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Health Reform Bill Summary: The hàng đầu, đầu trang 18 Immediate Effects | The Huffington Post


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El_Citrus said:
The best part is a monthly fine for people who don't have insurance, that's CHEAPER than the insurance. People will theoretically be dropping their insurance like crazy come 2014, paying the cheaper fine, and then buying insurance when they get sick since there won't be discrimination on pre-existing conditions for adults.

Good job, Congress. You made the President so fed up with constant bickering and lack of progress that he shoved his watered down, pork infested bill up all of your asses and pulled out every trick in the law book to get the thing passed, and now I'm willing to bet the divide between Republicans and Democrats is going to get even nastier than it already is. You guys get an A in dumbassery.
posted hơn một năm qua.