táo, apple Red Hot MacBook Pro

Martyjf posted on Oct 05, 2006 at 10:01PM
Anyone else having a problem with their MBP getting red hot? The battery recalls don't include the new MBPs at this point. Had a case the other day where I put my machine in by backpack and later on couldn't even touch it to get it out as it was incredibly hot!

táo, apple 4 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua samantha said…
The Macbook Pro is notoriously hot. There's not much you can do about it.

Apple considers the Macbooks "portable" computers, NOT laptops and as such they don't recommend you put the Macbook on your lap.

Cop-out? Maybe. But that's the state of the Macbook as far as I'm aware.
hơn một năm qua samantha said…
I should add that one thing you can do about it, is purchase a laptop fan pad. Go to Amazon and search for "laptop fan pad" or "laptop cooling" and you'll see some of the products available. Not feasible while travelling, but useful when you are at a desk or at home.
hơn một năm qua johnminh said…
Try Fan Control for Lobotom software, which allows you to adjust the minimum fan speed (set at 1000 rpm by default). It installs as a preference panel on your Systems Preferences, which gives you baseline control on your fan speed and temperature. I've set mine to 2000 rpm, have noticed no significant increase in CPU noise, and now the metal above my function keys are just warm instead of blisteringly hot. You can download Fan Control here: link
hơn một năm qua papa said…
Very nice, thanks for the link john.