Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by maverickangel35
Contained herein: 2,494 of the total 41,544 words that this story has abused, misused, and otherwise tortured...

(Stunt words have been used. No actual words were harmed in the making of this story. Except perhaps the three most noticeable words in the trước đó chapter)

    “You know bạn can’t put that down if bạn have any reds in your hand,” Hugh đã đưa ý kiến suspiciously as Lisa began cackling triumphantly. “I’m watching you, miss.”
    “And I’m watching you. Which is why I’m making it blue, because I know bạn don’t have any of those…” Lisa wrinkled her nose at her Uno cards. “Unless of course, bạn just picked one up.”
    “You mean like this one?” Hugh asked, waving a blue Draw 2 card at her. Lisa scowled and reached for the deck.
    “Whenever bạn jokers are ready…” David said, appearing behind Lisa’s chair. She tilted her head back and pouted at him.
    “Come on, David. There’s like, five hoặc six cents riding on this.”
    David reached down and plucked her cards out of her hand. “Bathroom set. Now. hoặc we’ll be here all night.”
    Hugh tilted his head tiredly at his co-star, who looked back at him and sighed. The energy was starting to wear off. Slowly they both pushed their chairs back and walked over to the set, smiling at Anne as she joined them. Out of nowhere Hugh’s arm circled Lisa’s shoulders as they walked, and she looked up at him, startled. He only gave her a tiny smile and squeezed her shoulder briefly before releasing her. They were both tired, Lisa reminded herself, and that little tiny bit of contact… it was as if she’d been được trao a shot of caffeine. It appeared Hugh was responding in the same manner, as he gained a bit of energy into his voice when they finally got themselves settled on the bathroom floor. Anne hovered off to the side, where the end of the bathtub would’ve been in a real restroom.
    “Just think,” Lisa said, leaning her head back against the tường and closing her eyes. “Pillows. Nice, soft fluffy feather pillows that your head just sinks into…”
    “Enough, woman,” Hugh said, his forehead resting on the closed toilet ghế, chỗ ngồi lid. “Why are bạn torturing me?” He raised his head just enough to lock eyes with her. “New hobby?”
    Lisa grinned and shrugged. “I tried stamp collecting, but this is thêm fun.”
    “You guys ready?” David asked from behind the cameras?
    “Does it matter?” Lisa shot back, and Hugh raised the cover off the toilet ghế, chỗ ngồi and draped his arm over it, sticking his face in the bowl.
    A few half-hearted spitting noises later…
    “False alarm,” đã đưa ý kiến Hugh, looking at Lisa. She reached down for the glass on the floor tiếp theo to her leg and handed it to him.
    “Drink this.”
    “That’s your advice? ‘Drink this?’”
    “It’s ginger. It’ll ease the nausea.” Lisa smiled at him, bearing in mind that this was all taking place in House’s head—anything she might think that Cuddy would normally do hoặc say in this situation… better not to even go down that road.
    “You know what would calm the nausea?” Hugh was muttering into the glass. “Vicodin. Marijuana. A coma.” Suddenly he stopped, staring straight down at the floor near the bath mat. Anne spoke from off set.
    “Now, don’t pretend bạn didn’t see it. I saw it, which means bạn saw it.” Hugh looked up at her. “Send her away.”
    Taking a cautious sip of the drink Lisa had handed him, Hugh grimaced. “Too bitter. I already have enough bitter.”
    “I’ll add some honey,” Lisa said, smiling gamely and getting up to take the glass out of the room. Anne took a few steps toward Hugh, standing on the bathtub.
    “You’re pathetic,” she đã đưa ý kiến dismissively. “If bạn want the pill, just send her home. But bạn can’t. Because that would mean admitting defeat to her.” Hugh clenched his fist, thinking. He looked up at Anne. He looked back to see if Lisa was returning. Then he stretched out his leg, beginning to di chuyển onto his stomach to crawl towards the pill, but was interrupted bởi his own subconscious. “Now this is interesting.” He stopped, his face dropping to the floor, the tile cool under his forehead. “If bạn take the pill, bạn don’t deserve her. If bạn secretly take the pill… bạn don’t deserve anyone.”
    Hugh barely realized as he slowly let his eyes close that Anne was drifting off camera, out of the scene, as he braced himself for what was coming. Then he tensed his muscles, stretched his torso, and began reaching for the pill—
    “No! No…” Lisa’s voice called to him from above and behind, and she dashed in, setting the glass down on the floor, and reaching out to support herself on Hugh’s back as she leaned down to beat him to the grab—but the bath mat had bunched up under him, and it caught her shoe, and down she went, still managing to close her hand over the Vicodin on the floor. diễn xuất completely on impulse, and still completely in the scene, Hugh reacted; he rolled over on hàng đầu, đầu trang of her, forcing her onto her back, trying to grab the pill out of her hands, which were lying along the floor above her head from her fall. One of Hugh’s hands was bởi far large enough to pin her wrists together against the floor while the other attempted to pry the treasure out of her palm, when suddenly they both froze, realizing the position they were in.
    Hugh stared down at Lisa, feeling her chest rising and falling underneath him, her lips slightly parted as she struggled to catch her breath. Their legs were tangled, and he was still holding her hands down forcefully. Intense eyes met and held for five interminable giây before Hugh released her hands and palmed the floor on either side of her head to push himself up.
    “Sorry,” he said, holding out a hand to help her rise. “I didn’t mean to—”
    “No, I—I was the one who tripped, bạn just—”
    “We’ll try it again, guys!” David called from off-set. “Lisa… maybe between now and tiếp theo season bạn could take some coordination classes?”
    The crew laughed good-naturedly, but Lisa just looked at Hugh and licked her lips—her mouth had suddenly gone completely dry.
    “Again?” He đã đưa ý kiến inscrutably, and Lisa struggled. The scene? Or…
    “Yeah. Again.” Her eyes were boring into his, and Hugh felt himself flushing as he turned away to sit back down near the toilet.
    Lisa’s hand was firmly clamped against her forehead as she fought to get her key to work on her trailer door. All things considered, 11:30 was not a bad time to finish for the night, considering they had been thinking it would take them until the early hours of the morning to get everything in. Now the only thing to decide was whether she wanted to vòi hoa sen here hoặc just get trang chủ as fast as possible, and vòi hoa sen and change and get into giường all at once—assuming she could stay awake that long. But when she entered her trailer finally, and tossed her keys on the table, she made her way not toward the vòi hoa sen hoặc toward her cái ví, ví tiền and car keys, but toward her couch. Everything in her screamed not to sit down; the chances of her getting back up were slim to none. Luckily, before she made it to the cushions there came a knock on her trailer door.
    “Am I really even surprised?” She muttered, closing her eyes and turning to open the door.
    “You don’t even ask who it is?” Hugh scolded her, ducking in and closing and locking the door behind him.
    “Who else was it going to be?” Lisa asked tiredly, giving up entirely on even pretending she wasn’t exhausted beyond belief. She sat on the couch. “Everyone else has gone home.”
    “So bạn assumed it was me?” Hugh stood in front of her, smiling.
    “I knew it was you,” she shrugged, leaning her head back onto the đi văng and closing her eyes. “I always know when it’s you.” She opened one eye, saw him still standing, and raised an eyebrow at him. “For God’s sake, Hugh, sit down before bạn collapse. I know bạn must be beat.”
    Finally letting his true exhaustion show, Hugh dropped onto the cushion tiếp theo to her and laid his arm along the back of the couch.
    “Sorry…” he started. “Feels like the only time I ever come here is to apologize.”
    “Yes… it does, doesn’t it?” Lisa turned her head toward him but didn’t lift it away from his arm. “So let’s get it over with, shall we? I’m sorry for tripping over you, you’re sorry for squishing me… we forgive each other, yadda yadda yadda…”
    “Succinctly put, Miss Edelstein.”
    “Thank you, Mr. Laurie.” Lisa closed her eyes again. As much as she loved having Hugh there, speaking in his natural voice, relaxing for once… she was going to drift off before too much longer…
    “Lisa.” Hugh was speaking so softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “You’re falling asleep. Don’t bạn want to go home?”
    “Ugh…” she muttered. “I don’t know if it’s an toàn, két an toàn to drive… have to be back in a few hours anyway… I don’t know…” Hugh stretched out his legs and started to pull his arm back so he could get up. “Are you going home?”
    “I don’t think so,” he đã đưa ý kiến after a while. “It’s so late, and like bạn said… I’ll probably just shoot David and Katie an email tomorrow; ask them to notify security that until these last few episodes are done they should be aware that people may just be camping out here. In the meantime…”
    Lisa was starting to doze off again, and Hugh trailed off, watching her lips slowly part as she began to breathe deeper and slip into the darkness… Resting his elbow on the back of the đi văng and his head in his hand, he observed his co-star almost empirically, calculating and scrutinizing and filing away every detail. She had slept in his house, and yet he had never seen her sleep.
    “You’re gorgeous, bạn know,” he whispered, knowing that she couldn’t hear him, knowing that the words could not come back to haunt him. Lisa suddenly jerked slightly, her eyes springing open, her head turning quickly to seek out the presence that she immediately sensed in the room with her, and found Hugh still sitting tiếp theo to her and watching her intently.
    “God almighty, Hugh…” she muttered, starting to reach up to rub her eye. “Oh… geez, I gotta wash my face hoặc this makeup will be ingrained in my skin bởi morning. Hang on.” She set her hand on his knee to propel herself off the đi văng and toward the tiny bathroom, and he heard the sink running. “Hugh, bạn can go to your trailer if bạn want, honestly, bạn should get some sleep! We’ll have a loaded ngày tomorrow too…”
    Coming back out into the main area, she stopped short to see that Hugh had stretched out on the couch, his head resting on the pillows at one end, his eyes closed, and the faintest whiffling sound coming from his nose.
    It was easily the most adorable thing Lisa had ever heard.
    She knelt down on the floor in front of the đi văng and put her hand gently on Hugh’s shoulder. He rolled onto his side facing her, and opened one eye groggily.
    “Hugh, why don’t bạn just stay here tonight?” She asked softly. “You obviously are falling asleep right here and now. We’ll be up and out of here before anyone comes on set; and even if I wanted to kick bạn out, I’m not sure bạn would be able to stand up.”
    A steel blue eye narrowed shrewdly at her. “I can stand up. I could even get up and do a dance if I wanted to. I choose not to.”
    “Yes, I know, you’re Superman, all powerful, I am Hugh hear me roar…” Lisa teased gently. “But tonight bạn are dead on your feet. Go back to sleep. I’ll grab a chair in a minute.”
    As Lisa stood to grab a light blanket from the armchair, Hugh’s hand reached out blindly and managed to find her wrist on the first try. Lisa froze, turning to look at him.
    “I’m not stealing your couch, madam,” he drawled.
    “It’s fine,” she insisted.
    “No. Come here.” Lisa hesitated. “I promise. I don’t bite. That’s strictly your domain, and I trust that I don’t have anything to worry about on that front.”
    In the days to come, Lisa would wonder what had made her do it. Surely exhaustion played a large part. Lightheadedness… stress… the knowledge of what she’d have to face in the tiếp theo week hoặc two… she gave in.
    “Ok, fine…” her shoulders sagged even as she đã đưa ý kiến it; her conscience was hammering against the inside of her skull, waving a ‘danger’ sign and blowing an air horn, but she just didn’t have the energy to fight anymore. “But bạn behave yourself, mister.”
    “Scouts honor,” he said, pulling her down onto the couch. “Why is your đi văng bigger than mine?”
    The two of them just barely fit; Lisa was almost hanging over the edge until Hugh’s arm circled her waist, pulling her back toward him as he wedged his spine further into the back of the sofa.
    “Hugh, this can’t possibly be comfortable for you,” Lisa said, snuggling the side of her head into his bicep as his other arm tightened its grip to keep her from tumbling away. “Honestly, I’ll just sit in the recliner…”
    “I’ll have no thêm talk from you, Miss Edelstein, as I am trying to sleep.” Hugh’s voice faded away into her hair, and a few moments later she felt his arm slacken a bit as his breathing deepened. Lisa smiled faintly, reaching out over the armrest to turn off the lamp on the end table, and then closed her eyes, resting one arm over Hugh’s and the other under the pillow.
    Don’t go to sleep, don’t go to sleep just yet… she tried to convince herself to stay awake, just a few phút more, just to enjoy what would surely never happen again; she already knew it was a bad idea. But it had already started, and the damage was already done. Now she knew what it felt like to be held, to feel his legs lining the back of her own, to smell the slightly stale mint of his toothpaste from before he’d come over…
    It had been so long since she’d been in this position. Sure, there were “friends” before, people she could enjoy a casual fling with and then part ways with no hurt feelings on either side, but never had she spent the night in such company, with such khó tin intimacy…
    Lisa breathed in the unique scent of the man behind her one last time as she finally drifted into proper REM sleep, not to awaken until the tiếp theo morning.
    Yes… the damage definitely had been done.
posted by huddycat69
Thank bạn for your comments! I'm glad bạn liked it so far, and I hope bạn will like this as well. một giây part just for bạn
Disclaimer : this is pure fiction and has nothing to do with the reality

-Lisa, I’d like to know if you’re really…, bởi really I mean « sincerely », happy with Robert.
-Wow, I don’t know what to think. Should I be angry, astonished, or… flattered ?
-I … I…don’t want to offend you, I just need to know if bạn really tình yêu this man and if he makes bạn happy, if he takes care of you…
-Stop ! Stop doing this ! Don’t meddle in my relationship with Robert ! You...
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posted by LisaLover
cáo, fox All-Star Summer TCA Party was coming up and this năm organizers chose a very beautiful placed 5-star hotel for it: The Langham Huntington in Pasadena, CA. Everything was tied up, all rooms were reserved for the cáo, fox stars if someone would like to stay there longer, and huge cáo, fox letters were cut in the bushes in front of the entrance. It was about 6pm when first guests arrived.

„Hey, Rob!” Lisa waved to Leonard who was head for the building as she debarked from the long, black limo.

„Oh hi Lisa! Wow, bạn look gorgeous” he waited for her at the stairs, smiling friendly as he gave her...
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Oh, me again... I đã đưa ý kiến I would make it up to you! So... if bạn haven't Mất tích the interest in my fic cause of the delay... All I can say is, THANK GOD!
Love ya guys (:C


She woke up to the smell of pancakes. At the very moment she realized how hungry she was and regretted that those bánh xèo, bánh kếp weren’t prepared for her. She rolled over, noticing Hugh had already left as usual. Their routine. She shook her head and realized it wouldn’t be so bad to wake up tiếp theo to him from time to time. It would pleasantly surprise her, but she would never let him know. She swung her legs around the bed...
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Hey everyone! I loved the fic's on this spot so much that I decided to write one myself, it's going to be multichap, not much Hugh in this chapter, but there will be much thêm of him, that is if bạn like it,so tell me what bạn think! (Italics are flashbacks)

It was only 6am but the sun was already burning high up in the sky. It was the third ngày of an heat wave and Lisa’s first ngày of actual work this season.

She woke up all sweaty and her sheets were soaked, but that didn’t really matter to her, she was going to see her colleagues again today. She really missed all of them, especially Hugh...
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posted by huddyforever
“Here.” Jacobs đã đưa ý kiến handing Lisa a áo choàng tắm to out on. They let go and Lisa got up. She was in her underwear and strapless bra, most of the men on crew stared, hell she even thought she saw Omar staring, but not Hugh. She really liked him for that, because no matter how awkward and sexual things got he was always respectful to her. She put the quần áo, áo choàng on and waited for directions. Hugh was in his boxers and was freezing until someone threw him a quần áo, áo choàng and he put it on. “Ok, now House and Cuddy wake up, and are confused and don’t know what to do. We will shoot that part after lunch.” Shore...
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posted by huddyforever
“Ummm. Guys.” bờ biển đã đưa ý kiến pointing to them. They were still holding eachother. They took a step away from eachother and just smiled. “Sorry.” Hugh finally said. Lisa turned to him. “Oh, no. It wasn’t your fault. And plus it could have been worse. It’s not like it was horrible for us. I mean I didn’t have a horrible time I don’t know about you.” She continued. “Oh no. I had a great time as a matter of fact.” He said. “Yeah. I did too. So we’re good?” Lisa asked. “We’re great!” He đã đưa ý kiến giving her a hug. “Ok. I think we got all we need now so go get freshened...
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Hugh Laurie
ellen hiển thị
added by HuddyBrave
Source: Me XD
added by arasu
added by arasu
added by wendus92
Just b-r-e-a-t-h-e.....


It had been a decision that had just made itself out of necessity. Nothing thêm than that. There would have been no other way to hide.
There was a deserted half-lit corridor on one side and, on the opposite, just simply some step; steps getting closer and closer giây bởi seconds.
There hadn’t even been any way to thought it twice. There hadn’t been the time.
Lisa had grabbed Hugh bởi his hand, flung the door open, yanked him in, whirl ed round and snapped it back shut behind them. Just like that.
Then, on having twirled...
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Hugh shook his head a little, sour-faced. He lifted his eyes up at him “She’s not answering Rob....”
He knew this would be a bad idea. He just knew it.
Robert encouraged him “Just....give it another couple of rings...." he said, drawing circles in the air with his hand "she might not have it around....”
He shook his head again, breathing out.
It was a bad idea.
It was bad ‘cause, once again, she wasn’t answering and it was bad 'cause it was making him feel like an plain idiot once more.
It was bad ‘cause he didn’t like the idea of playing such tricks on her. And it was bad ‘cause...
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Ok, here. Enjoy some more. Posting the last part tomorrow. Then they talk alright? Geez you're making me feel guilty about the filler chap :P But I tình yêu you, deeply cause you're just as crazy and madly in tình yêu with those two as I am <3 and bạn keep reading, which is rewarding enough.

Robert hung to his own threshold slightly open-mouthed for a good couple of seconds.
He eventually got over the initial dismay and shut the door tight wondering all the same though why one hearth madness had set herself into chasing him trang chủ today. He must have pissed some ancient god…karma stuff…he didn’t...
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posted by HuddyBea
Hi there Hulis! This is my một giây attempt to a Huli FF. I thought it would be nice if someone told how, allegedly...according to our twisted minds:P things were gone between those two since Dec 2009 and well...hopefully how they'll end *winks winks* before this December (end > meaning: outburst of joy in the Huli world due to a sudden, not so much unexpected coming out :P) So this explains the tiêu đề I guess...also a notorious homage to one of the most wonderful Huddy dialogues ever ;) I know, I am being overly optimistic here, but a fangirl can dream right?
Let me know if bạn like it...and...
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posted by Noeloe
Thanks for the reviews! Susan is gay, although Hugh won't see much of that yet as he first has to suffer through this date...

‘You are going to tell me… right?’, Lisa asked as she showed the 3th dress at the 4th store they went too. ‘My honest opinion about this dress? Sure I am…’, Hugh đã đưa ý kiến while giving her a full body scan with his eyes and then subconsciously licking his lips as Lisa turned around to hiển thị the very low-cut back. ‘Well… that too, because you’re British, but I actually meant your ngày tonight…’ ‘Oh, well of course I’ll tell you, that is if bạn won’t...
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posted by Noeloe
Wow so many lovely reviews! ^^ Thanks girls! So here's the tiếp theo chapter! Kind of fluffy, so enjoy!

@Alex About Robert and his wife and sister-in-law... were they really that stupid to send someone like Mindy? hoặc was it actually an extremely clever thing to do...?

Hugh walked happily back to Mindy as he knew their ngày would end in a few minutes. ‘We got the free drinks!’, Mindy đã đưa ý kiến excited as she was gulping down a very expensive wine. Hugh smiled polite as he also took a sip of his drink. ‘So… ehm… I heard bạn work in a museum...’, Hugh đã đưa ý kiến in his American accent. He didn’t...
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Hello there! I didn't see bạn guys enough these days cause I had had a House newborn obsessed người hâm mộ in my house XD
My BFF just (yeah, JUST) got hooked to House and she's making me watch AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL the episodes, for the millionth time, with her :D
It's actually quite interesting to see what a fresh người hâm mộ has to say about it :D
Enjoy the new chapter :D
Oh, And about Elizabeth, good news, SHE'S ALL GONE...
But that doesn't mean one other woman is gonna stay out of Hugh's life (:C
Guess who it is?

“Hello?” the familiar sound of a woman came from the other side of the phone.
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xin chào guys :DDD
Chapter 13 is waiting :DDDDDD
It's getting thêm FUN every time XDDDD
Hope bạn enjoy it :D

“We are so getting in trouble” Rebecca whispered in front of her dad’s bedroom door.
A few phút earlier her brothers and she came all the way from Billy’s room to eavesdrop on their father. They were too curious!
Pushing the door a little, making them open just enough for them to catch every bit of their dad’s phone call, wasn’t something they would usually do. However, the situation of this kind was the first one they faced and curiosity was too big to be ignored.
“Rebecca, we’ll...
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Oh, sinners, I'm so glad bạn liked it :DDDDD
So, here bạn go, chapter two...
You wanna know how it all started don't you?
Well, I think this chapter will please bạn then... To some point (:C
Oh, and it's loooooooooooooong xDDD
p.s. It's in italics on purpose xD

Six months earlier.

She was in her town house, sipping herbal tea. It was cold and she had a blanket wrapped around her tiny body. Her chó were sleeping bởi the fireplace, trying to warm up.
Suddenly, they were all awaken bởi the sound of her telephone.
Lisa stood up and made it somehow to the receiver, which she, like she always did, Mất tích somewhere...
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