House Club
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 bạn Can't Always Get What bạn Want
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Anyone who watches House M.D. on a regular basis will have bởi now picked up on two phrases that seem to be the slogans of the show: “Everybody Lies” and “You Can't Always Get What bạn Want.” The first slogan of the show, “Everybody Lies”, seems to be House's philosophy about people. Knowing that Dr. House is the antisocial, misanthrope and very miserable person that he is, this statement which he utters frequently, very nicely sums up the entire view House has for humanity. He finds them un-useful, un-trustworthy and not worthy of spending time with because you'll never get the...
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added by blaukat
Source: no idea, sorry.
added by rcerione
Source: tvguide and
added by Legenda
added by Nine
posted by Immunity
 House MD game, scene with Cuddy
House MD game, scene with Cuddy

I wanted to tell bạn that I created a demo version of my House MD game.
I just wanted to try out if it works and if bạn like it hoặc not.

I haven´t found a way to đăng tải it somewhere on the internet, so that bạn can download it, but I can send it to everyone who wants to play it, as email.
It is about 13 mb large.

 House MD game, scene with Wilson
House MD game, scene with Wilson

Remember that this is only a demo-version, the fanpop people who wanted to be included will only appear in the full version, which I will only make if someone is interested and if people like this demo.

So if bạn want to have the demo version, please post your email adress here hoặc send it to me, if bạn don´t want everyone to be able to see it.
added by missingPPH
Source: cáo, fox TV House MD
added by housefrk
Source: cáo, fox
added by mrshouse62689
Source: ihasalupus @ lj
added by mrshouse62689
Source: ihasalupus @ lj
added by mrshouse62689
Source: ihasalupus @ lj
It's THC again... decided to post my newest piece here since it has been a while. I've been on LJ the last tháng hoặc so. It's the usual: House + Wilson strong friendship, angst, tissue worthy depending on how soft bạn are and PG-13. It contains heavy spoilers for 5x23 "Under My Skin"... that means insomnia and hallucinatory Amber!


He needs to sleep.

Inside his office lies a bunker of Energy drink cans, sleeping pills and blankets and pillows and teddy bears and warm milk... birdsong entwined with new age âm nhạc is drifting across the background, the blinds are drawn.

He would've slept here...
continue reading...
added by sahour95
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox (screencaps:comforting lie)
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox (screencaps:comforting lie)
added by sidrayul
Source: Mystery my wife
added by misanthrope86
Source: cáo, fox / edited bởi me
added by lamia36
Source: marykir/HL