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After eating Satoshi walked to the park were Kenji and his pokemon are waiting for him to arrive. On his way he noticed a bald little in a man wearing a scarlet áo choàng staring at him, smirking on the other side of the street. He pretended that he didn’t see him and just walked on further—then when took the turn on his left, he saw Pikachu outside the gate of con sóc, sóc Garden. “Pika-pi” he spotted him, run towards him and climbed up his shoulder. They smiled at each other and then they entered the park.

As they walked throught, they saw other people playing baseball in park, having panics and feeding nuts to the local Pachirisu. They soon saw Kenji and the other pokemon in a huge grassy field of the park, where there were other pokemon trainers. Satoshi and Pikachu went up the others. “Satoshi you’re here, alright let’s start training” Kenji said. “OK guys will take six of bạn and have triple battles”, Satoshi looked at all his pokemon and then said, “First battle, Mukuhawk,Kingler and Cotoise versus Kentauros( only one was there, others training at Okido Institute)Bayleaf and Betbeton, OK”. Everyone expect Satoshi stood back and the battle between Mukuhawk, Kingler and Cotoise against Kentauros, Bayleaf and Betbeton began. Hukuhawk made the first di chuyển on Bayleaf, he dived at her with Tsubasa de Utsu, but Betbeton poisoned him Doku Gasu. Then Kingler hits Betbeton with Kurabu Hanma, but it withstand the di chuyển and counterattacks with Noshikakari. Cotoise also attacks with a Noshikakari,Kentauros takes payback with a Tsuno de Tsuku. Hukuhawk dived for another Tsubasa de Utsu on Bayleaf, but failed when he got hit bởi Betbeton’s Hedoro Bakudan and what made his pain worse, was the damage bởi the poison. Then Bayleaf used Taiatari, which hits Hukuhawk hard. He tried to KO her with Denko Sekka and once again failed when she got him with Tsuru no Muchi. The effect of poison came again, which eventually cause him to be old cold. Cotoise cried upon seeing him faint and took payback bởi using Kaen Hosha, which did heavy to damage.

While they battled Kenji asked Satoshi, “Hey tell again, why they are battling without your commands. “Well I want them to think of there own ways to get out of situations and thinks of tactics to win, if I’m not able to”, he replies.

Kentauros hit Cotoise with the knockout di chuyển Jiware, which left Kingler standing as the opponent. Bayleaf was too weak to make a move, so Kingler hit her with Hakai Kosen which defeated her, but caused Kingler not to di chuyển in order to make a một giây attack. Kentauros used Suton Ejji and Betbeton used Dasuto Shuto at the same time, which combined into Dasuto Eji, a black garbage bag emitting purple with gray rocks floating it, Kingler was directly hit and knocked out. Satoshi congratulate all of them for doing well and return them to their pokemon ball and gave them to Kenji. Then the tiếp theo battle was Kukamaru,Kabigon and Waninoko vs Onigohri,Magmarashi and Jukain. The three of them get to there positions and the Satoshi starts the battle. “Fuka”, Fukamaru jumped bites Onighori. “Oniiiiiii”, he felt the jaws of Fukamru being injected into his ice skin and tried to shake him off. Jukain charged with Denko Sekka and hit Waninoko hard. He fell on the ground and he got up, instead off attacking, he started doing a happy, “Wawawawawa-wani”. “Juk”, Jukain sweat dropped once Waninoko started dancing. Kabigon was sleeping, but get woken up bởi Magamarashi’s Funka that also hits Waninoko. Kabigon get sup on its feet and used Noshikakari crushing Magmarashi, but Waninoko just continued happy dance. Jukain gets annoyed and strikes with Rifu Buredo and knock Waninoko cold. Kabigon got up from Magmarashi who is out cold cause of the sleeping pokemon weight. Onigohri passed due to the pain of Fukamaru’s sharp teeth injected into his skin, which after passing out, the land cá mập pokemon let go. The he used Ryuseigu. An trái cam, màu da cam ball is shooted into the sky, after going high up, the ball exploded and splited into 12 multiple trái cam, màu da cam balls that fall from the sky in high speed like meteors. Jukain tried to evade the meteors with his high speed, but failed and fainted.

“Well done Fukamaru”, Satoshi congratulates him and returns all six pokemon to their pokeballs.

Then he sent Fushigidane, Goukazaru and Ohsubame to battle Buoysel, Donfan and Heracros. When the battle begun Heracros quickly got on Fushigidane, it started sucking sap from his sap. This angered him and knocked Heracros of with Tsuru no Muchi. Donfan quickly took the opportunity of attacking with Korogaru, but Goukazaru stopped it with Kaen Guruma, they both collided and then knock each other back. Ohsubame tried to take out Heracros with Tsubasa de Utsu, but Donfan jumped into air with Korogaru and defend Heracros with Marukunaru. Buoysel attacked Goukazaru with Mizu Deppo. The Flame pokemon this and avoid bởi using ‘Ana wo Horu’. The flame pokemon is now moving somewhere, Buoysel stood still and tried to scent where it will come out. Then for some reason Buoysel felt that ground is getting hot, he looked down on his feet and then Goukazaru burst out from underneath using ‘Furea Doraibu’. With such a close contact caused the sea con lợn, chồn pokemon to go to sleep; now it is 3 on 2.

Fushigidane was charging up a ‘Sora Bimu’ to take out Donfan. The Armor poke’mon was this ad tried to roll away, until Goukazaru grabbed it from escaping from Fushigidane’s range. Soon ‘Sora Bimu’ fried and when it almost about to hit, the Blaze poke’mon let go and jumped out of the way for Dofan to get hit. There was a flash of green light and when the light faded, the Armor poke’mon was still standing barely, much to Fushigidane and Goukazaru.

Satoshi watching smiled and said, “Well it seems like Donfan’s ability is ‘Ganjo’.

Donfan turned to Goukazaru, looking deathly, and stroke forcefully with ‘Taiatari’. The Blaze poke’mon is now unable to continue. Now Donfan turned to Fushigidane and started charging a full power ‘Hakai Kosen’. Fushigidane, without hesitating, ready himself for another, ‘Sora Bimu’. While they get ready to fire, Heracros has been trying it’s best to withstand Ohbsume’s attacks. It tried to hold on as it had been hit bởi ten ‘Tsubasa de Utsu’, because the nuốt, nhạn poke’mon made nine illusionary copies of itself with ‘Kage Bunshin’. Heracros Mất tích lot of its energy bởi getting rid of the nine copies with several ‘Midare Dzuki’. It tried to hold on with ‘Korearu’ and when it got an opening Heracros used ‘Niramitsukeru’ to lower Ohsubame’s defense. The Sallow poke’mon took charge for ‘Tsubame Gaeshi’. Heracros tried ‘Korearu, but just wasn’t fast enough and Ohsubame now taking out Heracros, made the battle two on one.

Back with Fushigidane and Donfan, both had charged their moves and fired, with the collision of both the powerful beams were even, despite Donfan very exhausted. This didn’t last very long when Ohsubame attacked Donfan with ‘Giga Inpakuto’. Even though Donfan is defeated, the Sallow made a mistake, now it got hit bởi ‘Sora Bimu’ and is down for the count. Fushigidane felt weak for a sudden, passed out.

Satoshi quickly returned all six of them to their poke’ ball and gave them to Kenji to be treaded. After a while all the poke’mon that battled so far had fully recovered. Satoshi looked them, “OK, we will all eat soon after the battle between Yorunozuku and Pikachu versus Heigani and Dodaitoise.” Then he turned to the four of them, “Listen make this battle quick, OK”. They poke’mon agreed with their trainer and friend.

When they got on the battlefield, Kenji raised his arm, “Begin”. The last battle started of with Pikachu trying to finish of Heigani with its evolution line, signature di chuyển ‘Borutekka’, but Dodaitoise blew him back with a powerful ‘Rifu Sutomu’. Yotunozuku tried to get Dodaitoise with ‘Goddo Bado’, but to no avail due to Heigani sending the Owl poke’mon back with ‘Kurabu Hanma’. Now Dadaitoise used ‘Enaji Boru’ to weaken Pikachu. The Electric chuột poke’mon quickly countered with ‘Aian Teru’, but Dadaitoise’s di chuyển proofed thêm powerful send Pikachu back futher. Yourunozuku tried to make a turning point the battle bởi using ‘Nenriki’ on Heigani, which worked because not only it done damage, but also confused the Ruffian poke’mon. Heigani was so confused that it hit Dadaitoise with ‘Baburu Kosen’, ultimately getting the Continent poke’mon to become wet. Pikachu saw this and used ‘Kosoku Ido’ to approach near Dadaitoise and then zapped it with ‘Kaminari’. Heigani still confused was hitting a rock with ‘Kurabu Hanma’, because it though, the rock was another Heigani trying to steal the tình yêu of its life, “Hehega”. “Zuku”, the Owl poke’mon sweat drop as it understood that Heigani just said, “You jerk stay away from the one I love”. Wasting no time Yorunozuku used ‘Ea Surasshu’, causing the Ruffian poke’mon to go flying in the air.
Pikachu was continuously hitting Dadaitoise with multiple ‘Aian Teru’ on all part of the head. When Pikachu was about to make another hit, Dodaitoise caught his tail with ‘Kamikudaku’, “Pii”, Pikachu was winching in pain. The Continent poke’mon threw him hard into Yurunozuku causing both of them to crash into a nearby tree. Heigani came crushing down to ground, it managed to get up, though is much bruised, it snapped out of its confusion. The Ruffian poke’mon glanced at Dodaitoise and then turned to Yurunozuku and Pikachu, who were getting. Heigani balanced itself, and then got ready to strike once either both of them gets up. Pikachu managed to get up before his partner. Heigani now charged with ‘Hasami Girochin’, Yurunozuku saw Heigani coming, knocked Pikachu out of the way, and took the OHKO move. Now the Owl poke’mon is out, leaving Pikachu to battle alone. He grabbed on to Heigani and unleashed a powerful ‘Juman Boruto’, now Heigani passed leaving the battle, Pikachu versus Dodaitoise. Both of smiled at each and then looked serious. Dodaitoise tried to make quick work of the Electric chuột poke’mon with ‘Happa Katta’. Pikachu dodges with ‘Kosoku Ido’, and then made three illusionary copies of itself with ‘Kage Bunshin’. Pikachu and his copies charged with ‘Denko Sekka’. As the four of them approached Dodaitoise, the Continent poke’mon prepared for the attack of Pikachu. As they get close to the Continent poke’mon, they chẻ, phân chia, split into pairs of two. One pair ran further ahead and one went past Dodaitoise from the left and the other form the right. “Doda”, then Continent looked back at Pikachu that went past it, but that was a mistake, the other Pikachu pair from the front attacked the front legs with ‘Aian Teru’, causing Dodaitoise to lose balance and part of its body to fall, while its hind legs were up. Then the other pair of Pikachu came from the back and used ‘Aian Teru’ on the hind legs, causing them to fall. After Dodaitoise was helpless on the ground, the three Pikachu copies fade away, revealing the real Pikachu which hit the left hind leg. He jumped into the air, flipped like a coin and used his to perform a mighty and nhanh, swift ‘Kawarawari’ on Dodaitoise head. The force of the di chuyển caused the Continent poke’mon to get knocked out.

Satoshi went close to Pikachu, “Well done buddy, bạn and Yurunozuku win”. “Pika”, Pikachu đã đưa ý kiến as he then fell on his back to catch some breath. Satoshi returned Yorunozuku, Heigani and Dodaitoise to their Poke’ balls and then picked up Pikachu, smiled at him, “Let’s take some rest and then start eating”.

After an giờ of battling and half an giờ of resting, it was three forty-seven pm. Satoshi, Kenji, Pikachu and the other poke’mon were eating peacefully, the other people in the park were also enjoying their picnic, others playing games with poke’mon. Some little kids which look like the age of three to seven were chasing the Pachirisu. Every thing was so sò, ngao, nghêu and peaceful. Then suddenly a women accidentally dropped her cái ví, ví tiền into the pond while crossing a bridge, “Oh no my purse” the woman cried. Satoshi saw this, put down the cơm, gạo ball he was eating and went to help the women. As he got near the pond
He told the woman, “Don’t worry ma’am I get your purse”. Then he jumped into the pond. Kenji was watching this, “Just like Satoshi, always wanting to help people”, and then he continued eating his sandwich.

Underwater, Satoshi found the cái ví, ví tiền stuck between two rocks, he pulled it out and swam to the surface. Once he re-surfaced he said, “I got your pu.” he did not continue his sentence as when he resurfaced, he saw around him were big, old and dark trees. There was darkness; the bushy leaves of the trees blocked all the sunlight. There was a mist. Satoshi was shocked, he stayed silence for a moment and then he spoke, “What is this place”. He couldn’t figure out what happened, then he had a tough, “What I just go back in the water and resurface again, maybe I’ll be at the park”, he tired this ten times, but no matter how many times he would resurface, he would never be back in the park. Soon he decided to get out of the pond, for so he tough, he was in. He realized that he was in river, then it hit him, “No way, I just ended up in a dark and scary forest, through some kind of portal in that pond water”. He got to his feet, eyes widen. Satoshi looked at the cây with horror, as if the cây were alive.
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added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by shamad
PMD One Wish (Reboot) Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening

Cass was laying in the soft, earthy ground. He gradually regaining his consciousness. Cass felt dizzier than a Spinda. He could hear muffled voices ringing out near him. He couldn't quite make out what exactly they were saying. All he could muster from the conversing duo was that one was female and one was male. They sounded around his age.

"Who is that?"

"Hm. Look's like a Shinx."

Cass felt the cỏ against his body, swishing around slightly in the light zephyr. A vibe of peace was sent throughout Cass's body, as if this place was an old...
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added by FanFic_Girl_26
"Giovanni had been sitting in his office with his Persian bởi his side and Jessie, James, and Meowth at his desk. "What do bạn three want?" asked Giovanni "We just want our jobs back sir." replied James "Too late. bạn failed to get that kid's Pikachu for me and so bạn leave me no other choice but to say you're off the team. Turn in your business cards to me." replied Giovanni "I hate to do this, but he's right. We have no choice but to give our business cards back to him." replied James (An giờ later) "Allow me to introduce Wendy. I chose her because she's thêm experienced than bạn three."...
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posted by TastyNachos
PMD One Wish Chapter 2: Odd Encounters


So, get this: This ngẫu nhiên Shinx shows up in the middle of a field unconscious. But that's not all. He claims he used to be human! Like, what? I'm still not really buying it, but I'm trying my best not to yell at him. And now I have to follow him around to catch a fugitive. And not just any fugitive, but the fugitive. Whatever, though. I mean, I was going to come after Marla Fumes sooner hoặc later anyway.

We eventually reached a clearing that had an oddly minimal amount of wildlife. It was sprinkled with hoa of yellow and red.

"Um... Excuse...
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Last time on Pokemon Adventure!

As the group arrives in Viridian city, Quincy departs from the group, leaving món ăn bơm xen, charlotte aand Torian on their own. Torian suggests they go into Viridian forest to catch Pokemon, but món ăn bơm xen, charlotte chooses to stay behind. Joanna is then approached bởi an odd woman who offers to teach her about being a breeder, and she reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Torian encounters and battles a wild Mankey while in the forest. After capturing it, Torian realizes that he has no idea how to get back to Viridian city!


"Hello! Is anyone out here? Hello!" Torian shouted, hands cupped...
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Ash: Misty, tell me what bạn think of yourself?

Misty: Amazing

Ash: The opposite of that is what most Luật sư đấu trí you.

James: Thank chu for taking the Personality Quiz! bạn got "Overly pointless."!

Ash: Yes, all of the traits bạn answered are your personality, and ya got the best one.

Suddenly, a wild Jessie appeared!

Jessie: I wanna take this quiz!

James: Okayzie. Answer Ash's các câu hỏi and I'll generate all of them into one personality. USING THE CHICKEN'S MIND.

Ash: Okay first, If your friend fell, would bạn pick them up hoặc laugh super hard?

Jessie: Laugh super hard, I can't help myself over that.

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posted by thetankmoment
Many shinies were in the house. “Allow me to introduce us,” A Nosepass spoke up. “My name is Schnozzle.” kẹo couldn’t help giggling. “I’m Emma,” A Plusle added. “Those are Picasso and Rune.” She motioned toward a Smeargle and a Dunsparce. “I’m Chocoghetti,” A Swirlix called from the ceiling, “Half fluffy, half chocolaty, and all awesome!” Rune rolled her eyes. “And I’m Laila,” A voice squealed. “Get out of here,” kẹo sighed. “Fine,” Laila grunted.

“So now that those introductions are done,” Nikolas told Candy, “WELCOME TO THE CLUB!” Picasso...
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posted by NewAkmal
Does anyone remember playing Pokemon Ruby/ Sapphire/Emerald? I do, and I remember seeing Groudon and Kyogre jumping out of the caves. Apparently they can jump to a really high point.Is this considered to be one of their special abilities? Being able to JUMP HIGH!? Rayquaza can already fly, but what about the other two? I've never seen any mention about being able to jump REALLY high......So, again, should this be considered to be a special ability of theirs? Having the power to jump REALLY HIGH???