xin chào READ!!! I do Greys Anatomy Reviews on my own YouTube Channel! I need subscribers ASAP. This channel is for a class and enjoyment! Check Out the Latest Episode I DID!!! SPOILER ALERT
I started watching it a tháng cách đây and i cant stop watching it, im on season 5 and i even watch it during class at school CX its a real addiction
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I'm also on season five and I tình yêu it! (My người hâm mộ Instagram is @pickmechoosemeloveme007, bạn can message me if bạn want to discuss it!)hơn một năm qua
Last night's episode, "The Me Nobody Knows" was great! I want to know thêm about Richard and his friend that knew him back in the ngày he was "Bumpy." I also think there is thêm to learn about Angela, his daughter. What is up with them? Why is he keeping so much from her and does that have anything to do with Richard and Adele? We want more!!!
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I can't say they are my most yêu thích couple, but I ship them too...I've been lovin Alex's character for a few seasons now, he deserves happiness and Jo is just perfect for him :Dhơn một năm qua
So I am going through all the seasons of Grey's and I have to say...I did not like Erica Hahn. She was so rude and unprofessional from ngày 1. Insulting people for no reason. What was her problem?
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i Miss Japril so much ,they are my yêu thích couple on ti vi now,and is on my hàng đầu, đầu trang 7 :). i Liked matt,he is a sweet guy,bul for me April and Jackson is a couple made in heaven :)
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I seriously hope that Japril gets back together in season 10, they are meant to be. After the scare that April got at the end i'm pretty sure she will realize that she wants to be with Jackson and not Matt. Japril is a better couple! Jackson brings out the best in April(:
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aww I loved Japril! I hope Jackson will give her a reason. he has to!! One very sad thing: why Richard??? I know he doesnt have a huge fanbase, but I tình yêu him! I dont want him to die. :(( somehow I feel he will be the 'big death' ..I wish my feeling was wrong :/
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oh and poor Callie! Am I the only one who things Arizone was a chó cái, bitch in this season? I know she Mất tích her leg but its not an excuse for everything.. I hope they will break up. poor Sofia, thought :(hơn một năm qua
HELP! Are there anybody who know why I can't enter my old account? Has it happened to anybody else? My old account was the one below Katrinehei and now it want login! I can't remember my code but when i then try to say that i have forgotten then it says that there is no account with that name and email address... If anybody else have been in this situation please help! Thanks ;)
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Are there anyone who can explain to me how it can be that Mark, teddy and Lexie had to leave the hiển thị because the hiển thị needed money and then they hire all those inturns? I'm confused... I miss Mark and Teddy and Lexie so much! Season 8 was my yêu thích <3
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↓↓ I once shipped Japril, but they hadn´t been what I expected them to be as a couple....and since Matt came, I´ve adoring this guy, if April leaves him because of Jackson, it will seriously break my tim, trái tim :((((((( But I think there is a big chance of it actually happening and I hate it :///. Btw, that proposal was totally unexpected, but just perfect ;).
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Ok, after the finale I really don´t know how to feel anymore. It was all heroic and amazing and one of my favourite moments from the whole season how Jackson walked out of the ngọn lửa, chữa cháy carrying that little girl. And April realizing at this very moment that she still has feeling for him was understandable as hell, but why exactly did the writers make her say yes to Matt an episode before?! To hurt a guy who´s this perfect?! I frankly hate how the storylines in GA are written sometimes...hơn một năm qua
But anyway...I hope Jackson gives her a reason and when they are together, their storylines wouldn´t be about talks of re-virginizing and then sleeping together anyway like some sex-crazed teenagers :phơn một năm qua
bạn are right when bạn say that matt and april are adorabloe, they're made for each other and you're also right when bạn đã đưa ý kiến that shonda seems to have any bigh plans for him... grr but sarah on twitter đã đưa ý kiến that she loves matt so in s10 maybe there will be a sequel for them :)hơn một năm qua
Nooooooooooo my Japril!!!! That's not fair! As I see there are a lot of Japril người hâm mộ just look at the wall! We dont want April and Matt we want jackson and April!!!! :(((((((((((((((((((((((((
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i Miss Japril so much ,they are my yêu thích couple on ti vi now,and is on my hàng đầu, đầu trang 7 :). i Liked matt,he is a sweet guy,bul for me April and Jackson is a couple made in heaven :)
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I can't believe that April is now engaged to that Matt guy.I mean I like the guy and he tried really hard and made a beautiful proposal and all that,but I was really hoping that they will break up really soon and that Jackson and April will have some chance.My tim, trái tim is now broken!Like Jackson's..we could see that he was actually sad,not happy for April.
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I agree with you!I liked her,but now..I mean how she could to that to Callie,when Callie was nothing but supportive to her.She was always there for her,even when Arizona was mad and yelled at her.Poor Callie,she didn't deserve that!hơn một năm qua
I have to say season 9 is really good !When first started I was like:"Season without Mark,Lexie and Teddy?It will suck and probably be boring."But now I think it is awesome.I have to admit that the writers did good job with new characters and new storylines,because I really like development of Jo&Alex story,but also old characters have good story too,like MerDer's baby hoặc April&Jackson's relationships.Of course this season can't compare with ones with Lexie,Izzie,Mark..but it is pretty great.
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I agree... but I don't get that Mark, Lexie and Teddy had to leave because they needed money and then they hired all those inturns! I miss Mark! And Lexie and Teddy... I must say that season 8 is my yêu thích <3 <3hơn một năm qua
I'm confused bởi the timeline of this show. I have been rewatching seasons and in season 9, they had Mark remembering Callie and Arizona's wedding in 2009, when it happened in 2011. Mere đã đưa ý kiến in 2012 that Cristina rode into town five yrs ago. The hiển thị started in 2005?! That's much longer cách đây than five yrs. Does time di chuyển slower? What's the deal? hoặc do the writers have no f*cking clue when this hiển thị happened hoặc when events occurred?
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Just started this series. Mainly because of Katherine Heigl but I'm loving this already! Though, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stop 'till season 5 because it's all gonna suck since Alex and Izzie broke up and O'Malley died. WHY THE FUCK DOES O'Malley HAVE TO DIE?
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i hope April and Jackson find each other again,LOVE THEM,they are the only couple i tình yêu from the start :) Owen and Cristina is also perfect together,but i dont like them in the start,but is was only in the start.
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I want April and Jackson back!!! what's this shit? this girl is beautiful but just nah...For the fist time in my GA life I skipped a scene! literally I skipped the scenes with Jackson and the GlassesGirl. I am angry :@ I want April and Jackson but not that sexship but a real relationship. please give them back to me!!
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I think we should change the icon, if the những người hâm mộ want to, we can keep a picture of the old characters as well, but i think it's time we add jackson and april, they belong as well. and I really really tình yêu the MerDer pregnancy storyline!! <33
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anybody up for makin' a calzona video to the song, only god could tình yêu bạn thêm bởi jerrod neimann???? I'd tình yêu to see one!
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this season is so dark and jackson and april is cute their relationship is breath of fresh air. miss the core characters meredith,chistina,izzie,geoge and alex togethers
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:(] I cant watch the new season anymore...WHY MARK? I just want the old greys back with george and lexy and izzie and mark and......everyone!
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Hey, number 47 383 người hâm mộ here. :D So my câu hỏi is: why Mark?? I don't like this new season it's so sad. :( I cried over the first two episodes. They killed Lexi, okay I never liked her anyway but Mark? Poor Callie. :(
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I KNOW! :'( </3thats baby Mark -we were all crying so much soo awful I was thêm than stunned out of my mind when christina đã đưa ý kiến that lexi was eaten bởi wild động vật and she couldnt save her?! I mean wtf is happening?they didnt even get to tell each other they still loved one another-shonda rhimes is a murderer if love!I want christina back "sniffs" I really wanted to see sloans and lexi's em bé on greys </3were all still in such shock that Mark sloane is never gonna be awesome on greys again ;(
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I can't believe that mark is dead.I have to admit that I really didn't like the first episode of season 9.I mean Lexie and Mark are dead,Arizona has one leg,Sofia has only one parent,Christina is somewhere snowy and only happy thing is that Alex is staying.I hope that một giây episode will be better because I don't really like the hiển thị without Lexie and Mark,like something big is missing and I can feel it.I really miss their scenes with others and alone and I think that will evident.
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I wasn't a người hâm mộ of them starting with that episode and skipping the stuff that is in episode 2 from the promo. II'm mad Lexi and Mark are gone. And Teddy the hiển thị too. UGH! Gonna really miss Lexi. She's my yêu thích character!hơn một năm qua
Exactly, it was like we were waiting for them to come around the corner bạn know? it feels so empty without Lexi and Mark there....I want Christina to come back, she and kepner are fantastic, of course I tình yêu Mer and Im happy that derek and Alex are alive....we Mất tích george and now mark too....its all so infuriating!hơn một năm qua
I know eric dane won't be around this season, but I though they will make him leave Seattle just like addison and izzy, I can't believe they actually killed him!! In what world it's okay to kill mcsteamy!! This is so wrong! :"(((((((hơn một năm qua
Seriously it seems like if someone decides to leave the show, they go, "let's kill them!" God! So fucking ridiculous! He could of left. I sort of see it Lexi dying and him not having the will to live anymore. I don't know.hơn một năm qua
I think it's sad that Lexie died, but it was her own chiose. It would be cool if she was a ghost until Mark passes so they can walk together to the other side <3
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Bailey: Eh, not a good time. Arizona: bạn know what, bạn walk away from me again I swear I will grab bạn bởi the hair and pull hard, I grew up will the name Arizona, I learned how to play dirty on the playground.
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So I'm kind of a newbie. I started watching this hiển thị a week cách đây and i'm already on season 6. I don't understand some things. Like why exactly Burke left and HOW Izzie just left without saying anything to anyone! I loved her </3
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that season finally was jaw dropping ,i was in chock the whole ep O_o can't wait for the new season ,this hiển thị is just so awesome and juicy and never boring
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xin chào Fans! Patrick Dempsey is nominated for a 2012 Big Daddy Award as Heartthrob. bạn can vote for him as many times as bạn want starting MONDAY at! Don't let other nominees' những người hâm mộ outshine you!
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Season 5 was THE BEST!!!i enjo watching that season for all posible reasons!!! I think season 8 was tm least yêu thích not only because of Lexie's death but alla the season seemed like something was "cheap" hoặc something like that.....i'm sorry about that because i loved that hiển thị it was my yêu thích and now it's's going down..... :(
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To all those who are saying "f" Shonda, please don't. I completely understand that ya'll are upset, as am I. But in an interview Shonda & Chyler đã đưa ý kiến this was something discussed at length and it was never a decision made bởi her alone. both just felt that "Lexie" didn't have a story left to tell & that it was time to be done with the character. Yes I do think that they should have maybe put her in a coma for a năm to see how Mer dealth, but I'm a người hâm mộ still & will continue to be. <3
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Lexie???LEXIE????Are u serius Shonda?????I loved her character!!!!!No thêm Gey's for me if they don't bring her back!!!!!Enough is enough!!!
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I still can't believe Lexie died. Now my yêu thích character and Lexie OTP is 100% dead (I still ship George and Lexie a little thêm than her and Sloan). *cries
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i know its because chyler leigh is in a broadway production this fall, but broadway productions don't last 5 years... couldnt she have just made lexie leave for the time the actress needed.. then when the final season came have her come back and end up with mark like it always should have been... to quote one ot the most heartbreaking scenes ever filmed for ti vi ''we're meant to be''... God i hate life right nowhơn một năm qua
okay so omg lexie is dead ... BUT i reckon everyone thinks lexie died but actually she might have fallen into coma hoặc something, cus im pretty sure chlyer leigh who plays lexie wouldnt want out, and they wouldn't kill her off, i reckon that arizona will die maybe when S9 starts and lexie is just in coma, hoặc no one will die and they are just making us think that lexie is dead. BUT IF SHE IS BLOODY DEAD IM NEVER WATCHING THIS hiển thị AGAIN THE ONLY REASON I WATCH IT IS BECAUSE OF MARK AND LEXIE!!!
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