Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2076 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 701-750 of 2076

hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Well, it's definitely a start... *He said scratching his head* I'm not sure if it'll stop the spread of the mark, but the pain is eased.... That really is a step..
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hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"I don't think I'll have to really worry about the spreading now unless I use my trump card again.." Kairi lowered down her shirt and looked to Katsuki, "But, of course I'll let you know if anything changes."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded as he sighed in relief* Thank goodness we're at least on the right track.... *He then got himself dressed* Though, it looks like we're gonna need to avoid you using your trump card as much as we can...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"Which hopefully shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?" Has there been anything concerning so far since you've become Emperor?" Kairi asked.
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: No, everything has been good so far- *He was cut off by a knock at the door*
Lubbock: Katsu, we've got a bit of a problem....
Katsuki: Maybe that's a speak too soon.... *He went outside to Ren, and as they made it to the throne room*
???: I'm telling you, I'm not changing my store's tax.
Ren: It was an order from the Emperor, either you get in line or the store comes down.
Katsuki: Alright, hang on...... What?
???: You're the new emperor everyone's raving about? Some kid.
Katsuki: I'm more than just some kid...... What's wrong with the taxes being reduced...
???: It's all in the way my business works! The higher the tax, the more aristocratic people I can get in....
Katsuki: The more people you can rip off more like.... Tell me why I shouldn't jail you....
???: Because I've got too much riding on this business-
Katsuki: You and the rest of this world.... The lower the tax, the more business you'll get from all classes... It doesn't have to be just a certain one..
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi quickly changed and followed behind Katsuki into the throne room, Najenda already in there. Kairi mainly kept to herself as she didn't feel it was her place to say anything.
Najenda added on to Katsuki, "If having a target customer is significant to you, why can't your business be something that caters towards them rather than depending on the tax? Regardless, the tax reduction ultimately benefits you as well... As the Emperor said, it increases your clientele... Plus, it'll give you more room for your business to grow." She crossed her arms, "You truly don't have many options if you choose to keep the same mindset."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
???: Mm....
Katsuki: Even you know this whole thing is pointless.... You understand just what could happen on all fronts if you stay your course... Business is all about strategy, like many things... Lowering the tax makes it affordable on all ends. Boosts your clientele, which will allow you to make just about the same if not more... Give or take, it's in smaller rapid increments...
???: So you really are more than just some kid....
Katsuki: [Did he think I was joking?] Of course, it just needs to be understood.. Sometimes you just have to take different routes to get to the same destination...
???: Heh.. *He said with a slight grin* Very well, I respect it... Knowing that the decision didn't come from someone with little to nothing in mind.
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi eyes just looked off to the side, "Funny for him to say since he came in here with almost nothing but one thing in mind.... Hm, I shouldn't be complaining.."
Najenda nodded, "Well, does this mean you're satisfied with the tax reduction? Do you have any more complaints?"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
???: *He turned as he was getting ready to leave* Yeah, I'm satisfied.... I've come to an understanding... I've got no more complaints.... As I've said, I respect the decision....
Ren: Then I guess you'll be on your way....
???: Yeah... Farewell Emperor..... I'll see ya around... *He said, then leaving the premises*
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi watched him walk out, "He probably won't be the first person with a complaint like that... But he didn't seem too bad to handle.. If our problems keep turning up like this, we shouldn't have to worry about me using my trump card. At least, in the meantime.."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Hm, he posed no threat...
Ren: Of course, you'll only use it if absolutely necessary.... I should be asking... You seem like you're doing better..
Katsuki: I still had a vial left, I figured I'd give it to her....
Ren: Really? Well, we still know where to get the stuff if we got to make more...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"Right, I had Akame and Leone tell me about it... I'm glad to see you're doing better." Najenda said.
Kairi nodded, "It definitely did help.. The spreading seemed to stop, so I don't really feel any pain now... The mark isn't back to it's original state, but for now I think I should be alright."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Then it's a good start indeed... We're gonna have to get more of the vials made...
Katsuki: I know you'd have to take it to Zwei...
Ren: Heh, hoping he's still keeping himself and his little lab safe....
Katsuki: That's what Ein is there for...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi tilted her head, "Ein and Zwei? Like the numbers, right? Are they by chance siblings or just.. connected in someway?"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: They're pretty much like siblings... Well, that's what their relationship is like... Plus, Ein and Zwei aren't even their real names... At least, that's what I've heard... Whether it's debatable or not is up to me...
Katsuki: Not too many people know where to find them.... But, judging by the fact that you did Ren... It begs the question... Did the last Emperor and his lackeys know?
Ren: *He shook his head* Truth be told, even if they did.. They wouldn't have the password to get in....
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"They sound to be pretty well protected, huh? Ein, passwords, the location's even unknown..." Kairi said.
Najenda nodded, "Good to hear the last Emperor didn't have any lead to it... But, you have to remember Kairi that our HQ was also hidden. And it was the same for the Akamine's, no?
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "I mean, it was until it was somehow found out....."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: It all had to remain hidden, especially with the distrust for the Empire....
Ren: If they didn't keep it hidden... Who knows what the Empire would've made them do? Not to mention the tribulation they'd be put through just working for them.
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hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi agreed, "Yeah, I completely understand... I still wonder how you were able to tolerate them for so long, Ren... I know Najenda eventually left.. Even Isla was with the Empire at some point...."
"When Leone mentioned her to me, her name was familiar... She was with the Empire?" Najenda asked.
Kairi nodded, "With the Empire, then with the Revolutionary Army, until she eventually left to be on her own... Which.." Kairi looked to Katsuki, "I didn't give all the specifics of last night, but we may need someone to keep their eyes on her just in case..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: I'll do it...
Katsuki: Ren, are you for sure?
Ren: Mm.... I've had my suspicions of her from the start... Though, it's begging the question... I thought you said she'd be no threat...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi sighed, "Well... I did.. And to be honest, I still think so. But, you made a point when you said that she may be no threat now but who knows what she'll do later.... I just want to be sure." Kairi looked down, "I've already made that mistake once before...." She said, referring to Noah. "I rather not do it again..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He closed his eyes* .....
Ren: Very well then.... Then it stands, I'll volunteer to keep an eye on things there...
Katsuki: *He opened his eyes* Alright... Keep us posted as much as you can.....
Ren: You won't have to worry about that.... I have my means.... *He then looked at Kairi* So, when did you want me to start?
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"When do I want you to start?" Kairi thought about it, "Well... I know she could be quite active during the night, so I'd say you can start by tonight. But, honestly I really don't know what she could be up to lately.."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Got it, future Empress... *He said with a bow*
Katsuki: Well, that's a title I'd say is very fitting...
Ren: Ain't it? The previous emperor couldn't even be married.... Then the prime Minister.... Fat chance he'd be married...
Katsuki: He'd probably only marry through some manipulative tactic...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Najenda had no doubt, "Oh definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if he's tried to at some point. Glad he's never gone through with it though..." Najenda looked to Kairi, "If Kairi's going to be Empress, we may need to have another throne installed in here then, hm?"
Kairi still blushed to the idea of being able to marry Katsuki, "Katsu already fits into the role as Emperor so well.." She placed her hand on her cheek, "I don't even know how I'll feel if I'll be known as Empress.."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: It'll be an adjustment to get used to.... Getting a second throne shouldn't be a problem... But, once you get adjusted to it... I think you'll be great...
Ren: Plus, I'm sure it'd be better than just being known as the Emperor's wife.... I mean don't get me wrong.. The title sounds like it'd be an honor... But, it's crazy when you know that you're more than just a wife...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "Yeah, I guess you're right.."
Najenda gently pat Kairi's back, "To avoid overwhelming yourself, don't think too much about it right now in this sense... You can think about all that afterwards. For now, simply look at it as marrying the one you love..."
As Najenda said that, Kairi looked to Katsuki but it only made her blush more. Kairi covered her face with her hands, "Ahhh, all this talk makes it seems like he's already proposed to me.."
Najenda chuckled, "Nothing's wrong with that.. He may not have proposed to you, but it's already known that he has his heart set on doing it one day."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [For what it is, he may as well be.] Heh, the time will come... For now, just don't rush...
Katsuki: Point made.... Ren.... What about you? I know you've got to have some plans of your own...
Ren: Me? I can't say I exactly do....
Katsuki: Whaat? All this talk and you don't even have someone in mind? Besides, I'm sure your time is different now.. So, you've got a little more free rein to do however you wish...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi uncovered her face, "Huh? I'm pretty sure you've said yourself that you've seen your fair share of couples.. Why not try settling in one yourself now that everything's over?" Kairi looked to Najenda, "Don't think this doesn't include you either."
Najenda sweatdropped, "I'm not all too sure about that..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Najenda with someone.... I never imagined her type.... Perhaps.......
Ren: Katsu, what's going through that head of yours?
Katsuki: .......... What if it was staring you in the face?
Ren: What do you-
Katsuki: Come on Ren..... You're both extremely smart.... You two were pretty much legends on your fronts....
Ren: Hang on Katsu, I'm far from being a legend on my front.... I had a plan set for years but that was it...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi smirked, "Hmm, you deny that but you aren't necessarily denying what Katsu's truly implying here..... Najenda?"
Najenda starting to catch on, she slightly blushed, "I would say we are quite similar in some ways... Let's just say... I'm not completely against, but I'd have to give it some thought.."
Kairi pouted, "Aw, c'monn... You two should at least give it one chance... And if it doesn't work, Katsu and I will leave you two alone about it!"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah, I won't say anything more of it....
Ren: ....... Just allow some time for this alright? Like I said, shouldn't rush....
Katsuki: Hmm.... I mean you're right...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi clapped her hands together, "You two can take all the time in the world. As long as you can say you gave it chance..."
Najenda shook her head, "I don't know what sparked this sudden interest in you two..."
Kairi shrugged, "Well, everything is a lot calmer now.. So, why not spice things up for you two?"
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hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mhm.... Not to mention you both deserve it... I mean seriously, you've been by my side... I want to allow you a chance at that side of life.
Ren: Well, I've gotta say.. I really do appreciate the sentiment in that.. *A blush then formed on his face* It's just so unexpected..
Katsuki: That's a blush... Not to mention on you? As we've said, take your time... But I'd say it's at least worth a shot....
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"No worries, we'll take our time." Najenda smiled, "Unexpected, but honestly I think it'll be nice..."
Kairi started to daydream a bit, "If it goes well, what if... What if we arranged a nice special dinner for you two, but I get to be the chef... I'd gladly make a full course meal!"
Najenda pat Kairi head, "I can't tell if you would be more excited for the dinner itself or the cooking... Not to mention, you're thinking pretty quickly after we just said to take our time..."
Kairi sighed, "Ahh, I guess you're right..." Kairi then excitedly went up to Katsuki, holding his hands in hers and her eyes sparkling, "If I can't do it for them, at least for now.. Would I be able to do it for us??"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I have no objections.... Not to mention, I can see you're in a very passionate mood to do this... Well, I guess I've been waiting for another excuse to try your amazing cooking anyway... It all works out this way...
Ren: [Truth be told, I've never tried her cooking.... Though, I'll save that for another day... I'll let them have their time...]
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled brightly, "Great! I can even make sure there's a little extra to give everyone a chance to try when they'd like... Heh, maybe this can even give me an excuse to wear that dress that we got together.."
"You two went shopping together?" Najenda asked.
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah, though it was a while ago.... It was quite the fun experience... I tried to get cloaks and Kairi told me, "It's not much of a wardrobe change if we just look for cloaks." Hehe, I definitely tried.. But, regardless of that... We had our fun.. That's when our relationship was first starting to reach its new level. .
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"Mhmm... It was the same day I realized my feelings for him...." Kairi scratched the back of her head, "That store was where our first kiss was too.."
Najenda chuckled, "In the clothing store? I guess that mission I made you two take together really brought you closer together then, huh? Although that was my intention, I didn't expect you to get this close..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Any mission we had together was an opportunity to get closer... But that night.... Once I really got the answer... Having that answer was probably one of the best feelings...
Ren: Seriously, you're both adorable....
Katsuki: Honestly, the fact that you've gotten so far in your relationship with no familial advice... I'm amazed...
Katsuki: That's just what happens when you do what feels natural at all times...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "It could've helped me, especially around the beginning.. But, I'm glad things turned up the way it did..." She then looked back to Katsuki, "Now, if you've been waiting for an excuse to eat my food, when would you like to have the special dinner of ours then?"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: We could do it tonight.... It's been a while since I've had your cooking... Besides, that feast from before... I doubt it would have anything on your cooking Kairi...
Ren: I'd usually wonder if your tastes are in the right place... However, I do believe it... Sometimes one good hand is better than too many hands...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
Najenda agreed, "Trust me, the moment you get to try, you'll be completely understand where Katsuki is coming from. I don't say it often, but Kairi's cooking truly is amazing... And I'm sure everyone else would agree."
Kairi smiled, "Hehe, why thank you..." She looked at the time, "I can usually work pretty quickly, but for something like this I definitely want to take my precious time... I want to make sure it's all perfect.. Maybe I could even start now..." Already forgetting about the others, Kairi was starting to walk out the throne room, heading over to the kitchen.
Najenda sweatdropped, "It's like the moment the idea's in her head, you just can't separate her from it, huh? She has so much time and she's already starting now..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I can't fault her for it.... I guess I'm not all that different... Once we set our mind to an objective, there's nothing stopping us from carrying it out..
Ren: That's a good mindset to have, as long as you're still focusing your mind on the right things of course...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"I couldn't agree more..." Najenda said. "At least it gives you time to prepare, maybe more time than you need... Think you have anything prepared to wear for tonight?"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah... Kairi wasn't the only one that walked away with something... I won't tell what it is though...
Ren: You must have a hell of an outfit.... I don't doubt it....
Katsuki: Mhm.... And Kairi helped me to pick it out...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"Oh? With you two going all out together, there's no doubt you guys would look great." Najenda said. "Heh, I'll try my best not to interrupt your night together then. You two deserve it..."
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* I appreciate it Najenda...
Ren: Meanwhile I'll be on my own little mission...
Katsuki: Right... Make sure you're not too reckless ya hear?
Ren: Heh, don't worry.. I won't be...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
"I'm positive nothing too hectic would happen. But still, make sure you return safely..." Najenda slightly smirked, "We wouldn't really be able to give us a chance if you're injured now, would we?"
hơn một năm qua TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Heh, you're right about that... I'll return safely... That I can promise...
Katsuki: When you do, you and I have some unfinished business?
Ren: Huh?
Katsuki: You and I.... We need to settle things...
Ren: I see.... Hm, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised... After all, I haven't gotten to see you fight firsthand... Cool, then I'll do this without a hitch.
*Later that night, Ren headed off to begin keeping an eye on Isla. Katsuki had gotten in his new formal outfit he'd gotten with Kairi*
Katsuki: With control of Aoi Hono, I won't have to worry...
hơn một năm qua LillyBlack said…
By this point, Kairi finished cooking everything up for the dinner and had everything set up. She got herself ready and wore the high slit dress she bought with Katsuki, along with some heels as well. She went to find Katsuki in whatever room he was in, gently opening the door. Nothing has happened yet she could already feel her cheeks getting hot, "Katsu?"
(We can do Ren and Isla's thing afterwards, if that's oki with you ofc!)