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posted by GA-19
Spoiler bonus: Following this scene, Bailey (Chandra Wilson) starts stealing patients for Seattle Grace, since it is no longer the No. 1 teaching hospital, and they need to up their trauma ranking. Also, late in the episode, a very cranky chief (James Pickens Jr.) gets angry about the ranking situation and goes off on one of the people in this scene like he has never gone off before. You—and the person he yells at—will be stunned.

Spoiler bonus: Even though Lexie (Chyler Leigh) and George (T.R. Knight) seem to be getting cozy, she finds out he slept with the other Grey…and that throws...
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posted by JenniferDempsey
Grey’s Anatomy ngôi sao Patrick Dempsey - who is already the face of Versace’s spring and summer men’s clothing lines - suited up and looked terrific in Beverly Hills on Monday, announcing that he will be creating a new Avon fragrance for men!

Devoted Patrick Dempsey những người hâm mộ may remember that his wife, Jillian Dempsey, is a celebrity stylist and makeup artist who serves as a consultant for Avon brands.

There's a picture which I will put in the hình ảnh okay? Im so buying it I dont care if it's for men =D
Previously on Grey's Anatomy, Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek (Patrick Dempsey) had break up sex, Norman Shales (Edward Herrmann) was the world's oldest intern, Thatcher Grey chose Lexie (Chyler Leigh) over Meredith, Richard's (James Pickens) niece knew she was dying, Alex (Justin Chambers) kissed Izzie (Katherine Heigl) but she pulled away, and George (T.R. Knight) told Callie (Sara Ramirez) that he slept with Izzie.

Tonight's Grey's Anatomy picks up right after George's confession to Callie. She simply says that she forgives him. He made a mistake, but they took vows, so she forgives him....
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What no one knew was that Meredith had an unfaithful husband and children with him. She had caught him with his ex-girlfriend on the eve of her graduation from medical school. Meredith was fixing to go on a ngày with Derek when she saw him. "Hello, Meredith!" he said.
"Why are bạn here?" she asked.
"I want bạn back!" he said.
"I have a boyfriend!" đã đưa ý kiến Meredith.
"Why are bạn talking to my girlfriend?" asked Derek.
"She's my wife!" đã đưa ý kiến Eric.
"Ex-wife!" đã đưa ý kiến Meredith.
"You never filed for divorce!" đã đưa ý kiến Eric.
As news spread around Seattle Grace, her Những người bạn and boyfriend started questioning...
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It’s been three months since her winter wedding in Park City, Utah, and Katherine Heigl can’t stop hát the praises of her musician husband, Josh Kelley.

“He was everything I was looking for, hoặc needed hoặc wanted in my life,” the Grey’s Anatomy ngôi sao told Great Britain’s Sunday Times. “He’s just so easy to be around. He lightens up the room and lightens my load.”

The 29-year-old actress already has em bé on the brain.

“I think he’d prefer to wait a little thêm time, but I kind of wouldn’t,” Katherine Heigl said, adding that it would be “foolish to waste our current...
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Grey's Anatomy Exclusive: Kate Walsh Returns!

In what can only be viewed as an ominous sign for that little bun in Callie’s oven, Private Practice heroine Kate Walsh is bringing her baby doc back to Grey’s Anatomy later this season, sources xác nhận to me exclusively.

Details are sketchy, but I’m told that Addison will be summoned to Seattle Grace in the March 31 episode for the purpose of helping out with a medical crisis. bạn don’t need a PhD in Common Sense to figure out that the Code Red in câu hỏi will likely involve Callie and Mark’s unborn tyke.

The good news? As I reported in Ask Ausiello, it’s my understanding that Callie will carry this baby to term. So consider your miscarriage fears all but squashed.

Thoughts? Looking phía trước, chuyển tiếp to Addison’s reaction upon learning that her ex hooked up (and then some!) with a lesbian? Worried about what toll this fresh batch of drama will have on Calzona?
posted by izzylovesu28
Okay, everyone say's oh Grey's Anatomy this and Grey's Anatomy that but for what it is worth (nothing to anyone, but everything to me) I really am obsessed with Grey's. I really relate to everyone and I feel as if the hiển thị is real. Every one love's Meredith and Derek and I tình yêu them both (especially Derek) but there are some actors who are really sensitive and really catch and hiển thị the emotion of the show. My mom first showed me Grey's Anatomy when I was like 5. I am now 13 and i have watched all 7 1/2 seasons at least 20 times over. When I was like 8 i really stared watching and getting into...
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Been watching lots of re-runs of GA, and have settled on the main character draft picks. My yêu thích Gals, and Guys.


1) Addison Montgomery

2) Meredith Grey

3) Miranda Bailey

4) Cristina Yang

5) Lexie Grey

6) Callie Torres

7) Izzie Stevens

8) Teddy Altman

9) Arizona Robbins

10) April Kepner


1) Richard Webber

2) Alex Karev

3) Owen Hunt

4) Mark Sloan

5) George O'Malley

6) Derek Shepherd

7) Jackson Avery
posted by McDreamyluva
This is something sweet that my friend emailed to me, and the first time i read it, McDreamy was the first person who came into my mind~
imagine if bạn were the girl... ^^

When a boy is quiet ... millions of things are running in his mind.

When a boy is not arguing ... he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at bạn with eyes full of các câu hỏi ... he is wondering how long bạn will be around.

When a boy các câu trả lời ' I'm fine ' after a few giây ... he is not at all fine.

When a boy stares at bạn ... he is wondering why bạn are lying.

When a boy lets bạn lay on his chest ... he is wishing for bạn to be...
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 Tammy Dahlstrom
Tammy Dahlstrom
I recently got the chance to catch up with actress Tammy Dahlstrom to chat about her upcoming role on “Grey’s Anatomy.” Tammy has been diễn xuất since the age of 3 when she first appeared in a Kellogg’s ngô Flakes commercial and was on the cereal box. Today, she’s building a solid career lending her support to some of televisions biggest names, including our beloved Patrick Dempsey.

Holly: Tell us a little about your role in the episode titled "I Only bạn Were Lonely."

TAMMY: Well, I can’t give away too much, but I can say that I play an Orderly that catches the brunt of McDreamy's...
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Eric was shocked that Meredith had told Derek the truth about their wedding day. Jason was looking phía trước, chuyển tiếp to his birthday even though his parents were divorced. Meredith honored their custody agreement which had được trao her custody in their divorce. Addison was over Derek and in tình yêu with Mark. Meredith had no idea that Eric wanted them to give him a good birthday. Her life with Derek was better than the life she had lived with Eric.
No one had any idea that a major ferryboat accident had been hit. "All residents gather your interns and head to awaiting amublances! Attendings follow!" ordered...
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posted by ArthurGwen
OMG i' m so pissed at the writers right now.Why did they have to do this? The calliearizonamark Baby storyline wtf?! I  now for thêm than One Season that Mark and lexie reunite . And what do they do to me? They torturing me and let me be happy because they are back together and then...then they break them up after ONE episode. 
                                                                                           Jackson?! Seriously?! He's like my least  favourite character ever. Can't take him around anything and FOR SURE not around my favourite...
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"After a six-year Grey’s Anatomy stint marked bởi almost as many controversies as triumphs, Katherine Heigl is thisclose to getting what she has long desired: a discharge.Sources xác nhận to me exclusively that series creator Shonda Rhimes has agreed to release the fast-rising movie ngôi sao from her contract. It’s now up to ABC Studios and Heigl’s reps to băm out a final exit agreement. (A rep for ABC Studios declined to comment. Coincidentally, as of today Heigl is without a publicist.) Why is this all coming down now? That’s where things get interesting…

After taking thêm than half of...
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 McCoat Over McBaby?
McCoat Over McBaby?
So, i've been around a few other boards and many seem to mention this. And, i have just gotta agree. The Little details that we would never see, other's did. I would of never noticed these little signs if no-one had mentioned it, but now that i do see the signs, maybe there could be a MerDer baby.

She had her áo, áo khoác over her stomach when she was talking to the cheif in front of the elevator. And then when they were in the Elevator, bạn can see all these pictures of kids and scans.

In my opinion, i think that its too soon for a baby on the hiển thị for MerDer, beacuse this would mean that the hiển thị would end soon, which i don't want. Clues to a series ending: Step 1, The main couples getting Married (in which they are according to shonda). Step 2, Babies! (which seems likely). Step 3, Living Happily ever after...

So is Meredith really Pregnant?

Tell me what bạn think.
 McBabies Circled
McBabies Circled
I think that she is going over the hàng đầu, đầu trang wanting to only do phim chiếu rạp a bit cuz Knocked Up and 27 Dresses weren’t exactly the best phim chiếu rạp out there. I think she’s being kinda conceited cuz I mean if it weren’t for Grey’s Anatomy nobody would know her. I don’t know whether she should leave hoặc stay, my only concern is how would they make her character leave without it being completely random? They’d have to invent a whole new story line. Which might make the hiển thị interesting, but still it’s hard to determine that. I think that withdrawing from the Emmy nomination was in her eyes and...
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The return of Grey’s Anatomy is still weeks off, but TV Guide sleuth Michael Ausiello is already getting the scoop on what we can expect when our yêu thích hiển thị ends its long, long writers’ strike-induced absence on Thursday, April 24.

If bạn want some hints on the future of Mer-Der and the character that was supposed to be played bởi Josh Jackson, follow the jump and read on!

Question: I was really looking phía trước, chuyển tiếp to Joshua Jackson being Cristina Yang’s new tình yêu interest on Grey’s Anatomy, so the scheduling conflicts suck! Any những thông tin cập nhập on who will be cast in the role instead?

Ausiello: I’m...
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Lets hope this is one big đít, mông, ass rumour
but according to Buddy TV Katherine Heigl who plays our blond beauty Dr Izzie (Issobel) Stevens wants to leave Grey's to pursue her diễn xuất career.

Apparently this has been brought on bởi her sucess with 27 Dresses & Knocked Up

According to BuddyTV Katie has been begging the writers to kill of her character in a way that will give the hiển thị thêm ratings. But she has a contract for the tiếp theo several years with Touchstone & ABC. Would they really let her go?

Supposedly Katie believes she may have "grown out" of Grey's

Is this even true?Do bạn want that to happen? Do bạn want her to leave? What would the hiển thị be like without her? Tbh I really dont know.
xin chào all!

I've been thinking about the weird storylines we're getting in season 5. George constantly MIA (I wonder if anyone will notice he's gone...), Derek Shepherd is suddenly depressed because of a patient he lost, McSteamy and Little Grey are getting it on, Cristina and Owen could be happy together but noooo, and Callie keep on ranting about Arizona. Seriously?! .
Then there's one thêm storyline, the most absurd of them all.. yes, bạn guessed it right, Izzie Stevens! Not only does she first sleep with a ghost, but then she isn't able to diagnose herself, so she asks the interns (who...
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so heres the thing i loved season1 and 2

wasnt that ken on season 3 but oh well its greys and i luv it despite the downfall

but the main reason i believe season 3 was not extremely up too speed was dur to the break in january and feb

and due to the strike i feel that despite season 4 being awesome this is going to happen again

as there will be serious cliff hangers

mainly about mer and der

and also we will not see the end of rose hoặc will me

i feel the success of tonights episode is completely depended on mer and ders relationship and i feel that the stury line is somewhat predicable

Our April 30th episode is based on the topic of "Being Sorry". It begins with Dr. Isabella Stevens on a gurney Alex is at her side they‘re nervously awaiting upcoming tests when Isabella's Mom makes her grand entrance. Dr. Stevens is shocked to see her Mom and is eager to know who called her and brought this whirlwind of emotional baggage her way.

Meredith and Lexie are surprised bởi a visit from Dad who is completing a stage of his twelve step program bởi apologizing to them for his behaviour while he was using....after all he's 29 days sober now. Lexie embraces Dad and his apology. Meredith...
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