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All right, here's the results of the Favourite Pocahontas Character Countdown! And also my first article, so take a look at the results and (hopefully) enjoy!

15. Ratcliffe
The bad guy of the movie proves to be the least favourite character of most fanpoppers too. Not surprising, considering he isn't one of the most powerful villains in Disney history. He's just greedy and doesn't understand the Indians. Nothing that makes bạn hide behind the đi văng with your hands over your eyes.

"I HATE people like him." - fhghu

"He gets on my nerves. Not the best villain either. He's too much of a sissy and a lazy grouchy control freak." - MrsEmmaPeel

"L-A-M-E!!!!" - blablablu95

"Annoying and ugly" - callejahLUVSed

"Why does everyone hate Ratcliffe anyway? Dude the whole pigtails and Savages song if epic. And then when he's all like stabbing his British flag in the ground and saying 'I shall name this Jamestown' in that awesome accent. How is the tình yêu not there?" - ArielandEric

14. Ben
Well, a character with no real impact on the storyline and very little screentime can't be expected to get far. The only memorable thing about Ben is that he's the guy with the Billy Connelly voice. Even so, it's apparent that he's a good guy who isn't as limited bởi stereotypes and greed as Ratcliffe is, making him slightly thêm likeable than the villain.

"He serves no purpose whatsoever." - ajotma

"He's ugly and insignificant. I was kinda tempted to pick Kocoum but at least bạn see a little bit thêm of him." - ArielandEric

13. Lon
No surprise here, as his role is exactly the same as Ben's. He only really beat Ben due to chance - one of them had to leave first.

"not Momerable at All!" - blablablu95

"UGH! He's so unimportant." - ajotma

"He bores me. Except on the scene when Grandmother Willow smacked his and the other guy's bums. So funny." - MrsEmmaPeel

"It is difficult because this movie has excellent characters. But Lon is not really important for the plot." - Saphir

12. Kocoum
Most people seem to be able to agree with Pocahontas on one thing: Kocoum is far too serious. We never see him smile, and that makes it difficult to feel any warmth towards him. A few people also have a grudge against him for ruining Pocahontas's Kiss with John Smith. Personally, I feel a bit sorry for him, it must have been quite a shock to see his fiancee with another man. But other than being a particularly good warrior, he didn't have much going for him.

"Too Serious!" - SailorM91

"if he wouldn't have gone all crazy on John Smith... than Thomas wouldn't have shot him, and John wouldn't have been at blame for his death. and plus, he's too serious." - DamianLUVR

"Crack a smile every now and then douchebag" - callejahLUVSed

"Kocoum? Really? He wasn't so bad." - tiffany88

11. Kekata
tiếp theo to be eliminated was the old mystical shaman. Apart from a few impressive shapes made from fire, Kekata does very little to entertain viewers. Indeed, his main role seems to be to invoke fear into the Indians when the settlers arrive.

CuteDiana had a fair bit to say about him:

"the only character i hate thêm that Powhatan !" - CuteDiana


the man can't act, AND CAN'T TALK !"
- CuteDiana

Others just found him plain ol' boring.

"booooooooooooooring" - Mongoose09

"Boring when compared to the rest" - SailorM91

10. Meeko
This upset me so much! *Wipes away tear*. I adore Meeko, I find him very funny and still cute enough to cuddle. However, people appear to be greatly divided when it comes to his popularity. Some, like me, really tình yêu him, while others find him extremely annoying. Admittedly, I would probably find him annoying too if he spoke, because I don't think he would ever stop talking. Meeko is a character intended to give the film some humour, and this is a risky role - people will either enjoy the humour and laugh goofily everytime he appears onscreen, hoặc they will cringe at his cheeky antics and continued attempts to annoy Percy.

"Annoying as hell." - ppgbelle4

"He gives me headache every time I see him." - BelleAnastasia

"He should've left a long time ago. He is such a dick to Percy. Seriously, remember the bath scene?

Percy: (chills in tub with cherries, just wanting to relax)
Meeko: TROLOLOLOLOL (steals cherries) U MAD?
Percy: DAM U!"
- ppgbelle4

"I tình yêu Meeko.. ANd can't stand John. Ugh." - ppv

"omg noooo i tình yêu Meeko :((((" - Mongoose09

9. Powhatan
Powhatan is one of those characters strictly tied to their role in the story - he simply serves his purpose as a chief, father and near-killer of John Smith, and is emotionally distanced from the audience. Compare him to Mufasa, for example - we don't feel that same attachment to Powhatan, he is simply there. Because of this, no one really seems to care much about him, hoặc may even dislike him for his prejudice towards the settlers.

"LEAVEEEEEEE!!!!!" - blablablu95

"LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE I HATE bạn !" - CuteDiana

8. Wiggins
I was a bit surprised to see Wiggins make it this far - he is of no real importance to the film, other than to provide amusement, and he has about as much screentime as Ben and Lon. Having đã đưa ý kiến that, I believe he may have come this far due to his uniqueness, as well as his comedic appearances. There are few Disney characters out there who are so, well, ngẫu nhiên I suppose is the word. No one else shows up in their governor's tent wearing a homemade Mũi tên xanh headpiece!

"Boring and pointless character." - Lisia

"I hope Wiggins lasts for a long time in this countdown; he's hilarious." - ppgbelle4

"He is a little bit comic but he is less than important for this movie." - Saphir

7. Nakoma
Wow. I never expected Nakoma to be so controversial! She was close to elimination through the entire countdown, and considering the number of "haters", I'm surprised she made it this far. Many people believe she is an appalling friend to Pocahontas and was too interfering when Pocahontas ran off to meet Smith. Her "defenders" argued that Nakoma only interfered because she was worried, and that this does not make her a bad friend. I think the các bình luận speak for themselves with this argument. chịu, gấu in mind there were many thêm that included death threats (aimed at Nakoma of course).

"I hate her so much.I want to kill her.A friend in need is a friend indeed.I don't believe she asked Kocoum to follow Pocahontas because she was afraid about her.She did it just because she couldn't understand Pocahontas." - PociandSmith

"I like Nakoma, but I hate how she seems to be a little.. modern. With the midriff, the boy-gawking, etc. She sounds like a typical teenager at first. I do like how she worries for Pocahontas though, and other than the reasons listed above, I don't mind her." - NightFrog

"She is such a crap best friend. I mean, looking out for your Những người bạn is okay, but geez, stay out of her business !" - callejahLUVSed

"Nakoma is the worst best friend ever. God the stupid witch needs to die." - ArielandEric

"I'm going to defend Nakoma here. She was just worried about her friend, that's why she told Kocoum. Like she said, she thought she was doing the right thing." - fhghu

6. Percy
Like Meeko, Percy is a character bạn find either amusing hoặc annoying, cute hoặc ugly. But no matter how much bạn tình yêu hoặc hate him, there is no denying that he is spoiled. Really spoiled, especially considering this is set in the 17th century! His snappy ways, intended for comic effect, certainly get on the nerves of many, but fortunately this improves somewhat after Kocoum's death and his telling off from Grandmother Willow. The Percy at the end of the film is still cute with fewer annoying antics, and this could be seen as his thêm likeable stage for many.

"He's too "comical"." - chesire

"I Cannot believe that MEEKO IS GONE AND PERCY IS ON THE VERGE OF LEAVING!!!!!" - ajotma

"I find Percy annoying, stupid and ugly." - BelleAnastasia

"I don't know why exactly, but he just annoys me in various ways." - NightFrog

"I like Percy! He's cute and funny! I can't believe he's being cut." - ajotma

5. Thomas
Most people seem to find Thomas either annoying (seriously, how many characters are annoying in this movie?) hoặc uninteresting. However, he is not as in-your-face as Meeko and Percy, and he doesn't intentionally make trouble like they do, he just always finds himself in a bad situation. Personally, I think he's pretty cute, and the fact that he struggles to use a gun endears him to me. But overall, he creates thêm trouble than he is really worth.

"annoying :/" - SailorM91

"Thomas he have never ben an interesting character to me. I like him he is not just my favorite." - ARIEL-RAPUNZEL

"I can't stand him." - tiffany88

"Oh, and I really like Thomas - he is the kind of imperfect character which tends to grow on me. I like how he found his confidence towards the end." - Swanpride

"Thomas is annoying and gay" - gumble

4. Flit
Strangely enough, this protective little hummingbird, who is small enough both in size and in role to escape the notice of many, made it into the hàng đầu, đầu trang four. He even beat his thêm prominent animal counterparts, Meeko and Percy. Considering that all he does is buzz around with a few cute protective moments, this is a pretty big achievement for him.

"Doesn't do much just buzzes around and is a hater to John Smith" - ArielandEric

"He is such a useless character. And I don't even think that he is particular cute." - Swanpride

"He just...flies around and squeaks. He doesn't do anything helpful." - ppgbelle4

"He's almost as annoying as Meeko. And also he's a bit pointless to the story, he doesn't do much... " - BelleAnastasia

3. Grandmother Willow
This old cây has so much thêm to her than it first appears, and it is nice to see that so many people appreciate her as a character. Full of wisdom and spiritual advice, Grandmother Willow really is a bit like an old woman, but she still has some snap in those old vines. She is always there for Pocahontas, and appears to have retained a rather wicked sense of humour, ensuring her place as a likeable character, though bởi no means the most popular.

"Lol how did this cây get to the hàng đầu, đầu trang three?" - chesire

"i think she's a cool character... but she isn't really majorly important to me... i like the other characters better than her." - DamianLUVR

"I tình yêu grandma willow, but I tình yêu the other two more." - MrsEmmaPeel

"She's annoying" - Mongoose09

2. John Smith
This is where the hardest choice came for many voters, as a lot of people tình yêu both John and the eventual countdown winner. With his adventurous nature, bravery, and that look in his eyes when he sees Pocahontas, he certainly deserves his place at number two. The thing that most people disliked about Smith was that he can sometimes seem too perfect, and I suppose finding a soulmate like him is probably too good to be true.

"Eh, besides his arrogance, he seems too 'perfected' to me. How everyone adores him, etc. I don't dislike him bởi any means though." - NightFrog

"Aww, I like John Smith. <3 thêm than Poca herself, actually." - ppgbelle4

"He is selfish at some time in the movie and in the một giây movie he is even worse!!" - Saphir

"He doesn't say: I'm perfect
John Smith is PERFECT xp
and he is not arrogance.he risked his life for pocahontas' father.for an indian (he was his enemy at first).If this is called arrogance in your language then..ok!"
- PociandSmith

"I really tình yêu both. But there's something about John Smith that I love..." - ajotma

1. Pocahontas
This is her movie, and we're on the Disney Princess spot, so it's fitting that Pocahontas should come out on hàng đầu, đầu trang in this countdown. People tình yêu her for her independence and free spirit, and tổng thể she is one of the most balanced characters in this film, as she is also courageous and wise. There is very little to dislike about her, the main argument being that she can seem a little boring at times, but the strengths of her personality outweigh this, earning her the number one spot.

"I tình yêu Pocahontas, she's great!" - BelleAnastasia

"Poca is a bit dull Imo. I like her, but she's just so boring after half the movie, and in the first half she's just ok (IMO)." - JonnaSe

"Pocahontas is my yêu thích princess.She is strong and Công chúa tóc xù and independent." - PociandSmith

"John Smith is awesome but Pocahontas talks to trees and jumps off cliffs" - ArielandEric
PrincessAyeka12 gave me the fabulous idea of coming up with what sách and authors each princess would like to read. We already know that Belle's a bookworm, but what would the other princesses spend hours flipping through, totally Mất tích to the outside world? I had a lot of fun with this article, since I tình yêu reading. I've read at least one book from most of these authors, although not all of them. All credit for this idea goes to PrincessAyeka12! All hình ảnh made bởi me.

Snow White

I get the distinct feeling that Snow would just adore classic children's sách such as Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures...
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1. The outside of the palace is inspired bởi the Taj Mahal.

2. The word "Agra" is in the name Agrabah. Agra is a city in INDIA.

3. Rajah is a tiger. hổ are a symbol of INDIA.

4. Lotus fountains (like the one we see when we're first introduced to Jasmine) are an Indian thing.

5. "Abu" is an Indian name.

People complaining about Naomi being cast as hoa nhài because she's Indian need to educate themselves.

If bạn want a version of Aladdin và cây đèn thần with hoa nhài being played bởi a Middle Eastern woman, then major in film and get a film degree. It's not Disney's job to please you.

As for the people complaining...
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posted by scarletunicorn
Princess Elena of Avalor. Many people are already crying out for her, loving her, loving her for the diversity she brings to the DP line...

And I just don't see the fuss.

Don't get me wrong, I do want proper representation (yes, i do, actually, even though the most cynical of bạn won't believe it). What I don't want is tokenism, a character that has no personality beyond what is defined for them- their skin color/sexuality/etc. It's like if Disney made a fat princess whom her whole personality revolved around food, hoặc a bisexual princess who went around having crushes on everybody and being described...
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Hello, I'm PrueFever, a 32 years old guy from Denmark and a Major Disney Fan! My all-time yêu thích Disney Movie is The Little Mermaid, Walt Disney's 28th full-lenght animated classic from 1989. I just tình yêu all the characters in the movie, the songs, the score and the animation. I grew up with Mermaid, it was the first Disney Movie I saw, so there's definitely nostalgic reasons as well, I'm not gonna deny that! I can always watch the movie and my mood goes up 100%! It never fails to amaze me. Also, the voice actors in this movie is spetacular! Jodi Benson is great as Ariel and even greater as...
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added by bearnaked15
Source: chịu, gấu
 Type Three, "The Achiever"
Type Three, "The Achiever"
Introduction: Understanding the Enneagram

So, the Enneagram is a pretty complicated system of classifying personalities. Basically, everyone has a core type, expressed as a number of One through Nine. This is the most straightforward mô tả of someone’s personality.

Here’s a basic rundown of each type:
1: perfectionistic, rational, idealistic
2: generous, warm-hearted, nurturing
3: ambitious, image-conscious, charming
4: sensitive, dreamy, moody
5: cerebral, perceptive, analytical
6: trustworthy, loyal, Công chúa tóc xù
7: fun-loving, enthusiastic, lively
8: assertive, strong, self-confident
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posted by AudreyFreak
I know she's always typed as an Intuitive, especially an ENFP, and it's understandable why; I had once typed her as an ENFJ myself. She does, after all, just "know" the lights are "meant for me!" But is that really indicative of someone with strong intuitive preference? I think it's because this tendency for people to type nerdy/quirky/silly ESFJs as ENFPs, not only Rapunzel but characters like Steven Universe. It gets frustrating because that just implies only intuitives are inherently imaginative.

Anyway, to the typing:

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Rapunzel is very warm to everyone she meets....
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 My User biểu tượng Made bởi Myself
My User Icon Made By Myself
This is mostly inspired bởi the link bởi PrincessAyeka12. I thought it was really neat the way it gave a chance for people to talk about like interests as well as get to know the user better as a well-rounded person beyond just their DP các sở thích etc. So I hope bạn guys don't mind this bài viết and I'd tình yêu to hear from bạn about what we do and/or don't have in common. :)

Behind the Screen Name: I tình yêu đọc and nghề viết văn so I wanted to pick a name that was very symbolic for me. I tình yêu and strive for balance as I truly believe it is the key to life. My screenname was meant to represent the balance...
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 I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
Triton is one of those dads in Disney that absolutely makes me squirm. I don’t tình yêu him, and I don’t hate him. But I do find him extremely unnerving, and on the same plane of Mother Gothel upsetting. He clearly alternates between being “nice” only sometimes, and then being really “explosively nasty” at other periods. King Triton’s rule is a patriarchy. I think his abusive tendencies, though, stem from insecurities he has within himself. Triton is afraid of the unknown. He's also afraid of not appearing “manly” enough. ( Bizarrely, this also makes me think of Prince Adam and...
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Ah yes. Merchandise. Money, in other words. I adore the Disney princesses. They are all unique, and have good qualities. Some are even a little complex and the majority are at least decent role models. That's not how Disney markets them. Well, unless their name is Anna hoặc Elsa. For the first 11 princess, they are downgraded into sparkle obsessed girls that look nothing like they did in their original film. Great princesses are forgotten in merchandise as well. The whole system is downright awful. For the Nữ hoàng băng giá sisters, Disney markets them as "I don't need a man". They tried that with Merida...
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As an adult, I viewed the name Gaston of Beauty and the Beast's villian, Gaston, as Gaston's last name. I only assume its his last name because 1)the triplet girls call him "Monsieur Gaston" which is basically saying "Mr. Gaston" in the opening song called "Belle" in the reprise that Belle sings bởi herself the line "Madame Gaston, his little wife?" Most of the time saying "Madame (name" would be like saying Mrs. Gaston. And there's the fact Gaston is a first name but it could also be a last name as well. The name of Phantom of the Opera's author.
added by MissCinico
Source: Grégoire Guillemin
added by JaDangerz
Source: prinzessinnen.disney.de
added by dee389
Source: Disney screenscap
Recently, I saw a phiếu bầu on this club about which House Rapunzel would be in at Hogwarts, which got me thinking about that câu hỏi in relation to all the princesses. I’m an avid Harry Potter fan, so I figured I would lend my unique insights on the matter to all of bạn lovely people.

But before I begin my analyses, it’s time for some disclaimers!

1. About the Houses. Here’s how I tend to think of the Houses of Hogwarts. (Note: I will be saying the most about Slytherin, since Slytherin is most often distorted.)

Gryffindor: values bravery, daring, bold decision-making, rule-breaking, following...
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added by RionaFury
Source: Disney, Riona Fury
I decided to write an bài viết on why my yêu thích Disney Princess.. Is my yêu thích Disney Princess. Anyways, please keep in mind that this is my opinion, and we may disagree, so respect my opinion, and I will respect yours. Enjoy the article! :)

Snow White is an amazing character, in my opinion. She is my yêu thích Disney Princess, and is my yêu thích Disney Character. She is also one of my yêu thích animated characters, and fictional characters in general. Now, let's talk about why.

She has a mix of what I like in a character, she's sweet and kind, but she isn't a pushover. She can be a bit...
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I'm not doing it with the CGI Princesses because I don't particularly like any of their smiles. I mean... they look like real teeth Dx Anyway, here's my list...

9. Pocahontas
As some may know, I think Pocahontas is a really beautiful human being, in and out. But what I don't find beautiful about her is her ways of expression. When she speaks, it sounds like she's faking every type of emotion she's trying to express and the same goes to when she smiles.

8. Mulan
Mulan's smile feels held back so that's why she is in this placement. But I do think it's warm and natural, maybe not as ''impressive''...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://www.pg.cz/en/produkt/2983-w-disney-princezny-poznamkovy-kalendar-2015-30-x-30-cm