WINX CLUB OCS Glamix Roleplay: Future!

CyD12 posted on Apr 03, 2011 at 12:48AM you should know Nadia, Farids and Gwens daughter, came from the future to the past...but, when she got back to the future Mina went too! trapping her in the future!!

Our mission is to find Mina! we are many years later! everyones daughters and sons are about 16,17,18,19...=) oh and all Glamix are dead except Juliet ;)


WINX CLUB OCS 322 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: (they all arrive there) ough! time-travel makes me dizzy!
Black Prince: at least it worked...look around! we are obviously on the future!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: (looks around) where are we?
Dustfinger: in the future
Terra: well duh! I mean the place...It looks like, Magix in the future!
hơn một năm qua TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: Well, we should look for Mina!
Meggie: you think we will find out daughters and sons here? I would like to know who I will marry at the end, since Farid goes with Gwen...
Juliet: probably, not sure if they are going to be here anyways

(Playing for Ash cause she doesnt have internet)
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: Im sure they are...I mean, our children most be about our age now...
Girl: (walks there and frowns at Dustfinger) Derek!! what are you doing here?!?
Dustfinger: talking to me?
Girl: dont act like a fool! lets go Derek!!! Nadia said she knows the strange girl...
Dustfinger: look my name is not Derek! and I have no idea who are you...
Girl: you are not? oh my, Im sorry you just look exactly like my brother...Im sorry, my name is Isabella. whats yours?
Dustfinger: Dustfinger...did you mentioned Nadia and a strange girl?
Isabella: yeah, a friend of mine found a strange goth girl and Nadia seems to know her (thinks: Dustfinger? my father had that name...)
2 girls: (get there running) IZZY!!
Isabella: (turns around) oh hey Monique, hey Lauren
Monique: what you doing? Derek is already with the guys...
Lauren: you are the only one left!
Isabella: Im distracted...
Monique: well, lets go!! The strange girl wont talk yet...
Terra: excuse me! uummm my name is Terra and I would like to know about this strange girl you are talking about...
Isabella: (thinks: Terra was the name of my mother!!)
Lauren: She came yesterday and was completely lost! A friend of ours found her and took her to Alfea...
Monique: we dont know anything about her, but we are going to ask her everything today!
Terra: (Tel mes to everyone: am I the only one who thinks Isabella looks like me? and that Monique and Lauren have something like Mina?) well... I think we know this strange girl...could you please take us to her? we may be able to help you!
Lauren: ask our leader! (points at Isabella)
Isabella: sure, follow us
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
here is Isabella. Terras and Dustfingers daughter! and she is 19 years old ") She has a twin brother named Derek (yep! Terra had twins!!)
last edited hơn một năm qua
 here is Isabella. Terras and Dustfingers daughter! and she is 19 years old ") She has a twin brother
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
here are Monique and Lauren! Minas daughters (you will find the father later) Monique is 18 and Lauren is 16. Monique is the one with black hair and Lauren the one with red hair.
 here are Monique and Lauren! Minas daughters (you will find the father later) Monique is 18 and Laure
hơn một năm qua TDWC_lover said…
(love them Nadia!!)


Girl: who are they?
Monique: some people we just met...
Lauren: they seem to know who the strange girl is!
Girl 2: (raises an eyebrow at everyone) they look...familiar
Juliet: (tel mes back: noup, defenitly Isabella is like Terra and Monique and Lauren are like Mina)
Meggie: (back: uumm...and look at the other 2 girls...)
Isabella: I just know 2 of your names...what are the names of the rest?
Meggie: I am Meggie! and they are Ginta, Juliet, Cindy, Hula, Hornet Black Prince and Farid...
Girl: nice to meet you, Im Raquel. funny thing, my mothers name was Meggie
Girl 2: and Im Gia...and my parents name are Juliet and Black Prince...
Monique: whatever! where is the strange girl?
Raquel: with Nadia, the guys and everyone else...
Juliet: (tel mes: everyone...I think we just found our daughters!)
Meggie: (back: not only daughters..I think our sons are here too)
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
here is Gia, Juliet´s and Black Prince´s daughter! She is 17 and has an older brother named Zeth! (Info gotten by Mel)

(I put her black hair because of Black Prince!! "D)
 here is Gia, Juliet´s and Black Prince´s daughter! She is 17 and has an older brother named Zeth! (
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
here is Raquel! Meggies daughter! (the father is unknown) she is 17 too! She has no brothers or sisters to her knowledge...(Info gotten by Ash)
last edited hơn một năm qua
 here is Raquel! Meggies daughter! (the father is unknown) she is 17 too! She has no brothers hoặc siste
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
(Ginta, you can add your characters daughters pics and the sons too if you have "D)
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy;wow future alfea looks awesome!
Hula;you sed it girl!
Girl;your names sound like some super girls....and you look like them!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Girl:okey it will sound totaly funny but Are you The Glamix girls?
Cindy:you got us!
Hula:hell we are!*smiles*
Girl 2:but they are Dead!!! Moon don't by funny!
Hula: Let my guess I am your mom I mean Hula is your mom!
Girl: um...meyube?I am Moon BlueTear!
HulA:yes you are my dother!*giggleS*
Ginta:um..Guess you are mine!
Girk 2:BlueBerry here!Call my BErry!*smiles*
Cindy:*doesen't care*
Girl 3:hey mom!
Cindy:piss off!
Girl 3:*crys a bit*Spirit of moon!*disapears*
Berry:oh great Moon is lost in her head agen!
last edited hơn một năm qua
 Girl:okey it will sound totaly funny but Are bạn The Glamix girls? Cindy:you got us! Ginta:kinda! Hul
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Isabella: said your names were Dustfinger and Terra?
Terra: yep, thats us!
Isabella: OMG! you are my...parents!
Dustfinger: should of have guessed it since you are totally alike Terra...and you confused me with your brother...
Isabella: OMG! you have to meet Derek! he is my twin brother!
Terra: wait, Twin? OMG! Dustfinger, we are going to have twins!
Dustfinger: yeah, thats great
Isabella: follow me! Derek should be somewhere around here...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Ginta:(to all Present ppl:guys!We TGG are Dead But the Boys Should by Alive shoulden't they?!)
Hula:(back:yeah!She's right!We must by carefull!)
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: (back: lets hope they are not here)
Voice: who are you all?!?! gosh, let me go!!!
Terra: that sounds like....Mina!!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Ginta:*turns around*Mina!*hugs her*
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Ginta:*turns around*Mina!*hugs her*
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Mina: Girls! (hugs them) cant believe you came!!
Terra: we couldnt leave you here all alone!
Monique: so you do know her...
Lauren: did you said her name was, Mina?
Terra: yep...oh right! Mina, meet Monique and Lauren your daughters!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Ginta:hey Cindy!What's why the Sad Face?
Cindy:nothing!*about to walk away*
Mint:*grabs Cindy whit Red+Black Mana*Gintare is My Step-mother! You see you deied first and ginta toocked care of my so I gain her powers!
Ginta:*toches the mana and it disapears*
Moon:we all have mixed powers!You see When you started to dei alive ones tocked care of us!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: and...who took care of who?
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Berry:well We gonan Tell you who deied how!I mean witch one the number!so Terra,Cindy,Meggie,Hornet,Mina,Ginta,Hula and There Leave Juliet!But she is...
Mint:werry sick...
Moon:and there is no Cure...
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
(I dont think Mel or Ash will get online any soon so we can play as them ;))

Juliet: so...Im about to die?!?
Gia: yep...I have been trying to find a poison but none has worked so far...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy:so mint you have Gintas powers?!
Mint:yes mom!Isin't it cool?
Cindy:NO!It's not!you should not use your Power steling power!!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: chill Cindy, dont be so harsh with your daughter...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy:why Shouldin't I?She will Grow Weak if She will have A Great Life!
Mint:mom Pleaz!
Moon:*giggles*Chill Cyd!cage of Spirits!*makes a barrier Around Cindy making her Relax and calm down*
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
(Im tired of writting `Isabella´ is such a long I will write `Izzy´ insted...hehe)

Izzy: Mint always had a hard life with her mother...
Terra: what about you?
Izzy: it was great while it died when Derek and I were 10 years old...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Ginta:So girls what powers do you have?
Mint:Mana,hell and Heaven!
Moon:spirints,tears and Water here!
Berry:um..none!*giggles*I am not a fairy!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Izzy: Rocks, fire and fantasy.
Gia: Just poison...
Monique: Fire, night-mare and poison
Raquel: Silvertongue, Fantasy and water
Lauren: Fire, white woman and poison...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Hula:AwESOME!!!!!!!!!!But Berry if you aren't a fairy why are you in Alfea?
Berry:well Ginta is my mom so I get to by the Teacher too!But my and Izzzy Changed Subject!she is Power Teacher and I am atlecthics!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: power teacher, huh?
Izzy: (smiles) yeah...its pretty cool
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Mint:so Berry wudin't By Powerless we gived her a bit of ours!Now Berry can see Visions!
Berry:like right now!*her eyes glow Blue and after some secs she fals down*
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: is she going to be alright?
Izzy: yeah! just give her a few minutes and she will wake up...but she will bring bad news...
Mina: how do you know?
Monique: her eyes shone Blue...that means she will see a vision of something bad...
Lauren: when her eyes shine red it means she will see something good!
Raquel: I wonder what bad news she will bring today...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Berry:*wakes up*we must go girls!*gives them a strange look*
Moon:we have to go!*all Kids run off*
Ginta:what just heppend?
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: I have no idea...something bad I guess
Mina: should we follow them?
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Future DF:um..sorry do I know you?
Cindy:*makes the Present Boys invisible and gets free from Moons Cage*
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: OMG! is Dustfinger from the future...totally forgot how he looked older...
Future DF: wait, what?
Mina: you do know us...we are the Glamix from the past!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
FDF:yeah...and I am the king of terraklion!
Ginta:dude we now that!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: oh so my father finally accept!
FDF: yeah...anyways, what are you doing here?
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy:mina got lost!now we go back to out time ppl!
Hula:what about our Kids?!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: cant we just stay here for a little while?
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Mina: I would like to stay!
Meggie: same here!
Juliet: guess I could stay too
Terra: we won! we are staying!!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy:well I am going home!I hate this placE!
Hula:oh shut it Cindy!*toches her and makes her faint*
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Cindy:well I am going home!I hate this placE!
Hula:oh shut it Cindy!*toches her and makes her faint*
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Juliet: nice way to make her shut up...
Meggie: I wonder whats wrong with her...she is all grumpy today..
Terra: yeah...
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Hula:lets go find the girls!I wonder where they run!
FDF:(thinks:oh no!I must stop them!)
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Hula:lets go find the girls!I wonder where they run!
FDF:(thinks:oh no!I must stop them!)
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
FDF: wait! dont go!
Terra: why not?
FDF: uummm....Farid and Black Prince are here too! you should see them!
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Hula:I can't gets to his mind girls!
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Terra: he is blocking it?
Mina:(raises an eyebrow at FDF) you are hididng something...SPEAK!