Damon & Elena Club
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Damon’s opinion is very often not known, he avoids answering các câu hỏi in many cases, but there are his famous and moving (almost) monologues from time to time that let us (but usually not the people around him) know what he thinks. Damon revealed some of his thoughts and feelings to Rose and Andie, and there are very seldom even statements like "You know what would make me happy? To know that this entire time that I’ve been completely in tình yêu with you, that what bạn actually felt for me was real.", but he usually only confesses his feelings when he is upset hoặc when he afterwards compels to forget. Damon’s thoughts and feelings are usually hidden from the people in the story (only Elena can see some of them) – and also thêm shown to us viewers than actually declared –, so that those monologues allow us an impression of Damon’s opinion and emotions, like otherwise only spontanious declarations give away, but those quick (not thought through) reactions are just sometimes looks into Damon’s mind, and fake statements to push others away at other times. Damon very often doesn’t answer các câu hỏi hoặc say anything, and he sometimes even willingly causes the people around him to get a wrong impression (although he otherwise is a VERY honest and straight person) to drive them away from him, and he pushes people away and prefers being hated, because that is easier for him and what he has been used to all his existence. Damon only calls the others "my friends" and "my loved ones" when they are not around to hear him, and he shows his affection and that he cares about them in being mean to them, so that it is no surprise that the people in the story (except for Elena who made the effort to look behind Damon’s walls) don’t know about Damon’s good heart, but instead mostly despise him. And we viewers normally only get a look into Damon’s mind during his legendary and emotional (almost) monologues, for example on the đường phố, street with Jessica hoặc at the graveyard at Alaric’s grave, and no other character has such moving and intense monologues that give away one’s thoughts and feelings (except for Klaus at his mother’s coffin). Damon otherwise doesn’t say much about his pain (that he almost never has any friends, makes his situation thêm painful and keeps his thoughts and opinion thêm hidden from everybody [inside of the story as well as outside of it]), we only see him standing aside and watching the others while his suffering is obvious.
Stefan on the other hand hasn’t seen much of Delena together, while Damon had to go for a VERY long time with watching kisses, hugs etc. of Stelena while his pain was shown to us viewers in detail. But to the other characters in the story, Damon pretends not to be hurt and hides his suffering inside, and we have to see his sad face, while he shows what he feels instead of saying it. Just think about Damon’s reaction to Elena’s "You." when we saw each single emotion running over his face, hoặc about his reaction to her "I tình yêu you." as well as his tears during his first "I tình yêu you." and during DEx. Damon’s reactions to being not chosen as well as to being chosen were much thêm emotional and intense than Stefan’s (the other way around), and ONLY Damon’s realization of Elena’s death was shown to us. DE both showed absolute happiness before they found out about the sire bond, and Damon was so different from his "normal painful state" (and still SO Damon – very well done, Ian Somerhalder), and his "happy face" was shown in detail and even discussed. Important movements (even small details) of Delena hoặc looks and touches between them are very often shown long and in depth (creating a certain atmosphere and increasing their importance), and I already mentioned in earlier các bài viết that DE dancing, carrying, touching each other’s faces hoặc hands etc. are much thêm special and shown thêm intensely than those of other couples, and I also won’t repeat now the details and atmosphere of their kiss, make-out and DEx scenes. But think about how Delena lay in giường together in different situations (for example in 3x08, 4x08 and 4x09) while just the way in which they look at each other already has a deep meaning, is shown in depth and proves their incredible chemistry and connection (and again no other couple is seen lying in giường that long and with such details). For DE, scenes from their past are shown that didn’t happen decades earlier, new revelations like their first meeting and – slightly different – repetitions like Damon’s first tình yêu confession, what underlines the importance of these moments; and Delena’s feelings were several times portrayed intensely for both of them together, for example in the "right bởi you"-scene, during the standing very close together the morning after that, hoặc during Elena’s "as good as proposal". I like Elena watching Damon sleep, full of tình yêu and happiness, both of their faces during the "I’m just happy to see you."-hug, and of course Nina Dobrev’s outstanding performance in the scene where Elena turns off her humanity. But Damon’s emotional state is bởi far most shown in frequency, intensity and depth, and although everybody has to suffer, nothing like that is created for anyone else, and Damon doesn’t give much of his feelings away otherwise. Think about his face whenever Elena hugged him in earlier seasons, how long, intense and close it was shown to us what went on inside of him at those moments. And we viewers see most of Damon’s pain, always longing and resisting as well as being broken and heart-broken, standing aside suffering bởi himself and watching the others in earlier times, and doubting and being insecure nowadays; the audience is confronted with Damon’s heartache throughout the whole story, what causes us to sympathize thêm and thêm with him.
Damon keeps his pain to himself so that he doesn’t ruin other peoples’ happiness (he hid his heartache at the start of Season 4 to let Stelena be happy, he tried not to hiển thị his suffering while he allowed sired Elena to be around him, he kept his pain to himself while bad Elena was aweful to him, so that she would feel less guilty when she regained her humanity, etc. [Damon avoids to let the people around him suffer with him]), but there is an emphasis in the story on his suffering, while there has not been much talk of and especially not to Stefan about his "bad" brother now finally once been chosen over him. And Damon stayed for Elena and supported her after he wasn’t chosen, and he kept his pain unselfishly to himself and didn’t try to conquer her, while she "cheesed around" with Stefan. And now that Elena at last chose Damon, we see much thêm of Damon suffering because he doubts Elena’s tình yêu for him, than of Stefan suffering because Elena loves Damon, like we were shown thêm of Damon standing aside bởi himself than of SE being happily reunited after Elena was rescued hoặc something like that in earlier times. Stefan is still somehow "stuck" on Elena and hopes unsuccessfully for a sign of jealousy from her because of him (although Elena is at last undoubtedly and restlessly CERTAIN that she forever loves and wants and chooses Damon, despite what the people around her think about it and tell her to do), Stefan is kept in the tam giác bởi what people around them say and want, but we viewers don’t see much of how painful that has to be. We are not shown much of Stefan standing aside in pain, and he even has lots of support, while we had to endure years of Damon suffering alone and in misery. When Elena fought for Damon’s humanity, she was with Stefan and had her friends, when she fought for Stefan’s humanity, she always had Damon at her side and she also still had her other friends, and now that she Mất tích Jeremy, she still has Damon, Stefan and her other loved ones, while Damon had nobody when he fought for Elena’s humanity (he made up with Stefan, but they still disagree and it is awkward between them regarding Elena). When Elena fought for Damon’s humanity, she just started the process of falling in tình yêu with him, while he has been completely in tình yêu with her for a very long time when he fought for her humanity. At the start of the story and in the phase when he wasn’t chosen, Damon was alone, except for Elena as his friend (and shortly others) but he had to watch her with Stefan, while Stefan had lots of support when he wasn’t chosen, for example Caroline as his close friend, Rebekah getting close to him, Klaus wanting his "ripper buddy" back [you can think of those what bạn want, but several people were there for Stefan hoặc wanted him with them in different ways], like Stefan has always had support (for example from Lexi), tình yêu (for example from Katherine) and affection in his existence [you can also here think of those what bạn want, but Stefan has never really been alone hoặc not loved, and he was always thought better than and chosen over Damon – until now]. Almost everybody inside of the story wants hoặc at least expects Damon to end up without Elena, and they come up with lonely and sad predictions for Damon and very often even tease him with those, what causes the audience to want Damon to end up with Elena even more, because Damon and we need happiness for him in the end as well as justice for all of the suffering and heartache that he has to endure.
The camera is so often for long giây on Damon’s face, hiển thị us his suffering at those heart-breaking moments in detail, what is done for nobody else in such a way (like his short happiness this season is also shown with depth and special details). And that causes the audience to see Damon’s pain even clearer and to feel so intensely with him; the viewers are led to feel, suffer and sympathize most with Damon bởi all of that. Damon has been turned down, rejected and hurt all of his existence, and he is still so often emotionally as well as physically tortured. Damon got completely emotionally broken, he has never had hope, tình yêu hoặc support, he has never really had anybody at his side, and he has no self-esteem. He has been told all his existence that Stefan was better than him, and he has always been despised, hated, rejected, turned down and fought, until he met Elena who is the only one that offered him something else, and Damon needs her, who made the effort to look behind his mask and who carefully got through his walls. And there has to be a reason for all of Damon’s suffering and for the fact that Elena was the only one who even tried to understand Damon and the one that broke through his walls, and DE are perfectly fitting for each other also in this matter. Because Damon was somehow destroyed bởi how his father, Katherine and others treated him, he heard from Elena and Katherine over and over that they prefer Stefan, and he only experienced rejection until now. Elena was friendly to Damon and became his friend, but Katherine used him at first, although Stefan has always been her favourite, and was lateron mean to him. Stefan on the other hand has always been loved most bởi Katherine, he has never been "fooled bởi hoặc with love" (that he doesn’t believe that Katherine didn’t compel him to tình yêu her, is his own fault), and while he was with Elena, he has never had reason to doubt her love, she has never been aweful to him while they were together (nothing like the humanity-loss effected their time as a couple), and the people around them didn’t despise and fight their relationship. SE never were about longing and yearning, missing and resisting (what effects the audience most), and Stefan had a long phase of Elena being with him, who at last told him in a rational and not mean way why she chooses his brother, but she is still friendly and forgiving towards Stefan and tries to build a friendship with him, Elena still loves him, and he can be sure about what they had and about her tình yêu for him – while heart-broken Damon still doubts Elena’s tình yêu for himself and can’t be certain about anything that they had together as a couple. Damon has never had anything, while he always had to endure much heartache (that is the obvious basis of his history), and as soon as he finally got what he has always wanted, he started doubting that he ever really had it, what is pure cruelty and torture. Damon is tortured, tempted and teased with his greatest wish and biggest need, what is very painful for him and so unfair, but he takes the chance to prove his great character again (without even believing that he has one).
Elena and Stefan got together almost instantly at a time when she wasn’t herself after her parents’ death, and they denied the truth and pretended what they wanted and felt an toàn, két an toàn with, until they couldn’t keep that up any longer. They got together too quickly and ignored how things really were, and Elena fell out of tình yêu with Stefan, what is something normal that very often happens. But Damon and Elena took their time, became best Những người bạn and built a foundation for their love, before they at last got together. Throughout their whole journey, TONS of obstacles are thrown in their way, that they all overcome and that only make their mutual tình yêu stronger. While Elena was still with Stefan, their problems were usually about Stefan himself (him being a vampire, him fighting the "ripper side" of him, him being gone in Season 3, …) [which is another sign that Stefan’s way to happiness can only be reached bởi himself through self-acceptance (and he still was sad most of the time even when he was with Elena)], while the obstacles for Delena’s relationship are normally about both of them, they overcome them together and that develops and deepens their relation and makes their tình yêu even stronger. That Elena fell out of tình yêu with Stefan, is just life and he has other options, if Damon didn’t end up with Elena, that would be cruel torture, complete injustice and a dramatic tragedy. Stelena’s problems were that they ignored reality and denied the truth, as well as Elena’s tình yêu for Damon, while DE have other obstacles, and Stefan is only kept as a fake threat bởi others – what only has an influence on the insecure Damon (and những người hâm mộ that can be manipulated easily), but NOT on Elena, what is the only important thing. And Delena have to deal with Supernatural problems and real tragical difficulties; their obstacles – in their frequency as well as in their quality – clearly prove DE to be THE tragic and most cared for couple of the story.
In the Defan porch scene, when the two brothers got closer again, Stefan has never been that positive about Delena ("She had you."), and Damon has never been that positive about his own value, implying that he is enough for Elena at other times (Damon knows that no boyfriend, no matter how loved he is, can make up for a dead younger sibling, that even was the last living member of one’s relatives); that was a really beautiful and very realistic scene. Damon didn’t quit doubting Elena’s tình yêu for him, but Stefan admitted later that the sire bond was created bởi Elena’s feelings for Damon; Stefan already heard that a long while ago, but I none the less appreciate that he finally acknowledges it. And humanity-less Elena lateron đã đưa ý kiến that she has always wanted Damon, but that she was afraid to admit it while she still was a "scared little girl" (fear of what others say, fear of Damon’s actions, and most of all, fear of giving in to the extreme, overwhelming and consuming feelings that were unknown to Elena before she met Damon); and all of those things sound very optimistic and positive regarding DE and their love. And that Damon – like Elena – thinks about a future together with her, although he tries to ruin it, thinks that it wouldn’t work out and believes that he doesn’t deserve it, shows none the less that Damon really WANTS to stay with Elena and their relationship to work out (and Elena has never wanted to discuss a shared future with anybody else before).
Elena and Stefan usually had rational talks about their relationship and about Elena’s feelings (for example when Stefan confronted Elena about being in tình yêu with Damon [3x18]; when Elena told Stefan that she chose him [4x01]; when they broke up [4x06]; when Elena was forced to speak about her feelings for Damon and those for Stefan during "detention" [4x10]; etc.), while Delena always have emotional intimate conversations (for example in Elena’s bedroom when she told Damon that she cared for him, but that it would always be Stefan for her [2x01]; during the tearful and moving phone call when Elena let Damon go [3x22]; during their tình yêu confessions [2x08 & 4x10] and declarations; and whenever Elena expressed her certainty about her tình yêu for Damon; etc.), there is always tension and ngọn lửa, chữa cháy in everything between DE, like each look and touch between those two prove their incredible chemistry.

But Damon sees no other value of himself than in saving and protecting the others and in teaching how to fight and how to control oneself, and he normally doesn’t speak about his good deeds. Damon can’t imagine what he can offer Elena and doesn’t understand why she loves him, he can’t even believe it. And he resists what Elena offers him, what is the fulfillment of his biggest dream, but he allows her to be around him, what is very painful for him, because she is happy when they are together. Damon endures what the others say about him keeping Elena around, because she begged him not to revoke the sire bond, what would create something fake for her in taking her feelings for him away. Damon is willing to unselfishly accept Elena’s wrath and hate to keep her an toàn, két an toàn and happy, even after it was so hard for him to become her friend, and he still tries to get the cure for Elena although he fears and even expects to lose her when she becomes human again. And as she couldn’t chịu, gấu her grief, Damon told Elena to turn off her humanity, although along with shutting off her pain, her tình yêu for him was also deactivated, that took so long and was so hard for him to gain (Damon doesn’t believe Elena’s tình yêu for him to be real, but it is selfless to give up the only time that he expects to ever have together with her in a relationship). But all of Damon’s actions are driven bởi his wish to give Elena everything that she wants and that she needs ("Everything that he’s done, he’s done for love."), even if that means that he will be without her, while Stefan at the beginning just had to meet Elena although he knew about the risks for her. Stefan dragged Elena into his Supernatural world out of selfish reasons (he didn’t know at the start that her doppelganger blood wouldn’t allow her a normal mortal life), while Damon always tries to make things easier for Elena and to keep her an toàn, két an toàn and happy, without caring about where that leaves himself. Stefan didn’t break up with Elena as Katherine threatened them despite the big danger, while Damon set Elena free, even against her protests, to do the right thing. Damon ALWAYS puts Elena and her happiness, needs and safety before himself, he wants her to get "everything that she is looking for", and he can never be selfish with her. It is like Damon told dark Elena: She and her feelings are the only things that matter to him – not himself and his feelings.
Damon knows how to make things fun, he can accept how things are and di chuyển on, and he makes the best out of every situation. He knows that pretending doesn’t solve problems, he does what needs to be done, and he makes the tough decisions for everybody – and accepts the hate, blame and guilt for that. Damon was forced to become a vampire – and I am convinced that he still misses being human –, but he can revel in feeding what allows him to keep the control; Damon is always told how bad he is, and he accepted the role of the "bad boy"; when Elena became a vampire, he stayed for her and taught her how to exist as one; when Elena couldn’t chịu, gấu her emotions, he told her to turn off her humanity (what she herself was close to do anyway); when Elena had no humanity, Damon allowed her to have fun and make her experiences, while he stayed at her side, tried to keep her actions in certain limits and supported her in finding her own way back to her humanity – what only she herself can do. Until Damon listened to Stefan, and as pleasant as it is for Damon to get along with his brother, it usually doesn’t work out when the Salvatore brothers combine their plans. (I hope though that Stefan finally realized that he can only reach happiness bởi concentrating on himself, because he decided to leave and to quit re-living his life [Elena is only the current re-run], but that hope of mine was already destroyed several times before [not that Stefan would ever leave as long as new problems come up before old ones are solved]. But Stefan has to improve his character and di chuyển on, while Damon needs to stay for love, with the first person that showed him respect and offered him friendship, and that is the only one that can really make him happy and that truly loves him, the person that means everything to him and that he loves most, eternally and unconditionally [Elena]. But I liked how Stefan rationally explained to Elena that he won’t give up on her because she also fought for him, although she wasn’t effected bởi his speech.) Damon found the best way of feeding in knowing where his limits are and being able to drink from humans without killing them, while he normally lives on bloodbags nowadays. He is always honest and true, he usually tells what he wants in a straight and direct way, but he can be soft and gentle if it is really necessary.
Damon is portrayed to at last reached the best character of everybody, he has the best plans, knows and understands people as well as situations better than anybody else, and he is right most of the time – except when it comes to himself and his own value. Damon believes what other people say about him, what is in most cases the absolute opposite of what he really is, so that he considers himself bad, selfish and not worth of being loved and thinks that he doesn’t deserve happiness, while he is an extremely selfless person that is enormously honest and has a good heart. But despite not believing that he is such a person, Damon still keeps doing good deeds, and despite never having any hope, he unselfishly does everything for Elena. Damon DECIDED to feel again, and he FOUGHT to do that, although it was very painful for him, so that he several times "lashed out" in the first phase with his humanity being turned on again, because he couldn’t chịu, gấu his emotions – but he with time found a way to deal with them and control himself. He became the best version of himself, and he improved his character, although he never had any hope to have a chance to be loved bởi Elena. Damon is the hero of the story, because he painfully developed and improved his character, because he is the one to protect everyone in most cases, and because he always puts himself aside for Elena – and also for Stefan and others. And Damon is the most beloved character of the story, the audience is led to sympathize most with him, and that is even increased bởi him hiding his thoughts and feelings from the people around him, bởi his opinion being partly even kept from us viewers, and bởi him having such a complicated and complex character. Most people around Damon still don’t see that improvement of himself, but he did all of that for and because of Elena. And that painful development has to be rewarded, it would make no sense to make Damon not worth of being loved, to present him as the worst for Elena (because it has been declared that he is either the best hoặc the worst for her) and to let him be too aweful to be with (what humanity-less Elena told him that he was). But the people around him permanently tell him that he is all of that and that he will end up alone and miserably without any hope, and almost everybody around them fights hoặc at least despises the Delena relationship, what even increases Damon’s suffering, but also makes the surviving and deepening of the DE tình yêu and relationship thêm and thêm impressive and meaningful, and it furthermore causes us những người hâm mộ to want and need them to end up together even more.

SE tried everything, but their immature and unrealistic relationship could never work out, while DE tried everything to stay apart, but still always were drawn to each other and couldn’t be without the other; they never give up on each other and can’t be separated for long. I don’t see any way how either of those facts could ever change, although Elena’s Những người bạn want that to be different and refuse to see the truth. Elena has never before been so sure about her feelings and what she wants, and she has always refused to discuss a future together with anybody until now, but she at last realized the truth and found true tình yêu with Damon. And Elena asking Damon to become human and grow old with her, was her hiển thị him how strongly she believes in their mutual tình yêu and wanting to make a commitment with him, it was NOT her wanting him differently, because Elena loves Damon exactly how he is. (Elena and Stefan each made their plans for life, but Elena hadn’t found the right one to stay with forever until now, while Stefan needs to work on himself before he can make a relationship last. And although Elena and Stefan both have those plans, they didn’t discuss them with each other, while Elena now wants to commit to Damon, who thinks that he deserves neither her nor their happiness together, but he still considers a shared future with Elena, what shows that Damon really wants to stay eternally with her. And while Stelena each discussed having a family rationally and in general, Delena had a tearful and moving scene in which Elena kind of proposed to Damon. DE had these thoughts about the future together, and it was a special and emotional moment, filled with pain for both of them, that only we viewers were shown, while Delena didn’t see the tormented faces of each other. And that beautiful, heart-breaking and intense scene, with all of its pain and in all of its uniqueness, proves again DE to be the most tragic and most cared for couple of the story.) There has to be a reason why Elena in earlier times often spoke about her inexperience and youth and declared to not know what she wants, what tình yêu is and such things, and why she could never commit to anybody hoặc anything until now, although she had a general life plan for herself for a long time. There should be a sense in why Elena on several occasions đã đưa ý kiến that she doesn’t know what she feels and wants, until she now finally declared that she already had extreme feelings for Damon before she turned, that she was just too scared to admit that she already wanted Damon before and that she is sure that she will forever tình yêu him now. And there is also a reason why Delena’s tình yêu is portrayed and even đã đưa ý kiến to be restlessly unconditional ("just the way bạn are", "either way", …), why it is not possible for DE to ever stop falling thêm and thêm for each other hoặc to stay apart for too long, and why it is always Damon that knows what to do and what is best in each situation.
It would make no sense to let Damon end up with anybody else after it was Elena who caused him to become the best version of himself, she was the only one who was even willing to find out what he hides behind what he shows to others, and she tore down parts of his walls. Damon has been totally broken after a whole existence full of rejection, hate and pain, but Elena is perfect for him, she "repaired" him partly and redeemed him, she will always be there for him and continue fighting for the goodness inside of him, against him skrewing up and for their mutual true love, what makes her the perfect and only one for him. Damon ruins what he in his opinion doesn’t deserve, but Elena knows that and understands his behaviour, and she doesn’t allow Damon to skrew up, what is exactly what Damon needs and the only way in which he can get his truly deserved happiness. And Damon causes Elena to grow and grow up, she needs his support to di chuyển on, and they can both be themselves around the other, what means absolute freedom for them together. Delena are best Những người bạn and they have the most intense chemistry ever, what are the perfect conditions for an everlasting relationship and eternal love. DE have tension and passion in everything, they challenge each other, and it is a task for Elena to deal with Damon, and all of that keeps the excitement in their relationship, so that it will never reach boredom, while they will keep their chemistry and ngọn lửa, chữa cháy – and forever have something to do. We always have to wait VERY long for each step in the Delena relationship, and we are even caused to yearn for those steps while waiting, while the perfect foundation for their tình yêu was laid out, and while every aspect of their relation is put together slowly, carefully and in detail – usually, with an incredible precision, khó tin uniqueness and just ultimate perfection.
Stefan will always tình yêu Elena, but he only likes certain aspects of her and has problems with others of those, he doesn’t know how to deal with those sides of her hoặc with herself under various circumstances. Damon always knows what to do, under all circumstances and in every situation, his tình yêu for Elena is unconditional, and he accepts and even loves everything about her and every side of her (he declared to tình yêu Elena "either way", before he pushed her away bởi saying that he doesn’t want her to be cured [what is only his fear and insecurity], while he still tries to get the cure for her, so that his tình yêu for her undoubtedly is unconditional). Damon will always tình yêu Elena, be there for her and put her first, without thinking about his own safety and happiness. Damon is the only one who loves Elena the same as a human and as a vampire (or whatever else), everything that he says to create another impression only shows his fear and insecurity, but his tình yêu for Elena does never change; what Damon prefers now, is that Elena is mature, happy and alive, but he doesn’t care what kind of being she is, because he always loves WHO she is. Their relationship is perfect for both of them, challenge and excitement combined with everlasting tình yêu and protection, especially for Elena who is wild and tormented bởi fate, because she needs a little bit danger and a task in her life, constantly gets into trouble, loses lots of loved ones and needs someone to restlessly rely onto; but their relation is perfectly fitting for both of them, overwhelming and consuming emotions combined with loyalty and safety. I can see DE working out as an old human couple when one of them has to take care of the other (after a stroke hoặc something like that), what many relationships don’t survive, hoặc as a vampire couple that stays together in eternity without any boredom, where the tình yêu of most other couples would end at some point. Delena can stay happily together forever as vampires, human beings, something else and in different forms of being, because their tình yêu is unconditional, nothing can ever destroy them, and it is not possible for DE to be without the other. Delena never stop fighting for each other and never give up on the other, they have passion and ngọn lửa, chữa cháy in everything, and Damon always puts Elena first, while she declared to never stop fighting for their true love. It will probably never be "all Kỳ lân and rainbows" for them, but Damon and Elena can through the everlasting challenge that they have in dealing with each other as well as in overcoming the obstacles in their journey, and through their eternal tình yêu have their own version of their desperately needed and truly deserved "happily ever after". Damon can deal best with every situation (what gives Elena safety and offers her eternal support), he will always selflessly do what is right for Elena and forever truly tình yêu her (him loving her "either way" makes it possible for their relationship to always work out [because she does the same concerning him]), and that also makes him perfect for her.

 "And it is because I tình yêu you, that I can’t be selfish with you."
"And it is because I tình yêu you, that I can’t be selfish with you."
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
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