Bellatrix and Narcissa Wall

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tammy1a đã đưa ý kiến …
I made a Black Sisters page that included Andromeda if bạn want to check that out too! đã đăng hơn một năm qua
scarlestrange đã đưa ý kiến …
im confused... in the movie, it seems like cissa is older than bella... but in the books, shes supposed to be younger... is it me? but i LOOOOVE them. <3 đã đăng hơn một năm qua
Perfidia đã bình luận…
it's not just you, no...I too think that Narcissa looks older in the movies. But she's described to be the youngest sister. Due to the sách Bellatrix is the oldest one, then Andromeda and then Narcissa hơn một năm qua