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added by no0ona
added by fun_olwayzzZ
Translated K-Netizens các bình luận taken from các bài viết in Korea on yesterday's episode of WGM!

Nate bài viết 1: ‘We got married’ Son Naeun's tear flowing...'Taemin's hidden camera that has eaten the reality'

(+199,-22) Like this, like that, they have to do various things to be interesting. .. Every episode only shows lovely dovey scenes? Realistic couple are not like this

(+189,-31) Although they đã đưa ý kiến it's hidden camera filming, it looks awkward. bạn will just feel angry watching it, just because bạn wanna see people cry so bạn did that?

(+172,-38) It's acting~ following someone's instructions,...
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added by GDragon612
added by MandyDeborah
added by MandyDeborah
added by MandyDeborah
added by Ieva0311
added by SunShinesAmy
added by SunShinesAmy
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311
added by ErzaLattina