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quyền của động vật Câu Hỏi

What do bạn think of động vật being put down?

I mean, động vật are put down all the time for various reasons. Being a potential danger to people, being a nuisance, being really old, injured hoặc really can be a long list. But for humans, bạn can kill others and still only get life imprisonment, bothersome humans are only scolded, fined hoặc put in jail for a while, and even if a human is on the verge of death and practically begging for someone to let him/her die they are kept alive until they die naturally. What is this?!?!?!?
 Okuni posted hơn một năm qua
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quyền của động vật Các Câu Trả Lời

AerinDeer28 said:
That is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like seeing động vật die> D8 LIKE LOOK AT THIS D8
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 That is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like seeing động vật die> D8 LIKE LOOK AT THIS D8
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ErnieHannah333 said:
Putting động vật down, like when they get old, is okay because it's better for them not to suffer.
For other reasons, like being a potential danger hoặc being bad hoặc something isn't good.
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Angelica_AW said:
There's a difference between putting an animal down for potential danger to people hoặc being a nuisance and putting an animal down for being old, sick and/or injured.
For the first two, if it's a pet (like a cat hoặc dog) then the animal should just get help, as in getting training. With wild animals, it's a little harder to train them to stay away from humans, but not impossible.
As for the last three, it's a bit trickier. Is the animal just old, but in good health other wise?? Then it should be allow to live. Is it old and so sick there's no way it'll get better? Then it should be put down.
Keeping an animal alive even when it's sick, hurt, etc. is just as cruel as hitting/hurting an animal.
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maia01 said:
Your câu hỏi brings to light, yet again, the fact that human beings are the cruellest species on Earth.
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glelsey said:
I think động vật should only be put down as a last resort - as in, if they are terminally ill and/or suffering badly.

Euthanasia should be to benefit the animal being put down; it's their life. It's shouldn't be done for others (e.g. an animal shouldn't be killed just because a human can't be bothered to look after them anymore) because that's just selfish.

Sometimes, putting an animal down is the kindest thing bạn can do if they are going to die soon anyway. There's no point in prolonging their suffering. Apparently it is legal for humans to be put to sleep when terminally ill too in some countries? Though not where I'm from.

A lot of animal shelters are guilty of putting động vật to sleep because they get tired of trying to find a new trang chủ for them, hoặc jump to the conclusion that the animal can't be helped (even if the animal is healthy). To me, this comes across as pro-suicide. They have the animal killed because they couldn't help them as fast as they'd have liked to. They gave up.

So I guess that's my take on động vật being put down. Only ever do it to help the one who's life is being taken away; don't do it to help yourself.
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-SilverFey- said:
Only if they're definitely going to die anyway and are suffering and in pain is it acceptable.
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jandGod said:

( :

hi / hello Okumi . . . . .

i think that to God all beings are equally special . . . . .

not all the same

động vật can't tell bạn what they think they may like people to do about people murdering động vật and they are possibly not meant to

maybe praying to God to help guide people could / may help

i am not going to buy a pet . . . . .

buying a pet = that pet could / may get chipped against my will

buying a pet could / may equal that pet may get murdered against my will

i don't agree with chipping pets hoặc murdering pets

also . . . . . i don't agree with chipping people hoặc murdering people

i am not going to get married because a baby may / might get born / Created and that baby could / may get chipped hoặc murdered

law courts may help

a miracle on 34th đường phố, street might help

a miracle on 34th đường phố, street = that good and God Won

not that bad of a flick

in God they . . . . . the americans . . . . . trust

hope bạn have a happy monday / munday

( :

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