KateKicksAss Doctor Who Roleplay

alexthedog posted on Nov 05, 2012 at 01:06AM
I have no idea how to do this, but I'll try. Please go easy on me, this is my first time roleplaying!
 I have no idea how to do this, but I'll try. Please go easy on me, this is my first time roleplaying!

KateKicksAss 15 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor, at the moment, was on the run. He was on the planet Zorgalitropolis, and he was getting chased by a group of angry Zorgs, because he'd accidentally parked the TARDIS on one of their sacred statues.
"I'm so sorry!", he yelled over his shoulder. "I can fix it! Really!", he called, taking out his sonic screwdriver. "Look, if you'll just hear me out for a minute.....", she slowed. The Zorgs grunted and didn't stop. "Uh oh!", he sped up, seeing the TARDIS in the distance.
Sighing in relief as he reached the TARDIS in the nick of time, and slammed the door on the Zorgs horde, he raced to the controls, hearing the Zorgs pounding angrily on the outside of the TARDIS.
He ran a hand through his hair as the TARDIS lifted off. He sat down and was about to reach for some jelly babies (not a specific doctor, honest!), when the TARDIS jolted, and he was thrown to the ground.
"Oof! That Zorg statue must have messed up with the navigation device!", he cried, jumping up and down furiously.
"Oh no! We're going to crash!", he looked towards the controls. "In America!"
Running around to try and steady some of his devices (he'd had some protective measures installed since the last time the TARDIS had crashed), the TARDIS hurtled steadily towards New York, before crashing into a backyard.
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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
And sorry if I'm a sucky Doctor!
hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
Jacob was watching Inspector Spacetime. It was his favorite television show. He obsessed over it, blogging about it on Tumblr and shoving it down his friends' throats like he was part of a cult. It was about a detective, who was actually an alien. He traveled in a red telephone box. It had been running since the 1960s.
People sometimes made fun of him at school for liking it so much. He dressed up as the Inspector in full costume on Halloween at school. If anyone ever found his blog, they would never speak to him again. They would think he was truly insane.
"JACOB!," shouted his mother. "Turn your light off! Stop watching that dumb show on your phone, and go to sleep! You're going to miss the bus tomorrow from sleeping in!" He turned his reading light off, and waited until she went upstairs to turn it back on and continue.
He was the only one who slept downstairs. His parents and sister both slept upstairs, so it was occasionally creepy knowing that he was the only one on his floor.
An hour later, Jacob was still watching old episodes of Inspector Spacetime. He looked at the time. It was way too late. His mom was right. He was never going to get up tomorrow. Even once he actually attempted to fall asleep, it still took him an hour to shut down.
BANG. The whole house shook, and his bookshelf fell over. He heard his cats run for cover as his dog squealed. His bedroom door blew open, and there was a bright light coming from somewhere that made it hard to see.
Jacob dropped his phone, ripped the covers off and grabbed a sweatshirt off the hook on his door. He ran as fast as he could throughout the house and out the front door. The legs on his pajamas were too short, and the wind piercing his ankles was unbearable.
He realized where the light was coming from. Jacob ran across the patio and opened the swimming pool gate. There was a blue box of some sort floating in the pool. It was clearly wood, and had two large swinging doors with glass panels. There was some writing on it, but he couldn't read it. I wonder where it came from, he thought. It couldn't have just fallen from the sky. There was beautiful light radiating from the supposed top of the unidentified object.
Jacob grabbed the skimmer net, and poked the box over to the edge of the shallow end. He bent down on his knees, and finally got a good look at the text engraved into the top.


Jacob reached over the side of the concrete, and opened the door. It got his sleeves wet, but it was worth it for what he would next find.

(Was it good? Do you have any tips, or things I could work on? Any good name suggestions to replace the boring "Jacob"? And here is an awesome Doctor Who freebie, which I will be leaving one of after every post:)
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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor was getting thrown around the TARDIS like a rag doll. Crashing into a bookshelf, he gasped in pain as books rained down on his head. He was next tossed into the control panel, causing the TARDIS to spin even more wildly out of control. Finally, he was thrown into the swimming pool. The shaking of the TARDIS was making waves like mini-tsunami's.

Then, the TARDIS crash landed with a THUD and a loud SPLASH. Gasping for breath, the Doctor surfaced. The TARDIS had landed at an angle, and he slowly struggled out of the pool, hoping he hadn't just freaked out some innocent suburban family.

Because of the angle, there was a rather steep incline to the door, and he began climbing up it, wanting to see where he had landed, and if he needed to do any damage control. Clutching the railings, he was almost at the door, when suddenly, the TARDIS shifted again, throwing him to the ground. Slightly nauseous, he pushed himself to his feet, and was just reaching for the door handle, when the door began to creak open. Reaching it, the Doctor grabbed the door and quickly opened the door the rest of the way.

Looking around, he saw that he'd landed in what appeared to be a......swimming pool? Huh, that a ironic, he thought, looking around the backyard. Suddenly, he spotted a boy standing next to the TARDIS, one hand reached out towards the door, staring at him, frozen, open mouthed in shock.

Smiling brightly, he waved at them, his wet sleeve sending a small cascade of drops flying.

"Hello!", he said cheerily. "I'm the Doctor, who might you be?"
hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
Jacob took a few steps away from the edge, almost falling out of shock. He tried asking a series of questions, but with each one he could not spit out all of the words.
"Who are...what is...why did...how is...can I think by myself for a little while?"
As the strange man was about to open his mouth, he walked off without giving him a chance to speak. Jacob crawled over to the shed, and locked himself inside. He collapsed onto a pool float, and ran his fingers through his hair. Who was this guy? Did he just fall out of the sky in his ship? What if I'm actually in the desert somewhere, and this whole thing is just a mirage? No...I've been watching way too much TV.
After all his speechlessness finally wore off, he grabbed a pool noodle and opened the door to the shed. He stepped out, marched over to the box, still by the poolside, and said "I-I'm not afraid of you! If you d-don't tell me w-who you are, I'll...beat you to death with this noodle! And I'll s-saw your box to pieces and burn them in the winter!" He paused for a few seconds to clear his throat and fight back his oncoming tears. It wasn't working. He was about to let everything out at once.
Both Jacob and the strange man were suddenly alarmed at hearing his mother's fingers against the upstairs window. The window was about to open for the worst chewing out Jacob would ever receive.
"Whoops, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. She gets really scary when she's mad," apologized Jacob for his ratting out of the raggedy man. "But in the mean time, you have to help me get away! I'll be in my room until I'm 21!"

(Should I make a character bio or something? Here is Who Freebie No. 2:)
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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor frowned as the boy freaked out and seemed to be trying to talk.
"You okay mate? Oh, alright", he said, letting the boy go, a little surprised as he vanished into a shed.

He walked around the pool, examining it, checking out the backyard as he waited. Suddenly, the boy returned, brandishing a large, wobbly foam....thing, and threatened to kill him with it.

He held his hands up in a gesture of surrender, even though he didn't really think the boy would make good on his threat, and a distant part of his mind was thinking that the object...apparently a pool noodle, wouldn't do too much damage either.
"It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you! I said, I'm the Doctor!"

Then the boy had to go and scream for his parents. Hurriedly, the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver., gesturing to the boy. "Hide!", he whispered, hearing footsteps from the house, and lights turning on. Pressing a button on his sonic screwdriver, he set it to the "invisible" setting, making the TARDIS temporarily invisible, then he reached into his back pocket for his Psychic Paper. "Oh, no, not parents, I don't like parents, no, not at all! And I wasn't swimming in it! The TARDIS crash landed in it, wasn't my fault, honest!"

"What on earth?! Who are you?", cried an angry looking woman, probably the boys mother, opening the window. Gaping in shock, the window slammed shut, and a moment later, the back door of the house opened, and the woman came storming out in her nightgown and slippers, hurriedly pulling on a bathrobe.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?! I'll call the police, you're trespassing! And causing a disturbance!", she shrieked, seemingly unaware of the fact that she was now the one disturbing the quiet.

The Doctor smiled nervously, straightening his bow tie and the stalk of Broccoli he was wearing on his lapel.
"Is that-Is that BROCCOLI? What kind of lunatic are you, I'm calling the cops!", the lady yelled angrily, reaching the pool, and beginning to storm around it to give the Doctor a piece of her mind.

"Actually ma'am, I'm John Smith,, I'm from the-", he glanced around quickly, and his eyes landed on a brand name. "-Acme pool company, I've just been sent down to do a pool inspection",, he held out the Psychic Paper to show her, pretending to inspect the side of the pool. "And, era, no, that's not broccoli. It's, it's part of our uniform, see, it's just a pin....er, designed to look like a....a pool cleaning brush, sort of, to symbolize what we do, you know?", he bluffed.

"IV never seen anyone from your company wearing one before", the woman didn't look convinced, though she'd relaxed slightly when the Doctor had shown her his phony credentials. "And you're still trespassing!"

"Oh, no, not at all, just a routine pool inspection, ma'am", the Doctor replied, hoping he was being convincing. He flashed the Psychoc Paper again.

"At-", the woman checked her watch, "1 am?", she demanded suspiciously, hands on hips. "And was that my son I just heard yelling out here?! I could have sworn it was.....".

"Nah, just....some people over there", the Doctor waved vaguely to the right. "Wild house party. I've already alerted the police, it should be taken care of shortly, disturbing the peace like that, good heavens, no!", he shook his head, pretending to look disapproving.

He put on a serious face. "We'll actually, ma'am-", his eyes flashed to the bush that the boy had hidden behind, remembering how he'd talked about his mother, and disliking her and her attitude. "-Its more than just a routine inspection, you see, we've gotten some complaints", he said, trying to look like he knew what he was talking about.

The woman's eyes widened, and she looked both embarrassed and angry. "Complaints?! About our pool?! From who?!", she glared around at the surrounding houses, as if expecting them to give her an answer.

"Sorry, I can't say, customer confidentiality and all", the Doctor shook his head, trying to keep a straight face.

"Was it the Richardson's? Oh god, I bet it was those Richardson's, they'be always been jealous of our pool, damn it!", she clenched her teeth. "Good night sir, now dang it, I'm going to go give them a piece of my mind!", she stormed back towards the house, slamming the door behind her. Seconds later, the Doctor heard the distant sounds of a phone ringing from a house across the street, and then it's lights went on, and the Doctor could hear shouting, lights from the rest of the houses on the street turning on, as the shouting began waking people up.

"It's all good, you can come out now!", the Doctor called towards the boy, smiling broadly.
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hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
"That was a close one!," whispered Jacob as he got out from behind the bush.
"Okay, I've calmed down a bit. I'm ready to hear the truth now. I'll go first. My name is Jacob, human...but could you call me something else? As long as it's not Jake. I hate Jake. Something seems really familiar about all of this, like it's happened before...don't you think? Oh...oh...OH. I know what it is! Are you the Inspector, from Inspector Spacetime? It's on hiatus now, maybe they're working on a new box for him, and you rejuvenated in between seasons. Think about it though, he DID land in that Rosie girl's pool in the Christmas special. I've sent fan mail to the Syfy Channel loads of times. What if this is some fan prank and I'm being filmed right now? There's probably a camera crew on the other side of the fence. Imagine how cool it would be if you were really real! Everyone on Tumblr would go nuts! Take me in your ship, Inspector!"

(Who Freebie No. 3)
 "That was a close one!," whispered Jacob as he got out from behind the bush. "Okay, I've calmed down
hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
"Nice to meet you Jacob....wait...wot? Inspector Spacetime? What are you talking about? You mean that ridiculous human TV show? Oh god, don't get me started on that! They got so many facts wrong!", the Doctor shook his head.

"No, no, I'm THE DOCTOR", he frowned. "Tumblr? What? Good lord, humans are so weird", he shook his head and pulled a few soggy gummi worms out of his pocket.
Popping one into his mouth, he offered some to the boy. "Gummi worm?"
hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
"I don't care what you say, that show is grea-yes, please," Jacob was saying before he stopped to hold his hand out for some chewy gummi worms. "Can you just give me all of the red ones? They're my favorite. But you can take the green and yellow back. They taste like someone mixed raisins, rotten fruit, lemon juice and bird guts and then put them through worm-shaped cookie cutters."
He shoved them into his mouth all at once. "Sho whut dosh the boksh do?," he said as he chewed while speaking.
He quickly swallowed everything, and almost choked in the process. "Crap! She's coming back from the Richardson's house! I don't have a lot of time!" Jacob and the Doctor both heard some extremely vulgar expletives being muttered from right behind the fence. Jacob ran as fast as he could, hearing his mother just a few yards away from behind the wooden fence. Jacob hugged the Doctor like he had known him for years, grabbed the celery and broccoli off his lapel and ran. "Doctor, it was nice to meet you! Keep your box invisible until she goes inside! I hope you make it out safely. Have a nice life, Doctor! Come back someday!," he exclaimed as he made a mad dash for his bedroom window.
CRACK! Jacob fell head over heels, smashing his skull on a patio chair. His put his hand on his head. It was gushing out hot blood. He started to cry, twitching and jerking on the wet ground. His crying turned into sobbing. He looked over his shoulder. The Doctor was gone.
His mother opened the gate to the fence and shouted like she had a minute left before her vocal cords turned off forever. "JACOB! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AT SUCH A LATE HOUR?! AND WHO IS THAT MAN, WAS HE TRYING TO ABDUCT YOU?! WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING?!" She ran over to him, grabbed his wrist, and attempted to drag him through the back door of the house into the kitchen.

(My mom is making me get off so it's too late for a fun video or image, but at least I finished my reply! Have fun! I'm getting really good at this, I think, and it's really fun.)
hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor frowned and scratched his head. Good lord, this boy was weird. And he talked almost as fast as he did!

"Hey! That's my.....oh whatever....always eat your vegetables", he said, as the boy snatched the veggies off his lapel.

Then he ran off and went and injured himself. Concerned, the Doctor ran to help him, but then the boys mother had to make a reappearance, and he sighed, honestly a little surprised that she hadn't worn out her vocal cords yet.

"Actually ma'am-sorry, by the way, I was just finishing the inspection", he bluffed, assuming a studious pose. "Er, your son here was just helping me out, I was just asking him some questions about the pool. See, he woke up when I first showed up in my.....er......car, and so I thought I might enlist him to help out", he lied, smiling brightly at the woman.

"Where is your car? And what happend to your "pool brush" pin?", she demanded suspiciously.

"Oh, I parked my car down the block", the Doctor lied vaguely. "Didn't want to wake you folks here with the noise. Quite a loud engine I've got, I must get that fixed", he shook his head disapprovingly.
"And your son was just.....admiring my pin, I took it off so he could have a closer look", he finished, shooting the boy a look behind his mothers back for stealing his vegetables.

hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
"Whatever...get off my property now, and don't come back!," the woman scolded as she dragged her son away. "I'll be telling my husband about this...we own a gun!"
Jacob continued to sob at the pain from his wound. She dropped his wrist from her hand, knocking him out on the hard, wet ground. "Go to bed already, Jacob! I'm sorry about that terrible man," she said, seemingly ignoring the deadly gash on his forehead.
She slammed the screen door, leaving him outside in the cold. Waiting until all of the house's lights turned off, Jacob started to whisper "Doctor, Doctor!," between his breaths. "H-help me! You are a, D-Doctor, aren't y-you? Or is t-that, just a t-title, and n-not your, occupation? Y-you can p-probably turn your box, b-back on, now. I sh-should, be in the h-hospital. Wherever, your b-box came, from, c-can it bring me t-to a hospital? A-and ready, in t-time for school, t-tomorrow?"

(Who Freebie No. 4: "Could You Survive as the Doctor's Companion?":)

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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
Your result: Congratulations! You made it unscathed!

OK, you may have lost a loved one or two along the way and you probably haven't got out of the TARDIS in the same place and time you got in, but trust me, in comparison with some travellers, you have done very well!
hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor scratched his head. Events were moving along rather quickly. The boy had seemed odd, but he also probably needed help. Deciding that it probably wouldn't be a smart idea to attempt to sneak into the house to check on him, he quickly made his TARDIS visible again, and hopped in.

Thankfully, it had mostly repaired itself, and he piloted it into the boy's bedroom, and stepped out awkwardly.
"Er, hello again, just checking to make sure everything's allright", he said, looking around the room. Realizing he was dripping onto the carpet, he took a step backwards.
"Goodness, sorry about that, here do you mind? I don't think your mother will appreciate me dripping all over this rather boring carpet of yours", reaching out, he grabbed a blanket off the boy's bed, and began using it as a towel, wiping his dripping suit, then wrapping it into a turban around his wet hair.
"So then", he said, looking a bit ridiculous with the red towel wound around his head, "Is everything okay?"
hơn một năm qua alexthedog said…
"N-no, t-this is the m-most pain I've e-ever felt...and I-I don't t-think you want to w-wipe t-that on yourself."
The blanket was covered in blood, just like the wounds on Jacob's forehead that still weren't stitched up.
"D-Doctor, I really n-need your help. I-I'll faint soon, and m-my parents w-will be f-furious if I w-wake them up. I've already l-lost so much b-blood. Please!," he begged.
"And I l-like my carpet. Blue i-is one of my f-favorite color-," Jacob added before collapsing his bloody head on his pillow. He was out cold. He needed the ugly dent in his head fixed as soon as possible.
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hơn một năm qua KateKicksAss said…
The Doctor scratched his head. "What kind of people are these weirdo's?", he muttered to himself.
"I'm not a REAL Doctor, you know!", he said, heading back to the TARDIS for his emergency medical kit, which, like that TARDIS, was bigger on the inside. He began to fish through it.
"Scale repair? No...", he tossed it over his shoulder. "Ood tentacle cream? Nope..... Zorg Repellent....dang it, I should have used this earlier!", grinning, he found what he was looking for. "Aha! Emergency blood coagulant!", he said, holding up a spray bottle filled with pink liquid.
"Hold still...there you go!", he sprayed it onto the boys cut forehead.

"Oh...wait a second...he examined the bottle....whoops......"