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posted by Yankeesam32935
The Switch- Chapter One

A/N: This just might be a crazy idea but I’ve decided to run with it. Hope bạn enjoy. :D

The old man had finally kicked it. Bart âm bass, tiếng bass, bass had died and his son wasn’t the least bit upset. He had been expecting this for the last few years, not that they had been close hoặc anything like that. Actually Bart had despised everything that was Chuck Bass.
Chuck glanced at the prostitute that was in his bed. Were they supposed to spend the night? He had hired enough of them in his twenty eight years and he was going to kick this one out faster than bạn could even think the word...
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 UES's evilest double act return
UES's evilest double act return
Episode 21: Alone in the Park

GG: Haven't bạn heard Upper East Siders, The chó cái, bitch is back, and no I'm not referring to Blair, This girl makes B look like an angel, Georgina Sparks is back in town, and at Constance... So getting that crown back wont be as easy as bạn though B?

(At Constance/St Jude's)

It's been a few days since Georgina's return
Georgina, Penelope, Iz, Hazel and Nelly are talking in the courtyard.
Blair, Nate, Chuck and Serena are sitting at a table.
Blair is staring over at them.

B: This is just my luck, I finally manage to disregard one chó cái, bitch and an even bigger one turns up
C: What...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Nine

Chuck put down the empty bottle of scotch that he had been cradling against his chest. “What did bạn just say?”
Serena sighed. “I know that I shouldn’t have đã đưa ý kiến anything but Blair was so upset when bạn told her that bạn didn’t want anything to do with her today. And I just had to tell bạn the truth because I know the both of bạn are miserable without each other. Blair didn’t want to go back to Nate, Chuck; she only did it because he was blackmailing her.”
He didn’t for one một phút believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “Please,...
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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 năm old, dark haired girl who was raised in California bởi her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having Những người bạn there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 3: Blair: your friend Nate

“KNOCK. KNOCK” someone was at Blair’s dorm door knocking, and it was only 6 am, meaning Blair was still asleep, enjoying her sleep after last night partying like crazy...
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Ok so strangely enough i've had a few people asking me why i hate Chair so much, as to why i don't know because it seems incredibly obvious to me but ok i'll tell to a few of the many reasons why i hate fanpops near abusive couple that obnoxiously sits at the hàng đầu, đầu trang of the gossip girl online fandom much to my dismay and contrary to the million reasons it shouldn't be. So here it goes; to be blunt i think personally that they began to grow tiresome after they got together, don't get me wrong i didn't hate them then, however i think it was when they Mất tích that spark they had, it was for me anyway,...
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Mass mailing will happen in two weeks, on Friday, November 20. This should give bạn enough time to get started on your letters, because we're sure you'll have a lot to say!

We also strongly recommend bạn send in pictures of girls (heck, even boys) in headbands, especially our Gossip Girl cast. We've got a bunch of graphics here, but bạn can also make your own (we'll make an entry where bạn can share them).

The mailing address is:

The CW Network
c/o Gossip Girl
3300 West ôliu, ô liu Avenue
Burbank, CA 91505

Now aside from old school letter sending we'll be doing email and other forms of communication/promotion. So get ready for that too. If bạn can't send in printed headband photos, then bạn can certainly do it online.

Don't forget to keep promoting The Headband Project!
-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope bạn enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

*Blair gets to school, she's worried about the weight she thinks she's putting in, but the truth is that she's only 3 months pregnant, and bạn can't even notice it

B: S!
S: xin chào B... so the results come today... are bạn ready?!
B: You'd think i am... but not really! Nate isn't talking hoặc even looking at me, i don't no why! And chuck...
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Hilary Duff has left the building. The actress has concluded her run on Gossip Girl as Olivia Burke and there are no plans for her to come back this season.

That much was kind of expected after this week's episode and the aftermath of the now-infamous threesome. Olivia doubted Dan's feelings for her and left NYU.

But here's some other couples scoop E! Online just unearthed:

* Dan and Vanessa, as foreshadowed in "The Last Days of Disco Stick," are most definitely on. They will be getting together this season.
* Ditto Nate and Serena, who will become a bona fide couple.
* Rufus and Lily will have a major problem (Serena's father).
* Chuck and Blair will be going strong.
“Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?”


Author: LittleDancer-123x (Melanie)

Rated: T+ because of occasional language, and strong references to eating disorders.

Published: December 11th 2008

Story Type: Multi-Chapter

Summary: Inspired from the line “Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?” 2x13. Goes back to freshman year, and works up to present day, how Blair’s disorder developed and how Chuck was there along the way. Multi-Chapter. CB, SB friendship....
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When Blair handed her flame over to Jenny she didn't contemplate on her throwing it in the dump to burn elsewhere. The one thing Constance could tolerate was change especially the type of change Jenny delivered with that rusty speech. Really who was she kidding?

The three girls attempting to replace Hazel, Penelope and Isabel came off as mere imitators. They were a trio we could have done without.

Surely Jenny's epiphany granted Blair an opportunity to ditch her tormented life in NYU and seek higher familiar ground where she once reigned. I actually expected that Blair would di chuyển in Constance...
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Gossip Girl's third season premieres this Monday on the CW and the những người hâm mộ are rabid. With the swine flu, sorry, H1N1 virus already posing a public threat, the last thing we need is a rabies epidemic infecting the population. I've come up with a solution to this particular strain of Gossip Girl rabies, and it's sooo much better than getting a shot.Two days ago, I began posting portions of my interview with Gossip Girl writer and co-executive producer, Josh Safran. So far, he has covered everything from leaked kisses to Queen misses. Today, in the final installation, Josh administers the very last...
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Alright like always fellow fans, here goes nothing!
Kayla snuck downstairs as she heard the oh-so-familiar moans coming from her parents bedroom. The fact that she had had the birds and the bees talk when she was 6 helped alot on those nights. Which was usually everynight.

She had her heels off, afraid that they would make noise as she tried sneeking out of their penthouse. She was still grounded and it was Friday night. Leo Clark waited in the lobby.

"Hey Clark." Kayla đã đưa ý kiến as she declared her mission accomplished when the elevator doors opened and a moment passed with no one looking...
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Sorry it took me that long to update I was busy with school and I updated my other CB fic. Please let me know if you’re đọc that always makes my ngày :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Gossip Girl.


(Serena and Blair are sitting on steps and talking.)

Serena: B calm down! I’m sure it’s not that bad.
Blair: It is S! He wants to break up with me I know it!
S: Chuck loves bạn Blair and when he will know the truth he will only help bạn take whoever did this down.
B: But he won’t let me explain!
S: Have bạn tried?
B: Of course I did. After gossip girl post he had just texted...
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A Gossip Girl nguồn confirms that Broadway vet Aaron Tveit is reprising his role as Nate’s wealthy cousin, Tripp Vanderbilt, in November for at least six episodes.

The politically minded Tripp will announce that he’s running for office (possibly the senate) and Nate will get involved with his campaign. Holley Fain, who portrayed Tripp’s fiancée, will also be returning for multiple episodes.

Tripp was mentioned in the season premiere bởi Nate's grandfather, who, in a bit of foreshadowing, called him about a way to potentially stick it to the Buckleys.

Tveit will juggle his Gossip Girl arc with his Broadway hợp đồng biểu diễn, gig, biểu diễn in tiếp theo to Normal.
 Not doing good B
Not doing good B
Okay so here it is, the finale. Oh My God, Really 23 episodes, God I can't believe I wrote that much. And sorry for how long this is it's double the usual well it is the finale so I had to. Well I've loved nghề viết văn these and I hope you've loved đọc them. I've tried my absolute best to have original story lines and not to have the same thing as the show, and also not to be too predictable, that's what I hate about stories. Anyway I hope you've liked The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. Since this is my last one can bạn please let me know what bạn thought of the finale, ending, and the rest of...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: "A Break"

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Two-shot. 'I think... that we should take a break.' 'What? What the hell are bạn talking about?' Is she crazy hoặc something? They are going to get married and she wants to take a break? hoặc this is a way to tell him it's over?

Thanks for all the reviews, I loved them! I’m happy bạn liked first chapter but I decided to make it two-shot before posting it and I’m going to leave it that way as I have other longer stories and I think it’s good ending, hope you’ll think so too after reading. Let me...
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So far, the Gossip Girl cast has provided only vague details about what những người hâm mộ should expect from Lady Gaga's appearance on the hiển thị November 16.

But Gaga herself recently opened up to MTV about why she agreed to do it.

"First of all, my sister's a huge fan, and she's 17 years old. So when I called her and đã đưa ý kiến Gossip Girl wants to put my new album on the hiển thị and have me perform, she was like 'Oh my God, bạn have to do it,'" she said.

"And I'd seen it. It's a great show."

Of course, Lady Gaga had no interest in a stereotypically awkward musical guest cameo. She wanted it done in typical Lady Gaga...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass- Chapter Twelve

The ngày had finally come to meet with the board and have them decide if Chuck was fit to take over the company in lieu of his father. He stood in his bedroom securing the cufflinks to his áo sơ mi and praying that he had prepared hard enough for him to be able to make a success out of it.
Chuck had spent the last two weeks doing nothing but preparing for this day. He needed to hiển thị everyone that he wasn’t what they thought. He could actually make this company a success on his own without help from anybody. But most of all he just needed to prove to...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter 7

The whole thing that had happened between her and Chuck on the fieldtrip put everything into perspective for Blair. She had totally become Mất tích in the moment and she hadn’t cared about anything other than him. That’s when she decided that it had to stop, she was about to do something drastic but she knew that it needed to be done.
She had to lose her virginity to Nate. It was the only way for things to go back to normal between her and Chuck. Once he found out that she had Mất tích it to Nate, they could go back to being just friends. She knew she was in denial...
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The Gossip Girl Chronicles

A/N: xin chào guys, so here's episode two. I hope bạn like it. It's a little shorter than the first one but I only wrote this during my break from revising. Exams are in 9 days so I wont be updating for a while after this for about 2-3 weeks. So I hope bạn like this and chapter 10 of A Million tình yêu Songs Later will be up tomorrow hoặc Monday. Thanks for taking the time to read. I really appreciate and please leave me comments. Thank bạn xoxo

Episode 2: Partners in Crime

(It's been a few days since Serena's return, she and Blair are still not speaking and Serena is avoiding...
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