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Ice Age 3: dawn of the Khủng long Câu Hỏi

What was your yêu thích part in the movie?

Mine was the part when they were in the cave and laughing and the part when peaches was born!!
 faiyah226 posted hơn một năm qua
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Ice Age 3: dawn of the Khủng long Các Câu Trả Lời

AlekoShaki_Buck said:
My favourite moment? When Buck tells his story,and the final fight with Rudy...
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laolivera said:
My yêu thích part was when they were in the chasm of death. then crash & eddie were laughing until diego laughed and also manny. It was the funniest part of the story. Diego even had a very big mouth. Hahahahahha!!!
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antonrekaj888 said:
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Ice Age is my favourite franchise!
antonrekaj888 posted hơn một năm qua
iceagelover17 said:
When Buck is talking to the skulls and say bạn don't need the calories!
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drpatchywalrus said:
When the possums sang the sóc chuột, con sóc song
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