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westdot đã đưa ý kiến về Joe Walsh
Joe has become a man that, I don't want to sound wish/washy but issues with drugs and alcohol are a constant reminder to me that I have a problem. thêm than a problem, a issue that will kill me if I don't stop. Joe đã đưa ý kiến alcohol, rượu vodka, vodka to be sure was his down fall. same here Joe, I can lay off the drugs for a time, but rượu vodka, vodka is a thorn that has a hold on me. I am 57 years old married with 2 children, 5 grand kids.I still work, come home, drink and back to work. I need intervention, bởi Joe Walsh đã đăng hơn một năm qua
westdot đã đưa ý kiến về Jennifer tình yêu Hewitt
JLH is so hot!! much hotter than want~ to be~ hot......Lady Ga ~GA....Katy Perry was considered hot until she come out~~~~~, as a Hillary Clinton supporter....that took her sexy down, way down. Jennifer has always been beautiful to me. Every now and then my wife will give me trouble when I see JLH on TV and bình luận on how hot she is. Was before~~~~~Hot now that she is a mother~~~~~She will only get hotter and thêm sexy in the years to come. TW đã đăng hơn một năm qua