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Michael can’t sleep as he sits on his đi văng with The Twilight Zone running in the background of the television. It seems like lately, he can’t sleep and it seems to be getting worse as he gets older. His mind wanders with thoughts, fears, hopes, and of course music. Well, that’s what his mind usually is thinking about, tonight it’s about Holly. Michael can’t seem to erase the thought of them kissing each other and how it felt tonight. One thing was for certain; he wanted thêm and it intimidated him. He looks at his watch that reads three thirty a.m. The only other person who would be up too at this time would be his friend David who was also a night owl. Maybe they can go to that little quán ăn they always visit where nobody recognizes him and Michael can for only a few short hours feel like another regular person. He grabs the phone receiver off the side bàn and punches David’s number on the phone. Michael can hear the rings till he can hear a grunt then David’s voice. “Hello?” David asks with his rough voice. “Hey its Mike,” Michael announces scratching the back of his head. “Hey what’s up?” “Can’t sleep again. You?” “Same, I’m watching a Dallas rerun.” “Wanna go to the quán ăn for food?” “Oh, I see bạn got something on your mind,” David remarks that make Michael roll his eyes. “Yes hoặc no David?” “Alright, I’ll pick bạn up in twenty.”

Twenty phút later Michael stands outside the building wearing a puffer vest, jeans, and a baseball hat to counteract with the cool streak that has been plaguing California the last few weeks. He sees David turn in from the road in his red car, making Michael jump in quickly so nobody would see them as David pulls back out onto the road. “How’s it going, Mike?” Michael shrugs slouching in his seat, “Same old.” David looks over at him with a smirk, “Are bạn sure?” Michael looks at David with confusion. “Huh?” “Come on, spill it, Mike, I saw your smile from the road. Now, what’s up?” Michael takes a deep breath wondering how he is going to tell this to David. “It’s about Holly.” “Holly Williams, as in the cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly Williams who is built like a brick shipyard and sings like an angel?” David looks over at him as he stops at a traffic light with surrounding businesses lit up around them with deserted streets. “You know I’ve been Những người bạn with her,” Michael reminds. “Well yeah, but not like that close. I thought bạn two grew distant this past năm and a half?” David puts his foot on the gas, as the light turns green, taking advantage of the empty roadway. Michael makes sure his seatbelt is securely fastened when David isn’t looking. “Sort of, but that was of my own doing, plus, I think cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is jealous of Diana.” David laughs as he pulls the car into the diner’s parking lot that has its big neon sign lit up and its open twenty-four hours lit up in the quán ăn windows.

“You mean bạn got two women fighting over you? Lucky bastard,” David mumbles as they get out of the car. “It’s not like that,” Michael remarks as they walk in with only one other customer sitting in the corner and three workers behind the counter who look tired and bored. Michael and David take the other back corner bàn with Michael’s back facing everyone. They pull out their menus and begin to scan the greasy feeling menus flipping through the pages. “Then what is it like?” David asks still looking down at his menu. “Holly just seems resentful when I bring up Diana, and I’ve tried to let her know that Diana and I are nothing.” David looks up from his menu at Michael with a skeptical look, “Are you?” Michael rolls his eyes, “Yes! Why does everybody doubt me when I say so?” “Maybe it’s because every time someone mentions her name bạn gush over her.”

A middle-aged waitress in a tight bun that is grey on the sides comes up to the bàn with a scowl and a pen and order pad in her hand. “What can I get Y'all?” Michael tries to keep his head down so he won’t be easily recognized. “Coffee and trái cam, màu da cam juice, please.” “Just coffee for me,” David adds. She scribbles it down in her notepad with annoyance. “Y’all still need time hoặc are bạn ready to order?” Michael looks at David with a shrug, “I’ll take the Sô cô la chip bánh quế, bánh kem sữa waffle with trang chủ fries.” “I’ll get the hungry Jack breakfast platter, and I’m watching so don’t cheat me on any bacon,” David remarks putting his menu back behind the napkin holder. The waitress gives him a glare before leaving. “I don’t gush over her,” Michael continues, slouching down into the booth feeling the hard plywood hit his spine. David rolls his eyes. “Oh please! Old faithful don’t gush as much as bạn do about her.” “You know what we are getting off topic!” Michael can feel his annoyance starting to rise, he loves David as his friend, but sometimes he had the tendency to go off topic too long.

David straightens up and folds his hands neatly in front of him. “I apologize. The doctor is in, now what can I consult bạn with?” Michael licks his bottom lip and taps his một giây finger on the bàn repeatedly feeling the constricting feeling in his throat prohibiting what he desperately wants to get off his chest. “I’m interested in Holly,” Michael finally gets out. “You mean in a professional sense?” “No, I mean in a romantic one. Tonight she came over to hang out and we ended up kissing.” David’s eyes widen at the announcement and for moments remains speechless. “And how do bạn feel?” He finally gets out. Michael looks out the window. “I feel that I want to be with her.” Michael looks back at David, “What do bạn think?” David shrugs as the waitress comes up with their drinks, setting them down with a slam along with the cream packets before leaving them again. “Honestly, Mike, I don’t know what to think. They’re so many differences between the two of you.” “Like?” “Like for starters, she is younger than you.” “So what? Many couples have an age difference,” Michael remarks as he stirs some cream into his coffee. David crosses his arms and takes a deep breath before continuing, “And she’s white.” Michael’s eyes snap up at David making him stop stirring. “Since when has race ever been a factor for you?” “It’s not, but when this gets ahold of the newspapers they will make it a factor,” David reminds. “So are bạn saying I can’t handle this?” “No, I’m just saying as your friend that…well, it’s not going to be easy. Both of bạn will be hounded and ridiculed for this.” “We will be hounded and ridiculed for anything we do, and if the press wants to make fun of me for being involved for a younger white woman then bring it on.” Michael declares before taking a sip of his trái cam, màu da cam juice.

cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is sitting in her backyard with the Californian sun beating down on her as camera crews surround her and a female interviewer who smells too much of musk. Sitting crossed legged and with sunglasses on cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly tries hard to act like she is interested in the lady’s các câu hỏi on her gần đây fame and success but meanwhile in the back of her mind she can’t help but think of why Michael hasn’t reached out to her since their kiss, which was two days ago. Every time she dwells on the subject her stomach turns in knots. What if he changed his mind? cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is suddenly taken out of her thoughts when she hears the lady ask, “So Holly, do bạn got a boyfriend yet?” Holly’s mouth goes dry at the question. She tries to play it cool bởi giggling and smiling, “I really don’t have much time for that…but anything is possible.” The lady nods before quickly looking down to her tiếp theo question. “Would bạn say fame has made it difficult to enjoy being like a regular teenager?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly pauses and looks out of the corner of her eye to see her mom standing with the camera crew with her arms crossed watching her. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly sighs and tries to smile again, “I think fame has its advantages and disadvantages. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a semi-regular life and yet do what I tình yêu simultaneously.” When the lady realizes cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is not elaborating anymore she continues on. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly hates these types of interviews that are awkward and uncomfortable. “Well I have to ask this last câu hỏi because your eighteen birthday is coming up, are bạn excited and is there any big plans and changes we can expect?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly licks her lips before laughing, “I think everybody is excited for their eighteen birthday, honestly, but with any plans hoặc changes I guess bạn guys will just have to wait and see what I have in store for bạn guys.” The lady smiles, hiển thị her coffee stained teeth, “Thank bạn very much for your time Holly, and happy early birthday!” “Thank you!” “That’s a wrap!” One of the camera guys shouts as they turn off the camera and the lights making Holly’s face finally relax. The lady stands up and shakes Holly’s hand before leaving. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly finally takes a sigh of relief that another thing on her schedule is done for the day. Her mom walks up to her with a stern face as the guys begin to disassemble the equipment. “Go freshen up before bạn leave for rehearsal.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly rolls her eyes before she gets up from the table. For the past two days, she has been very forthright with how she has felt about her mom and has not been able to contain her emotions.

In her bathroom, as she adds thêm powder to her face she hears her phone ring on her bedside table. She quickly runs to answer it, deep down hoping it is Michael. “Hello.” “How’s my yêu thích girl?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly smiles’ knowing it is Michael soothing voice. “How have bạn been?” She asks as she sits on her giường grabbing one of her throw pillows. “Busy, but I’m hoping it will get better any ideas?” She smirks, “I thought bạn were avoiding me.” “Never, I just needed a few days to think.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly rolls her eyes, “And what did decide?” “Come to my apartment tonight and we’ll discuss everything.” “I don’t know I’m pretty busy today.” Michael chuckles, “Not too busy for me?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly smirks, “I guess I can squeeze bạn in somewhere.” “See bạn at nine?” “It’s a date,” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly remarks as she hangs up the phone.

She looks up and sees her dad standing in the doorway of her bedroom holding a Jack Daniels bottle in his hand with a five o’clock shadow on his face. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly can tell bởi the distant and dilated pupils that he is already drunk and it's only eleven a.m. “Who was that?” Her dad grumbles as he watches her put her phone back on the side table. “Just a friend,” she shrugs, as she gets off the giường further away from him. “A friend, huh?” He begins to follow her. “Yep, they need me to help them with something. Now, dad, I need to finish getting ready to leave for rehearsal,” she murmurs edging closer to the tường as he staggers closer to her. She can smell the dreadful odor of alcohol radiating off of him like a repellent. “Work, work, work, bạn are just like your mother, that’s all bạn do.” He looks her up and down her body in a sick way that makes the hairs on her skin stand up. Deep down she knows this is not really him but the alcohol but it is starting to wear on her nerves at how he is looking at her. His dilated eyes and flush face focus on hers before licking his lips. “You’ve really grown up – so beautiful and curvy.” He reaches out and touches her hair that is lying on her shoulder. She nudges it away from his grasp. “Dad this isn’t appropriate,” she barks at him as he comes close to him. “Stop!” She shouts at him.

“Dad, get away from her,” a calm says behind both of them. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly looks around and sees her little brother Kenny standing in her bedroom holding a small pistol that belongs to her dad. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly gulps as she sees him standing there holding it. Her dad immediately staggers back away from her. “And you’ll do what? bạn wouldn’t kill your old man would you?” Kenny sets the gun ready to shoot where it makes a little tick sound. “You tell me, dad? You’re the one who taught me how to aim for a good shot.” For what feels like phút her dad looks back at cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly before walking out of the room where cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is left pressed against the tường shaking. Kenny shuts the door and puts the gun on the dresser before going over to her. “You okay, sis?” He asks with concern grabbing both of her hands with tenderness. “Uh…yeah, yeah I’m fine.” “No, you’re not you’re shaking.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly walks away from him to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She goes into her bathroom and sees that her face is now broke out in new perspiration. Kenny leans in the doorframe examining her. “Sis, I know bạn are older than me but bạn don’t have to put on a tough front.” “He was just drunk, Ken,” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly các bình luận as she takes a tissue to blot away the oil from her face. “Yeah, and how many other times has he looked inappropriately at you? Sis, look at me!” Kenny pleads, grabbing both of her arms and looks at her square in the eyes. “Sis, bạn and I have always been the closest and I tình yêu bạn very much. So take it from your little brother when I say this – on the ngày of your birthday, leave and don’t come back to this house. If bạn don’t, things will happen to bạn just like it happened to Abby…and I don’t want that for you.” Holly’s eyes widen. “Ken, what do bạn mean about Abby?” He shakes his head as he lets go of her. “It’s nothing, just leave it. Until your birthday bạn have to start looking sis, promise me?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly shakes her head slowly, “I promise…I-I guess.”

As she watches him grab the gun and walk out of her room she finally exhales a big breath she never noticed she was holding in. Her eyes frantically di chuyển about the room as she thinks about Kenny’s words, especially about Abby that send chills down her spine. Was her dad truly capable of doing horrible things thêm than just drinking? Growing up she never noticed anything unusual, but then again, her mom always had her out of the house and away from him. She looks at the clock on her nightstand and realizes she has to get to rehearsal and dashes out of the room.

Later that evening, cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly has not been able to concentrate on anything except about what happened between her dad and brother. As she is in the elevator up to Michael’s apartment she can still feel her hands shaking. She takes a deep breath and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. As the doors slide open she sees Michael standing bởi waiting for her with a smile on his face. She feigns a smile and walks towards him. “It’s good to see you,” he remarks as he walks up to her preparing to give her a Kiss on her lips but she moves away from it. Michael immediately watches her as she walks into the living room and flops onto the đi văng propping her legs on the coffee table. He can immediately sense something is not right. “What’s wrong, Holly?” She looks up at him and shakes her head with a tight-lipped smile. “Nothing, just a long day.” He walks over and sits down beside her placing a hand on her knee. “Not rethinking me, are you?” She rests her head on the hàng đầu, đầu trang of the đi văng and sighs, “Honestly I haven’t even được trao it a thought tonight. Besides, you’re the one who should be telling me what you’re thinking since I haven’t heard anything from bạn in two days,” she remarks as she picks up a tabloid that is thrown aimlessly on Michael’s coffee table. She opens it up and begins to mindlessly look at the pages to get out her nervous energy. Michael raises an eyebrow at her and her demeanor. This is not his Holly, his cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly is vivacious and always with a smile, but this one is the complete opposite of that.

Michael clears his throat. “Well, I just needed some time to think that’s all. Plus we didn’t have any time to talk the other night of how we felt because of the press outside.” As Michael is talking she finds a page of Michael dancing with Tatum O’Neal at the Jackson’s vàng record party for their Destiny album last night. Multiple pictures are shown of him holding her close as they dance and laugh with a headline above that reads “Is this Michael’s girlfriend?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly can feel her tim, trái tim beating faster as her chest heaves up and down. Anger and hurt suddenly plummet over her. She turns the paper to hiển thị him. “I see this is also what bạn were doing as bạn were thinking.” Michael looks at the pictures and does not seem fazed; he looks back at cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly with a calm disposition. “And?” “And what, Michael? bạn couldn’t talk to me for two days because bạn needed to think, meanwhile bạn are feeling up Tatum O’Neal?” Her composed façade is slowly starting to fade away and she can feel it. “Holly listen to me, Tatum was only there as a guest, and we just ended up dancing together. bạn know how the press twists things around.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly has an outburst as she hurls the paper on the floor and crosses her arms shaking her head with disbelief. “This ngày is not shaping up,” she murmurs under her breath looking out the window to the lit up LA skyline with the last hint of dusk leaving the night sky. “What’s going on, Holly? And don’t tell me nothing because I know bạn better than that.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly finally lets go of the tears that have been welling up behind her eyes. As they stream down her face she pulls her legs up into her chest and wraps her arms around her legs. “Everything is changing,” she murmurs with her face burrowed into her legs. Michael sits there in shock at her behavior. She is always such a strong woman and now there is no trace of that anywhere.

Michael inches his way closer to her, softly stroking the back of her hair. “Of course things change that’s life, Holly.” She brings her head up to wipe her eyes in frustration. “No, no, no! I mean at the house.” “Why what happened?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly sits there not saying a word, and frankly, she doesn’t know if she wants to tell Michael what happened. Sometimes it is easier not to tell people things because it's less they have to use against you. Moments of silence go bởi and Michael is on the edge of his seat. “Holly,” he probes. “I just need to get my own place when I turn eighteen that’s all.” “But something had to bring this on, bạn have not indicated this before, and I know bạn and how bạn feel about your family if it was simply moving out bạn would not be here crying on my đi văng but ecstatic. Did someone hurt you?”

cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly looks up at him with her mascara running down her face. She searches his eyes wondering if she can truly trust him enough to tell him this information. “Holly, answer me, did someone hurt you?” Michael is beginning to internally panic. If someone hurt his cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly he doesn’t know what he would do but he would make for certain it would not happen again. “Was it your mom?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly shakes her head slowly before taking a deep breath. “Dad,” she whispers looking down at Michael’s rug. Michael sharply inhales as a million thoughts sudden rush in his mind. Automatically his mind went to beatings that Joseph used to give to the boys, but suddenly Michael realizes it could be something much worse. “Did he touch you?” He asks looking down at her grabbing her hand and giving it a tight squeeze. She shakes her head, “No…but he looked at me that sent a shiver down my spine. If it hadn’t been for Kenny I don’t know what would have happened.” She wipes her left eye with the back of her hand, “But he was just drunk, I know that is not who he is.” “That still doesn’t make it right, Holly.” “Anyway, after dad left the room Kenny told me that it would be best if I got my own place after my birthday so nothing does happen to me. Now I have to think about all of that and I don’t know the first thing about real estate hoặc what makes property valuable – I wasn’t taught that stuff.” “But I can help you. Now that I bought this place and bought the house from Joseph I know that crap backward and forwards, bạn won’t have to go through this alone.” He grabs her other hand in his and brings them up to his mouth for a kiss. She gives him another tight smile as her tears slowly start to subside. “Thanks, Michael, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dump all this on you. I know this isn’t what bạn wanted to discuss tonight.” Michael puts her hands back down and shakes his head, “If it concerns bạn it concerns me, and just hear me out on something. Until bạn find a house of your own…why don’t bạn stay here?” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly just stares at Michael, astounded at what he just asked her. “Are bạn asking me to di chuyển in…w-with you?” “Occasionally, I would pop in, yes,” he smiles trying to lighten the mood. He feels nervous too, wondering if she will actually say yes to his impromptu idea. cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly looks quizzically around the apartment then back at Michael. “Would we stay in the same bed?” Michael can instantly feel his face flush and his tim, trái tim pound. “No, I wouldn’t make bạn do anything that made bạn felt uncomfortable. bạn are thêm than welcome to take the guest bedroom, hoặc the main bedroom if bạn like it more, I don’t sleep a lot so I don’t mind either way.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly looks down to the floor again in contemplation. So many emotions are running through her that she doesn’t know which one to focus on first. “I don’t know Michael, it is kind of a big step…. and we haven’t even discussed what we are either.”

Michael takes a deep breath it is now hoặc never. He grabs her hands tighter in his and looks at her square in the eyes. “Holly, bạn know I have always cared about you, and the other ngày when we kissed, I finally realized how that has grown into something more, and…. I want bạn to be my girl.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly smiles as a single tear slides down her cheek. Finally, she hears those few little words she has desperately wanted to hear from him. “You mean it?” “I do, di chuyển in and we’ll figure out the rest as we go along.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly chuckles, “Alright, let’s do it.” Michael laughs before without thinking suddenly kisses her. It seems so natural that neither one hesitates for another and another till they break away in a pant. “Promise me one other thing,” Michael says between breaths. “Anything.” “Promise me we can do thêm of this when bạn di chuyển in.” cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly laughs and playfully slaps his chest before kissing him once more, “You’re a pig,” she teases. In the back of their minds, both of them knew that embarking on a relationship while simultaneously moving in together temporarily was going to cause a sensation with the press, but somehow it did not seem to matter. What did matter, at least to Michael was keeping cây ô rô, hoa huệ, holly an toàn, két an toàn away from her mother and especially her father and he would go through anything to do it.
Hello everyone!! i seriously want everyone to read this something i want everybody to read...

i came across this người hâm mộ picks' câu hỏi and i know most of the people have and 'who do bạn think could be the best rapper featured in mj's song'?

and 2pac was voted.....but for this is for those who don't know what 2pac đã đưa ý kiến about Michael...


copy paste this url and watch 2pac give the hints that Michael Jackson never gave anything to charities and that he thinks he's a white man!!!

I seriously don't think 2pac should be voted and not even Eminem and MC hammer!!
I just don't wanna hurt any 2pac những người hâm mộ here....i do know that 2pac was the best rapper. it's just that 2pac shouldn't have đã đưa ý kiến anything of that sort.

please let me know what bạn all think....L.O.V.E

P.S. 2pac những người hâm mộ don't get hurt........
Michael Jackson had some unexpected company drop bởi this weekend -- a surprise visit from his close friend Stevie Wonder.
TMZ has confirmed that the singer and three of his children stopped bởi Michael's tomb at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, CA this weekend to pay their respects.

According to Stevie's rep, Wonder and his kids had gone to the cemetery to visit Stevie's dearly departed mother -- but Stevie's children insisted they visit MJ too.

Wonder and MJ were famously close -- and at MJ's memorial last year, Stevie told the crowd he often let Michael know how much he loved him ... and was "at peace with that."

See also
Originally đã đăng May 29th 2010 1:00 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray will visit Michael Jackson on hoặc around the first anniversary of the singer's death.

Sources connected with the doctor tell us Murray is torn up bởi Jackson's death and the anniversary is an important milestone.

And we've learned Dr. Murray has visited the Forest Lawn mausoleum where Jackson is entombed a number of times. "He goes there a lot," we're told. Murray avoids attention bởi going either early in the morning hoặc during off-hours.
Originally đã đăng May 27th 2010 1:00 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
An extremely fancy thắt lưng, vành đai commemorating Michael Jackson -- and allegedly "sanctioned" bởi Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson -- can be yours for the bargain basement price of $1,500 -- problem is ... the whole thing may be illegal.

Check out this picture we got -- hiển thị Joe and Katherine Jackson signing one of the belts ... and according to the official website promoting the belts, MJ's three kids -- Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- also signed their names.

Here's the problem. The belts feature several hình ảnh trademarked bởi Michael Jackson --...
continue reading...
Originally đã đăng May 15th 2010 10:14 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray may have saved a life this morning ... 30,000 feet above the ground.

Sources tell TMZ Murray was on a US Air flight from Houston to Phoenix when a flight attendant came over the loudspeaker and asked if there was a doctor on board.

Turns out a passenger fainted and could not be revived. We're told Murray jumped out of his seat, evaluated the female passenger (who was in her 20s and traveling with a baby), and quickly noticed she had a "very weak pulse."

Somehow -- don't ask us -- Murray inserted an IV and was able to stabilize the passenger until the plane made an emergency landing in Albuquerque.

The passenger was taken for further treatment. Her condition is not known.

Read more: link
Originally đã đăng May 16th 2010 12:45 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called out to the medical office of Michael Jackson's good friend and personal physician, Arnold Klein, to investigate new alleged death threats.

As TMZ first reported, Klein -- along with Jason Pfeiffer, the man claiming to be Jackson's boyfriend -- have gone to the FBI to báo cáo the threats. We're told the FBI kicked the case over to the Beverly Hills Police Department, who has now opened up an investigation.

On Thursday, cops were called to Klein's Beverly Hills office after the number of threatening calls intensified. We're told cops took a report.

Read more: link
Originally đã đăng May 14th 2010 12:35 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's prayers have been answered -- TMZ has learned a hoa company is about to deliver a field's worth of sunflowers to Michael Jackson's burial site in Glendale, CA.

Jason Levin from sunflowerguy.com tells TMZ he's shipping several thousand sunflowers -- which were Michael's yêu thích -- to his mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery today.

Levin's donation follows Lisa Marie's MySpace posting Wednesday, complaining that Michael deserves thêm than the few bouquets, candles and gifts that currently surround his tomb.

Read more: link
posted by Tabbs
"Smooth Criminal"

As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom

Annie Are bạn OK
So, Annie Are bạn OK
Are bạn OK, Annie
Annie Are bạn OK
So, Annie Are bạn OK
Are bạn OK, Annie
Annie Are bạn OK
So, Annie Are bạn OK
Are bạn OK, Annie
Annie Are bạn OK
So, Annie Are bạn OK,
Are bạn OK, Annie

(Annie Are bạn OK)
(Will bạn Tell Us That You're OK)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You-A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into...
continue reading...
Originally đã đăng May 8th 2010 1:00 AM PDT bởi TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray's supporters are pissed off that only Michael Jackson những người hâm mộ are represented when the doc shows up in court ... and we've learned they're planning a big, big demonstration at tiếp theo month's preliminary hearing.

Sources close to Murray tell us a group of his friends, patients and fellow church members -- numbering in the "hundreds" -- will be outside the courthouse at Murray's tiếp theo court hearing to hiển thị solidarity.

We're told the group will rent buses in Houston and Las Vegas -- where Dr. Murray has his medical practices --...
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posted by 2468244
Ok, I babysit my little cousin, Trenton (2 years old), a few days a week. And every single ngày he's here, he beg's to watch Michael Jackson. We watches the Number Ones âm nhạc video DVD. Anyway the first song is Don't Stop 'Til bạn Get Enough, and he always wants me to dance with him for the first three songs, so we do. The một giây song is Rock With You, and when the line "I wanna rock with you" comes, he sings the song along with MJ!!!! Ok a TWO năm OLD hát an MJ song!!!! then after that is Billie Jean, he sing "I am the one". Next, Beat It, then Thriller, then Bad. Bad is definitely his...
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posted by mjhott
Everyday I think of you,
like your charm, your face,
just everything.
But the thing I think of the most
is that smile of yours.
Everytime I see it,
my tim, trái tim skips a beat
and my thoughts get Mất tích in it.
Your smile gives me butterflys in my stomach.
Your smile makes thiên thần sing, a song that fills the streets.
Without that smile,
there is no joy in this world.
No one can replace it.
There is no mistake that when bạn smile,
that wonderful, beautiful smile,
the world turns into a better place.
To: My LOVE, Michael Joseph Jackson
By: Gracie
**** SCREAM ****

Tired of injustice
Tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting
So what does it mean
Kicking me down
I got to get up
As jacked as it sounds
The whole system sucks(janet) Peek in the shadow
Come into the light
You tell me I'm wrong
Then bạn better prove you're right
You're sellin' out souls but
I care about mine
I've got to get stronger
And I won't give up the fight(michael)With such confusions don't it make bạn wanna scream
Your bash abusin' victimize within the scheme
(janet)You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize
(both)Somebody please have mercy'cause
I just can't take itStop pressurin'...
continue reading...

Do bạn Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young And Innocent Then Do bạn Remember
How It All Began
It Just Seemed Like Heaven
So Why Did It End?
Do bạn Remember
Back In The Fall
We'd Be Together
All ngày Long
Do bạn Remember Us Holding Hands
In Each Other's Eyes
We'd Stare(Tell Me)
Do bạn Remember The Time When We Fell In Love
Do bạn Remember The Time
When We First Met girl
Do bạn Remember The Time
When We Fell In Love
Do bạn Remember The Time
Do bạn Remember
How We Used To Talk(Ya Know)We'd Stay On The Phone At Night Till Dawn
Do bạn Remember All The Things We đã đưa ý kiến Like I tình yêu You...
continue reading...
Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

You'll never make me stay
so take your weight off of me
I know your every move
so won't bạn just let me be
I've been here times before
but I was too blind to see
that bạn seduce every man
this time bạn won't seduce me

She's saying that's ok
hey baby do what bạn please
I have the stuff that bạn want
I am the thing that bạn need
she looked me deep in the eyes
she touchin' me so to start
she says there's no turnin' back
she trapped me with her arm

Dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, no
dirty Diana
let me be!

Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

She likes the boys in the band...
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
Nation to nation
All the world
Must come together
Face the problems
That we see
Then maybe somehow we can
Work it out
I asked my neighbor
For a favor
She đã đưa ý kiến later
What has come of
All the people
Have we Mất tích love
Of what it's about

I have to find my peace cuz
No one seems to let me be
False prophets cry of doom
What are the possibilies
I told my brother
There'll be problem
Times and tears for fears
We must live each day
Like it's the last

Go with it
Go with it
It ain't too much stuff
It ain't too much
It ain't too much for me to
It ain't
It ain't too much stuff
It ain't
Don't you
It ain't too much for me

The world...
continue reading...
The Michael Jackson estate just laid the cái tát, đánh đập, smack down on a bunch of Michael Jackson wannabes -- all over access to Neverland.

The wannabes are actually in a Michael Jackson tribute band named "Neverland" -- a name the MJ estate feels is a violation of its trademark.

Long story short -- the MJ estate wrote a scary legal letter demanding the band change its name ... and it did ... to Foreverland.

Here's the catch -- "Foreverland" still owns the rights to the domain name neverlandsf.com -- and its willing to give it back to Camp Jackson ... for a cool $30,000.

In short, the Jackson estate told the band to "beat it" -- and gave them until February 2011 to begin forwarding all web traffic to the new foreverlandsf.com ... hoặc else.

The band tells us they're currently going over their options.

"Lawyers from the Jackson estate have forced us to change our name."
You're a whole new generation
You're dancing through the ngày
You're grabbing for the magic on the run
You're a whole new generation
You're lovin' what bạn do
Put a Pepsi in the motion
That choice is up to bạn
[ Find thêm Lyrics on link ]

You're the Pepsi Generation
Guzzle down and
Taste the thrill of the ngày
And feel the Pepsi way
Taste the thrill of the ngày
And feel the Pepsi way

You're a whole new generation [x3]

Sadness had been close as my tiếp theo of kin
Then Happy came one day, chased my blues away
My life began when Happy smiled
Sweet, like kẹo to a child
Stay here and tình yêu me just a while
Let sadness see what Happy does
Let Happy be where Sadness was

Happy, that's you
bạn made my life brand new
Mất tích as a little lam was I, till bạn came in
My life began when Happy smiled
Sweet, like kẹo to a child
Stay here and tình yêu me just a while
Let sadness see what Happy does
Let Happy be where Sadness was
(Till now)

Where have I been?
What lifetime was I in?
Suspended between time and space
Lonely until Happy came smiling up at me
Sadness had no choice but to flee
I đã đưa ý kiến a prayer so silently
Let Sadness see what Happy does
Let Happy be where Sadness was
Till now

Happy, yeah yeah
Happy, oehoe happy

happy oh yeah Happy
[fade out]

"Billie Jean"

[1st Verse]
She Was thêm Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene
I đã đưa ý kiến Don't Mind, But What Do bạn Mean I Am The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
She đã đưa ý kiến I Am The One Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round

[2nd Verse]
She Told Me Her Name Was Billie Jean, As She Caused A Scene
Then Every Head Turned With Eyes That Dreamed Of Being The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round

People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What bạn Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who bạn Love
And Be Careful Of What bạn Do 'Cause The...
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[Diddy talking]
I remember the first time i seen bạn moonwalk,
I believed I could do anything,
you made the world dance,
you made the âm nhạc come to life

[Chris brown - Chorus]
This the type of song that make the thiên thần cry,
i look up in the sky and i wonder why?
why bạn had to go, go
I know its better on the other side,
you were chosen from the start
never gon let bạn go,

[The Game]
Whos Michael Jackson,
Your Michael Jackson,
Im Michael Jackson,
We all Michael Jackson,
I guess what Im asking is everybody bow their head for a legend dont breathe for a second,
now let the air out, grab the hand of somebody you...
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