Dean Winchester Club
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added by melikhan
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added by Lucia322
Dean Winchester
What always has been relatable about Dean is he is not the character with the big Supernatural myth arc. He was written and set up to be the normal one in the pairing - the one who kept everything grounded in reality. And yet he is a normal man who still had most of the pivotal events of season 4 and 5 revolving around him. In season 4, he is the one who get’s a special bond with an Angel (not the brother who admitted to deep faith in season 1). In season 5, he's the center of the manipulation bởi the thiên thần to get him to agree to be Michael's vessel, and during the time kills a number of...
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added by saramanusson
added by haley_scott
added by superstar_kk
added by superstar_kk
added by samsgirl84
added by bouncybunny3
added by kiaya91
Source: <lj user="jensenated">
người hâm mộ video bởi OfSupernaturalBonds
Dean Winchester
Jensen Ackles
demon dean
mark of cain
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look what bạn made me do
added by MsJeremyGilbert
Source: tumblr
I tình yêu his handwriting ( but then again I love

everything about him). Not to mention how much

I would tình yêu this to be a tình yêu letter addressed

to me ( hoặc you... I don't want to be greedy !!)

Forgive me for blabbering but I have to fill in

a few thêm lines , to post the letter.

I hope bạn all enjoy it.




added by tanyya
added by othobsessed92
Dean Winchester
buffy summers
added by LoveDraco123
Source: Tumblr
added by IceWomanPro
Jensen Ackles
Dean Winchester
added by bouncybunny3
 Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester
I tình yêu Dean's quotes, and decided it would be fun to write how I react when I hear them, so I'm gonna do that lol!:

Bold text- Dean quotes
Normal text- My reactions!

"House rules, Sammy: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."
Hehehe! I'm gonna say that once I get a car... wait...that could be years away. *sulk*.

"Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis."
I'm gonna order that in Starbucks tiếp theo week!!

"I don't know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa?"
*head fills with naughty thoughts*

"I hope your táo, apple pie is freakin' worth it"
*Imagines what Dean...
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