Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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I have read all sách and seen the movies.
Most importantly, the fact that it’s fantaisie doesn’t excuse the themes and messages in the book. Fiction is merely a vehicle humans developed to communicate important lessons, values and philosophies. I am not claiming any of the implications I discuss were intentional on SMeyer’s part. Whether hoặc not the tác giả hoặc readers are aware of it, though, the Twilight series communicates dangerous messages about what is acceptable hoặc admirable hoặc desirable.
Also, I highly recommend link. It’s long, but fascinating and deeper than the sách themselves.

Stephenie Meyer’s rebuttal to claims that Bella is anti-feminist is based on her own odd and simple definition of feminism:

“In my own opinion (key word), the foundation of feminism is this: being able to choose.”

I think women who have fought and are still fighting for women's equality through the Feminist movement would take issue with Meyer's implication that a person can apply whatever definition they wish to another's political ideology. For those who firmly believe that it is impossible for an opinion to be wrong, though, this definition is still, at the very least, meaningless. The simple proof of this is that a woman can choose to be subservient to men hoặc value men and masculinity thêm than women and femininity. This is undeniably anti-feminist. However, it is her choice to be anti-feminist. Therefore, according to Meyer’s definition, anti-feminism can be a form of feminism. A self-negating concept would not have made a very sturdy “foundation” for such a huge movement.

“The core of anti-feminism is, conversely, telling a woman she can't do something solely because she's a woman—taking any choice away from her specifically because of her gender. ‘You can't be an astronaut, because you're a woman. bạn can't be president because you're a woman. bạn can't run a company because you're a woman.’ All of those oppressive ‘can'ts.’”

What she is describing is only intentional and direct sexism, pretty easy to spot. Oppression is far thêm subtle, institutionalized into our basic instincts and daily treatment of gender. It is also unintentional and unnoticed bởi the oppressing class. For example, a male boss rationalizes promoting males because he gets to know them better through after hours drinks and games of golf. Men usually tell themselves women wouldn’t want to be invited to these things. Otherwise, they don’t have the time because of society’s expectations that wives take care of the majority of housework. The male boss tells himself he would be open to promoting a woman he felt was qualified but doesn’t even realize that he isn’t giving her equal opportunity.

The widely agreed upon definition of feminism bởi reference sources and scholars in the field of women’s studies is “belief in the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” (please note that equality does not mean sameness)

Arzim’s Rebuttals (the first argument on Edward’s abusive traits) explains rather thoroughly how Edward does not treat Bella as an equal in their relationship. For those who still believe that Bella is a feminist figure because she makes choices, I’m going to expand on the prevalent theme in the series of women having the illusion of choice.

Throughout the whole series, we never really see Bella struggle over a decision hoặc a choice she has to make. Rather, quite the opposite occurs, her decisions invariably come immediately. The closest thing she has to a decision making process is “What is best for Edward hoặc brings me closer to Edward?” [Presumably, Stephenie Meyer believes that Bella’s severe devotion to Edward (that starts after they’ve had just a few conversations) that not only tops, but also erases all her other priorities, values, aspirations, and thought processes is proof of their true love.] Even Bella herself admits to her lack of choice when it comes to Edward.

“I didn’t know if there ever was a choice, really. I was already in too deep. Now that I knew — if I knew — I could do nothing about my frightening secret. Because when I thought of him, of his voice, his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force of his personality, I wanted nothing thêm than to be with him right now.” Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.139

Bella repeatedly describes a “hypnotic” sensation whenever she hears Edward’s voice hoặc looks at him. Although it is intended to be romantic, Meyer’s word choice describing Edward’s “hypnotic” effect and “magnetic force” on Bella alerts the reader (without much subtlety) that the “choice” is being controlled bởi an outside force, specifically Edward. Whether he intends to hoặc not, Edward’s presence in Bella’s life weakens her strength of will and even of body, causing her to faint at one point. Any self-respecting woman hoặc woman-respecting man would remove themselves from such a situation.

(side note: I thought the fainting spell was unintentionally symbolic of the unequal and unhealthy nature of their relationship. Just one of the many reasons the first book could have been amazing if it had been in a series about a boy who manipulates a girl into worshiping him and believing they are in tình yêu but really it's a destructive, obsessive relationship. The first book being from her fantastical, idealized point of view and the rest hiển thị how her dependency-fueled decisions end up messing up everyone in her life. Depressing? Yeah, but a million times thêm fascinating.)
(side side note: Does Meyer think the fact that Edward, intentionally hoặc otherwise, made Bella pass out is another symptom of true tình yêu hoặc was there some purpose to that happening? Not rhetorical, I was really confused as to what the point of the fainting was.)

Other examples of how Edwards’s involvement in her life weakens Bella:
--- “I’d được trao thêm information than necessary in my unwilling honesty, and I worried it would provoke the strange anger that flared whenever I slipped and revealed too clearly how obsessed I was.” Twilight, Chapter 11, p.230
--- “Our relationship couldn’t continue to balance, as it did, on the point of a knife. We would fall off one edge hoặc the other, depending entirely upon HIS decision, hoặc HIS instincts. My decision was made, made before I’d ever consciously chosen, and I was committed to seeing it through. Because there was nothing thêm terrifying to me, thêm excruciating, than the thought of turning away from him. It was an impossibility.” Twilight, Chapter 12, p.248
--- “There was no way around it; I couldn’t resist him in anything.” Twilight, Chapter 13, p.284
--- “His eyes were melting all my fury. It was impossible to fight with him when he cheated like that.” Twilight, Epilogue, p.485
--- “His mouth was on mine then, and I couldn’t fight him. Not because he was so many thousand times stronger than me, but because my will crumbled into dust the một giây our lips met.” New Moon, Chapter 23, p.512

Also, notice that Edward himself is not enchanting and attracting her. He is a complete jerk when they first meet for no reason apparent to her. If she cared about personality hoặc being respected, she would have written him off and spent her time developing relationships with the people who were warm and welcoming to her (literally every human in Forks.) However, this doesn’t deter her because she’s fallen in tình yêu with Edward’s body, not Edward. From what I recall, the only quality she even mentions, other than his inhuman beauty, is that he is over-protective. As much as I hate Edward, Bella can be pretty bad, too. She’s not only anti-feminist, she’s also completely objectifying Edward!

Bella often puts up with Edward directly taking away her ability to choose without putting up much of a fight hoặc being upset for thêm than a moment. She credits it to is protectiveness, which she believes makes it excusable. “Over-protective” is a red flag for a potential physical hoặc emotional abuser. This shouldn’t attract Bella if she’s half as smart as Meyer says. As part of his role of being completely in control of Bella, their relationship and her other relationships, Edward frequently decides he knows what is best for Bella and leaves no room for discussion: dragging her across the parking lot without trying to reason with her first, removing her engine, etc. The argument is “That’s because he’s a vampire. He has to protect her. He really does know what’s best for her. He apologizes later.” Perhaps this is an inherent quality of vampire-human relationships and there is no way to avoid the vampire having all authority and control. If so, then all vampire-human relationships are inherently unequal partnerships and inherently unhealthy.
In fact, these are often the main reasons women feel trapped in abusive relationships.

In New Moon, Edward lies to Bella about his reasons for leaving. Since there was no way she could stop him, he clearly does not see her as an equal who deserves to know why someone who claimed she was the most important thing in the world is leaving her. He also takes away her ability to choose how to handle his departure, removing everything that he thinks will remind her of him. Bella has become so dependent on Edward for happiness and meaning that in her life after his departure, she becomes an empty, emotionless “zombie.” Not for a few days hoặc weeks, for months. It seems that bởi leaving, Edward has put her on auto-pilot, as she has no interest in choices hoặc oppurtunities she may have that won’t help her bring Edward back. She literally has no life, personality, aspirations, happiness, anything without Edward. She only manages to even partially regain any of these things bởi coming dependent on another man, Jacob, and using him as an emotional crutch.

There is topic on which she does appear to make a conscious, if stupid, decision. She decides to start cheating death on a regular basis so that she can hear Edward’s voice. However, it becomes obvious that she’s not really in control of this supposed “choice” either.

“I was addicted to the sound of my delusions. It made things worse if I went too long without them.” New Moon, Chapter 15, p.352
the state of being enslaved to a habit hoặc practice hoặc to something that is psychologically hoặc physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.]]

Clearly, this is a very good mô tả of Bella’s daredevil exploits. Addiction is not decision, it’s severely dangerous compulsion. Even with her new emotional crutch, Bella’s decisions are still being entirely made involuntarily and immediately bởi her obsession with Edward.

Here are a few thêm examples of Bella’s lack hoặc illusion of choice that I’m not going to delve into:
---She never has the ability to decide whether hoặc not hoặc when she becomes a vampire. When it finally does happen, it’s Edward’s only choice if he wants her to survive.
---She doesn’t choose to marry Edward, but rather is blackmailed into it bởi him.
---Edward and Alice frequently withholding information that directly relates to Bella’s life and well-being.

The supposed “choice” that bothered me the most was that of the werewolves’ infant imprints. An infant who is imprinted on is going to grow up her entire life with the imprinter constantly around as an authority figure. In order to make imprinting a child acceptable, it is explained that he will be “whatever is needed, whether that’s a brother hoặc uncle hoặc father.” Jacob doesn’t say it out loud, but once she starts to mature, he’s going to find her irresistibly sexually attractive and expect a sexual relationship with her. He doesn’t say it out loud because Meyer apparently wishes to remain in massive denial about how messed up this is.
Arzim’s Rebuttals likens the situation to child-grooming, which I think is spot on.

[[“Child grooming”
The deliberate actions taken bởi an adult to form a trusting relationship with a child, with the intent of later having sexual contact is known as child grooming. The act of grooming a child sexually may include activities that are legal in and of themselves, but later lead to sexual contact. Typically, this is done to gain the child's trust as well as the trust of those responsible for the child's well-being.]]

These children are going to be raised to trust their imprinters and view them as guardians who have authority over them. Since their parents are okay about the imprinting, they will raise the children to believe that an adult man’s Supernatural fixation on her is acceptable. Since parents typically explain to their children what tình yêu is, they and the man himself will tell her that the imprinter loves her and she will grow up believing that this is a fact rather than something she can judge from herself. Meyer casually dismisses the possibility of the feelings not being reciprocated because it's “hard to resist that level of devotion.” Apparently, the girls are going to be told that someone having strong feelings for bạn is reason enough to tình yêu them. The extreme “level of devotion” throughout their entire childhoods and constantly being told how much their imprinters tình yêu them will create the impression that rejecting the imprinter would be wrong, that they "owe it" to the imprinter hoặc that it is their duty to their community.

It is a typical subconscious attitude ingrained in men that when they are rejected, it is the fault of the women. There are a million reasons for a women to reject a man, i.e. her comfort level, his manner of approach, feelings for someone else. However women who reject for any reason tend to be labeled as "ice queens," "b****es," "conceited," etc. Compare this to the typical reaction of a rejected female: depression, lowered sense of self-worth, etc. This is because men are taught to believe that the only reason that matters is their interest in the woman. This attitude is thêm dangerous than playground insults however. Some men become convinced that a woman has no right to reject them because they deserve whatever they want. It is simply one type of "blaming the victim" tactics that is used to justify rape.
(side note: I know not all guys and girls react the way I described, definitely not the guys I hand out with, but it is a trend)

When children are sexually abused bởi an authority figure they trust, they often do not tell anyone because they are afraid and confused about what’s going on. Meyer claims that the imprinted children have a choice, but it’s an illusion. After being prepared and pampered and guided down the aisle to her life’s purpose of reproducing with someone who pretended to be her “brother hoặc uncle hoặc father” her entire life, she’s not going to feel like she has a choice.
added by McDreamyluva
I was in the eleventh grade when I first read the fourth book : Breaking Dawn. Here I will express my opinion about it.

I liked actually the first parts of the book,they really got me interested and then when I read the other chapters of the book I got really,really bored and almost fell asleep. I think that it was very good that Bella finally became a vampire because it was time for her to overcome her fear and insecurities.
I wondered what would have happened if Bella had made an abortion and haven't được trao birth to that spawn. It would be very interesting if that had happened. Actually I liked the book better than the film and I liked only the first part of the film because it was thêm interesting and had some kind of storyline.
I personally regret having watched the một giây part of the film .
Please no Jacob hate. Thx:)
Everything and Nothing-Boom Circuits
One thêm body left all alone[Jacob is left bởi Bella]
She's made another tim, trái tim her home[Bella choosing Edward]
Lost between the sea and the sky
An Angel learning how to fly[i think this is how Bella is learning to adjust to her new vampire-self hoặc Jacob learning to cope with the situation]

She floats above our bodies asleep in their graves
Dancing in the moonlight glow[i feel like this is Bella once Jacob is dead. Shes like dancing because she is content with her life?]

(I can't have her, save me from her)[repeated throughout song....
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For those who like the basic vampire romance dynamic in Twilight but don’t necessarily like its execution, I highly recommend the Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In. I just rented this a few days cách đây and fell in tình yêu with it. I think it’s one of my hàng đầu, đầu trang films of all time. It has many elements that are similar to Twilight in terms of vampire romance, but it treats the subject much thêm seriously and is a bit truer to the vampire characteristics traditional to the last fifty years of movie-making.

It’s about a boy named Oskar who’s bullied at school and is in a pretty bad place....
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posted by Dragonclaws
The Critical Analysis of Twilight spot has always been controversial. Twilight những người hâm mộ frequently báo cáo distaste with the spot, thinking it’s a hate spot. The response is that it’s not a hate spot but sometimes antis get carried away and antis should watch to make sure they don’t intimidate Twilight fans, but that Twilight những người hâm mộ should grow a tougher skin. Normally I would agree with this sentiment, but I feel that C.A.T. has become thêm of an anti-Twilight spot that is largely unfriendly to the Twilight fan. I think the fundamental problem with the C.A.T. spot is that it tries to be for...
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posted by zanesaaomgfan
Edward: The covesation's really good.
Bella: Uh huh.*gets another call*
Bella: *rejects call*
Edward: Who was that?
Bella: Jacob...

They talked for days.

Jacob: *growls*WHY WILL THEY SHUT UP!
*makes an new answering machine*

Bella: I gotta go. *makes a kissing sound and hangs up*
15 Missed Calls
Bella: Alright bạn win!
*calls him*
Jacob: xin chào its Jacob. If its Bella, STFU and if its the pack, leave the message.
Bella: *waits for tone*

1 giờ Later
Bella: Forget it!*hangs up*
Phone: *tone*
Bella: T.T

Jacob: *laughs histericly*
posted by HecateA
On this beautiful spot of fanpop, there's a video link to "Charlie reads Twilight". Originally its "Alex read Twilight". Anyways, I checked it out.
It's this guy, he's about 20 years old I'd say, and he bought himself a copy of Twilight. He reads this on camera, making his comments, one chapter per video. And he's absolutely HILARIOUS! He points out things like odd phrases ("the sun was at the wrong place in the sky") and grammar faults. He sees little things bạn might not have found yourself.
The video do contain a bit of swearing but other then that, they are mostly all right.
There are tons of anti stories out there, and mine is probably no different than yours. (If you, are, of course, an Anti.) However, it all started out the very ngày I picked up the book Twilight...

I heard many các bình luận about Twilight, how wonderful the series was, and how wonderful Edward and Bella's tình yêu was. As usual, I resisted. But my friends, who were all Twilight fans, kept insisting that I read the most amazing book in the history of books. So I'm like, "Hey! I missed out on Harry Potter-(I only read Harry Potter when I was nine, when I could have read it when I was seven, all because...
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The following is a letter from Edward to our CAT members who dislike him. hoặc a joke quickly written bởi me because it's been ages since I đã đăng here. Either way, it's not meant to offend pros hoặc antis.

Dear antis,
So, I hear bạn hate me. Ouch. Being the emo....uh, I mean the sensitive, wait, the in-touch-with-his-emotions-in-a-not-girly-way, hey-shut-up! guy I am, my initial reaction was to kill myself. That's right, in one of my trademark, straight phía trước, chuyển tiếp suicide plans I was going to cover myself in honey, mail a note to the volturi threatening to poke them in the eye if they didn't...
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Well, I'm a Twilight fan, but I like to be critical of the series anyways. But recently, I discovered that a lot of the Twi-hater fanbase (or hatebase?) has been consisted of mostly people who have only seen the movies, and I instantly saw how there were so many Twi-haters.

Let me just start off bởi saying that the movie sucks a**, and I'm being NICE! The diễn xuất is terrible, they cut out about half the book and completely interpreted the book in all the wrong ways, the script sounded like it had been written bởi a five năm old, and the actors portrayed the characters so poorly, I almost became...
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If bạn have ever doubted the insanity of the C.A.T. Kittens, this will cease your doubts. I think it got long enough to be put into bài viết diễn đàn thread. This makes absolutely no sense, does have swearwords, includes lots exremely odd things, and is kind of innapropriate. You've been warned.


One ngày Bella fell over while being chased bởi Steve the Spider, while Edward and Jacob were kissing. Pausing every once in a while to get a dazzling breath when Alice walked in on them and đã đưa ý kiến - "Edward, what are bạn doing? bạn know Bella is over there.'re GAY?"

"Yes, but don't tell Bella...
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posted by kayleebabee
Is it just me hoặc is SM into brainwashing? She has systamatically taken over the world with her books. tiếp theo she will be Americas first ever hem hem SPARKLY PRESIDENT (no offence Barrack bạn rock) and twi hardiness has been taken to a whole knew level people religions such as CULLENISM yes bạn guys heard me cul-llen-ism.
Here is the cullenism 10 'commandments'

1.thou shalt wear vàng contact lenses-even to sleep!
2. thou shalt only drink cherryade hoặc cây nam việt quất, cranberry nước ép, nước trái cây (bassically its gotta be red)
3. thou shalt not take the lords name in vain (robert pattinson) cept when bạn are screaming it at his...
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I đã đăng this a couple other spots, but I would really like to know anti-twilight/neutral những người hâm mộ opinions. I sort of ranted on the subject, but I think my intent is pretty clear. I'd tình yêu to read các bình luận if bạn have any, hoặc bạn can just skip this bài viết :)

This is sort of an informal rant/observation.

We all know that New Moon is about tragedy and the loss of tình yêu and the aftermath. Edward left Bella. But why did he leave her?

Since New Moon is being adapted into a feature length film, I've been seeing alot of các câu hỏi and accusations reguarding Edward's absense.

- Jacob's better...
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Hey ya kittens! I was wondering in how many words could I write Twilight giving the same character development as Meyer and saying obviously the main plot so don’t bash…I had a lot of fun doing it XDD It’s not to offend anyone but think about it trees could have been saved if Meyer had stuck with this version.

So on with reading

Hi! My name is Bella Swan, I’m moving to Forks because I want to leave my mom with his new boyfriend live happily ever after although I hate where my father leaves. Forks it’s a rainy state and so I’m in an airplane to go to it.

When I arrive there’s my...
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posted by Dearheart
Hello, mèo con and newcomers to the CAT! Don’t worry, none of bạn are in trouble hoặc anything; I just feel that things have gotten a teensy bit out of hand, so I’m nghề viết văn this as a reminder to all of bạn before it gets worse.

Newcomers, if bạn haven’t already, link It’s very important that people follow them so that we can keep this spot from turning ugly.

For those of bạn who’ve already read them, let’s review Rule 5:

Make sure the material bạn đệ trình stays true to the spirit of this spot. Whether it’s a soapbox, image, video, etc...please make sure it doesn’t have excessive language,...
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1) Bring a good sense of humor. Don’t ever take things personally, and try not to be too sensitive. Otherwise you’ll be miserable. Just let loose, have fun, and be willing to laugh.

2) If someone offends you, don’t blow up. Respond in a polite, mature way, point out what offended bạn and why bạn find it offensive. If it’s something serious hoặc happens to be one of the things forbidden in Rule 5, chances are people will back bạn up and the problem will work out. If it isn’t, reread Rule 1.

3) Twi-hards, this isn’t a place to drool over Edward hoặc gush about how amazing the Twilight...
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I don't like Twilight. I find the characters shallow; the plot boring and cliche; and the hidden messages frightening. But in the hands of another tác giả - someone who wouldn't let their religious upbringing, their misogynistic views, and their twisted romantic ideals colour the story - it could have been really fantastic.

First off, the grammar would have to be fixed. The purple prose minimised and the tổng thể nghề viết văn polished up.

Next the characters would have to be made realistic, their actions have an effect on the plot, and their history an effect on them.

Take Rosalie, for example. If Rosalie's...
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posted by renrae
Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren. She's the blond girl in twilight. The one tricked bởi a modeling scam, the one that hates Bella. We first meet Lauren in the cafeteria, I believe. Almost all Twilight những người hâm mộ do not like her. I mean no disrespect to the ones on this spot hoặc any others, but I do not think she has a reason to be hated. Reasons people give for hating Lauren are similar to the reasons for hating Jessica. "She's rude", "She's mean to bella and stupid", even "she's blond." That last one made no sense to me. The reason Lauren "hates" Bella is because her crush, Tyler, is infatuated with...
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posted by RonGetYourWand
There are some core things about the mythical creatures I wish Meyer would have được trao an actual explaination for:


1. Turning into bats

She could have explained it as bats are attracted to vampires, but she choose not to adress it at all.

2. Sleeping in a coffin

How about that having something to do with them faking their own death hoặc something?

3. Lack of Fangs

An evolution over time to adapt.

4. Sunlight

Related to the fact ma cà rồng are considered to be connected to the devil.


1. Full-Moon

They meet at the full-moon.

2. Their Anger Issues (yes, I know that some of the Người sói have this)

It could have been explained as a reaction to the moons phases.

3. Pack- Mind

Evolved trait hoặc even a gift from the spirits.
posted by AliceHaleCullen
I'm so glad to have found a spot that isn't full of people gushing over how hot Robert Pattinson is. Since the movie came out, the original idea of the series has deteriorated.

I used to feel proud to call myself a 'Twilight' fan. I first read it in 2005, and to be quite honest I loved how nobody had read it, it seemed really special. So called 'Fans' who now go around using the word 'Twilighter' just because they have seen the film have ruined it for everyone else.

Fair enough, it's nobodies fault it has been made into an overated hyped movie, but if they really understood what it meant before...
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