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Looking up from my ghế bành in the small stone cottage that I shared with Jake, my tim, trái tim skipped a beat. It was over; all of the mess that had been my life for the last năm was over. Any trace of hell had been washed from my life leaving me with the radiance that could only be heaven. I had survived countless attacks, torture, an unknown pregnancy and unbearable stress, but just like mum I came out of it unscathed and shining. Jake was standing bởi my chair one hand on my shoulder the other lightly stroking Aimee’s hair from where it lay, nuzzled into the crook of my arm. Mum and dad were standing tiếp theo to him, followed bởi the rest of my vampire family then the whole pack and their wives, Zafrina and the rest of our friend who had fought for me when I was so young, and finally the Denali’s. Everyone was here; it was a miracle they all fitted into our living room. They were all as amazed bởi Aimee as we- Jake and I- were, she was a true individual. And, although no one –not even Carlisle- could predict what she was going to become but we all knew that she would be immortal and amazing- no one ever mentioned the alternative. She was a true unique her skin felt marble and cool to the touch but any thermometer would tell bạn that her temperature was 109°c. Her hair was the exact same colour as mine and dads, but straight like Jakes. To look at her took your breath away, she had the pure vampire excellence but everything about her radiated her shape shifting heritage, and she smelled of the forest musk that I loved so much about Jacob. She had mums eyes, a deep Sô cô la brown that matched my own and her smile held bạn captive, unable to look away from it. Alike me she seemed to be very advanced and Carlisle predicted that she would be fully grown within seven years. I sighed a contented sigh as I looked around the full to bursting room and then at Jake, who smiled back down at me, and cupped my cheek in his huge tanned hand.
It was Alice who broke my chain of thoughts, “She is so beautiful, she is going to be an amazing person.”
“I know.”

Alice smiled and looked up at Jasper with anticipation in her eyes. He stared at her blankly for a few giây until she nudged him playfully in the ribs. Then a small smile accentuated his eyes and he pulled out a small box from the back of his stylish chinos- probably Alice’s choice- handing it to Jake, who opened it with a quizzical look in his eye. As the black velvet lid flicked back, a slow smile stretched across Jacobs russet face. I had an idea what the box contained, but I had no idea how Jake would take it.
“What is it, honey?”
“It’s a crest, a Cullen crest.” I could hear in his voice that he was confused.
Jasper must have sensed Jakes confusion, and stepped in to explain. “We’ve been wanting to give bạn this for a long time, and we think that it’s the perfect time to give it to you. It’s from all of us. bạn already know that bạn are already part of our family, and I am sure we are part of yours, but we just wanted to make it...official.”
“Thanks, really.” He whispered as he slipped the cuff on to his wrist. It looked good on him, his russet skin illuminating it. I could tell that his thank was genuine and relaxed instantly. We were all mesmerised bởi the sheer beauty for a moment, and my thoughts slipped back to Aimee. hoặc at least they did for a một phút until Seth- naturally- broke the perfect silence.
“There’s something else to. It’s from the whole pack and the Cullen’s. It’s for Aimee, when she’s older.” He handed me a heavy packaged, wrapped in non-descript brown paper and tied up with a plain length of string. Alice couldn’t have wrapped this; it must have been Seth’s doing. I took the package this time, and Jake lifted Aimee out of my arms, scooping her adoringly into his. Slowly my fingered prised open the package, it was thick and heavy, it felt like a brick, but it was too big. As the paper fell away I instantly realised what I was holding, it was a book. The front cover was covered in russet coloured leather, it had the Cullen crest on the front, but it was slightly different to the plain lions and shamrocks that I was so accustomed to then it struck me. The background of the Cullen crest had been replaced bởi the pack’s symbol, which they all wore proudly on their right arms. My fingers suddenly tingled with anticipation and I flicked the book open. I could feel Jake peering over my shoulder, as eager as I was to know what the huge book contained. As the lid of the book flipped over, and confusion rippled my face, the page was blank. I flicked through the book and every single page was blank. All except one, the một giây page has missed my glance and now as I studied it, I noticed a beautiful picture of Aimee, Jake and I in the centre of the page. I could not recall this bức ảnh being taken and I presumed Alice had done it while I was not looking. Jake and I were standing on the balcony that looked out over the river with Aimee cradled in his arms. We were both looking down at her, and the last drops of sunlight from the ngày made my skin sheen. It was a beautiful snapshot, a memory to preserve. Around the bức ảnh there were drawings, drawn in pencil so faintly bạn could hardly see them. There were sketches of our wedding, and me being pregnant, and Jake as a wolf, and me as a child on Jakes huge shoulders- I loved it up there.

I only realised now that everyone had been chatting among themselves whilst Jake and I studied the book, and now they resumed the silence, whilst Carlisle began to explain the meaning behind the gift.
“It’s a diary, if bạn like; a journal to write down the details of Aimee’s life. From my measurements she should grow up at the same rate as you, we thought that, although bạn will remember every detail of it anyway, it would be nice to have it down in writing.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful, we will treasure it always.” I stood up quickly and took Carlisle tenderly in my arms, my Grandfather who would never age. I went round the room and gave every member of my over extended family a hug. Then mum, who found it impossible to outstay her welcome, suggested to dad that they should leave, and retire to their own cottage. Within a couple of minutes, everyone had departed with hugs, kisses and promises of seeing each other tomorrow- all of my extended family were either staying at the Cullen’s hoặc mum and dads, and the Người sói had their own houses not far from ours.
When the room was finally empty, a hollow silence filled my ears, it wasn’t and unpleasant sensation, just different after all of the noise that had been my life for the last year. I stood in the centre of the room and soaked it up, the light airiness, the setting sun that streaked through the window and finally the silence, the beloved silence. Mum đã đưa ý kiến I gained my tình yêu for it from Grandpa Charlie.
Jakes voice made me jump slightly as he slipped back into the room, unnoticed bởi me.
“So Mrs Black, Aimee is asleep, I just put her down, would bạn like to come and lie with me? I think we both deserve a rest.” Jake didn’t wait for a reply; he scooped me up into his muscled arms and carried me of to our bedroom.
As my head hit the pillow, I rolled over so that my torso was resting against Jake, who was leaning against the many pillows covering the headboard.
“I tình yêu bạn Jacob Black. bạn know that don’t you?”
He chuckled, his chest vibrating, “Of course. And bạn know that I tình yêu you...more.” I could only just make out the last few words of his sentence as he was now covering my neck and face with hundreds of kisses, his lips pressing in to my skin. I responded immediately, and pulled myself up over his lap. Our lips interlocked, and like always, that wasn’t enough...nuclear bombs. It was a strange comparison, but the strength of our tình yêu matched it pretty well. As my hands slipped down his chest Jacob surprised me bởi catching my hand. He must have caught my puzzled expression because he quickly explained his actions,
“Ness, it’s not that I don’t want to, because trust me there’s nothing I want more. But there is something we need to do first.” He quickly slid of the bed, and walked out of the room. He was back quickly with Aimee’s book and a pen.

“We should write something, a letter.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” Jake murmured as he flicked to the page opposite the photo. And that’s what we did, together, me curled up in Jakes lap, we wrote a letter to our beautiful little Aimee.

Darling Aimee,
When a new life is brought into the world it is a magical thing. People rejoice the miracle of new life and wonder at the beauty of it. You, our dearest Aimee were even thêm special than that. bạn see, when bạn came in to the world, no one knew what was going to happen, if your birth would kill me, if bạn would survive, and most importantly if bạn were even safe- to yourself and others. The story is a strange one but beautiful all the same, we hope bạn will treasure it always.
It all began from one very small decision, made bởi Isabella Swan. She was a seventeen năm old girl, who thought that the only thing she would achieve in life is đọc Wuthering Heights thêm than anyone else in the world. bạn see, she decided to leave her mother, and her new husband Phil, to go and live with her father. So Isabella -or Bella as she liked to be called- left sunny Phoenix to go and live in the tiny town of Forks. And it was in the tiny and đám mây covered town of Forks that Bella met Edward Cullen. Bella was instantly captivated bởi his beauty. But she did not know the dangers that lay beneath the majestic creature. However he did and he did everything in his power to stay away from her, but after a long time of fighting both of their desires he gave in and Edward and Bella fell in love. After many ups and downs and a long war between the ma cà rồng and Quileute’s, Edward and Bella finally married. Whilst the couple were honeymooning, Bella fell pregnant with a vampire and human child. When Edward found out he wanted rid of the child fearing what it would do to his beloved Bella, but she would hear of nothing like it. Bella, with the help of one of Edwards’s sisters, managed to keep her baby in her womb. But the baby made Bella fall very ill, the vampire child was growing at an alarming rate and was draining the life from Bella. After only a tháng hoặc so of pregnancy the vampire baby called Renesmee was fully grown and Bella went into labour. After the baby had been delivered Edward injected venom into Bella’s tim, trái tim and changed her into a vampire. Of course the baby was fine and Bella and Edward names her Renesmee after Bella’s mother and Edwards adopted on, Renee and Esme. They both loved baby Renesmee thêm than their own lives.
Do bạn remember the Quileute’s that we mentioned earlier, well one chó sói, sói from this pack is very important in this story. His name is Jacob Black, your father. When Renesmee was only a few phút old Jacob looked into her shining eyes and instantly his world revolved around her. Some would describe it simply as ‘love at first sight’ but it’s thêm than that. Jacob Black imprinted on Renesmee Cullen, he didn’t tình yêu the child in the way that he wanted to marry her- not yet any way. Jacob Black simply wanted everything beautiful that the world could offer Nessie. So after some confusion and a fight with the rather disagreeable Volturi clan everything turned out fine for Nessie and Jake. She would be fully grown in seven years but that wouldn’t matter because she would then stay immortal forever.

But our dearest Aimee, where do bạn come in to this? Well after six years Nessie started to feel differently about Jake, he stopped feeling like her best friend, and turned into her boyfriend, then husband. And eventually Jake and Nessie had a beautiful little girl- you. And bạn are the most precious and valued person in our lives, bạn must never forget that.
This story is a brief one, and there are a lot of things that need to be explained to you, but they will all come in time our dearest Aimee. So now all we have left to say is that we tình yêu bạn very, very much and so do the rest of your family, the Cullen’s, the Quileute’s, the Denali’s, Zafrina, Charlie, Benjamin, Tia and everyone else who has ever set eyes on you. Dearest little Aimee, the words that Jacob Black once đã đưa ý kiến to Renesmee Carlie Cullen deep in a forest were ‘Le Vrai Amour Tient La clef’. True tình yêu holds the key. And now Aimee bạn hold the key to our hearts.
Don’t bạn ever forget that,
tình yêu Mum and Dad

I didn’t realise that a silent tear was rolling down my cheeks until Jacob wiped it off.
“Why are bạn crying?”
“Because I’m so happy, it’s all true.” I whimpered in reply.
“I know.” And with that Jake lifted his huge hand up to my chin- tiny in comparison- and lifted it up to his face. As our lips interlocked we began where we left off.

The tiếp theo morning started the same as any other morning... get up, get dressed, Kiss Jake, flick the news on, Kiss Jake some more, go and see if Aimee’s awake. But that is where it all went wrong. Wrong is probably the wrong word to use, but right now it’s the only one that springs to mind.
When someone’s child is terminally ill, their parents grieve for them. They grieve for the life that their child will never live and that they will never get to see. But they also try to make the life that they do have as brilliant as possible. Taking all of the positive things that life will throw at bạn and giving it to them. No one can understand how painful losing a child is, and nothing, not ever can come close to it. bạn can’t give people the pain, and take it off your shoulders for a while; it’s there, with bạn all the time. Thinking that your child is going to die is incredibly painful too, and when mum told me how she felt when she first saw how quickly I aged I could only sympathise with her. I could never really feel the constant ticking off the clock, wondering that, in fifteen years time would your child have reached ninety and bạn still hadn’t aged past eighteen. But now I could, because when I walked into my darling Aimee’s nursery that morning, I saw a child that looked a tháng old, at least.
“JAKE, come quickly. It’s the baby, our baby!” my words came out a pain stricken gargle but Jake came running.

“Nessie, Nessie, what is it, what’s happened?” I crouched down, bởi Aimee’s cot my head sunk in my knees. “Look at her! She’s different… s-she looks OLD!” The last word of my sentence came out as a shriek, a cry, a gargle all in one. I was killing Jacob; I knew that as he stooped over to pick Aimee up out of the cot, that there would be a tear streaking each cheek. My pain was his, and I hated myself for doing this to him, but I couldn’t help it. Facts and figures accumulated bởi Carlisle could not dampen the ravaging ngọn lửa, chữa cháy that was my worry for my daughter.
Then his warm arms were around me, hugging me close, Aimee between us. I engulfed her in my arms, loving her so much I thought I was going to burst. We must have looked pretty comical then, me on Jakes lap bawling my eyes out, Jake trying to comfort me, me trying to comfort Aimee. I was a mess.
“Nessie, my Nessie. Don’t worry, please, please don’t worry. Its fine, everything’s going to be fine. Oh god, I’m so stupid! I shouldn’t have let bạn see Aimee like that, what if you’ve gone into shock. Oh I’m an idiot.”
I cut him off there, this was my fault not his. I was too exhausted to speak -despite the fact of just having woken up- so I placed my palm against his cheek and let my thoughts flow. I knew what he was saying made sense, well some of it, but what if Aimee wasn’t like me? I knew somewhere deep within me that she was, of course, but how could I not câu hỏi it, it was my daughter’s life for crying out loud. I had to be strong, trust Carlisle and trust Jacob and I knew that. They would never say something was going to be okay, if it wasn’t. I knew that much…didn’t I?
“Oh Nessie, it’s going to be fine. I remember when I first saw bạn and your super-fast growth. I was scared too, I was thêm than scared but bạn have to trust Carlisle. He knows what he’s doing.”
I nodded, and pulled myself together. I wasn’t a child any more- well not in that way- I was a mum, a mum to Aimee.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to panic you.” I pulled myself up of the floor. Jacob stood up with me, holding Aimee in one arm, the other around me.
“You don’t need to be sorry, it okay to be afraid. But look at her Renesmee, she’s still our Aimee.” Then I started to look at her, take her in all over again. As my eyes adjusted, I realised the changes were thêm subtle than I had previously thought. She was longer, but only bởi an inch hoặc so. Her face was slimmer but it still had that round baby shape to it. I suppose she looked about a tháng old, and I could still see the baby like innocence in her eyes. But somewhere under that, was there, could it be?
“You know, she can probably understand us, bạn could at this age.” Jake whispered. It was as if he could read my mind. I nodded, I suppose deep down I had been expecting this to.
“Hello little Aimee, this is me, your mummy. And this,” I moved my torso so her pretty eyes were looking at Jacob, “is Daddy. And we both tình yêu bạn very, very much.” The word that came from my
lips were perfectly true and suddenly, as if nothing had ever happened I reached one hand out and placed it against Jacobs cheek,
“Thank you,” I whispered. Then I gently placed my lips against his for one brief một giây before lifting Aimee out of his arms and taking Jake with one hand. As I led him down the hall into our tiny sitting room, I stopped bởi a large window in the middle of the corridor. I hadn’t really noticed it before; I had always been too busy with Jake hoặc Aimee. But now, as the sun rose over the forest that surrounded our cottage I stood there bởi the window, looking out as far as my eye could see. Jacob didn’t say anything, but put his arm around bởi shoulder and kissed my hair. Suddenly the light burst up from over the cây tops and Aimee was radiant in my arms, her skin had the same subtle glow as mine, she was magnificent.
Then it happened. I heard her; she was inside of my head. I couldn’t describe how that felt. It was magical, she wasn’t communicating through her words, but I could feel her emotions and see what she was thinking. It had to be her; nothing else could be so beautiful. I looked at her palm wondering if… could it be… no, neither of her tiny hands was touching my skin. Then Jake spoke,
“Nessie, bạn heard her too, didn’t you”
Jake had heard Aimee too? But he didn’t have vampire blood, but then again he could hear me… I couldn’t understand how both of us could hear our daughter in our heads; it was obvious that she had a talent… but what. Then it hit me, Jake could communicate mentally with his pack, people connected to him through the chó sói, sói bloodline, but only when in chó sói, sói form. I could communicate with anyone but I had to touch them, usually with my hand. She was similar to me, I had taken each of my parents ‘gifts’ and flipped them, she had taken one aspect of each. Our daughter had the most amazing talent of all, she could let anyone read her mind, and I had a pretty good hunch that she was going to be a shape shifter too.
“Yes,” I whispered. I wasn’t shocked, hoặc upset, hoặc confused. No, I was proud, because we had a daughter, the most beautiful daughter on the planet, inside and out.
And there we stood, the sun gleaming on us, Jacob and I staring at our Aimee, our foreheads touching. We dint need to speak, we both could understand her gift, and the conversation would come later, with the others. For now we just savoured the serenity.
“It’s all going to be fine. I know it, do bạn know how?” my voice was hardly a whisper but Jake replied straight away.
“Because I have my true loves, bạn and Aimee, and together we can do anything.”
And although we had a whole lifetime to look phía trước, chuyển tiếp to with Aimee, I suppose that’s where our happily ever after began.
PLEEEZ COMMENT!!!!! I use the các bình luận to decide if I'll do the tiếp theo one! pleez pleez comment! thnx

We started walking down the long alleyway. I'm sure Jane was taking us to the một giây entrance into the castle, for the civilians had seen enough already.
Bella was walking at my side, Alice on her other side. I was supporting most of Bella's weight. She looked fairly tired and worn out, and with as much as I've hurt her already, supporting her was the least I could do.
"So, Alice," I đã đưa ý kiến slowly. "I'm not too surprised to see bạn here,"
"I am at fault. It was my mistake, and I had to set it right."...
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posted by Styfalie
I did this one a little differently. Make sure to pay attention to the POV shifts.

Thank bạn again for your inspiring comments. bạn are all very beneficial to the nghề viết văn of this fanfic.


Chapter 8: Secrets
We hadn’t seen much if any of Alice for the last two weeks besides the ngẫu nhiên moments when she’d dash through the living room and up the stairs hoặc down the stairs and out the door. I was beginning to miss her. Everything was way too quiet without her little trills of excitement and sideways jokes toward Edward and the other...
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posted by bellamay
it was terrifying when i got the furst smell of her. the thoughts just could not be stopped the thought of loring her trapping her drinking her blood. Her smell was just so over powering it was so hard not to jump up and attic her drink her blood.
when class was over i just had to get out of there. when i got out of the class. after school i went to the office to get my scaggual changed she was there in the office the thoughts came back "never mind then" i đã đưa ý kiến "i can see that it is impassable then" i'll just suffer then.
When i was out side it was ezer to deal with the thoughts. on the why trang chủ to drop them off.after they were close to trang chủ i whet to carlile and touled him i was leving and i gone for days
posted by Styfalie

Chapter 1
I loped quickly, leaping over fallen trees, dodging boulders and other debris on the path. I had to see her, find out why she’d left, see if she was all right. I couldn’t believe what Billy had told me when I got home.

I’d pulled in to find Billy sitting on the porch, his expression blank. He was staring out into the forest like he was waiting for something to pop out and attack.

“What’s up Pops?” I asked teasingly, ducking under the overhang to get out of the rain. I followed his gaze narrowing my eyes curiously. “Dad?” I finally asked.

“Renesmee took off that...
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posted by bella01

i can't think straight.i don;t know what is happening to me,every time i think of how to escape,every time he is telling me that he tình yêu me,edward's face keep popping inside my head.every time i am thinking of not being with him i feel empty.i think i really like him,no,i tình yêu him.

"who is he"darius shouted.

i didn't realized that i spoke the last part of what i am thinking.

"i told bạn before i will never tình yêu you.i tình yêu someone else"i said

who is he?"he asked angrily

"is he one of your new family?"he asked

i did not answer.

"i will kill them all"he đã đưa ý kiến angrily

"i will not let bạn hurt any...
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posted by teamalice_0
So sorry I haven't been writting, my life has been soo hard latley. Sorry again!

"Hi, Edward." I didn't want to be impolite.

"Hello Cassie." We shook hands, I had gloves on, but I still could feel the coldness of his skin seep through the gloves. In reaction I pulled my hand back, it was really cold.

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine really."

Bella smiled at me. And Charlie suggested that she showed me to my bed. Carefully, Edward helped Bella up the stairs. I stood a few back, just in case.

"Cassie, I'm not going to bite." Bella rolled her...
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posted by genyva
12. Southern Hospitality

I stared at him repeated the words over in my head. How are bạn still alive? What does that mean, what did he know. Our faces were masked with horror his horror of my morality and my face Horror of the truth.

“What do bạn mean bởi that?” I đã đưa ý kiến in a shaky voice, my bottom lip quivered and my body was ice. The pain of that ngày came back to me for that short second, My hand on fire. It felt that way now. Kevin was getting hot.

“You were bitten bởi a vampire and your still alive. How!?” He tilted his head to the side, increasing his wild grip on my hand. I tried to...
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posted by bella01

"finally" i said

i finally finished buying all the things i will be needing tomorrow.i walk toward my car,opened the door and got inside.i started the engine .i am driving to the house now.i looked at my wrist watch,it is already 5:04 pm.i sighned.i thought i could finish the shopping trip before 4:00 pm.the road is already dark.i am driving very fast to get trang chủ fast.

i arrived at the house after a few minutes.i walked towards the house and open the door .i went inside and walked around finding the house empty.

"where could they be?"i asked myself.

i started walking to my room now.when i...
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posted by ChickRiddler
Chapter 5. New Guy:
The four of us departed at once. We didn’t bother with a car, we just ran. It took no time at all, well, for me. I was there first. Seth was waiting outside for us. As soon as I got there I swept him into a hug. Seth and I had only met twice before, when he I had to meet all the werewolves, and then when he showed me one of the boys who was becoming a werewolf. (They wanted me to know the signs) But we just clicked. He was the only werewolf I felt I could trust.
He laughed.
“Hello Ali!”
“Hey Seth!” I pulled back from the hug. “Good to see bạn again.”
“You too,...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
ok, this isn't as good as the first chapter because its a filler, but stick with me. The tiếp theo chapter will be better i promise!

Chapter Two

    As the sun broke through my window, I sat up and gasped. Sun! There was actually sun shining in La Push, Washington! I jumped out of giường and rushed to my window, yanking my curtain out of the way. But as I looked out, it wasn’t the sun that was on my mind anymore. Glancing at Jacob’s house, the memories of the Người sói came back to haunt me once again. I had trouble getting to sleep last night. The thêm I thought about it, the...
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added by pameee
posted by teamalice_0
Edward's group came closer, and I could now see individuals. Edward of course was in front leading. I absoutly despised him, the jerk. The others watched him intently.

"Alice I have NO clue why bạn hang with this freak." He nodded towards me.

I was used to it, being teased bởi him.

"Your rotten Edward! She's my friend, and since when do bạn control who I hang out with?"

"Since it hurt my popularity. bạn hanging out with Swan." He almost spat my name out. He turned and left with the group trailing. Today was Friday so I would have the entire weekend AWAY from him.

"Oh and Bella tonight is movie night!"...
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posted by kayleebabee
end of chapter 3!!
"Umm Bella I think bạn should come and see this..."

I flew down the stairs and into the living room just behind Edward.
"What is it?" I asked quietly.
"This is what the contraption does." He hissed stepping to the side.
"I tilted my head to the side to examine the bloodied lump closer. It was Phil. I backed away gasping.
Edward extended his arm and a note was clasped in his hand.
I grabbed the note and scanned it.
'dear Bella, this is what the rigging does. bạn have ten phút to get your mothers off. I get bored easily.

P.s and be careful where bạn pull, bạn dont know what might pop out.'

Then there was an unearthly shreik, It grated the insides of my eardrums. My thoughts caught up with my feet at the hàng đầu, đầu trang of the stairs.
I punched the door out of my way and shreiked a snarl at what i saw...
posted by bella01
[still BPOV]

he leaned closer to me.his face was only a few centimeters from mine.when i realized what he is trying to i tried to fight him.when he is about to Kiss me,i moved my head which made him Kiss my neck not my lips.i immediately regret that because he is opening his mouth now preparing to bite.i tried to fight but he is too strong for me.i do not want to give up but i have no other choice so i just decided to wait for the pain to start.i closed my eyes and pressed my lips together.i waited but there is no pain.i opened my eyes and saw darius staring at me.then someone pulled him...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
1. "True tình yêu can blind bạn but at the same time if bạn let it, it can also open your eyes."
2. "Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear. If bạn do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a Kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, a touch is felt, then you're not really in tình yêu at all."
-C.J. Franks
3. "Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
4. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
5. "I have found the paradox that...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Kristen Stewart
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Kristen Stewart

Stewart at Hollywood Life Magazine's 7th Annual Breakthrough Awards, December 2007
Born    Kristen Jaymes Stewart
April 9, 1990 (age 19)
Los Angeles, California, United States

Occupation    Actress
Years active    1999 – present
Kristen Jaymes Stewart (born April 9, 1990) is an American film and ti vi actress. She is known for roles in films such as Panic Room, Zathura, In the Land of Women, Adventureland, Into the Wild, The Messengers and...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 20
While Alice was dragging me to see her family I was worried what will happen when I see edward I mean after all this years ,we moved on and stuff……..ooh I'm such an idiot what can happen??? Nothing can happed if he remmembers he left ME! I didn’t leave him! So what does he wants now?.....
I was thinking hard not realizing were she was dragging me when someone hugged me
-oh Bella I'm so happy to see bạn look at you!!! bạn havent changed at all!
Then he laughed his booming laugh,awww I truley miss Emmett he always made me laugh and made fun of me
-Bella honey,how are you?
Esme came...
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posted by teamalice_0
Thanks patrisha727, and just_bella, and just_bella. I hope bạn like the tribute to you, bởi alicecullenBFF.:)

The plane ride over here was uneventfull, much to my dismay. No one even Mất tích their luggage, every item was found. My golden eyes were stasred at and they kept whispering 'Cullen'. And something that started with 'A'.

I was intrested in that. But we had to go to our hotel, that I booked. The class wasn't big so I could book one for each group, plus chaperone. I had none group, I was a leftover, since it couldn't be evenly.

I was...
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posted by teamalice_0
Geeze, 35 already. *See bottom*

Voltera, Italy was beautiful. All the buildings were original. Esme would have a feild ngày here.

It was night so we just went acos the plazza, instead of going down a sewer drain, I rather go through the door not a sewer.

We entered a lobby, it looked peaceful enough. A human was behind the desk, which surpised me, and as they passed they called her Mary.

Hm. Odd, but I dismissed it. But I almost growled when she stared at Mickey.

I was led to a room, that we would stay in, and gladly accepted. It had a...
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I woke up what a strange dream I had. I was wondering aimlessly in the forest behind Charlie’s house. It was dark but not too much. Then it ended. I hadn’t ever had something like it before. Not that I could remember. I went into Alison’s room and she was sitting on her giường waiting for me. When I entered the room, she had a huge grin on her face.

“Mom guess what,” she đã đưa ý kiến once she saw me. She was watching TV. “Talking Taylor has a toy” she giggled “can I have one.” She asked looking at me. Talking Taylor was a TV how that she loved so much it was the only one she...
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