Jadis Queen Of Narnia Jadis and her hundred years of Winter

Jadis-the-White posted on Feb 24, 2013 at 05:01PM
In the book and film Jadis put Narnia into a long spell of winter some say it was to stop the growth of any more apple trees but lets look at the creatures that lived in Narnia and Mr Tumnus's account.
Mr Tumnus was a Faun and told Lucy that the White Witch always made it winter and never Christmas but never explained why, well the clues are in the book in the type of creatures that lived in Narnia and I will try to explain it.
A Faun is half human half goat they love to dance and play their pipes they also love the spring and summer months as they could sing and dance for days in the warm sunshine as Mr Tumnus had said.
A Dryad is a female tree spirit usually of the oak they can live a very long time but some of them are Hamadryads who are part of their tree and if that tree dies so do they.
A Nymph is a beautiful maiden and there are five types of Nymphs Celestial, Water, Land, Plant and Underworld. Nymphs also love to sing and dance.
A Naiad is a female spirit that presided over wells,springs, streams and any other body of fresh water.
A Satyr is half man half horse or ass and are very wise they study the stars and are loyal to Aslan. Satyrs also love to dance with the Nymphs who they were obsessed with.
Silenus in Greek Mythology was the tutor to the wine god Dionysus or in Roman Bacchus; he was also chief of the Satyrs. All these creatures are mentioned by Mr Tumnus while telling Lucy of the happy times before Jadis. They are all creatures of spring and summer, wine and song, feasting and dancing; merriment and joy but Jadis changed all that.
When Jadis was able to return to Narnia after a 1000 years and rule she did so with tyranny and cruelty she destroyed the Narnians way of life, her winter spell was a carefully planed revenge that affected every Narnian. Mr Tumnus said that even some of the trees were on her side and they would have been the evergreens Fir, Pine Spruce ect trees that did mind the cold where as the likes of the Oak, Ash Beech ect shed their leaves in winter and go dormant until spring but more to the point it also trapped the Dryads and if their tree died from the cold so did they. Jadis Winter also trapped the Nymphs and Naiads or it killed them as all the water was frozen, the Satyrs could not then dance or chase the Nymphs the Fauns like wise even Silenus could not turn the rivers into wine anymore as they were frozen. Father Christmas was also kept out of Narnia and he is a magical person in his own right such was the power of Jadis, the Narnians tried to revolt and stormed her castle but were defeated and turned to stone which is why her castle was full of stone statues. Jadis ruled Narnia for a hundred years by taking away the Narnians rights, culture, freedom and dignity with her Winter spell, so I think Jadis' winter was more than to stop any more apple trees as they died a long time before.
last edited on Feb 24, 2013 at 05:09PM

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