Twilight Saga phim chiếu rạp Club
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added by Sara92
added by robstenlovegame
added by hayleyeatworld
added by hayleyeatworld
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Tina_CRO
added by Evka26-vampire
added by ismit
Source: me
added by BeccaBooty1990
added by BeccaBooty1990
added by Evka26-vampire
added by BeccaBooty1990
posted by fiestagirl12345
Saphire's P.O.V

I was waiting for the Voltury to come to come make the attack to come hurt Renesma. i would never let them it was quiet when i got the vision she was nearby and i heard her thoughts. "SHE'S COMING" i yelled we got ready i was infront i was ready the ma cà rồng the Người sói were to i could hearthe nasty thoughts i was half vampire half werewolf my dad was a werwolf my mom was a vampire. i was waiting to transform into the werwolf nobody knew yet. Renesma was behind everybody she she still wasn't a vampire not yet.. when...
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