her. She looked over and saw a mysterious hedgehog in dark gray.

"Well, well, look what we have here!" He đã đưa ý kiến in the tone of a jerkface.

"Who are you, and how DARE bạn untie me?!" Myka shrieked.

"Well, I shouldn't be telling my identity, for the police will arrest me..." The hedgehog snickered....
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YAYYY IT'S OUT! :D Alright, character time! C:

Main Character: Myka
Best Friend of Myka: Krad Storm (ZeroLunar696)
Good Những người bạn of Myka: Shiro, Norax
Enemy: Zak
Zak's Assassins (3): Keegan (Zenzes), Nazo, Shane (MephilesTheDark)
Healers (2): Anaya, Lofa (Thirddevision)
Others: Typhoon (Marksmen456)

"Zak, we killed them both."

"Good. Now kill the rest."

"What do bạn mean kill the rest?! How many times do bạn have to keep sending us out! We're not slaves!"

"Just get out of here, Keegan."

The lights flickered in a dark room. In a chair sat a hedgehog of gray, talking to his three assassins; Nazo,...
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Another trailer? Yes indeed. :3 I have a new character, who works for Zak. His name is Nazo the Dark-Spotted Cheetah. Look for the image of him in this club--He is a distant relative of Shiro.

ON to the Preview.

Myka peeked inside the door and saw a toasty little fireplace. She saw an unfamiliar figure who kind of looked like Shiro, but he was much taller, and had black spots. Half of his chest lông, lông thú was black, the insides of his ears and tips of his bangs were black, and his hands were black, too. He was sitting on a leather chair, in front of the fire, his back to the door.

Myka tried to open...
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