Seri chạng vạng Tatoo of edwards name?

edwardsWifey posted on May 15, 2008 at 06:13PM
should i get one on my back that has his full name in old english
or one on the inside of my wrist with just edward?

Seri chạng vạng 15 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua cowgirlfromhell said…
Tattoos on wrists are cool and that way you can see it better instead of turning around and looking in a mirror.
hơn một năm qua shortynme said…
Ummm. . . personally I don't think you should get either. For me personally tattoos should be very meaningful and important. And although Edward is fabulous he's not real. That's just me though. Other than that, I think the small one on the wrist is the better of the two. That way it doesn't seem like he's the most important thing in the world to you. Save some room on your body for your kids names and such lol. Best of luck! Tattoos hurt! lol. . . but I'm kind of a baby lol.
hơn một năm qua sparkly_edward said…
Not to offend anyone. Im just speaking my personal opinion. Tatoos are a stupid way to express yourself and I dont think youll find a guy when youve got "edward" on ur back or wrist.
hơn một năm qua jupiterfaerie said…
I have 6 tattoos and agree with sparkly. Names are never a good idea ... a symbolic representation may be nice ... like fangs, sparkles, a volvo, or a mountain lion.
hơn một năm qua sparkly_edward said…
i hope i didnt offend anyone. It was just my personal opinion. Everyone has different beliefs.
hơn một năm qua kctjohnson said…
I definitely don't think you should get a tattoo of Edward's name anywhere on your body. One day you'll regret it when your boyfriend or husband finds it - I guarantee you he will hate it. Then you'd be forced to remove the tattoo which, I hear, is a helluva lot more painful than putting the thing on in the first place. Then there's when you grow old one day. The "Edward Cullen" would look all wrinkly.... I really don't think you should do it, but that's just my opinion.
hơn một năm qua sparkly_edward said…
AMEN, kctjohnson!!!!! (no offense) I have the wierdest feeling i have to be careful and put no offense when speaking of these kind of issues.

Remember, Once it goes on it wont cum off. Unless you want them to cut it out of you.
hơn một năm qua kctjohnson said…
sparkly_edward - I know what you mean! I try to not sound like I'm just talking out of my rear without an explanation. I figured that as long as I say that it is purely my opinion and I back up what I have to say (and as long as I don't degrade anyone or use meaningless swear words), it should be okay to express one's own opinion. ;)
hơn một năm qua zuntiz said…
I agree with those above, what if you'll regret it when you get older, and names aren't a good thing to tatoo, but that's just my opinion :)
hơn một năm qua cheergeek said…
umm.. if you ask me, Edward's not real, so just don't get a tatoo
hơn một năm qua ceo07 said…
agree with cheergeek
hơn một năm qua emma-jeff said…
I don't think it's a good idea either (sorry). There are other ways to show your love for him than having his name permanently scrawled on your body- just think, I don't think Edward would want Bella to do it.
hơn một năm qua luvrofedward said…
uh getting a tattoo is a bit too extreme for me..sory. Edwards a fictional character. he may be realish sounding, but getting a tattoo is NOT WORTH IT.
hơn một năm qua korie101688 said…
I am pretty sure even if I were to want a tattoo of Edward's name, which I wouldn't because he is fictional... My tattoo artist would refuse to do that one for me. He doesn't like to do names in the first place and a fictional name is really pushing it for him...
hơn một năm qua Lost_Ninja said…
Sorry to pop your bubble but I don't think you should get the tattoo at all because. Firstly Edward is not real and if he was he would be in love with Bella. Secondly that would be wierd for a boyfriend or husband. Imagine if your next boyfriend or your future husband had Bella or Isabella Marie Swan tattooed on them would you really be okay with that? Thirdly tattoos are permanent it costs more to get them off then the tatoo was worth in the first place. Finally, if you get it and your not a vampire so you would get old your skin starts to hang imagine what it would look like. What are you to say when your grand kids ask you what it says. Hon. it might sound cool now but think in the long hall. You know that little voice in your head thats saying "It's not worth it YOUR NAME HERE!" that's common sense you can think of it as Edward if you like. Bottom line DON'T DO IT. Or you can your choose:P