Damon & Bonnie Bamon RANT

Bangelusfan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM
This is a place where you can 'explode', comment or make suggestions about the bamon storyline or whatever you think it's wrong with the show right now.

*Trolls not allowed. Respectful DE fans welcomed*
 This is a place where bạn can 'explode', bình luận hoặc make suggestions about the bamon storyline hoặc wha
last edited on Jan 25, 2011 at 08:40PM

Damon & Bonnie 2690 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 2690

hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
@ApplePie88 : i'm near to susprecting that Elena's feelings for Damon are part of some weird Stockolm Syndrome.

Because there's no way you would share your breathing space with a man who both hassaulted you and killed your little brother in front of your very eyes.

And as a very devoted big sister and as a woman who faced hassault by an older man... i find the idea of being secretly in love with someone who did those to me both unrealistic and desgusting.
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 That is so cute.It is kind of funny that the DE fans seem to think everything revolves around Ian and Nina or Damon and Elena.*gags*. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua KateDenali said…
@chazzaf Lol. I don't blame him. I would have been furious too.

I find it very amusing that the two guys I know that watch TVD are Team Stelena and Team Bamon. And they don't even like Damon. Isn't that funny?
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…

your poor brother! he got the full Dullena experience by pure accident, poor guy.

Can you say obsessive compulsive disorder?
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@KateDenali It is funny.To be honest I dont hate Damon but I dont love him either he has did to many evil things for me to love him. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle yeah my brother Antonio was overflowing with rage like a volcano.He is also a hot head LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…

yup, it's ironic and funny. I guess this is what happens when you wwatch TVD without being an hormonal teenager girl- you ship the core couples!
hơn một năm qua KateDenali said…
Wow this has been fun. But guys I gotta go. It's 2:12 AM where I am, and I have school tomorrow... or today. Ha. Night guys! Have a wonderful day! (or whatever it is where you are).
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…

i bet his rant was something hilarious... or tragic. And his name is Antonio, i'm Antonella... intalian origins in the family?
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@KateDenali Goodbye hope to see you again soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx
hơn một năm qua ItalianAngel89 said…
@skysamuelle: You have the same name as my sister.
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hơn một năm qua ItalianAngel89 said…
@KateDenali: Goodnight (or morning LOL) :)
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle You have a lovely name im Chantelle im the only one out of my siblings to have a non Italian name But my Mama and Papa loved my name so much they let me have a French name.Oh and I was ranting with him me and him were having and little DE hating night and oh what a night it was LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
Chantelle is such a beautiful name!

bye Kate!
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…

i miss Bamon fanfics... where are all my Bamon favorite authors gone?

I need a What Lies Beneath update! and we have to wait MONTHS for the sequel to Tear The World Down

that's even sadder than trolls trolling on our spot damn!
hơn một năm qua ApplePie88 said…
Wait, how did this thread turn into a easy going and nice conversation when about three pages back, we were talking about how much Dullena sucks and their fanbase consists of a bunch of Prozac-infested wackos? Lol. Did I miss something here? LP

Night, KateDenali! <3
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle Thanks my other two older brothers names are Alberto and Paolo my older sisters name is Rosario. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I will go negative.I hate those Goddamn DE fans the make my sick to the stomach If looks could those DE fans would already be dead by the way I look at their comments on my laptop screen. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
it's the chathaarthic power of ranting, eheh!
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle I know how you feel about the Fanfics ive been waiting for a Unspoken Connection update for ages. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua ApplePie88 said…

“i hope that elena chooses damon , because they complete each-other”

I’m sorry, but this person is just plain ignorant. And annoying. And shallow. With a comment like this, this poster obviously has no clear argument, no depth and absolutely no logic when it comes to their comment. “I hope Elena choose Damon because they complete each other?” What kind of empty, nonsense is that. That’s not a reason, that’s stupidity. I’m sorry but I can’t stand comments like this, comments with no logic, no argument, no depth, JUST AN EMPTY COMMENT WITHOUT ANY SIGNIFICANCE. THAT is what this shit is right here. As far as I’m concerned, this person is obviously just delusional. Since when do Damon and Elena “complete” each other? I have never gone a sense of such a thing whatsoever, both in the novels or the TV series. NEWSFLASH: ELENA CAN LIVE WITHOUT DAMON. But, ELENA CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT STEFAN. She even stated this in her journal herself. If you think otherwise, you’re plain stupid. When are people like this going to realize that Stefan is the one that Elena loves? The way I see it, Elena only thinks that she loves Damon. She doesn’t love him. She’s drawn to him, there is a difference. LOVE and DRAWN are two completely different feelings and emotions. So when people keep saying that Elena loves Damon, it’s bullshit. Yes, Elena cares about Damon, but in love with him?? Give me a break. I’m sorry but chemistry and passion does not equate to true love whatsoever. If you believe such a thing, then you’re just ignorant and shallow. Damon and Elena’s relationship has always been based on all the negative elements that will never equal a successful relationship in the long-term: possessiveness, jealousy, anger, hatred, ego/selfishness. Tell me how they complete each other when there are all these negative qualities that are the primary base of their “relationship”??? It’s ridiculous. Damon and Elena complete each other nothing. Damon is the most selfish character in the book, you think he really gives a flying fuck about giving the world to Elena, like really? The answer is NO. Damon doesn’t want top protect or love Elena, he wants to POSSESS and CONTROL her. And I don’t know how people can’t see that. Damon’s kind of love consists of control and possession. Sure, maybe he’s learned a thing or two in the books but come on, Damon has a long way, and I mean a LONG way to go in terms of learning how to love someone the right way. And in my opinion, it’s most certainly not with Elena.


“I’m pumped for this, I’m on Nightfall right now and I have yet to read Shadow Souls (I’m looking forward to Shadow Souls) But if Damon/Elena aren’t the endgame and she stays with Stefan… I will stop reading the series all together. If you think Stefan is perfect for Elena you need to be brought out of your cave and back into the light that is Delena.”


Who the fuck does this person think they are? This poster seems to feel a sense of entitlement to talk for everyone within this fucking community and all they’re doing is making themselves look fuckin’ ignorant. I apologize for the cursing and I know I sound like a bitch, but comments like this bring out my Latin fire. This person is suggesting that if Delena are not the endgame of the series, then they WILL STOP READING THE SERIES ALL TOGETHER. Hahahahaha, yeah right. How many times do you hear rabid Delena fans like this one, threatening to stop reading the books if their precious Delena is not the endgame? Yeah, A LOT. People like this piss me the hell off. They feel like they have the audacity to speak over everyone else and if not everyone agrees with them, then they are deemed stupid. This person clearly likes to impose their views onto other people and likes to believe that their views are what is right. No, they are not right, they are ignorant. Because I’m not one of the many delusional people who support the over-rated ship Delena, then I must live in a cave and not see the light. And BTW, Stefan IS perfect for Elena. They MATCH each other and they are compatible. Not like a poster like this would understand the concept of compatibility to begin with, they are much too fuckin’ ignorant. So stupid. FAIL.


“I totaly agree with all the Delena fans!!! They’re so perfect for each other! I like Stefan and all and Damon has done some pretty douchey things but he stills needs to be with Elena! I CAN’T WAIT FOR MIDNIGHT!”


First off, this person starts off by staying he/she agrees with all Delena fans. OTT bias right there. And then this person stupidly says that they are perfect for each other. But the problem is, this person doesn’t state why they would be or are perfect for each other. There is no sense of depth or argument whatsoever. Then this person says that they like Stefan (yeah right). Whenever a Delena fan says that they like Stefan, they are clearly just trying to cover their asses. Because as far as I’m concerned, most Delena fans don’t like Stefan. In fact, most of the Delena fans wish Stefan was killed off or would get the fuck out of the way so that Damon can go ahead and possess Princess Elena. This person likes Stefan my ass. To me, this kind of comment from a Delena fan only means that they are trying to cover their ass as an in the closet Stefan hater. But you see, the truth is, that many Stefan fans actually genuinely like Damon, despite the crazy shit that he’s done yet, many Damon/Delena fans repeatedly like to resort to bashing Stefan and Stelena as much as they can. So, I’m the first to admit that I don’t believe any Delena fan when they say that they actually like Stefan. I mean, I know there are some Damon/Delena fans who like Stefan but IMO, it seems to be so rare. What’s funny is that this person says that they like Stefan and all but then they go on to say that Damon has done some pretty douchey things. “Some douchey things”??? Seriously? Just some douchey things??? More like A LOT of douchey things and douchey wouldn’t be the correct word to describe the kinds of things that Damon has done. Then finally, this person like to say that Damon NEEDS to be with Elena. Damon needs Elena? Since when? This person is so incredibly delusional and obviously knows nothing about the character of Damon Salvatore to begin with. Damon doesn’t NEED. Damon WANTS. He wants to control things, possess, THAT is his character. And if anyone else things otherwise, or even thinks that the character of Damon is selfless, then they clearly don’t understand the concept of his character in the first place, which is exactly what the poster of this comment doesn’t understand whatsoever. FAIL.


“Stelena is hardly fair for Damon’s sake either. Especially considering he has a history of women choosing his brother over him.”


Well, that may be true that Damon has a history of women choosing his brother over him. And you wanna know why that is so? Because Damon keeps chasing the women who happen to show interest in his brother FIRST. Take Katherine for instance, both in the novels and the TV show. Who met Katherine first again? Oh yeah, that’s right, STEFAN. Katherine met Stefan first and Katherine fell in love with Stefan first and Stefan fell in love with Katherine first. In the novels, Stefan and Katherine were so incredibly close before Damon came into the picture, that both of their fathers had discussed marriage. But then Damon came along and tried to take that away by trying to charm Katherine, same with the TV series. But in The Fury, Katherine revealed that she always loved Stefan much more then Damon and on the TV series, Katherine said that she never loved Damon but she had always loved Stefan. With Katherine, STEFAN WAS ALWAYS HER FIRST CHOICE. And now, we have history repeating itself with Elena. Same ol’ triangle, same old deja vu. But let’s face it, even though there “appears” to be a love triangle in the series, I have never really seen the love triangle to begin with. Because from what I have read throughout the course of the series is about how much Elena loves Stefan and how he is the only one for her. I have never really seen Elena really be so extremely “torn” between Damon and Stefan. STEFAN IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE ELENA’S FIRST CHOICE. It’s not Stefan’s fault why the girls happen to choose him over Damon, it’s Damon’s fault and Damon’s fault alone. Damon needs to stop chasing after girls who like Stefan FIRST. Damon is 2nd choice BECAUSE HE MAKES HIMSELF 2ND CHOICE. It is not Stefan’s fault for that. Damon is responsible for his own decisions and his own actions and Stefan should be in no way held accountable for whatever Damon happens to do, whether it is responsible or irresponsible. So this person’a comment really makes no significant sense whatsoever.




This comment isn’t even worth a response. It’s so fucking ridiculous that I can’t even comment on it.


“Bonnie is too short to be with Damon.”


Wow, how shallow can one person be? So how tall someone is or their height constitutes whether or not too people should be together? That is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Things like hair colour, eye colour, height and race should have absolutely NO INFLUENCE on whether two people should be in a relationship together. If people, like this one poster, really believe that any of the above, which are shallow reasons I might add, should have any influence over whether two people should be together, then they are just plain dumb and ignorant. And last time I checked, Damon is not fucking Kobe Bryant in the first place. NEWSFLASH: DAMON IS NOT TALL! And even Damon himself said he doesn’t care for the tall girls. He likes petite and small girls like Bonnie. But then again, this is just another one of the lame excuses in which some people like to use in order to put down the Bamon relationship. -Makes a buzzer sound- EPIC FAIL. RANT OVER.
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hơn một năm qua ItalianAngel89 said…
Stupid commment is stupid.
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
but to get negative and violent i can say: if i read one person more callind DE Twin Flames, i'll flame alive every DE present.

1)it's very, very far from truth.
2) it's insulting to those of us who have spent their time studying this concept long time before DE came along, in a seriois, spiritual way.

Labeling DE as Twin Flames is like labeling toiler paper as diamonds.

WOW, I think this is the meanest thing i've ever said on fandom.

Naturally, i would not sink to flame a stupid or smart person for real, and especially not over a tv show.

I reserve this level of low for fanatics...
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 This is living proof that DE fans are shallow brainless delusional bullies. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle dont worry I know how you feel I think if I actually met one of the nasty DE fans I probably would end up in jail.That is how much I hate their Bamon hating guts. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua hinata26 said…
Sure but I don't think that they deserve attention
hơn một năm qua hinata26 said…
I had ti go kiss
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
Damon's problem is that he keeps looking for the sense of validation he never received by his father -who preferred Stefan- by trying to get the women he brother loves and who love him back.

He is selfconsciously trying to repeat history in order to break the circle.

And he made this before he became a vampire.

I imagine his love for Katherine was not the at first sight kind since he was clearly encouraging Stefan to pursue her.

Stefan was infatuated from the very beginning with Katherine at first, and Elena later.

Damon started the competition both times as a game and then turned that game into an obsession.

I don't think he really knows how to experience REal love SO ALL THE AGANSTING ON eLENA GETS NO SYMPATHY FROM ME.

BUT you must admit that pursuing the lady your little brother - the one you are supposed to protect, not the other way around - is in love with it's a pretty rotten thing.

Again, later he has chosen to blame Stefan for being sired by Katherine instead of blaming Kat or himself.

Let's stop pretending Damon got hurt by Katherine because he was innocent, like it's some huge terrble joke of destiny.

he put himself in that position deliberately and it backfired.

he should have learnt something instead of simply transferring on Elena.
hơn một năm qua ApplePie88 said…
@SkySamuelle: <s>Delena are not TWIN FLAMES.</s> That I can 100 percent assure you. Here are some of the signs of meeting a TF. They strongly describe both Stelena and Bamon.


1. Chances are you've met through a set of unusual circumstances... totally unplanned and unexpected

2. There is an instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before

3. You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another

4. There is an electrifying feeling between the two of you that words cannot describe

5. The relationship is immediate... as though no time had been lost since you were last together

6. It feels as though you had never lived before the reunion occurred

7. You feel a deep sense of unity that you've have never known before

8. It brings on feelings you never thought possible

9. The two of you are inseparable

10. When you look into each other's eyes time and space have no meaning

11. There are no barriers between the two of you... the relationship is a totally open one

12. Your conversations seem to go on forever

13. The two of you have a strong urge to serve humanity in a deep and meaningful way

14. You give to the other and never think of receiving in return

15. There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you've ever experienced before

16. You still have karma with your twin (from previous lives) but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love

17. Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self

18. There is a real feeling of unlimitedness to your feelings... you have a strong sense of eternity

19. Your feelings for each other are very spiritual

20. There are no restrictions within the relationship... all is freedom without the need for ownership or control

21. The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for a reason

22. You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are

23. In spite of your sameness there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other

24. Trust, patience, acceptance of each other's weaknesses happen automatically

25. There is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship

26. Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another

27. When you look into the other's eyes you see yourself

28. You experience a sense of completeness that is without comparison
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hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@hinata26 Bye see you soon.@skysamuelle I also think this he thinks he is in love with Elena but in fact he is just obsessed with her.I also think he is obsessed with her in the books he is always thinking about her.But with Bonnie he trys not to think about her but he cant help it now that is Love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua ItalianAngel89 said…
What Damon has with Elena is lust and obsession, not love. IMO.
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 I dont know what Twin Flames are can you please explain.I would love to learn more about these things. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ItalianAngel88 I agree he is attracted to her nothing else. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­x
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
@ApplePie88 : I know, believe me.

I had a past live regression experience some time ago and i can certifying that even at its most destructive heights, the Twin Flame connection is never even nothing remotely similiar to Dullena.

There's just whole another level of complexity in the relationship. and iy's because i know what i'm speaking about i feel insulted from this very unflattering comparison with dullena. urgh!
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
Twin Flames are on a soul level, the ying to each other yang.

those are the best informative links on the subject:



hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle what I dont get is that the DE fans seem to think Elena loves Damon in the show.What the hell do they mean by that.She hasn't showed any romantic interest in him at all it just baffles me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…

i mean, they even think Elena is jealous of Andie... i saw no evidence whatsoever but i guess you see what you want to see. bha.
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle Thanks I kind of get it now.I have actually saw the symbol loads of times but I have never known what it means LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@skysamuelle she has never ever shown any interest in Damon at all.She cares about him sure but I see that as the caring of a sister or a friend. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua ItalianAngel89 said…
@skysmauelle: they probably got that from that scene in Daddy Issues at the grill. When Jenna first introduced Andie To Damon, they showed Elena watching him and to ppl it looked like she had a look of jealousy there. which I am not gonna lie, I saw it myself. A little bit.
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hơn một năm qua skysamuelle said…
i was glad to help you out!
hơn một năm qua ApplePie88 said…
When it comes to Twin Flames, they normally go through what they call a "The Twin Flame/Soul Dance". This is when one or both people within the connection "run" away from each other and the connection because it proves to be too overwhelming and intense for them to be able to handle. This is exactly what happened between Stefan and Elena in the novels (and yes even on the TV show). Both people HAVE TO BE READY for this kind of connection because it is so deep and intense and overwhelming. If both or one of the individuals involved are not ready, they either 1.) won't recognize the Twin Soul connection or 2.) they won't get along with each other and they will have a tendency to blame each other for everything. They will play the incessant blame game with each other (this again, is completely different from a Karmic Soulmate relationship. With KS's, there is normally a huge sexual attraction of lust right away. In fact the Karmic Soulmate relationship is more often then not mistaken for the TF connection because it has the same intensity but again, they are NOT the same and are completely different). One person is always the "stayer" and the other person is the "runner". In Stelena's case (esp. referring to the novels-wise), Elena was the "stayer" and Stefan was the "runner" in the beginning of the relationship/connection. In Bamon's case, Bonnie is the "stayer" and Damon is the "runner". Damon is the runner in the sense that he repeatedly and consistently denies what he feels for Bonnie because the feelings that he feels for her are so intense, overwhelming and they are feelings that he has never felt before ever in his entire life or his existence. This is why Damon cannot admit that he has deep and strong feelings for Bonnie, partially because he doesn't understand it; it is indescribable to him but also because he is not ready, he has not spiritually evolved enough yet and he has not become whole WITHIN HIMSELF first. And neither has Bonnie either. This is why at the very beginning, Damon and Bonnie, especially Damon could not understand the connection between them because it involved their souls, their souls were basically recognizing each other and this is why in After Hours, Damon was extremely bewildered and confused by the encounter because he has never felt these kind of feelings ever.
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hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ItalianAngel89 I hope they dont make Elena into a cheating Bitch like they did in the books.Honestly it would be so out of character for Elena to do that to Stefan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@ApplePie88 Thanks I now understand yes SE and BD are Twin Flames. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xx
hơn một năm qua nikki_A said…
Oh how much do I love you guys !!
hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
@nikkii_A well I dont know you but I love you to LOL. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xx
hơn một năm qua ApplePie88 said…
@Chazzaf- No problem. :) Here is another link. This is a really good insight to TF's: link

I just get really annoyed when Delena fans call their ship Twin Flames because I know a lot about the subject because of my aunt. Delena are Karmic Soulmates. Here is a description of the Karmic Soulmate relationship:

Karmic soulmates will either strongly attract or repel each other, because they have issues to work out. A karmic soulmate can be anybody such as a parent, friend, co-worker, boss, or even a lover. You may be so strongly attracted to someone and don't know why. You think you are deeply in love, and this person may feel the same way about you. But the two of you discover you really don't get along at all. Your communication is off, and you bicker, fight and argue quite a bit. One or the both of you may hurt each other a lot and may continue to do so. Despite all this, you find it just about impossible to leave this person. The attraction is just too strong no matter what the two of you are doing to each other. Some of these people often mistake this connection with these people as true love because of the strong attraction. This strange attraction will be alive until one or the both of you is aware you have deeply rooted issues from past lives. It will remain with you until one or the both of you let go and unconditionally love. Once you have learned your lessons from each other, you may decide to go on your way. Many times once we have learned our lessons from these people, they will no longer be part of our lives. We can wish them love and happiness from a distance. I mentioned some karmic soulmates repel us. They just get on our nerves no matter what they do. And some of them are downright cruel to us. You may find yourself in a position in which you cannot just easily avoid a karmic soulmate.
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hơn một năm qua chazzaf said…
Thanks yeah it is a very interesting subject Twin Flames.Dont worry all those DE fans dont even know what Twin Flames are so they are just deluding themselves into believing DE are Twin Flames. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx­xxx­xxx­xxx­xxx
hơn một năm qua nikki_A said…
^^That exactly fits the DE relationship. Ta-Dah !!
Thank you for that ApplePie88
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hơn một năm qua christina1988 said…
Can i just say that i Fucking hate anything DE related! I cant go on discussion boards anymore cause they are full of so much DE bullshit! They bitch and moan about every episode if they dont get a scene. It's not the fucking delena show you stupid bitches! They make me so mad i cant stand them LOL :P